Obama the Omnipotent waves his magic fairy wand...

and poof!......your cancelled plans are now UNcancelled......:lmao:

what a moron...

For one year, White House revives health plans canceled under ACA - Articles - Employee Benefit News

actually, it's politically brilliant.

He has now put the onus on Big Insurance, which had been using ObamaCare as the "Dog that Ate Everyone's Homework", to put up or shut up.

And when people realize it's the insurance companies and not the ACA that is the problem, then you might get some discussions about public options, medicare buy ins, and so on.

The "problem" is that the Obama Administration's web site doesn't work. That has NOTHING to do with the insurance companies! You've eliminated people's insurance with a law but then failed to have the system YOU are responsible for up and running so people can get onto other plans. How you take that scenario and say that Obama is "politically brilliant" is laughable even for you, Joe!

What the President just did was desperation...not brilliance. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Barry met with health insurance leaders a few days ago. I wonder if any of them had the balls to tell him to his face that he's clueless.

The "problem" is that the Obama Administration's web site doesn't work. That has NOTHING to do with the insurance companies! You've eliminated people's insurance with a law but then failed to have the system YOU are responsible for up and running so people can get onto other plans. How you take that scenario and say that Obama is "politically brilliant" is laughable even for you, Joe!

What the President just did was desperation...not brilliance. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Barry met with health insurance leaders a few days ago. I wonder if any of them had the balls to tell him to his face that he's clueless.

Guy, the website is working a lot better now, and will be fine by the end of the year... so please don't go whining about that.

I imagine a fly on the wall would notice that the Insurance Scumwads are all whining about how they can't rip people off anymore.

Fact is, you guys got snookered again.
actually, it's politically brilliant.

He has now put the onus on Big Insurance, which had been using ObamaCare as the "Dog that Ate Everyone's Homework", to put up or shut up.

And when people realize it's the insurance companies and not the ACA that is the problem, then you might get some discussions about public options, medicare buy ins, and so on.

Dumbass, the ACA made the plans "illegal"...your Boi King says folks can have them back for oneyear and YOU think its a :fix".
Joe you just aren't very bright.

I think that's awesome.

It shines the light on just how awful these policies were to start with.

LOL, it shines the light on you Pops...Bammy's Law made the policies illegal...and YOU support the companies who decided to go AROUND the law for another year over the companies who actually decided to comply with it right away...you see Uncle Joe...you are just not very bright.

The "problem" is that the Obama Administration's web site doesn't work. That has NOTHING to do with the insurance companies! You've eliminated people's insurance with a law but then failed to have the system YOU are responsible for up and running so people can get onto other plans. How you take that scenario and say that Obama is "politically brilliant" is laughable even for you, Joe!

What the President just did was desperation...not brilliance. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Barry met with health insurance leaders a few days ago. I wonder if any of them had the balls to tell him to his face that he's clueless.

Guy, the website is working a lot better now, and will be fine by the end of the year... so please don't go whining about that.

I imagine a fly on the wall would notice that the Insurance Scumwads are all whining about how they can't rip people off anymore.

Fact is, you guys got snookered again.

Not true.

As of Friday I could only get one person through the Website, it failed 4 other times.
Dumbass, the ACA made the plans "illegal"...your Boi King says folks can have them back for oneyear and YOU think its a :fix".
Joe you just aren't very bright.

I think that's awesome.

It shines the light on just how awful these policies were to start with.

LOL, it shines the light on you Pops...Bammy's Law made the policies illegal...and YOU support the companies who decided to go AROUND the law for another year over the companies who actually decided to comply with it right away...you see Uncle Joe...you are just not very bright.

No, not being very bright is supporting the previous system that cost more than any country in the world and left 1/4 of the population with no insurance of sub-standard insurance.

Now people who have substandard insurance KNOW they have substandard insurance. And within a year, they can either get better insurance or they can go somewhere else...

You see, part of the problem was, that the insurance companies were trying to dump the policy holders they didn't want.

The "problem" is that the Obama Administration's web site doesn't work. That has NOTHING to do with the insurance companies! You've eliminated people's insurance with a law but then failed to have the system YOU are responsible for up and running so people can get onto other plans. How you take that scenario and say that Obama is "politically brilliant" is laughable even for you, Joe!

What the President just did was desperation...not brilliance. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Barry met with health insurance leaders a few days ago. I wonder if any of them had the balls to tell him to his face that he's clueless.

