Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

Obviously he assumed you knew the context of his statement. Just as obviously, he overestimated your capabilities.

Obviously we should have read his friggen mind.

Many people got it right listening to his words.
Yes. Those of us who realize he lied.

The rest of you listen to what he SAID he said, which is, of course, another lie. You're gullible, so you believe him.
The purpose of Obamacare was to make everyone responsible for the cost of their health care.
If that were true, there would be no subsidies.

Obamacare makes the middle class responsible for the cost of the health care of the poor.
There have been many victims of propaganda throughout history and they all concluded that what they were being told was the truth. Mass media has both greatly extended the reach and effectiveness of thought control.

Could that end democracy as the ultimate freedom?

It certainly could.
Then why do you so blindly swallow the propaganda, boy? Why do you allow your thought to be controlled?
Speaking of idiots...

You really can't comprehend that Obama lied to you, can you?

Not really.

Letter I got from my insurer.

No changes. We are completely ACA compliant.
Yay you. But don't make the mistake of assuming that your limited experience applies to everyone.

Joe's insurance is medicaid. Of course it's compliant.

Of course, it's also going to fall off...
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

Look if anyone here voted Democrat or Republican while the rest of America knew both parties were taking orders from the Bilderbergers....

Then my God we will have to quarentine this forum for mass stupidity.

I had a Bilderburger for lunch. It was awesome. :thup:
Not really.

Letter I got from my insurer.

No changes. We are completely ACA compliant.
Yay you. But don't make the mistake of assuming that your limited experience applies to everyone.

Joe's insurance is medicaid. Of course it's compliant.

Of course, it's also going to fall off...

But he won't blame the government. He'll blame the eeeevil doctors, or the eeeeevil capitalists, or the eeeeevil Republicans...anyone but the people actually responsible.

Mostly, he'll fail to blame himself for being such a loser.

(Not saying people on Medicade are losers. I'm saying PinkoJoe is a loser.)
PinkoJoe is a loser.

And his smugness is misplaced. Medicaid is taking hits...BIG hits. They're dropping people like crazy,.
They have sent out letters to all medicaid customers saying that this and that will happen...but the thing is, when they go in to see their care providers, that's when they find out that the system hasn't re-upped them, after all...and they are *indefinitely* without coverage.
Clearly the concept of grandfathering is well above your pay grade.

So is the operation of insurance companies.

Clearly the concept of honesty is above yours.
Where does Obama say "grandfather"? There are clips of him making that claim literally dozens of times. He never once says "grandfathered."
Again, everyone understood the same thing. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.
That means no grandfathering.
Or is English not your native language?

Thinking is not your strength.

Just Google" ACA grandfather"
the people do not like being tricked by the fine print in a contract

in fact if obama was a licensed insurance agent

he would be out on bond right now awaiting trial

Obamacare does not limit your choice to continue a grandfathered policy. Those writing policies do.
And of course, Obamacare sets the rules about what makes a policy able to be grandfathered.

The insurance companies are only doing what the law allows. You can stop pretending it's their fault now.

You are deceived. Grandfathering gave insurance companies a choice. They made the decision. Some took advantage and some didn't.

The fact that you are ignorant of that doesn't make it go away.
Clearly the concept of grandfathering is well above your pay grade.

So is the operation of insurance companies.

Clearly the concept of honesty is above yours.
Where does Obama say "grandfather"? There are clips of him making that claim literally dozens of times. He never once says "grandfathered."
Again, everyone understood the same thing. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.
That means no grandfathering.
Or is English not your native language?

Thinking is not your strength.

Just Google" ACA grandfather"
This isnt about Google or ACA. It is about Obama's statement that if you like your private health plan you can keep it, period.
The purpose of Obamacare was to make everyone responsible for the cost of their health care.
If that were true, there would be no subsidies.

Obamacare makes the middle class responsible for the cost of the health care of the poor.

The middle chooses to pay full time workers well below a living wage. That's the cause of the need for subsidies.
There have been many victims of propaganda throughout history and they all concluded that what they were being told was the truth. Mass media has both greatly extended the reach and effectiveness of thought control.

