Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.

Good. Assholes trying to tell a Woman she has no right to decide what medical procedures she can and cannot have.

The more I talk to rabid leftist women on the topic of abortion, the more horrified I feel at the utter hatred of their own sex, biology, and role in reproduction that they feel. It must be terrible to loathe and despise everything about yourself that makes you different from the opposite sex. The disgust and disdain that they feel toward children . . . *shudder* I don't express that level of vitriol for anyone but serial killers. It's chilling.
About this time next year, you are going to see an ad on TV. That ad will have a grainy photograph of your Democratic Congressman or Senator. The voiceover will inform you that your Democrat voted for the harvesting of organs from murdered babies.

Trust me on this.
You will NOT see "a grainy photograph of your Democrat.....".

Nay, you'll see a high resolution picture in vivid coolur of your Democrat practitioner of infanticide.
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"Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill"

Congressional republicans need to ensure that the Federal government is adequately funded come the end of the month, their refusal to do so, and instead focusing on ridiculous non-issues such as 'defunding' Planned Parenthood, is yet another example of the right's contempt for sound, responsible governance.

Would these be same Republicans who will bay at the moon about how they hate the very idea of "The Government Deciding Health Care."

Yes, because the difference between "government deciding health care" and "government defunding Planned Parenthood" is indecipherable . . . to three-brain-cell mouthbreathers like you.
Why is it that Cons whine about how important the so-called "Right To Life" is, they conveniently ignore all the unborn babies in Afghanistan and Iraq killed by the bush cabal? Oh, Muslim babies don't count.

Why is it that leftists whine about fucking EVERYTHING, and find it impossible to respond to any argument except straw men?

Oh, leftist brains don't exist.
Why is it that Cons whine about how important the so-called "Right To Life" is, they conveniently ignore all the unborn babies in Afghanistan and Iraq killed by the bush cabal? Oh, Muslim babies don't count.

Don't eat that red herring. It must have gone bad, it stinks so much.

Red Herring?

A very valid question is what it is.

IF the life of an unborn baby is so damn important, why did these so-called "Christians" do nothing, why did they say nothing when unborn babies in Afghanistan and Iraq were being murdered by the U.S.?

It is not now and never has been about babies.

Its all about control, especially of the poor.

RWs KNOW that defunding PP will not stop even one abortion and they don't care.

RWs don't ask why the pubs not stopping all the US hospitals from selling fetal tissue to NIH or the other research labs.

IOW, RWs know and admit they don't care about anything except control, with the ultimate goal being sharia law.


Another demonstration of the topic sliding right between your fingers. I go back and forth on whether it's deliberate, or just the fact that you're an imbecile.
This whole thing is silly . PP Ais not some secret body part selling front .

We should be happy this stuff goes to research . Believe u me , if a conservatives kid gets sick he ain't turning doe the cure that comes from this research .
A very simple, none the less truth. If you claim you are "Pro-Life", then you cannot support, condone or advocate for Capital Punishment. Capital Punishment is about killing not life.

If you are "Pro-Life", you cannot believe in war. War is about murder. You cannot have supported, condoned or advocated for invasions of Afghanistan or Iraq because you wanted people to die, if you want people to die regardless of the reason you are not "Pro-Life".

You cannot believe in being "Pro-Life" if you believe in killing someone because of their religion, skin color, shape of their eyes or who they have sex with. You cannot support, condone, or advocate for violence against people you whose political, religious, or personal beliefs are different from you own. You cannot pick and choose who does and does not have the "Right To Life".

"Look at this great straw man I built! See how I beat him up?! I'm the greatest!" :eusa_hand:
Don't eat that red herring. It must have gone bad, it stinks so much.

Red Herring?

A very valid question is what it is.

IF the life of an unborn baby is so damn important, why did these so-called "Christians" do nothing, why did they say nothing when unborn babies in Afghanistan and Iraq were being murdered by the U.S.?

It is not now and never has been about babies.

Its all about control, especially of the poor.

RWs KNOW that defunding PP will not stop even one abortion and they don't care.

RWs don't ask why the pubs not stopping all the US hospitals from selling fetal tissue to NIH or the other research labs.

IOW, RWs know and admit they don't care about anything except control, with the ultimate goal being sharia law.


The so-called "Right To Life." ends at birth.

Republicans are NOT Pro-Life....they are Pro-Fetus.

More mindless partisan nonsense.

So only the lives of White, Christian American Babies matter?

You do not answer the question, you avoid the question.

Big shock that people are too busy laughing at your "Have you stopped beating your wife?" -style questions to answer them as though they're serious questions coming from a serious human being.
This whole thing is silly . PP Ais not some secret body part selling front .

We should be happy this stuff goes to research . Believe u me , if a conservatives kid gets sick he ain't turning doe the cure that comes from this research .