Guy, the website is working a lot better now, and will be fine by the end of the year... so please don't go whining about that.

I imagine a fly on the wall would notice that the Insurance Scumwads are all whining about how they can't rip people off anymore.

Fact is, you guys got snookered again.

Not true.

As of Friday I could only get one person through the Website, it failed 4 other times.

Wait a minute... are you saying that you are taking money from people to help them navigate the website?

are you a "Navigator".

Are you disclosing to your clients that you hate ObamaCare with an insane passion and are spending half your workday here telling people how much Obama sucks?
I think that's awesome.

It shines the light on just how awful these policies were to start with.

LOL, it shines the light on you Pops...Bammy's Law made the policies illegal...and YOU support the companies who decided to go AROUND the law for another year over the companies who actually decided to comply with it right away...you see Uncle Joe...you are just not very bright.

No, not being very bright is supporting the previous system that cost more than any country in the world and left 1/4 of the population with no insurance of sub-standard insurance.

Now people who have substandard insurance KNOW they have substandard insurance. And within a year, they can either get better insurance or they can go somewhere else...

You see, part of the problem was, that the insurance companies were trying to dump the policy holders they didn't want.

Pay attention dad.

MOST Companies COMPLIED with the Law...and in doing so HAD to cancel the non compliant plans...see how that works?
Guy, the website is working a lot better now, and will be fine by the end of the year... so please don't go whining about that.

I imagine a fly on the wall would notice that the Insurance Scumwads are all whining about how they can't rip people off anymore.

Fact is, you guys got snookered again.

Not true.

As of Friday I could only get one person through the Website, it failed 4 other times.

Wait a minute... are you saying that you are taking money from people to help them navigate the website?

are you a "Navigator".

Are you disclosing to your clients that you hate ObamaCare with an insane passion and are spending half your workday here telling people how much Obama sucks?

Poor Joe...poor poor Joe.

This is what happens when you think everyone else is as "partisan" as you are ;)

I am an Agent, and I am one who has "defended" the concept of the ACA.

I am one who knows that the policies are much more expensive and have almost zero first dollar coverage.

I am someone who knows that it will not work as people have been told....and I am someone who talks to the public everyday, all day long...the public itself by a large percentage do not support this law.
Repeal the ACA?

Suspend it until such a time as it can be fleshed out in a workablemanor, not this hodge podge of bullshit incomprehensible labrynthian regulation.
Repeal the ACA?

Suspend it until such a time as it can be fleshed out in a workablemanor, not this hodge podge of bullshit incomprehensible labrynthian regulation.

I'd have no problem with that if I trusted the intentions of your side.

But I really don't trust people who've been fighting tooth and nail against universal health care for 60 years to day, "Well, just give us another year, and we promise we'll fix it."

Poor Joe...poor poor Joe.

This is what happens when you think everyone else is as "partisan" as you are ;)

I am an Agent, and I am one who has "defended" the concept of the ACA.

I am one who knows that the policies are much more expensive and have almost zero first dollar coverage.

I am someone who knows that it will not work as people have been told....and I am someone who talks to the public everyday, all day long...the public itself by a large percentage do not support this law.

the public by a large percentage thinks that UFO's are real.

Okay, so let's agree what we had wasn't working.

The problem I see is that the simple solution would have been to just extend MediCare to cover everyone, with a restructuring of the tax code for it.

But the insurance industry didn't want that.

Pay attention dad.

MOST Companies COMPLIED with the Law...and in doing so HAD to cancel the non compliant plans...see how that works?

Okay, sonny....

The thing was, they complied with the law because they HAD to. The problem was, they were selling bad insurance as good insurance to start with.

Drop the talking points pops.

The point is that they COMPLIED with the ACA...and ALL of the cancellations were BECAUSE they complied with it , comprende abuelo?

Poor Joe...poor poor Joe.

This is what happens when you think everyone else is as "partisan" as you are ;)

I am an Agent, and I am one who has "defended" the concept of the ACA.

I am one who knows that the policies are much more expensive and have almost zero first dollar coverage.

I am someone who knows that it will not work as people have been told....and I am someone who talks to the public everyday, all day long...the public itself by a large percentage do not support this law.

the public by a large percentage thinks that UFO's are real.

Okay, so let's agree what we had wasn't working.

The problem I see is that the simple solution would have been to just extend MediCare to cover everyone, with a restructuring of the tax code for it.

But the insurance industry didn't want that.

