Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

No, just prosecute for murder after the fact.


What about women who have a miscarriage, are they going to be prosecuted too? And the mistresses or daughters from all those pro life politicians who get a quiet abortion in another country? Will they be investigated by the FBI? Maybe all women should be scanned by the TSA to see if they are pregnant before they board a plane?

Womens bodies have miscarriages because something is wrong and the baby will not make it to term.

Abortions destroy healthy babies.

Even you should know the difference between the two.

Leave it to libs to deflect.
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

But even you RWs know that this will not stop any abortions.

It would not stop even one abortion.

Again I ask - are the Repubs going to close down all the hospitals?

How about NIH? How about all the other researchers who use fetal tissue.

BTW dupes - the video of the baby on the table is fake.

Way to miss the fucking point.

I think what we're trying to stop is taxpayer funding of ghouls.

Perhaps you should try writing the topic of discussion on a sticky note and putting it on your monitor. You DO seem to have some difficulty focusing.
He Already has his copy and paste argument saved to his computer. You don't think he actually follows along with the actual conversation do you?
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

No all women want the right to decide when to increase their families. The right to medical privacy. It's not hard to fathom the idea that women should have the right to make their own decisions.
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

No all women want the right to decide when to increase their families. The right to medical privacy. It's not hard to fathom the idea that women should have the right to make their own decisions.
They can make those decisions with their own money.
Purely emotional, brainwashed to hate GOP argument. SC says only first 3 months basically, and that at 3 months definitely is NOT human or murder. ARRRGGGHHHH> It's OVER. STFU tyvm. Adjudicated. You want 5000 women a year to die a year with illegal abortions? Fecking destructive GOP wedge issue, for dupes only..
Here we go again. The lying New BS GOP screws the hell out of you people, and you vote for them because of wedge issues that are moot. Thank God the Dems are making abortions rare with free birth control. More than free, brainwashed functional morons. This law has been
Yes, you scum promote unsafe and immoral treatment of humans... but don't let ethics, morals, and principles spoil your knuckle dragging rants... Neanderthal!
Listen jackass, 99% of abortions take place within 3 months when the SC says they're certainly NOT human, and the rest are to save the life of the mother. End of story, brainwashed functional morons.

So fucking genius... The fucking SCOTUS has made an exception of what is currently U.S. law... fucking baby killer, the SCOTUS should lose all of it's usurped power over our lives.

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

You do understand that this COVERS INCEPTION, don't you maggot?

Nope. It takes several days for the zygote to reach the womb for attachment.

Does any gov provide an ID (SSN) at that stage?
When there's a miscarriage, does God get blamed for murder?
Shall we demand God give up his son again so we can crucify him a second time, then a 3rd time, etc?
That`s nonsense. Abortion has been practiced since ancient times and Christians have practiced it as well. there is nothing stated in the Bible about prohibition of abortion. A child who was not born (especially it concerns early period of pregnancy - when it is possible to make an abortion) is not a formed man.
^^the new liberal mass mailing talking point.

Since when is telling the truth a "Liberal Mass Mailing Talking Point."

The bastard son of the non-existent god never said one flaming word about Abortion. Jesus did loudly and soundly condemn Divorce, not a word about Abortion.

I know Cons hate the truth, especially when it conflicts with their fictional worked called the bible.
I like how posts remain unresponded to until I just happen to log in.

It's like magic..... Or not.
Here we go again. The lying New BS GOP screws the hell out of you people, and you vote for them because of wedge issues that are moot. Thank God the Dems are making abortions rare with free birth control. More than free, brainwashed functional morons. This law has been
Listen jackass, 99% of abortions take place within 3 months when the SC says they're certainly NOT human, and the rest are to save the life of the mother. End of story, brainwashed functional morons.

So fucking genius... The fucking SCOTUS has made an exception of what is currently U.S. law... fucking baby killer, the SCOTUS should lose all of it's usurped power over our lives.

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

You do understand that this COVERS INCEPTION, don't you maggot?

Nope. It takes several days for the zygote to reach the womb for attachment.

Does any gov provide an ID (SSN) at that stage?
When there's a miscarriage, does God get blamed for murder?
Shall we demand God give up his son again so we can crucify him a second time, then a 3rd time, etc?
That`s nonsense. Abortion has been practiced since ancient times and Christians have practiced it as well. there is nothing stated in the Bible about prohibition of abortion. A child who was not born (especially it concerns early period of pregnancy - when it is possible to make an abortion) is not a formed man.
^^the new liberal mass mailing talking point.

