Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

You’ve probably read a lot about how the Affordable Care Act is going to change health insurance, but does it all apply to you? If you get your insurance from your employer, there’s a very good chance that you are in a "grandfathered plan," and that means some of the changes do not affect you — yet.

Framers of the Affordable Care Act allowed some health plans to be exempt from some of the law’s rules and protections in the interests of a smooth transition and to allow businesses and individuals to keep current policies without having to make substantial changes. More than a third of all Americans who get insurance through their jobs are enrolled in such plans, although that number is expected to decline every year.
Nonetheless, consumers should know the status of their plans since that may determine whether they are eligible for certain protections and benefits created by the health law. For example, an employee at a large company may wonder why his job-based insurance doesn't include the free preventive services he's heard about. Or someone who purchases her own coverage may wonder whether she will be eligible for broader benefits when new insurance marketplaces open next fall. To answer those questions, you must understand the status of your plan and how grandfathering works. Here are the basics:
What is a grandfathered plan?
Most health insurance plans that existed on March 23, 2010 are eligible for grandfathered status and therefore do not have to meet all the requirements of the health care law. But if an insurer or employer makes significant changes to a plan’s benefits or how much members pay through premiums, copays or deductibles, then the plan loses that status.
The government's regulations spell out how much plans can change the amount paid by workers or employers before losing their status.
Both individual plans, the kind you buy on your own, and group plans, the kind you receive through an employer, can be grandfathered. If you get coverage through an employer, you can join a grandfathered plan even if you weren’t enrolled on March 23, 2010.
What rules does a grandfathered plan have to follow?
A grandfathered plan has to follow some of the same rules other plans do under the ACA. For example, the plans cannot impose lifetime limits on how much health care coverage people may receive, and they must offer dependent coverage for young adults until age 26 (although until 2014, a grandfathered group plan does not have to offer such coverage if a young adult is eligible for coverage elsewhere). They also cannot retroactively cancel your coverage because of a mistake you made when applying, a practice known as a rescission.

You dumb shit. Stop dodging what happened.

obama repeatedly, over and over and over said 'if you like your plan you can keep your plan. PERIOD'.

Prior to yesterday's lie, go find the links, clips, statements from this asshat where he said 'unless'. Unless your plan does not meet the above, unless your plan increases in cost (DUH, of course they increased in cost over the past three years. Wasn't LOWERING COST part of the reason for this whole pile of shit? Yeah, right.), unless, unless, unless.


He lied. And you and countless other sheep just keep on spinning.
You’ve probably read a lot about how the Affordable Care Act is going to change health insurance, but does it all apply to you? If you get your insurance from your employer, there’s a very good chance that you are in a "grandfathered plan," and that means some of the changes do not affect you — yet.

Framers of the Affordable Care Act allowed some health plans to be exempt from some of the law’s rules and protections in the interests of a smooth transition and to allow businesses and individuals to keep current policies without having to make substantial changes. More than a third of all Americans who get insurance through their jobs are enrolled in such plans, although that number is expected to decline every year.
Nonetheless, consumers should know the status of their plans since that may determine whether they are eligible for certain protections and benefits created by the health law. For example, an employee at a large company may wonder why his job-based insurance doesn't include the free preventive services he's heard about. Or someone who purchases her own coverage may wonder whether she will be eligible for broader benefits when new insurance marketplaces open next fall. To answer those questions, you must understand the status of your plan and how grandfathering works. Here are the basics:
What is a grandfathered plan?
Most health insurance plans that existed on March 23, 2010 are eligible for grandfathered status and therefore do not have to meet all the requirements of the health care law. But if an insurer or employer makes significant changes to a plan’s benefits or how much members pay through premiums, copays or deductibles, then the plan loses that status.
The government's regulations spell out how much plans can change the amount paid by workers or employers before losing their status.
Both individual plans, the kind you buy on your own, and group plans, the kind you receive through an employer, can be grandfathered. If you get coverage through an employer, you can join a grandfathered plan even if you weren’t enrolled on March 23, 2010.
What rules does a grandfathered plan have to follow?
A grandfathered plan has to follow some of the same rules other plans do under the ACA. For example, the plans cannot impose lifetime limits on how much health care coverage people may receive, and they must offer dependent coverage for young adults until age 26 (although until 2014, a grandfathered group plan does not have to offer such coverage if a young adult is eligible for coverage elsewhere). They also cannot retroactively cancel your coverage because of a mistake you made when applying, a practice known as a rescission.

