Obama the Omnipotent waves his magic fairy wand...


You ignoramus. A FOR PROFIT corporation does not exist to be charitable. A FOR PROFIT corporation exists to increase the wealth of the owner and shareholders. Being charitable is not part of the equation.

Companies that don't have to offer insurance and don't offer insurance are cheating no one. Their profit margin will increase. If their employees get pissed off and leave, they will hire new ones who want a job, more of them than before, because it will take more to fill the larger number of slots needed to get the work done with reduced hours. McDonald's doesn't seem to have a staffing problem.

People who lose their health insurance because of the ACA means more Republican voters. See how it works out?

Boy you guys are really pretty dumb, aren't you.

Actually, only 4% under shitty plans are losing their shitty plans. 80% are keeping their plans and 16% can actually get plans now.

If you aren't offering health insurance, you are really, really getting the bottom of the barrel employees, and cutting their hours to 30 a week so you don't have to offer them insurance when the Employer Mandate kicks in is not going to make them better employees.

And seriously, have you BEEN to a McDonald's lately?

Do you have a link to support those statistics?

There is a McDonald's in Murray. The lot is always full, the drive through line is always out into the street. Occasionally I drive through and get coffee. The employees are polite and courteous. If they see me in Walmart they always speak.

You obviously live in a slum. You have a slum mentality.
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You don't know that. Why would a woman 65 years of age with a hysterectomy need obstetric coverage? Her plan not having that coverage doesn't make it inferior. It just makes the policy more affordable.

And government agencies only test prototypes of the car. It doesn't test YOUR car.

God, you are stupid.

If she has the coverage, she isn't paying anything for it, so I guess I just don't see the problem.

The thing is, a 65 year old woman who needed her uterus removed wouldn't be TOUCHED by a private insurance carrier on a bet.

Hence, why she has medicare...

I didn't say 'needed.' And you do pay for Medicare. It isn't free. I can see why you are such a loser and live in a slum. You are too stupid to work.
That's kind of wishful thinking, isn't it?

Here's the thing, the insurance industry is already screaming bloody murder about extending these policies for another year. Obama Called their Bluff.

Obama is now asking the insurance industry to violate the law. Would you do it, Joe? Particularly after you spent three attempting to get in compliance with the law?

Sorry Joe, no way to polish this turd.

Would I violate the law to help people? Absolutely. Most decent people would.

The thing was, the Insurance Companies didn't spend three years trying to get in compliance with the law. They spent three years trying to backtrack on the promises they made while funding Tea Party candidates and Mitt Romney in hopes of getting out from under it.

Let's review what happened here. For years, lots of people talked about public options, universal health care and a lot of other things that would have cut into Big Insurance's obscene profits.

And they came hat in hand, largely because even THEY know the current system is unsustainable, and said, "Okay, we'll go along with getting rid of recisions and excluding for pre-existing conditions if you pass an individual mandate and an employer mandate that increasing the pool of people paying in."

And the minute they found out that they had to spend 80% of their revenues on treatments and couldn't disallow pre-existing conditions and had to let kids stay on Mom's plan until they were 26, they pretty much spent every waking moment trying to sandbag the law.

Now, look, there were simple solutions that Big Insurance shot down.

A Medicare Buy-In for those over 55 would have greatly reduced Big Insurance's liabilities. Then they could just insure the 1-54 crowd, which has much lower risk. But that ran the risk of people seeing that their co-workers over 55 were getting a better deal (because people on Medicare have a vastly higher satisfaction rate than those with individual plans) and would want further expansions.

A Public Option would have also solved this problem. Those the private sector didn't want to screw with beause they were too poor or too sick, problem solved. Except the thing is, a lot of the customers would be looking at "How do I get a piece of that?"

But you are really arguing that the industry that routinely denies people treatments because they are too expensive or "pre-existing conditions" are going to suddenly grow ethics about "not wanting to violate the law when they were told we could."

Really? Really?

I see you still live in Lala Land, how is the weather over there?

Now for some specifics, which promises did the insurance companies try to backtrack on?

Which Democrats are part of the Tea Party? Just asking because, according to the numbers, insurance companies donate more to Democrats than they do Republicans.

Insurance | OpenSecrets

I do agree with you that the current system is unsustainable. Unfortunately, for you, the current system is Obamacare, and has been for years. Yet, somehow, you expect Obamacare to magically fix itself and save Christmas.
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That's kind of wishful thinking, isn't it?

Here's the thing, the insurance industry is already screaming bloody murder about extending these policies for another year. Obama Called their Bluff.

So this is some master plan to cripple the insurance industry?

But at the same time this crack team of experts can't even make a website work?

yeah, and funny, how did that rollout of Facebook as a publically traded company work out?

Speaking of computer experts.

allrighty, then, let's get real here.