Sorry, Chuckles, but who the fuck are you, and why the fuck are we supposed to take your blanket assertions of "silly" and "not selling body parts" as gospel? I don't see any stone tablets around.
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are still legal and available elsewhere

Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are still legal and available elsewhere

The anti-abortionists ("Nazis" against pro-choice) are so focused on that one issue that they don't care about the other 90% of the services provided by PP. They are extremists, not unlike ISIS.
It's like ...
If a patient has a headache, then have his head cut off. That will end the headache.

No, sweetie, I know you'd like to believe that, and I know you're stupid enough to believe that so long as all you hear is the Democrat echo chamber. But the fact is, we DO care about the other services, and unlike you, we know they are already provided by any number of other places. PP is completely non-essential for any service other than abortion, and we're not interested in being part of that.

You are the extremist. Extremely gullible, that is.
Dem echo chamber? LOL. There's the Pub Propaganda machine here, and then there's the rest of the world, dingbat. Try any other channel. lol

Some people are so ignorant and pointless that I ignore them. Other people are even more ignorant and pointless, such that they're not even worth that much effort.

See if you all can guess which is which.
Hilariously ironic.
This whole thing is silly . PP Ais not some secret body part selling front .

We should be happy this stuff goes to research . Believe u me , if a conservatives kid gets sick he ain't turning doe the cure that comes from this research .

Sorry, Chuckles, but who the fuck are you, and why the fuck are we supposed to take your blanket assertions of "silly" and "not selling body parts" as gospel? I don't see any stone tablets around.

There is no "Selling of Body Parts." Nor are Federal Fund, under The Hdyde Amendment allowed to be used for abortions. The video(s) are heavily edited for content and by law an edited video presupposes the existence of the original tape. California A.G. Kamala Harris is challenging both the edited tapes and the original tapes based on the edited tapes.
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All liberals care about is killing the in

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

All Conservatives want to is kill.....period.

All those unborn Muslim Babies in Afghanistan and Iraq don't matter.

Conservatives would rather believe the lies of heavily edited tapes.
Conservatives would rather believe lies because they prefer to be lied to. They love to be lied to. Lies are all they have left.
Here we go again. The lying New BS GOP screws the hell out of you people, and you vote for them because of wedge issues that are moot. Thank God the Dems are making abortions rare with free birth control. More than free, brainwashed functional morons. This law has been
Here we go again, hater dupes. The lying New BS GOP screws the hell out of you people, and you vote for them because of wedge issues that are moot. Thank God the Dems are making abortions rare with free birth control. More than free, brainwashed functional morons.

This law has been on the books for 44 years, and your heroes don't do anything when they can. We used to have 5k women and girls die a year with your idiocy. When you have a vagina, call us, assholes.

Yes, you scum promote unsafe and immoral treatment of humans... but don't let ethics, morals, and principles spoil your knuckle dragging rants... Neanderthal!
Listen jackass, 99% of abortions take place within 3 months when the SC says they're certainly NOT human, and the rest are to save the life of the mother. End of story, brainwashed functional morons.

So fucking genius... The fucking SCOTUS has made an exception of what is currently U.S. law... fucking baby killer, the SCOTUS should lose all of it's usurped power over our lives.

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

You do understand that this COVERS INCEPTION, don't you maggot?

Nope. It takes several days for the zygote to reach the womb for attachment.

Does any gov provide an ID (SSN) at that stage?
When there's a miscarriage, does God get blamed for murder?
Shall we demand God give up his son again so we can crucify him a second time, then a 3rd time, etc?
That`s nonsense. Abortion has been practiced since ancient times and Christians have practiced it as well. there is nothing stated in the Bible about prohibition of abortion. A child who was not born (especially it concerns early period of pregnancy - when it is possible to make an abortion) is not a formed man.
^^the new liberal mass mailing talking point.
GOP needs to pass a slew of things the people want but America's Kenyan Emperor will veto. That'll lay their stinking corpses on the steps of the (former) White House as a warning to voters of the consequences of voting for liberals (of either party).
I agree.
This whole thing is silly . PP Ais not some secret body part selling front .

We should be happy this stuff goes to research . Believe u me , if a conservatives kid gets sick he ain't turning doe the cure that comes from this research .

Sorry, Chuckles, but who the fuck are you, and why the fuck are we supposed to take your blanket assertions of "silly" and "not selling body parts" as gospel? I don't see any stone tablets around.

There is no "Selling of Body Parts." Nor are Federal Fund, under The Hdyde Amendment allowed to be used for abortions. The video(s) are heavily edited for content and by law an edited video presupposes the existence of the original tape. California A.G. Kamala Harris is challenging both the edited tapes and the original tapes based on the edited tapes.
You can watch the unedited versions.

It's not the selling of body parts that's the most offensive. It's the casual way these people regard a dead human baby.

It's the fact that these babies have already been killed and now they are being further dehumanized by labs that are both private and federally funded.
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

But even you RWs know that this will not stop any abortions.

It would not stop even one abortion.

Again I ask - are the Repubs going to close down all the hospitals?

How about NIH? How about all the other researchers who use fetal tissue.

BTW dupes - the video of the baby on the table is fake.
If it won't stop abortions why is the left whining? Could it be the PP democrat donations paid with said Tax dollars??

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