Obama the Omnipotent waves his magic fairy wand...


They didn't write the Constitution either. You either are for the Law and the Rule of Law or not. A President doesn't have the right to arbitrarily change the law. Which is the point of the matter. He was given an out to delay the whole dang thing for a year, but refused. It would have been done the CORRECT WAY through the Congress with AUTHORIZATION of a new law allowing the change.

Delay the whole thing for a year until they get their heads out of their akdfdfd's. Millions are getting dropped as a result of the law. 5 Million and counting.

Great law huh..............

5 million who had insurance that was so bad, it was a joke.

Guy, the president has the right to implement the law as he sees fit. Hense, the "Executive" branch.

And, no, I don't get all mushy about "the constitution". Dead White Guys who thought bleeding was a great way to treat the syphilis they caught after raping their slaves aren't the go-to guys I consult in dealing with how to fix health care.

And what has the fool done about the companies that changed their business model so they don't have to even provide insurance? Is he now going to go in and tell them their private business is now under government control?

You mean crappy shitty companies that would have screwed their employees no matter what the deal was?

Like McDonalds. they give instructions on their HR Website to tell their employees how to apply for Medicaid.

I really have to wonder about people like you who are willing to fall on your swords to defend greedy corporations...
From the article in the OP:

“an extension of grandfathering principle” Americans should now all be able to re-enroll in their current coverage so long as it is still offered by their provider

Why would original plans still be offered? They weren't legal? So once again Obama tells Americans, 'boo fuckin hoo.' Can we send him on an extended vacation back to Indonesia?

And what has the fool done about the companies that changed their business model so they don't have to even provide insurance? Is he now going to go in and tell them their private business is now under government control?

You mean crappy shitty companies that would have screwed their employees no matter what the deal was?

Like McDonalds. they give instructions on their HR Website to tell their employees how to apply for Medicaid.

I really have to wonder about people like you who are willing to fall on your swords to defend greedy corporations...

McDonalds never had full time employees. So they didn't change their business model.

But it is pretty shitty of you to call a company that does a thing that is allowed under the ACA 'shitty' when they do that thing. Obama passed the law that gave companies the out. And they took it. In those cases, they no longer provide insurance and they don't have to. So there is no policy to re enroll in.
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Finding a legal loophole to screw over your employees is a pretty shitty thing to do.

At least out here in the real world.

Then the employees should go find another job at a place they are more comfortable


Or we can j ust go to single payer, and not have employers or employees have to screw with this anymore.

If you look at the companies that aren't offering insurance, they aren't the kind of companies you'd want to work for for a lot of other reasons. And, yes, they end up hiring the otherwise unemployable.

Frankly, you guys on the whacky right (wouldn't want to call you Republicans) all say you are for entrepenuers and small business, but the best thing that could happen to small business is single payer. It puts them on an equal playing field with big corporations.
Finding a legal loophole to screw over your employees is a pretty shitty thing to do.

At least out here in the real world.

A for profit corporation is NOT a charitable institution. If you want to work for a charitable institution, don't go to work for a for profit corporation.

Jeeze you are stupid. Obama GAVE them the loophole, you jackass, when he set out the number of hours of work required for the corporation to have to provide insurance. Only a fool would not take it.
Finding a legal loophole to screw over your employees is a pretty shitty thing to do.

At least out here in the real world.

A for profit corporation is NOT a charitable institution. If you want to work for a charitable institution, don't go to work for a for profit corporation.

Jeeze you are stupid. Obama GAVE them the loophole, you jackass, when he set out the number of hours of work required for the corporation to have to provide insurance. Only a fool would not take it.

Only a complete douchebag would take it.

And then they'll wonder why they have unproductive, apathetic employees who send out resumes like calling cards.
Finding a legal loophole to screw over your employees is a pretty shitty thing to do.

At least out here in the real world.

A for profit corporation is NOT a charitable institution. If you want to work for a charitable institution, don't go to work for a for profit corporation.

Jeeze you are stupid. Obama GAVE them the loophole, you jackass, when he set out the number of hours of work required for the corporation to have to provide insurance. Only a fool would not take it.