You dumb shit. Stop dodging what happened.

obama repeatedly, over and over and over said 'if you like your plan you can keep your plan. PERIOD'.

Prior to yesterday's lie, go find the links, clips, statements from this asshat where he said 'unless'. Unless your plan does not meet the above, unless your plan increases in cost (DUH, of course they increased in cost over the past three years. Wasn't LOWERING COST part of the reason for this whole pile of shit? Yeah, right.), unless, unless, unless.


He lied. And you and countless other sheep just keep on spinning.

He mistook the "period" for an asterisk and expected us to read the fine print (i.e., the microprint) he forgot to print.
The Sheeple keep the dance of the whirling dervishes on Fox going round and round.

To be expected. Spin is all they have. If they didn't lie, they would have nothing to say.
The Sheeple keep the dance of the whirling dervishes on Fox going round and round.

To be expected. Spin is all they have. If they didn't lie, they would have nothing to say.

That would appear to be you.
All of us understand that Obama said, If you like your health plan, you can keep it. Period.
All of us understand that means without qualification.
All of us understand there are indeed qualifications, resulting in probably over 90M people getting cancelled.
All of us understand that is not what we were told.
All of us understand that Obama lied, and knew he was lying when he said it.

So it seems only you understood something different, something which is obviously not true.
I have created a thread in Healthcare for all of you. When you decide to come clean, there is a place for you.

Speaking of idiots...

You really can't comprehend that Obama lied to you, can you?

Not really.

Letter I got from my insurer.

No changes. We are completely ACA compliant.

He didn't say you could keep your plan if your insurer makes it ACA compliant.. He said "you could keep it --- if you liked it" the way it was..

Many companies don't WANT to remove lifetime caps of $1 or $2 Mill dollars or cover VAGUE underdefined crap like "gender reassignment procedures".. And I don't blame them.

Perhaps they MIGHT have been willing to RAISE the caps to $5Mill, but the arrogant Demo leadership never gave them that choice...
The Sheeple keep the dance of the whirling dervishes on Fox going round and round.

To be expected. Spin is all they have. If they didn't lie, they would have nothing to say.

That would appear to be you.
All of us understand that Obama said, If you like your health plan, you can keep it. Period.
All of us understand that means without qualification.
All of us understand there are indeed qualifications, resulting in probably over 90M people getting cancelled.
All of us understand that is not what we were told.
All of us understand that Obama lied, and knew he was lying when he said it.

So it seems only you understood something different, something which is obviously not true.

Why would anybody, think that he, then or ever, would be speaking for private health insurance company decisions?

And why can't Republicans ever hold corporations accountable for their decisions?

There is only one possible answer. This is pure dirty campaign politics that is completely unrelated to truth. Say whatever you need to in order to win.

Pure Lee Atwater and Karl Rove propaganda. "Winning is the only thing".

Trouble is that as long as Republicans have been following that act they've been losing. That would be a good thing if they weren't dragging the country down with them.
The Sheeple keep the dance of the whirling dervishes on Fox going round and round.

To be expected. Spin is all they have. If they didn't lie, they would have nothing to say.

That would appear to be you.
All of us understand that Obama said, If you like your health plan, you can keep it. Period.
All of us understand that means without qualification.
All of us understand there are indeed qualifications, resulting in probably over 90M people getting cancelled.
All of us understand that is not what we were told.
All of us understand that Obama lied, and knew he was lying when he said it.

So it seems only you understood something different, something which is obviously not true.

Why would anybody, think that he, then or ever, would be speaking for private health insurance company decisions?

And why can't Republicans ever hold corporations accountable for their decisions?

There is only one possible answer. This is pure dirty campaign politics that is completely unrelated to truth. Say whatever you need to in order to win.

Pure Lee Atwater and Karl Rove propaganda. "Winning is the only thing".

Trouble is that as long as Republicans have been following that act they've been losing. That would be a good thing if they weren't dragging the country down with them.

Was that supposed to be responsive to my post? Because it wasn't.
The policies changed as a result of the mandate in Obamacare. Absent that, people would have kept their polciies if they liked them.
Dirty politics is the president saying something he knows is a lie just to get legislation passed, figuring he can smooth it over later.
Clearly, you are not very bright. To think that he said that you can have whatever you want from your insurance company.

