Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Despite many already realizing that what obama intends to do is financially ruin America as per his order's from George Soros, he proposes such preposterous and obviously designed to bankrupt America budgets, right in the face of such knowledge. He doesn't care. He knows he'll get a full pass on it from the liberal left main stream media, and right or wrong, his minions will defend him. The Pied Piper leading the rats...

Obummer’s 2015 Budget Already Controversial​

By Jaye Ryan on March 6, 2014

Politics may rush in where no sane person would tread, but rarely does it rush like the wind. The fast pace to voice ‘dislike’ to Obama’s new budget plan submitted Tuesday seems a rarity.

Obummer’s $3.9 trillion proposal has been called


“wishful thinking,”

and even


…by politicians and political pundits alike.


Obummer?s 2015 Budget Already Controversial - Downtrend.com

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsDmPEeurfA]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]

dude you guys caused this
Obama Still the “Undisputed Debt King”

NRCC | March 21st, 2012

Democrats’ Unprecedented Spending Spree is Breaking Records, and American Families and Job Creators are Paying the Price for Democrats’ Irresponsibility

If it was ever in doubt, new numbers on the skyrocketing national debt confirm that President Obama remains America’s “undisputed debt king.” After amassing the fastest-ever increase in the national debt, Obama’s share of the national debt is now also larger than that of his predecessor.
Despite this miserable record of increasing the national debt, the Democrats have been entirely unapologetic, calling for more of the irresponsible spending and borrowing policies that accelerated America’s debt crisis.
While Democrats continue their spending spree, American families and job creators are suffering the consequences, as study after study shows that the growing national debt will drag down economic growth.
If it was ever in doubt, new numbers on the skyrocketing national debt confirm that President Obama remains America’s “undisputed debt king.” After amassing the fastest-ever increase in the national debt, Obama’s share of the national debt is now also larger than that of his predecessor:


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