Could that end democracy as the ultimate freedom?

It certainly could.
Then why do you so blindly swallow the propaganda, boy? Why do you allow your thought to be controlled?

I don't.
Obamacare does not limit your choice to continue a grandfathered policy. Those writing policies do.
And of course, Obamacare sets the rules about what makes a policy able to be grandfathered.

The insurance companies are only doing what the law allows. You can stop pretending it's their fault now.

You are deceived. Grandfathering gave insurance companies a choice. They made the decision. Some took advantage and some didn't.

The fact that you are ignorant of that doesn't make it go away.
If Obama were so concerned about people, he would have made grandfathering mandatory for all policies.

This is called "logic". You will fail to comprehend it.
The purpose of Obamacare was to make everyone responsible for the cost of their health care.
If that were true, there would be no subsidies.

Obamacare makes the middle class responsible for the cost of the health care of the poor.

The middle chooses to pay full time workers well below a living wage. That's the cause of the need for subsidies.
Yes, that's a common whine from people who:

1. Don't understand economics, and

2. Want stuff they haven't earned.
There have been many victims of propaganda throughout history and they all concluded that what they were being told was the truth. Mass media has both greatly extended the reach and effectiveness of thought control.

Could that end democracy as the ultimate freedom?

It certainly could.
Then why do you so blindly swallow the propaganda, boy? Why do you allow your thought to be controlled?

I don't.
Reality says otherwise.

Obama said you could keep your coverage. Full stop. No caveats, no context, no spin.

But you say he didn't lie. Why? Because Obama TOLD you he didn't lie.

Propaganda. And you unthinkingly and unquestioningly bought it.

Think for yourself, kid. I don't care what conclusions you come to -- but reach them by yourself.
Then why do you so blindly swallow the propaganda, boy? Why do you allow your thought to be controlled?

I don't.
Reality says otherwise.

Obama said you could keep your coverage. Full stop. No caveats, no context, no spin.

But you say he didn't lie. Why? Because Obama TOLD you he didn't lie.

Propaganda. And you unthinkingly and unquestioningly bought it.

Think for yourself, kid. I don't care what conclusions you come to -- but reach them by yourself.

Logic and Reason cannot penetrate this one.. Do NOT attempt a Vulcan Mind Meld...
And of course, Obamacare sets the rules about what makes a policy able to be grandfathered.

The insurance companies are only doing what the law allows. You can stop pretending it's their fault now.

You are deceived. Grandfathering gave insurance companies a choice. They made the decision. Some took advantage and some didn't.

The fact that you are ignorant of that doesn't make it go away.
If Obama were so concerned about people, he would have made grandfathering mandatory for all policies.

This is called "logic". You will fail to comprehend it.

That's typical Republican problem avoidance. He gave the insurance companies a choice. For some it made sense. For others, not.

Republicans are obscuring the truth. Nothing in Obamacare (until next year) changed the demand for, or cost of health care. So all of this fuss is over how that cost gets allocated and paid by the insurance companies and recovered through premiums.
Then why do you so blindly swallow the propaganda, boy? Why do you allow your thought to be controlled?

I don't.
Reality says otherwise.

Obama said you could keep your coverage. Full stop. No caveats, no context, no spin.

But you say he didn't lie. Why? Because Obama TOLD you he didn't lie.

Propaganda. And you unthinkingly and unquestioningly bought it.

Think for yourself, kid. I don't care what conclusions you come to -- but reach them by yourself.

Repeating propaganda doesn't make it less so. It's still propaganda. It's still self serving spin. It's still thought control.

The only thing you repeating it does is make you complicit in it, rather than just a victim.
If that were true, there would be no subsidies.

Obamacare makes the middle class responsible for the cost of the health care of the poor.

The middle chooses to pay full time workers well below a living wage. That's the cause of the need for subsidies.
Yes, that's a common whine from people who:

1. Don't understand economics, and

2. Want stuff they haven't earned.

It has nothing to do with economics. It has to do with companies working together to pay wealth creating workers as little as possible, and wealth consuming executives as much as possible.

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