Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

When one turns to red states, sure. Unfortunately for the right, abortion is still legal, and regardless if it is legal or not, women will still get abortions. It is none of our business.

If you think the death of a child is none of our business, then I want you no where near power of any kind. It's people like you who commit massacres and genocide because someone who kills an innocent child without mercy will kill anyone who opposes them.
Find, I'll play along, how do you plan to enforce making abortion illegal? What date does the illegality begin? Is it from conception? Do we investigate all miscarriages as possible murders?
Comparing abortion and murder is like comparing apples and fish.

You seriously think there is a difference between taking a child's life and taking someone else's?
A fetus is not a child, it is not conscious, it is reliant on the women's body, inside of her body, she has control over the fetus, another conscious human being is not comparable to a fetus.

I guess we can only regret your mothers decision.
This argument is tiring and a stupid path to go down, if you want to do it, fine by me.

There is no argument.

There is what value you place on things and when.
A women's body is not my business, I'm a male who believes in privacy and who happens to be a realist.
Ridiculous comparison, as expected from the dishonest right who lack an understanding of privacy and basic science.

Sorry logic is foreign to you.
Comparing abortion and murder is like comparing apples and fish.

You seriously think there is a difference between taking a child's life and taking someone else's?
A fetus is not a child, it is not conscious, it is reliant on the women's body, inside of her body, she has control over the fetus, another conscious human being is not comparable to a fetus.

Lie to yourself all you want. It doesn't change the truth. An unborn child is a unique being with it's own DNA from the second he or she is conceived.

But you leftists always want to deny the humanity of the people you want to oppress. Native Americans, blacks, the unborn. None are really "human" so somehow your killing and oppressing is justified.

Life matters. Just because it's inconvenient for you doesn't justify murder
Yes, yes, prokaryotes have unique DNA.. Leftists oppressed native Americans and African Americans? Are you drunk? Historically, left leaning thought has been dedicated to equal rights.
If you think the death of a child is none of our business, then I want you no where near power of any kind. It's people like you who commit massacres and genocide because someone who kills an innocent child without mercy will kill anyone who opposes them.
Find, I'll play along, how do you plan to enforce making abortion illegal? What date does the illegality begin? Is it from conception? Do we investigate all miscarriages as possible murders?
You seriously think there is a difference between taking a child's life and taking someone else's?
A fetus is not a child, it is not conscious, it is reliant on the women's body, inside of her body, she has control over the fetus, another conscious human being is not comparable to a fetus.

I guess we can only regret your mothers decision.
This argument is tiring and a stupid path to go down, if you want to do it, fine by me.

There is no argument.

There is what value you place on things and when.
A women's body is not my business, I'm a male who believes in privacy and who happens to be a realist.

Who told you that you were a realist ?

Good grief, junior...you believe everything ?
Find, I'll play along, how do you plan to enforce making abortion illegal? What date does the illegality begin? Is it from conception? Do we investigate all miscarriages as possible murders?
A fetus is not a child, it is not conscious, it is reliant on the women's body, inside of her body, she has control over the fetus, another conscious human being is not comparable to a fetus.

I guess we can only regret your mothers decision.
This argument is tiring and a stupid path to go down, if you want to do it, fine by me.

There is no argument.

There is what value you place on things and when.
A women's body is not my business, I'm a male who believes in privacy and who happens to be a realist.

Who told you that you were a realist ?

Good grief, junior...you believe everything ?
I'm a realist when it comes to this issue, even if you anti women nuts managed to make abortion illegal and pass your life at conception garbage, you do realize how hysterical it would be? It will largely be ignored, like it was in the past.
War, in our case, is about defending ourselves from our enemies. Refuse to fight such a war ends in our own deaths. Or worse becoming a Caliphate. The ones who which to conquer the world won't see reason. You can't talk peace with them. You can only kill them until they are all dead.

So the "Right To Life" does not exist for unborn babies based upon where they are conceived? An unborn in Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan does not have the "Right To Life" as an unborn American?

Since when do you get to play the god you claim to worship, and under whose name you continue to invoke your so-called "Right To Life"?

Since when is an unborn child responsible for what country it is conceived in?

Who told you play god?
I don't worship a god and I was talking about all human life not just unborn life.

