Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

A very simple, none the less truth. If you claim you are "Pro-Life", then you cannot support, condone or advocate for Capital Punishment. Capital Punishment is about killing not life.

If you are "Pro-Life", you cannot believe in war. War is about murder. You cannot have supported, condoned or advocated for invasions of Afghanistan or Iraq because you wanted people to die, if you want people to die regardless of the reason you are not "Pro-Life".

You cannot believe in being "Pro-Life" if you believe in killing someone because of their religion, skin color, shape of their eyes or who they have sex with. You cannot support, condone, or advocate for violence against people you whose political, religious, or personal beliefs are different from you own. You cannot pick and choose who does and does not have the "Right To Life".
War, in our case, is about defending ourselves from our enemies. Refuse to fight such a war ends in our own deaths. Or worse becoming a Caliphate. The ones who which to conquer the world won't see reason. You can't talk peace with them. You can only kill them until they are all dead.
A very simple, none the less truth. If you claim you are "Pro-Life", then you cannot support, condone or advocate for Capital Punishment. Capital Punishment is about killing not life.

If you are "Pro-Life", you cannot believe in war. War is about murder. You cannot have supported, condoned or advocated for invasions of Afghanistan or Iraq because you wanted people to die, if you want people to die regardless of the reason you are not "Pro-Life".

You cannot believe in being "Pro-Life" if you believe in killing someone because of their religion, skin color, shape of their eyes or who they have sex with. You cannot support, condone, or advocate for violence against people you whose political, religious, or personal beliefs are different from you own. You cannot pick and choose who does and does not have the "Right To Life".
War, in our case, is about defending ourselves from our enemies. Refuse to fight such a war ends in our own deaths. Or worse becoming a Caliphate. The ones who which to conquer the world won't see reason. You can't talk peace with them. You can only kill them until they are all dead.
If you are "Pro-Life", you cannot believe in war. War is about murder. You cannot have supported, condoned or advocated for invasions of Afghanistan or Iraq because you wanted people to die, if you want people to die regardless of the reason you are not "Pro-Life"......

Only a true simpleton displays such adolescent, shallow thinking.
If you are "Pro-Life", you cannot believe in war. War is about murder. You cannot have supported, condoned or advocated for invasions of Afghanistan or Iraq because you wanted people to die, if you want people to die regardless of the reason you are not "Pro-Life"......

Only a true simpleton displays such adolescent, shallow thinking.

Or your average liberal.
A very simple, none the less truth. If you claim you are "Pro-Life", then you cannot support, condone or advocate for Capital Punishment. Capital Punishment is about killing not life.

If you are "Pro-Life", you cannot believe in war. War is about murder. You cannot have supported, condoned or advocated for invasions of Afghanistan or Iraq because you wanted people to die, if you want people to die regardless of the reason you are not "Pro-Life".

You cannot believe in being "Pro-Life" if you believe in killing someone because of their religion, skin color, shape of their eyes or who they have sex with. You cannot support, condone, or advocate for violence against people you whose political, religious, or personal beliefs are different from you own. You cannot pick and choose who does and does not have the "Right To Life".
War, in our case, is about defending ourselves from our enemies. Refuse to fight such a war ends in our own deaths. Or worse becoming a Caliphate. The ones who which to conquer the world won't see reason. You can't talk peace with them. You can only kill them until they are all dead.

So the "Right To Life" does not exist for unborn babies based upon where they are conceived? An unborn in Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan does not have the "Right To Life" as an unborn American?

Since when do you get to play the god you claim to worship, and under whose name you continue to invoke your so-called "Right To Life"?

Since when is an unborn child responsible for what country it is conceived in?

Who told you play god?
If you are "Pro-Life", you cannot believe in war. War is about murder. You cannot have supported, condoned or advocated for invasions of Afghanistan or Iraq because you wanted people to die, if you want people to die regardless of the reason you are not "Pro-Life"......

Only a true simpleton displays such adolescent, shallow thinking.

So, now it's down to name calling.

Lacking a logical, cogent, well thought out argument you bring yourself to engage in name calling.

Why is it that Conservatives will invariably reduce any attempt to engage in debate to name calling contest.

I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man - Phil Graham.
kind of messed up that the government spends money if the president vetos a bill.

In a sane country congress would have to pass the bill to fund it.
These right wing nut jobs actually believe overturning roe v. Wade and defunding health clinics for poor women will stop abortion. God help us all.
These right wing nut jobs actually believe overturning roe v. Wade and defunding health clinics for poor women will stop abortion. God help us all.

Let's repeal murder laws too. Cause they don't prevent murder.
Ridiculous comparison, as expected from the dishonest right who lack an understanding of privacy and basic science.

Let's be clear on one thing.

Many agree that Roe is pretty much dead. The state legislatures have been quietly hemming it in for decades.
These right wing nut jobs actually believe overturning roe v. Wade and defunding health clinics for poor women will stop abortion. God help us all.

Let's repeal murder laws too. Cause they don't prevent murder.
Ridiculous comparison, as expected from the dishonest right who lack an understanding of privacy and basic science.

Let's be clear on one thing.

Many agree that Roe is pretty much dead. The state legislatures have been quietly hemming it in for decades.
When one turns to red states, sure. Unfortunately for the right, abortion is still legal, and regardless if it is legal or not, women will still get abortions. It is none of our business.
These right wing nut jobs actually believe overturning roe v. Wade and defunding health clinics for poor women will stop abortion. God help us all.

Let's repeal murder laws too. Cause they don't prevent murder.
Ridiculous comparison, as expected from the dishonest right who lack an understanding of privacy and basic science.

Sorry logic is foreign to you.
Comparing abortion and murder is like comparing apples and fish.

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