Only a complete douchebag would take it.

And then they'll wonder why they have unproductive, apathetic employees who send out resumes like calling cards.

Not true. A shrewd businessman would take it. And he doesn't care what you think about his Cadillac. There are many places that don't offer insurance. I don't see their employees being unproductive and apathetic. If they want to keep the jobs, they have to produce. That's the bottom line. You are just a lazy slug who thinks the world owes you something, but your kind generally does. And you are a joke thinking a company owes its workers more than is required. Many states are at will states now, and they don't even owe you the job if you are productive.

If the out is so wrong, why did your messiah give it?
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Not true. A shrewd businessman would take it. And he doesn't care what you think about his Cadillac. There are many places that don't offer insurance. I don't see their employees being unproductive and apathetic. If they want to keep the jobs, they have to produce. That's the bottom line. You are just a lazy slug who thinks the world owes you something, but your kind generally does.

You can't motivate people if there is nothing in it for them.

back in the 1990's, I worked for a truly shitty company, where people hoped to get fired so they could collect unemployment....

The record I think was one kid who lasted about 4 hours there.

The only thing was that I didn't take that as an overall indictment of Corporatism with the douchebaggery writ large.

But you are right, there are many places that don't offer insurance. In fact, 46 million had no insurance... I wish there was someone who could do something about that.

Oh, wait... Obama totally did.

If the out is so wrong, why did your messiah give it?

Well, technically, he really didn't, as what was passed was the half-baked Senate Bill that got approved because Scott Brown threatened to filibuster any conference bill that would have worked out a lot of these problems, including the inclusion of a public option that would have solved 90% of them.

But just because you can do a thing, doesn't mean you SHOULD do a thing.

Not true. A shrewd businessman would take it. And he doesn't care what you think about his Cadillac. There are many places that don't offer insurance. I don't see their employees being unproductive and apathetic. If they want to keep the jobs, they have to produce. That's the bottom line. You are just a lazy slug who thinks the world owes you something, but your kind generally does.

You can't motivate people if there is nothing in it for them.

back in the 1990's, I worked for a truly shitty company, where people hoped to get fired so they could collect unemployment....

The record I think was one kid who lasted about 4 hours there.

The only thing was that I didn't take that as an overall indictment of Corporatism with the douchebaggery writ large.

But you are right, there are many places that don't offer insurance. In fact, 46 million had no insurance... I wish there was someone who could do something about that.

Oh, wait... Obama totally did.

Their paycheck is what's in it for them. God, you are stupid. There weren't 46 million who had no insurance, but now that your messiah has waved his hand there are probably more. Doesn't that make you proud of him. HE is the one who gave them the out. If it was so wrong, why did he do that?

If the out is so wrong, why did your messiah give it?

Well, technically, he really didn't, as what was passed was the half-baked Senate Bill that got approved because Scott Brown threatened to filibuster any conference bill that would have worked out a lot of these problems, including the inclusion of a public option that would have solved 90% of them.

But just because you can do a thing, doesn't mean you SHOULD do a thing.

He COULD have stuck to his guns. But he didn't, illustrating your last statement. Obama fucked around with businesses for 5 years. There is only so much the private sector is going to endure. I think he knew he had pushed as far as he could which is why he gave them an out.

This is all your messiah's doing.

Their paycheck is what's in it for them. God, you are stupid. There weren't 46 million who had no insurance, but now that your messiah has waved his hand there are probably more. Doesn't that make you proud of him. HE is the one who gave them the out. If it was so wrong, why did he do that?

Actually, there are going to be less.

More people eligible on their parents plans, on medicare, on the exchanges...

And some shitty companies that won't be around in five years are trying to cheat their employees, who will end up going to the government to get health care.

WHich means- more democratic voters.

See how that works out?

Boy, you guys are realy pretty dumb, aren't you?

Their paycheck is what's in it for them. God, you are stupid. There weren't 46 million who had no insurance, but now that your messiah has waved his hand there are probably more. Doesn't that make you proud of him. HE is the one who gave them the out. If it was so wrong, why did he do that?