You're mixing subjects. War is unavoidable when one side demands you capitulate or die. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life enslaved to them that is. Being willing to fight a war is not the same thing as having an abortion or not having one. In a war you justify killing in the name of self defense. With the unborn they aren't attacking you therefore you have no justification for killing it.
Plenty of justification to abort a fetus. Privacy, rape, incest, financial issues, emotional issues.. Oh, it's a fucking fetus.
None of that is the Fetus's fault. It has rights too.
A fetus does not have rights, the implications of such a disastrous proposal are laughable. Miscarriages would have to be investigated as possible murders, morning after pills would be murder..
Morning after pills or months later pills?
My problem is with fetus's who leave footprints on the inside of their mothers belly being aborted. It's too late then.

My problem is aborting fetuses with recognizable body parts. You just waited too damn late to abort.
So the "Right To Life" does not exist for unborn babies based upon where they are conceived? An unborn in Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan does not have the "Right To Life" as an unborn American?

Since when do you get to play the god you claim to worship, and under whose name you continue to invoke your so-called "Right To Life"?

Since when is an unborn child responsible for what country it is conceived in?

Who told you play god?
I don't worship a god and I was talking about all human life not just unborn life.

You're mixing subjects. War is unavoidable when one side demands you capitulate or die. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life enslaved to them that is. Being willing to fight a war is not the same thing as having an abortion or not having one. In a war you justify killing in the name of self defense. With the unborn they aren't attacking you therefore you have no justification for killing it.
Plenty of justification to abort a fetus. Privacy, rape, incest, financial issues, emotional issues.. Oh, it's a fucking fetus.
None of that is the Fetus's fault. It has rights too.
A fetus does not have rights, the implications of such a disastrous proposal are laughable. Miscarriages would have to be investigated as possible murders, morning after pills would be murder..
Morning after pills or months later pills?
My problem is with fetus's who leave footprints on the inside of their mothers belly being aborted. It's too late then.

My problem is aborting fetuses with recognizable body parts. You just waited too damn late to abort.
They're still fetuses, unless you want to forcefully make women have a child, you'll never get your way.
I guess we can only regret your mothers decision.
This argument is tiring and a stupid path to go down, if you want to do it, fine by me.

There is no argument.

There is what value you place on things and when.
A women's body is not my business, I'm a male who believes in privacy and who happens to be a realist.

Who told you that you were a realist ?

Good grief, junior...you believe everything ?
I'm a realist when it comes to this issue, even if you anti women nuts managed to make abortion illegal and pass your life at conception garbage, you do realize how hysterical it would be? It will largely be ignored, like it was in the past.

You are so right on the your last point.

And still a dumbass on the others.

First, I am not anti-abortion. I am anti-dumbass when it comes to the very sad generation now making it's way out of kindergarten.

Anti abortion laws are a goal-line stand. By the time a woman shows up at a clinic tons of things have happened that potentially could have been averted.

We break marriages up at an incredible rate and we have young men with attitudes towards women that would have gotten them beat to a pulp by grown ups 20 or 30 years ago.

We've crushed the family...and we pay for it in many ways.

But the truth is that the hard right has hemmed in Roe..whether you like it or not. I am not arguing it is good...I am simply saying your overly simplistic statements are meaningless as are most of your posts.
This argument is tiring and a stupid path to go down, if you want to do it, fine by me.

There is no argument.

There is what value you place on things and when.
A women's body is not my business, I'm a male who believes in privacy and who happens to be a realist.

Who told you that you were a realist ?

Good grief, junior...you believe everything ?
I'm a realist when it comes to this issue, even if you anti women nuts managed to make abortion illegal and pass your life at conception garbage, you do realize how hysterical it would be? It will largely be ignored, like it was in the past.

You are so right on the your last point.

And still a dumbass on the others.

First, I am not anti-abortion. I am anti-dumbass when it comes to the very sad generation now making it's way out of kindergarten.

Anti abortion laws are a goal-line stand. By the time a woman shows up at a clinic tons of things have happened that potentially could have been averted.

We break marriages up at an incredible rate and we have young men with attitudes towards women that would have gotten them beat to a pulp by grown ups 20 or 30 years ago.

We've crushed the family...and we pay for it in many ways.

But the truth is that the hard right has hemmed in Roe..whether you like it or not. I am not arguing it is good...I am simply saying your overly simplistic statements are meaningless as are most of your posts.
It'd be easier for families to stay together if wages weren't stagnant for decades.
There is no argument.

There is what value you place on things and when.
A women's body is not my business, I'm a male who believes in privacy and who happens to be a realist.