The purpose of Obamacare was to make everyone responsible for the cost of their health care. You thought that you could get away with only being responsible if you didn't need any health care. But that door got closed. Bummer.

You are dumber than a bag of shit.

He didn't say "you can have whatever you want from your insurance company" HE SAID: If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. Period.' Stop trying to dodge.

Stupid, moron is stupid, moron. Try reading what I actually wrote, dumbass. My brother had an individual health insurance plan that he paid for, with he very own money, no subsidies, no one else footing the bill for him, he took responsibility, fucking obama and dems shoved this pile of crap down our throats, obama stood there and repeatedly REPEATEDLY said if you like your plan you can keep it. Period. Over and over and over he said it. HE FUCKING LIED. Now he, you and countless other brain-dead, ass-kissing, obama zombies are bending over backward trying to wiggle out of it. Newflash, it ain't gonna never happen.

obama and dems lied their asses off on this and have been caught. You are pathetic in your sorry assed attempts to justify or excuse this in any way.

Obamacare allowed grandfathering of existing policies. Private insurance companies chose not to.

The President can't and wouldn't talk about their decisions. He was talking about the government's decision to grandfather.

It speaks volumes about Republican propaganda that those simple obvious facts have been pried from so many weak minds.

Where is grandfathered or unless changed mentioned in the quote I mentioned earlier?

Run Forrest run
That would appear to be you.
All of us understand that Obama said, If you like your health plan, you can keep it. Period.
All of us understand that means without qualification.
All of us understand there are indeed qualifications, resulting in probably over 90M people getting cancelled.
All of us understand that is not what we were told.
All of us understand that Obama lied, and knew he was lying when he said it.

So it seems only you understood something different, something which is obviously not true.

Why would anybody, think that he, then or ever, would be speaking for private health insurance company decisions?

And why can't Republicans ever hold corporations accountable for their decisions?

There is only one possible answer. This is pure dirty campaign politics that is completely unrelated to truth. Say whatever you need to in order to win.

Pure Lee Atwater and Karl Rove propaganda. "Winning is the only thing".

Trouble is that as long as Republicans have been following that act they've been losing. That would be a good thing if they weren't dragging the country down with them.

Was that supposed to be responsive to my post? Because it wasn't.
The policies changed as a result of the mandate in Obamacare. Absent that, people would have kept their polciies if they liked them.
Dirty politics is the president saying something he knows is a lie just to get legislation passed, figuring he can smooth it over later.

The policies changed as a result of the decisions made by those who wrote them.

Is the concept of grandfathering above your pay grade?
You are dumber than a bag of shit.

He didn't say "you can have whatever you want from your insurance company" HE SAID: If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. Period.' Stop trying to dodge.

Stupid, moron is stupid, moron. Try reading what I actually wrote, dumbass. My brother had an individual health insurance plan that he paid for, with he very own money, no subsidies, no one else footing the bill for him, he took responsibility, fucking obama and dems shoved this pile of crap down our throats, obama stood there and repeatedly REPEATEDLY said if you like your plan you can keep it. Period. Over and over and over he said it. HE FUCKING LIED. Now he, you and countless other brain-dead, ass-kissing, obama zombies are bending over backward trying to wiggle out of it. Newflash, it ain't gonna never happen.

obama and dems lied their asses off on this and have been caught. You are pathetic in your sorry assed attempts to justify or excuse this in any way.

Obamacare allowed grandfathering of existing policies. Private insurance companies chose not to.

The President can't and wouldn't talk about their decisions. He was talking about the government's decision to grandfather.

It speaks volumes about Republican propaganda that those simple obvious facts have been pried from so many weak minds.

Where is grandfathered or unless changed mentioned in the quote I mentioned earlier?

Run Forrest run

Both you and I have no idea what you're talking about.
Why would anybody, think that he, then or ever, would be speaking for private health insurance company decisions?

And why can't Republicans ever hold corporations accountable for their decisions?

There is only one possible answer. This is pure dirty campaign politics that is completely unrelated to truth. Say whatever you need to in order to win.

Pure Lee Atwater and Karl Rove propaganda. "Winning is the only thing".

Trouble is that as long as Republicans have been following that act they've been losing. That would be a good thing if they weren't dragging the country down with them.

Was that supposed to be responsive to my post? Because it wasn't.
The policies changed as a result of the mandate in Obamacare. Absent that, people would have kept their polciies if they liked them.
Dirty politics is the president saying something he knows is a lie just to get legislation passed, figuring he can smooth it over later.

