Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

Mankind has never stopped progressing. If that's not sustainable, I don't know what is.
You're confusing progressivism with progress. The two bear nothing in common except some letters.

Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964, minus the strong military.

That's not progress, kid. That's the exact opposite.

Progressive is derived from progress.

As far as " Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964, minus the strong military ", I've never read anything even remotely like that here except in this post.

So, I think that you are debating with yourself on this one. I wonder who will win?

In the meantime I will always admire progress and work towards achieving it.
If you haven't seen the parallels between progressivism and Communism, it's because you're not paying attention.

I'd offer to educate you, but you're impervious.
Mankind has never stopped progressing. If that's not sustainable, I don't know what is.
You're confusing progressivism with progress. The two bear nothing in common except some letters.

Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964, minus the strong military.

That's not progress, kid. That's the exact opposite.

Fear the control. :eek:

Do not attempt to influence... or CONTROL the overlords. THEY know what is best for the masses. THEY know what thier guidance is worth. These things are above the average man's ability to understand. The prices for the things you need are none of your business. Just know you are lucky that they have not figured out how to charge you for the air you breath. If they could..they would and you had better not complain about it.
Yes, progressivism supports an all-powerful oligarchy, strictly limiting people's freedom -- "for their own good", of course.
Reality says otherwise.

Obama said you could keep your coverage. Full stop. No caveats, no context, no spin.

But you say he didn't lie. Why? Because Obama TOLD you he didn't lie.

Propaganda. And you unthinkingly and unquestioningly bought it.

Think for yourself, kid. I don't care what conclusions you come to -- but reach them by yourself.

Repeating propaganda doesn't make it less so. It's still propaganda. It's still self serving spin. It's still thought control.

The only thing you repeating it does is make you complicit in it, rather than just a victim.

36 times he said "if you like your plan you can keep your plan." No "ifs, and, buts, unless". Just "Period."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpa-5JdCnmo]36 Times Obama Said You Could Keep Your Health Care Plan - YouTube[/ame]

In 2010 he knew this:

NBC: Administration Knew Obamacare Would Terminate Half Of Individual Plans | Washington Free Beacon

Within the past few days:

Obama Tweaking ?If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep Your Plan? - ABC News

Obama adds an 'if' to his 'you can keep your plan' promise - Washington Times

Obama adds caveat to 'You can keep it' declaration

Obama denies promising Americans they could absolutely keep their healthcare plans, but video shows him making that pledge | Mail Online

obama lies, spins, ignores; he's quite the master at it. He continues his propaganda to the masses and you willingly follow, no questions asked. Please, please continue to bleat that we're the sheep. :lol:
You're confusing progressivism with progress. The two bear nothing in common except some letters.

Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964, minus the strong military.

That's not progress, kid. That's the exact opposite.

Progressive is derived from progress.

As far as " Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964, minus the strong military ", I've never read anything even remotely like that here except in this post.

So, I think that you are debating with yourself on this one. I wonder who will win?

In the meantime I will always admire progress and work towards achieving it.

Wow. One step above Franco. Maybe. The second dumbest poster on this board. At least you excel at something.

And you don't.
You're confusing progressivism with progress. The two bear nothing in common except some letters.

Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964, minus the strong military.

That's not progress, kid. That's the exact opposite.

Progressive is derived from progress.

As far as " Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964, minus the strong military ", I've never read anything even remotely like that here except in this post.

So, I think that you are debating with yourself on this one. I wonder who will win?

In the meantime I will always admire progress and work towards achieving it.
If you haven't seen the parallels between progressivism and Communism, it's because you're not paying attention.

I'd offer to educate you, but you're impervious.

There are no parallels except in Republican propaganda.

"We got nothing to offer but keeping the monsters in your closet." Works on 3 year olds and conservatives.
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Progressive is derived from progress.

As far as " Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964, minus the strong military ", I've never read anything even remotely like that here except in this post.

So, I think that you are debating with yourself on this one. I wonder who will win?

In the meantime I will always admire progress and work towards achieving it.

Wow. One step above Franco. Maybe. The second dumbest poster on this board. At least you excel at something.

And you don't.

If you like your private health care plan, you can keep it. Period.
Wow. One step above Franco. Maybe. The second dumbest poster on this board. At least you excel at something.

And you don't.

If you like your private health care plan, you can keep it. Period.

See, that's up to your private health care insurer. Did you think that he meant that Obamacare was going to legislate that decision?

Where could that idea have come from?

Oh, never mind. I know.

You know what they say about assume.
You're confusing progressivism with progress. The two bear nothing in common except some letters.

Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964, minus the strong military.

That's not progress, kid. That's the exact opposite.

Progressive is derived from progress.

As far as " Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964, minus the strong military ", I've never read anything even remotely like that here except in this post.

So, I think that you are debating with yourself on this one. I wonder who will win?

In the meantime I will always admire progress and work towards achieving it.
If you haven't seen the parallels between progressivism and Communism, it's because you're not paying attention.

I'd offer to educate you, but you're impervious.

They see the parallels, and they approve. Just as they see the parallels with the Nazi regime, and approve.
Progressive is derived from progress.

As far as " Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964, minus the strong military ", I've never read anything even remotely like that here except in this post.

So, I think that you are debating with yourself on this one. I wonder who will win?

In the meantime I will always admire progress and work towards achieving it.
If you haven't seen the parallels between progressivism and Communism, it's because you're not paying attention.

I'd offer to educate you, but you're impervious.

There are no parallels except in Republican propaganda.

"We got nothing to offer but keeping the monsters in your closet." Works on 3 year olds and conservatives.
Kid, you're just pretty damn stupid.
And you don't.

If you like your private health care plan, you can keep it. Period.

See, that's up to your private health care insurer. Did you think that he meant that Obamacare was going to legislate that decision?

Where could that idea have come from?

Oh, never mind. I know.

You know what they say about assume.

I know that you choose to be stupid....but you really should be embarrassed for yourself.

You have zero idea as to what you speak, it's almost funny to watch.
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I'm pretty sure Obama doesn't "think" right wingers are stupid.
*sigh* Isn't Obama ever so dreamy?

Progressives have no self-respect. Fawning bootlickers.

Our enemies have no respect for America and Americans.
Speaking of fawning bootlickers...

Am I your enemy, boy? What are you going to do about it? Post with unmerited arrogance on the internet? That'll show me, won't it?

Run along, child. You're hopelessly outclassed.
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*sigh* Isn't Obama ever so dreamy?

Progressives have no self-respect. Fawning bootlickers.

Our enemies have no respect for America and Americans.
Speaking of fawning bootlickers...

Am I your enemy, boy? What are you going to do about it? Post with unmerited arrogance on the internet? That'll show me, won't it?

Run along, child. You're hopelessly outclassed.

I can't think of a single person with less class than you.
Our enemies have no respect for America and Americans.
Speaking of fawning bootlickers...

Am I your enemy, boy? What are you going to do about it? Post with unmerited arrogance on the internet? That'll show me, won't it?

Run along, child. You're hopelessly outclassed.

I can't think of a single person with less class than you.

You should have stopped with the word "think". Quit while you're ahead, boy.

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