Who told you that you were a realist ?

Good grief, junior...you believe everything ?
I'm a realist when it comes to this issue, even if you anti women nuts managed to make abortion illegal and pass your life at conception garbage, you do realize how hysterical it would be? It will largely be ignored, like it was in the past.

You are so right on the your last point.

And still a dumbass on the others.

First, I am not anti-abortion. I am anti-dumbass when it comes to the very sad generation now making it's way out of kindergarten.

Anti abortion laws are a goal-line stand. By the time a woman shows up at a clinic tons of things have happened that potentially could have been averted.

We break marriages up at an incredible rate and we have young men with attitudes towards women that would have gotten them beat to a pulp by grown ups 20 or 30 years ago.

We've crushed the family...and we pay for it in many ways.

But the truth is that the hard right has hemmed in Roe..whether you like it or not. I am not arguing it is good...I am simply saying your overly simplistic statements are meaningless as are most of your posts.
It'd be easier for families to stay together if wages weren't stagnant for decades.

That is simply stupid.

Marriage is an economic efficiency.

Families would stay together if mothers and fathers were not so selfish.
A women's body is not my business, I'm a male who believes in privacy and who happens to be a realist.

Who told you that you were a realist ?

Good grief, junior...you believe everything ?
I'm a realist when it comes to this issue, even if you anti women nuts managed to make abortion illegal and pass your life at conception garbage, you do realize how hysterical it would be? It will largely be ignored, like it was in the past.

You are so right on the your last point.

And still a dumbass on the others.

First, I am not anti-abortion. I am anti-dumbass when it comes to the very sad generation now making it's way out of kindergarten.

Anti abortion laws are a goal-line stand. By the time a woman shows up at a clinic tons of things have happened that potentially could have been averted.

We break marriages up at an incredible rate and we have young men with attitudes towards women that would have gotten them beat to a pulp by grown ups 20 or 30 years ago.

We've crushed the family...and we pay for it in many ways.

But the truth is that the hard right has hemmed in Roe..whether you like it or not. I am not arguing it is good...I am simply saying your overly simplistic statements are meaningless as are most of your posts.
It'd be easier for families to stay together if wages weren't stagnant for decades.

That is simply stupid.

Marriage is an economic efficiency.

Families would stay together if mothers and fathers were not so selfish.
Ridiculous, with wages being virtually frozen for decades, and with a rising cost of living, it's kind of hard, especially when parents can't afford to take as much time off..
I don't worship a god and I was talking about all human life not just unborn life.

You're mixing subjects. War is unavoidable when one side demands you capitulate or die. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life enslaved to them that is. Being willing to fight a war is not the same thing as having an abortion or not having one. In a war you justify killing in the name of self defense. With the unborn they aren't attacking you therefore you have no justification for killing it.
Plenty of justification to abort a fetus. Privacy, rape, incest, financial issues, emotional issues.. Oh, it's a fucking fetus.
None of that is the Fetus's fault. It has rights too.
A fetus does not have rights, the implications of such a disastrous proposal are laughable. Miscarriages would have to be investigated as possible murders, morning after pills would be murder..
Morning after pills or months later pills?
My problem is with fetus's who leave footprints on the inside of their mothers belly being aborted. It's too late then.

My problem is aborting fetuses with recognizable body parts. You just waited too damn late to abort.
They're still fetuses, unless you want to forcefully make women have a child, you'll never get your way.
It's destruction of a human life if you don't.
Who told you that you were a realist ?

Good grief, junior...you believe everything ?
I'm a realist when it comes to this issue, even if you anti women nuts managed to make abortion illegal and pass your life at conception garbage, you do realize how hysterical it would be? It will largely be ignored, like it was in the past.

You are so right on the your last point.

And still a dumbass on the others.

First, I am not anti-abortion. I am anti-dumbass when it comes to the very sad generation now making it's way out of kindergarten.

Anti abortion laws are a goal-line stand. By the time a woman shows up at a clinic tons of things have happened that potentially could have been averted.

We break marriages up at an incredible rate and we have young men with attitudes towards women that would have gotten them beat to a pulp by grown ups 20 or 30 years ago.

We've crushed the family...and we pay for it in many ways.

But the truth is that the hard right has hemmed in Roe..whether you like it or not. I am not arguing it is good...I am simply saying your overly simplistic statements are meaningless as are most of your posts.
It'd be easier for families to stay together if wages weren't stagnant for decades.