I think that with some tweaking that would work.

Poor Joe...poor poor Joe.

This is what happens when you think everyone else is as "partisan" as you are ;)

I am an Agent, and I am one who has "defended" the concept of the ACA.

I am one who knows that the policies are much more expensive and have almost zero first dollar coverage.

I am someone who knows that it will not work as people have been told....and I am someone who talks to the public everyday, all day long...the public itself by a large percentage do not support this law.

the public by a large percentage thinks that UFO's are real.

There are Objects that Fly, that may be Unidentified. You silly :lol:

Poor Joe...poor poor Joe.

This is what happens when you think everyone else is as "partisan" as you are ;)

I am an Agent, and I am one who has "defended" the concept of the ACA.

I am one who knows that the policies are much more expensive and have almost zero first dollar coverage.

I am someone who knows that it will not work as people have been told....and I am someone who talks to the public everyday, all day long...the public itself by a large percentage do not support this law.

the public by a large percentage thinks that UFO's are real.

There are Objects that Fly, that may be Unidentified. You silly :lol:

Such a....Pixies?

The "problem" is that the Obama Administration's web site doesn't work. That has NOTHING to do with the insurance companies! You've eliminated people's insurance with a law but then failed to have the system YOU are responsible for up and running so people can get onto other plans. How you take that scenario and say that Obama is "politically brilliant" is laughable even for you, Joe!

What the President just did was desperation...not brilliance. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Barry met with health insurance leaders a few days ago. I wonder if any of them had the balls to tell him to his face that he's clueless.

Guy, the website is working a lot better now, and will be fine by the end of the year... so please don't go whining about that.

I imagine a fly on the wall would notice that the Insurance Scumwads are all whining about how they can't rip people off anymore.

Fact is, you guys got snookered again.

A lot better? Well I guess if your goal is to be horrendous instead of mind blowingly horrendous then the ACA website is "better". It's like the captain of a submarine that's sprung a leak telling the crew things are "better" because they are 190 feet below the surface instead of 200. The truth is, this roll out fiasco is just the tip of the iceberg with ObamaCare. If they can't get the website to work with 3 years and hundreds of millions of dollars why would any rational person expect anything else associated with this joke to work either?

You're spot on about being "snookered" though, Joe...the American people were fooled into thinking that the ACA was going to lower their health care costs. It might do so for the people who are on subsidies or that had pre-existing conditions but for the rest of America, it turns out that ObamaCare is going to cost you MORE for health care coverage! This law is simply one more example of Barack Obama promising to "help" the Middle Class while shoving a massive tax up their asses.

Poor Joe...poor poor Joe.

This is what happens when you think everyone else is as "partisan" as you are ;)

I am an Agent, and I am one who has "defended" the concept of the ACA.

I am one who knows that the policies are much more expensive and have almost zero first dollar coverage.

I am someone who knows that it will not work as people have been told....and I am someone who talks to the public everyday, all day long...the public itself by a large percentage do not support this law.

the public by a large percentage thinks that UFO's are real.

Okay, so let's agree what we had wasn't working.

The problem I see is that the simple solution would have been to just extend MediCare to cover everyone, with a restructuring of the tax code for it.

But the insurance industry didn't want that.

So what YOU want is government run healthcare paid for by massive tax increases? Call a spade a spade, Joe! It isn't just the insurance industry that didn't want that...AMERICANS overwhelmingly didn't want it as well!

But hey...what do WE know! We're not smart guys like the people who gave us the web site that doesn't work.
Yes, and if the GOP nominated McCain in 2000 instead of the Retard, we wouldn't have the problems we have now.

Oh, Obama didn't break any promises. The insurance companies did.

Why do you keep covering for the idiot even when people have proven he knew different?

Why do you keep blaming him for the actions of greedy insurance companies, without whom we never would have needed ObamaCare to start with?

Excuse me?

Obamacare has a clause in it that guarantees an insurance company bailout if they lose money as a result of the new policies during the first 5 years of Obamacare. In other words, if greed were the primary motivation of insurance companies, they could keep offering the old, 'substandard', plans, sell plans on the exchanges at a loss, and still make money, while looking good for the press.

The current mess is not the fault of anyone outside the Democratic Party. You wanted it, and were willing to take all the credit. In fact, you were predicting it would be more popular by now. You cannot suddenly blame other people because you are stupid. Even Obama can't do that, he tried, and failed, and you are no where near as good a con man as he is.

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