The insurance industry has crippled itself with greed. It could have gone along with HillaryCare 20 years ago and not faced this mess. It could have prepared for ObamaCare four years ago and didn't.

Now their latest trick is backfiring on them.

I must live in a different universe than you.

In my universe, the IPO for Facebook didn't involve any computer glitches that made Facebook a running joke for how not to do IT.
Obama is now asking the insurance industry to violate the law. Would you do it, Joe? Particularly after you spent three attempting to get in compliance with the law?

Sorry Joe, no way to polish this turd.

Would I violate the law to help people? Absolutely. Most decent people would.

The thing was, the Insurance Companies didn't spend three years trying to get in compliance with the law. They spent three years trying to backtrack on the promises they made while funding Tea Party candidates and Mitt Romney in hopes of getting out from under it.

Let's review what happened here. For years, lots of people talked about public options, universal health care and a lot of other things that would have cut into Big Insurance's obscene profits.

And they came hat in hand, largely because even THEY know the current system is unsustainable, and said, "Okay, we'll go along with getting rid of recisions and excluding for pre-existing conditions if you pass an individual mandate and an employer mandate that increasing the pool of people paying in."

And the minute they found out that they had to spend 80% of their revenues on treatments and couldn't disallow pre-existing conditions and had to let kids stay on Mom's plan until they were 26, they pretty much spent every waking moment trying to sandbag the law.

Now, look, there were simple solutions that Big Insurance shot down.

A Medicare Buy-In for those over 55 would have greatly reduced Big Insurance's liabilities. Then they could just insure the 1-54 crowd, which has much lower risk. But that ran the risk of people seeing that their co-workers over 55 were getting a better deal (because people on Medicare have a vastly higher satisfaction rate than those with individual plans) and would want further expansions.

A Public Option would have also solved this problem. Those the private sector didn't want to screw with beause they were too poor or too sick, problem solved. Except the thing is, a lot of the customers would be looking at "How do I get a piece of that?"

But you are really arguing that the industry that routinely denies people treatments because they are too expensive or "pre-existing conditions" are going to suddenly grow ethics about "not wanting to violate the law when they were told we could."

Really? Really?

I see you still live in Lala LAnd, how is the weather over there?

Now for some specifics, which promises did the insurance companies try to backtrack on?

Which Democrats are part of the Tea Party? Just asking because, accoridning to the numbers, insurance companies donate more to Democrats than they do Republicans.

Insurance | OpenSecrets

I do agree with you that the current system is unsustainable. Unfortunately, for you, the current system is Obamacare, and has been for years. Yet, somehow, you expect Obamacare to magically fix itself and save Christmas.

Joe is full of shit. Insurance fraud is punishable by imprisonment. Some think it is groovy to doctor up the charts to 'help' the patient get his bill paid. And they are in prison now. There is no way I would EVER upcode a visit or alter a diagnosis. Not for ANY reason. If the person has a difficult time with the bill, we refer to places where they can get help. We don't set ourselves up for prison time. At least rational people don't.

In TN we used to get those people from Alabama who thought they were smart for getting a post office box across the line in TN, or using a relative's address so they could get Tenncare. But they were never smart enough to not tell that. The minute they told me, I discharged them to their local ALABAMA mental health center and notified Tenncare. If they want to go to prison, that's their business. I won't go with them. Joe, however, is one of the stupid ones. He belongs in prison.
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Would I violate the law to help people? Absolutely. Most decent people would.

The thing was, the Insurance Companies didn't spend three years trying to get in compliance with the law. They spent three years trying to backtrack on the promises they made while funding Tea Party candidates and Mitt Romney in hopes of getting out from under it.

Let's review what happened here. For years, lots of people talked about public options, universal health care and a lot of other things that would have cut into Big Insurance's obscene profits.

And they came hat in hand, largely because even THEY know the current system is unsustainable, and said, "Okay, we'll go along with getting rid of recisions and excluding for pre-existing conditions if you pass an individual mandate and an employer mandate that increasing the pool of people paying in."

And the minute they found out that they had to spend 80% of their revenues on treatments and couldn't disallow pre-existing conditions and had to let kids stay on Mom's plan until they were 26, they pretty much spent every waking moment trying to sandbag the law.

Now, look, there were simple solutions that Big Insurance shot down.

A Medicare Buy-In for those over 55 would have greatly reduced Big Insurance's liabilities. Then they could just insure the 1-54 crowd, which has much lower risk. But that ran the risk of people seeing that their co-workers over 55 were getting a better deal (because people on Medicare have a vastly higher satisfaction rate than those with individual plans) and would want further expansions.

A Public Option would have also solved this problem. Those the private sector didn't want to screw with beause they were too poor or too sick, problem solved. Except the thing is, a lot of the customers would be looking at "How do I get a piece of that?"