That is simply stupid.

Marriage is an economic efficiency.

Families would stay together if mothers and fathers were not so selfish.
Ridiculous, with wages being virtually frozen for decades, and with a rising cost of living, it's kind of hard, especially when parents can't afford to take as much time off..

You been married ?

Two people together live a lot cheaper than two apart. Or I'd love to see your math.

And your second statement is beyond moronic.

People worked more in the past and families stayed together.

For a crusader...you lack a whole lot of knowledge.
Plenty of justification to abort a fetus. Privacy, rape, incest, financial issues, emotional issues.. Oh, it's a fucking fetus.
None of that is the Fetus's fault. It has rights too.
A fetus does not have rights, the implications of such a disastrous proposal are laughable. Miscarriages would have to be investigated as possible murders, morning after pills would be murder..
Morning after pills or months later pills?
My problem is with fetus's who leave footprints on the inside of their mothers belly being aborted. It's too late then.

My problem is aborting fetuses with recognizable body parts. You just waited too damn late to abort.
They're still fetuses, unless you want to forcefully make women have a child, you'll never get your way.
It's destruction of a human life if you don't.
There you have it folks, the solution is to force women to have children, I suppose they will utilize force to do this, more then likely bringing about a small gubment police state. LOL.
I'm a realist when it comes to this issue, even if you anti women nuts managed to make abortion illegal and pass your life at conception garbage, you do realize how hysterical it would be? It will largely be ignored, like it was in the past.

You are so right on the your last point.

And still a dumbass on the others.

First, I am not anti-abortion. I am anti-dumbass when it comes to the very sad generation now making it's way out of kindergarten.

Anti abortion laws are a goal-line stand. By the time a woman shows up at a clinic tons of things have happened that potentially could have been averted.

We break marriages up at an incredible rate and we have young men with attitudes towards women that would have gotten them beat to a pulp by grown ups 20 or 30 years ago.

We've crushed the family...and we pay for it in many ways.

But the truth is that the hard right has hemmed in Roe..whether you like it or not. I am not arguing it is good...I am simply saying your overly simplistic statements are meaningless as are most of your posts.
It'd be easier for families to stay together if wages weren't stagnant for decades.

That is simply stupid.

Marriage is an economic efficiency.

Families would stay together if mothers and fathers were not so selfish.
Ridiculous, with wages being virtually frozen for decades, and with a rising cost of living, it's kind of hard, especially when parents can't afford to take as much time off..

You been married ?

Two people together live a lot cheaper than two apart. Or I'd love to see your math.

And your second statement is beyond moronic.

People worked more in the past and families stayed together.

For a crusader...you lack a whole lot of knowledge.
Oh, if only it was that way, it's even worse when people have kids. Families tend to stick together when they have more time together, so calling my statement moronic is laughable.
None of that is the Fetus's fault. It has rights too.
A fetus does not have rights, the implications of such a disastrous proposal are laughable. Miscarriages would have to be investigated as possible murders, morning after pills would be murder..
Morning after pills or months later pills?
My problem is with fetus's who leave footprints on the inside of their mothers belly being aborted. It's too late then.

My problem is aborting fetuses with recognizable body parts. You just waited too damn late to abort.
They're still fetuses, unless you want to forcefully make women have a child, you'll never get your way.
It's destruction of a human life if you don't.
There you have it folks, the solution is to force women to have children, I suppose they will utilize force to do this, more then likely bringing about a small gubment police state. LOL.
No, just prosecute for murder after the fact.
Sorry logic is foreign to you.
Comparing abortion and murder is like comparing apples and fish.

You seriously think there is a difference between taking a child's life and taking someone else's?
A fetus is not a child, it is not conscious, it is reliant on the women's body, inside of her body, she has control over the fetus, another conscious human being is not comparable to a fetus.

Lie to yourself all you want. It doesn't change the truth. An unborn child is a unique being with it's own DNA from the second he or she is conceived.

But you leftists always want to deny the humanity of the people you want to oppress. Native Americans, blacks, the unborn. None are really "human" so somehow your killing and oppressing is justified.

Life matters. Just because it's inconvenient for you doesn't justify murder
Yes, yes, prokaryotes have unique DNA.. Leftists oppressed native Americans and African Americans? Are you drunk? Historically, left leaning thought has been dedicated to equal rights.