Actually, there are going to be less.

More people eligible on their parents plans, on medicare, on the exchanges...

And some shitty companies that won't be around in five years are trying to cheat their employees, who will end up going to the government to get health care.

WHich means- more democratic voters.

See how that works out?

Boy, you guys are realy pretty dumb, aren't you?

You ignoramus. A FOR PROFIT corporation does not exist to be charitable. A FOR PROFIT corporation exists to increase the wealth of the owner and shareholders. Being charitable is not part of the equation.

Companies that don't have to offer insurance and don't offer insurance are cheating no one. Their profit margin will increase. If their employees get pissed off and leave, they will hire new ones who want a job, more of them than before, because it will take more to fill the larger number of slots needed to get the work done with reduced hours. McDonald's doesn't seem to have a staffing problem.

People who lose their health insurance because of the ACA means more Republican voters. See how it works out?

Boy you guys are really pretty dumb, aren't you.
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Okay, guy, here's the problem. Any kind of "everyday doctoring" costs a lot of money.

Health care should not only be available to those who can afford it. It should be a basic service.

I've bought into the "government solution" for the same reason I've bought into gun control.

It's what everyone else does and it works.

have you ever considered applying for a SPIN job at the white house ?

just think how rich you could become, you do it here free, so why not get paid for it ?

your talent for SPIN is being wasted on us little pee-ons. :lol: ... :lmao:

You ignoramus. A FOR PROFIT corporation does not exist to be charitable. A FOR PROFIT corporation exists to increase the wealth of the owner and shareholders. Being charitable is not part of the equation.

Companies that don't have to offer insurance and don't offer insurance are cheating no one. Their profit margin will increase. If their employees get pissed off and leave, they will hire new ones who want a job, more of them than before, because it will take more to fill the larger number of slots needed to get the work done with reduced hours. McDonald's doesn't seem to have a staffing problem.

People who lose their health insurance because of the ACA means more Republican voters. See how it works out?

Boy you guys are really pretty dumb, aren't you.

Actually, only 4% under shitty plans are losing their shitty plans. 80% are keeping their plans and 16% can actually get plans now.

If you aren't offering health insurance, you are really, really getting the bottom of the barrel employees, and cutting their hours to 30 a week so you don't have to offer them insurance when the Employer Mandate kicks in is not going to make them better employees.

And seriously, have you BEEN to a McDonald's lately?
Okay, guy, here's the problem. Any kind of "everyday doctoring" costs a lot of money.

Health care should not only be available to those who can afford it. It should be a basic service.

I've bought into the "government solution" for the same reason I've bought into gun control.

It's what everyone else does and it works.

have you ever considered applying for a SPIN job at the white house ?

just think how rich you could become, you do it here free, so why not get paid for it ?

your talent for SPIN is being wasted on us little pee-ons. :lol: ... :lmao:

Naw, the problem is, I wouldn't have the patience they have for really stupid people. I'd be saying things like "are you fucking retarded?" to the Faux News Correspondent, which in most cases would be a pretty good guess.

They didn't write the Constitution either. You either are for the Law and the Rule of Law or not. A President doesn't have the right to arbitrarily change the law. Which is the point of the matter. He was given an out to delay the whole dang thing for a year, but refused. It would have been done the CORRECT WAY through the Congress with AUTHORIZATION of a new law allowing the change.

Delay the whole thing for a year until they get their heads out of their akdfdfd's. Millions are getting dropped as a result of the law. 5 Million and counting.

Great law huh..............

5 million who had insurance that was so bad, it was a joke.

Guy, the president has the right to implement the law as he sees fit. Hense, the "Executive" branch.

And, no, I don't get all mushy about "the constitution". Dead White Guys who thought bleeding was a great way to treat the syphilis they caught after raping their slaves aren't the go-to guys I consult in dealing with how to fix health care.

Your opinion of those insurance plans is irrelevant. The people who were paying for those plans did so because it was the plan that wanted and/or could afford.

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