But you are really arguing that the industry that routinely denies people treatments because they are too expensive or "pre-existing conditions" are going to suddenly grow ethics about "not wanting to violate the law when they were told we could."

Really? Really?

I see you still live in Lala LAnd, how is the weather over there?

Now for some specifics, which promises did the insurance companies try to backtrack on?

Which Democrats are part of the Tea Party? Just asking because, accoridning to the numbers, insurance companies donate more to Democrats than they do Republicans.

Insurance | OpenSecrets

I do agree with you that the current system is unsustainable. Unfortunately, for you, the current system is Obamacare, and has been for years. Yet, somehow, you expect Obamacare to magically fix itself and save Christmas.

Joe is full of shit. Insurance fraud is punishable by imprisonment. Some think it is groovy to doctor up the charts to 'help' the patient get his bill paid. And they are in prison now. There is no way I would EVER upcode a visit or alter a diagnosis. Not for ANY reason. If the person has a difficult time with the bill, we refer to places where they can get help. We don't set ourselves up for prison time. At least rational people don't.

In TN we used to get those people from Alabama who thought they were smart for getting a post office box across the line in TN, or using a relative's address so they could get Tenncare. But they were never smart enough to not tell that. The minute they told me, I discharged them to their local ALABAMA mental health center and notified Tenncare. If they want to go to prison, that's their business. I won't go with them. Joe, however, is one of the stupid ones. He belongs in prison.

In one way, Joe is imprisoned by his own slavish stupidity. Too stupid to realize he's just another sheeple, bleating blindly behind his masters.
and poof!......your cancelled plans are now UNcancelled......:lmao:

what a moron...

For one year, White House revives health plans canceled under ACA - Articles - Employee Benefit News

Just like that....
Obama decrees that he's gonna do an undo.
He decided all by his lonesome that people can keep their plan after he decided that they can not....

This can't be happening...
How the fuck does he get away with this shit.
He hasn't and won't.

Apples and oranges. No one is forced to buy car insurance.

No, just people who own cars and drive them...

That's right. I don't own a car, I don't pay insurance. EVERYBODY has health. or not. Well, except everybody who qualifies to have someone else pay for it, has insurance. Right? It would be great to have high risk drivers pay for my automobile insurance, wouldn't it?
You are just such a moron.
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Actually, only 4% under shitty plans are losing their shitty plans. 80% are keeping their plans and 16% can actually get plans now.

If you aren't offering health insurance, you are really, really getting the bottom of the barrel employees, and cutting their hours to 30 a week so you don't have to offer them insurance when the Employer Mandate kicks in is not going to make them better employees.

And seriously, have you BEEN to a McDonald's lately?

Do you have a link to support those statistics?

There is a McDonald's in Murray. The lot is always full, the drive through line is always out into the street. Occasionally I drive through and get coffee. The employees are polite and courteous. If they see me in Walmart they always speak.

You obviously live in a slum. You have a slum mentality.

I assume you are responding to Joe...

You don't know that. Why would a woman 65 years of age with a hysterectomy need obstetric coverage? Her plan not having that coverage doesn't make it inferior. It just makes the policy more affordable.

And government agencies only test prototypes of the car. It doesn't test YOUR car.

God, you are stupid.

If she has the coverage, she isn't paying anything for it, so I guess I just don't see the problem.

The thing is, a 65 year old woman who needed her uterus removed wouldn't be TOUCHED by a private insurance carrier on a bet.

Hence, why she has medicare...

I didn't say 'needed.' And you do pay for Medicare. It isn't free. I can see why you are such a loser and live in a slum. You are too stupid to work.

WORK is a four-letter word, and Joe doesn't curse.
and poof!......your cancelled plans are now UNcancelled......:lmao:

what a moron...

For one year, White House revives health plans canceled under ACA - Articles - Employee Benefit News

Just like that....
Obama decrees that he's gonna do an undo.
He decided all by his lonesome that people can keep their plan after he decided that they can not....

This can't be happening...
How the fuck does he get away with this shit.

Just one month ago, the "opposition" proposed the exact compromise. Obama, et.al. refused categorically. Now, the high-yellar MF decides to decree that the exact same postponement be enacted and the sheeple laud it as some kind of miracle.
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and poof!......your cancelled plans are now UNcancelled......:lmao:

what a moron...

For one year, White House revives health plans canceled under ACA - Articles - Employee Benefit News

actually, it's politically brilliant.

He has now put the onus on Big Insurance, which had been using ObamaCare as the "Dog that Ate Everyone's Homework", to put up or shut up.

And when people realize it's the insurance companies and not the ACA that is the problem, then you might get some discussions about public options, medicare buy ins, and so on.
Obamacare will continue to backfire and aid the GOP the Dumb of our dumb and dumber major parties will benefit.

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