I don't even know where to correct that. You realized Margaret Sanger began planned parenthood to get rid of "undesirable" races, right? Or that it was the left under Woodrow Wilson that re-segregated the nation? Or that leftists lead by LBJ fought tooth and nail against equal rights for decades?

Sorry to say you've been lied to.
None of that is the Fetus's fault. It has rights too.
A fetus does not have rights, the implications of such a disastrous proposal are laughable. Miscarriages would have to be investigated as possible murders, morning after pills would be murder..
Morning after pills or months later pills?
My problem is with fetus's who leave footprints on the inside of their mothers belly being aborted. It's too late then.

My problem is aborting fetuses with recognizable body parts. You just waited too damn late to abort.
They're still fetuses, unless you want to forcefully make women have a child, you'll never get your way.
It's destruction of a human life if you don't.
There you have it folks, the solution is to force women to have children, I suppose they will utilize force to do this, more then likely bringing about a small gubment police state. LOL.

You don't need to force women to have children. It is quite a natural occurrence. Especially I'd you love and cherish them.
Ridiculous comparison, as expected from the dishonest right who lack an understanding of privacy and basic science.

Sorry logic is foreign to you.
Comparing abortion and murder is like comparing apples and fish.

You seriously think there is a difference between taking a child's life and taking someone else's?
A fetus is not a child, it is not conscious, it is reliant on the women's body, inside of her body, she has control over the fetus, another conscious human being is not comparable to a fetus.

Lie to yourself all you want. It doesn't change the truth. An unborn child is a unique being with it's own DNA from the second he or she is conceived.

But you leftists always want to deny the humanity of the people you want to oppress. Native Americans, blacks, the unborn. None are really "human" so somehow your killing and oppressing is justified.

Life matters. Just because it's inconvenient for you doesn't justify murder

Well then, take it out of the woman's womb and let it survive on its own...

Can you tell us when this life starts, no bible verses just when...
There is no argument.

There is what value you place on things and when.
A women's body is not my business, I'm a male who believes in privacy and who happens to be a realist.

Who told you that you were a realist ?

Good grief, junior...you believe everything ?
I'm a realist when it comes to this issue, even if you anti women nuts managed to make abortion illegal and pass your life at conception garbage, you do realize how hysterical it would be? It will largely be ignored, like it was in the past.

You are so right on the your last point.

And still a dumbass on the others.

First, I am not anti-abortion. I am anti-dumbass when it comes to the very sad generation now making it's way out of kindergarten.

Anti abortion laws are a goal-line stand. By the time a woman shows up at a clinic tons of things have happened that potentially could have been averted.

We break marriages up at an incredible rate and we have young men with attitudes towards women that would have gotten them beat to a pulp by grown ups 20 or 30 years ago.

We've crushed the family...and we pay for it in many ways.

But the truth is that the hard right has hemmed in Roe..whether you like it or not. I am not arguing it is good...I am simply saying your overly simplistic statements are meaningless as are most of your posts.
It'd be easier for families to stay together if wages weren't stagnant for decades.

How about lack of parental leave?
Forcing Parents to work longer for less and spend less time with their family?
Comparing US to Europe, the US has laws which are just anti-family.
Comparing abortion and murder is like comparing apples and fish.

You seriously think there is a difference between taking a child's life and taking someone else's?
A fetus is not a child, it is not conscious, it is reliant on the women's body, inside of her body, she has control over the fetus, another conscious human being is not comparable to a fetus.

Lie to yourself all you want. It doesn't change the truth. An unborn child is a unique being with it's own DNA from the second he or she is conceived.

But you leftists always want to deny the humanity of the people you want to oppress. Native Americans, blacks, the unborn. None are really "human" so somehow your killing and oppressing is justified.

Life matters. Just because it's inconvenient for you doesn't justify murder
Yes, yes, prokaryotes have unique DNA.. Leftists oppressed native Americans and African Americans? Are you drunk? Historically, left leaning thought has been dedicated to equal rights.

I don't even know where to correct that. You realized Margaret Sanger began planned parenthood to get rid of "undesirable" races, right? Or that it was the left under Woodrow Wilson that re-segregated the nation? Or that leftists lead by LBJ fought tooth and nail against equal rights for decades?

Sorry to say you've been lied to.

Complete Lie, but keep on believing...
Cain claims Planned Parenthood founded for

You see you gullible idiots would believe anything...

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