The policies changed as a result of the decisions made by those who wrote them.

Is the concept of grandfathering above your pay grade?
No they were not. They were changed as a result of the change in law. Obama specifically said "If you like your private health care plan, you can keep your private health care plan." What part of that is confusing to you?
Obviously the concept of lying is not above your pay grade. But it is beyond your ability to do it persuasively.
Clearly the concept of grandfathering is well above your pay grade.

So is the operation of insurance companies.
There have been many victims of propaganda throughout history and they all concluded that what they were being told was the truth. Mass media has both greatly extended the reach and effectiveness of thought control.

Could that end democracy as the ultimate freedom?

It certainly could.
Clearly the concept of grandfathering is well above your pay grade.

So is the operation of insurance companies.

Clearly the concept of honesty is above yours.
Where does Obama say "grandfather"? There are clips of him making that claim literally dozens of times. He never once says "grandfathered."
Again, everyone understood the same thing. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.
That means no grandfathering.
Or is English not your native language?
OBAMA didn't say --- "if your current plan doesn't have a lifetime payment cap, provides free birth control and covers all trangender reassignment expenses".. Nope PMZ --- He didn't...

So if the insurance company DOESN'T WANT to amend your policy so that you can now become a girl, or have UNLIMITED lifetime coverage --- that's not an insurance company problem.. Your Demo zealots didn't NEGOTIATE with your insurance company BEFORE THEY PROMISED US --- that "we can keep our plans"..

The blame is gonna smother all the evil - doers responsible for this mess. No amount of spinning or attempts to transfer the blame are gonna fly..

I see that you (PMZ) have the same logic and reason problems with politics as you do with Climate Science.
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You're a lying piece of trash.

The truth often hurts the delusional.

Does ANYONE have ANYTHING constructive to say??? Geezz.....This entire forum has become so full of crap from posters hell bent on hurling insults instead of reading differing POV. C'mon mods, I haven't been here long but how can you overlook the language? It reduces good debate into worthless rhetoric. I dunno, maybe I am wrong here & the mods are ok with this stuff. Good luck with that,,,

Maybe, if you don't like the way the mods run this forum, or you find us offensive, or you want constructive debate, you should go set up your own forum? Just sayin'...you come here and start bitching and whining right off the bat.
So you really are that stupid as to believe that a price increase somehow 'changes the plan'. Wow, dumb leftists are dumb.

Please link to where obama specified 'if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period. Unless anything little thing on it changes, and that means even if the price goes up, then it will be cancelled and you will be sol'. Prior to when his lying spinny ass said it today. He can't back peddle fast enough on this. Oh wait ... were we suppose to go read the bill to find out what was in it?

I was right ... idiot lap-dogs like you will defend this crap and this shitty administration because --- obama!

Can't wait till the employer mandate kicks in next year right before elections and millions more lose the plans the president said we could keep.

Clearly, you are not very bright. To think that he said that you can have whatever you want from your insurance company.

The purpose of Obamacare was to make everyone responsible for the cost of their health care. You thought that you could get away with only being responsible if you didn't need any health care. But that door got closed. Bummer.

No one thinks he said that because that isn't what he said.
What he did say was "you can keep your health plan. Period." I see no exceptions or qualifications there. Period.

It happens I am one of a few people who actually could keep his plan because I had it prior to 2010. So all the people who got their plan after that and are finding that plan cancelled due to Ocare regs understand that Obama's promise was a lie. And he knew it was a lie when he made the statement. That is already established.
There is simply no way you can spin that to be what it obviously is.

Obama sheeple, when their icon speaks:


  • $See-no-evil-hear-no-evil-speak-no-evil-monkeys-.jpg
    225 KB · Views: 56
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

Look if anyone here voted Democrat or Republican while the rest of America knew both parties were taking orders from the Bilderbergers....

Then my God we will have to quarentine this forum for mass stupidity.
Apparently to this latest obama fluffer, it is but we're just to dumb to see it.

the people do not like being tricked by the fine print in a contract

in fact if obama was a licensed insurance agent

he would be out on bond right now awaiting trial

Obamacare does not limit your choice to continue a grandfathered policy. Those writing policies do.
And of course, Obamacare sets the rules about what makes a policy able to be grandfathered.

The insurance companies are only doing what the law allows. You can stop pretending it's their fault now.

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