Since when is telling the truth a "Liberal Mass Mailing Talking Point."

The bastard son of the non-existent god never said one flaming word about Abortion. Jesus did loudly and soundly condemn Divorce, not a word about Abortion.

I know Cons hate the truth, especially when it conflicts with their fictional worked called the bible.
I remember something about putting a sword in all the pregnant women bellies and marrying the virgins during that 40 day walkathon.
This whole thing is silly . PP Ais not some secret body part selling front .

We should be happy this stuff goes to research . Believe u me , if a conservatives kid gets sick he ain't turning doe the cure that comes from this research .
^^^^Abortionists' wet dream
Here we go again. The lying New BS GOP screws the hell out of you people, and you vote for them because of wedge issues that are moot. Thank God the Dems are making abortions rare with free birth control. More than free, brainwashed functional morons. This law has been
Listen jackass, 99% of abortions take place within 3 months when the SC says they're certainly NOT human, and the rest are to save the life of the mother. End of story, brainwashed functional morons.

So fucking genius... The fucking SCOTUS has made an exception of what is currently U.S. law... fucking baby killer, the SCOTUS should lose all of it's usurped power over our lives.

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

You do understand that this COVERS INCEPTION, don't you maggot?

Nope. It takes several days for the zygote to reach the womb for attachment.

Does any gov provide an ID (SSN) at that stage?
When there's a miscarriage, does God get blamed for murder?
Shall we demand God give up his son again so we can crucify him a second time, then a 3rd time, etc?
That`s nonsense. Abortion has been practiced since ancient times and Christians have practiced it as well. there is nothing stated in the Bible about prohibition of abortion. A child who was not born (especially it concerns early period of pregnancy - when it is possible to make an abortion) is not a formed man.
^^the new liberal mass mailing talking point.

Since when is telling the truth a "Liberal Mass Mailing Talking Point."

The bastard son of the non-existent god never said one flaming word about Abortion. Jesus did loudly and soundly condemn Divorce, not a word about Abortion.

I know Cons hate the truth, especially when it conflicts with their fictional worked called the bible.

Why do the anti-Christian, anti-child, anti-female morons think that their statements about God and what God wants have any relevance to this conversation?

Abortion on demand constitutes a human rights violation, and PP is running a racket that kills women and children, and empowers and protects human traffickers, pimps, and abusers.

And so far, not one person has been saved thanks to the parts trafficking that PP butchers are engaged in. They aren't engaging in *research*. They're selling meat.
They can make those decisions with their own money.

Fed $ hasn't gone towards abortion since the 1970s.

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (01/24/2013)

Hyde Amendment Codification Act - Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law .

Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services, and plans receiving federal funds must keep them segregated from any funds for abortion services.)

Excludes from such prohibitions an abortion if: (1) the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or (2) the woman suffers from a physical disorder, injury, or illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would place her in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, as certified by a physician.

S.142 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Hyde Amendment Codification Act | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
So fucking genius... The fucking SCOTUS has made an exception of what is currently U.S. law... fucking baby killer, the SCOTUS should lose all of it's usurped power over our lives.

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

You do understand that this COVERS INCEPTION, don't you maggot?

Nope. It takes several days for the zygote to reach the womb for attachment.

Does any gov provide an ID (SSN) at that stage?
When there's a miscarriage, does God get blamed for murder?
Shall we demand God give up his son again so we can crucify him a second time, then a 3rd time, etc?
That`s nonsense. Abortion has been practiced since ancient times and Christians have practiced it as well. there is nothing stated in the Bible about prohibition of abortion. A child who was not born (especially it concerns early period of pregnancy - when it is possible to make an abortion) is not a formed man.
^^the new liberal mass mailing talking point.

Since when is telling the truth a "Liberal Mass Mailing Talking Point."

The bastard son of the non-existent god never said one flaming word about Abortion. Jesus did loudly and soundly condemn Divorce, not a word about Abortion.

I know Cons hate the truth, especially when it conflicts with their fictional worked called the bible.

Why do the anti-Christian, anti-child, anti-female morons think that their statements about God and what God wants have any relevance to this conversation?

Abortion on demand constitutes a human rights violation, and PP is running a racket that kills women and children, and empowers and protects human traffickers, pimps, and abusers.

And so far, not one person has been saved thanks to the parts trafficking that PP butchers are engaged in. They aren't engaging in *research*. They're selling meat.

There is such things as "Abortion on demand." - a fictitious RW Lie.

No U.S. Government Funds, No U.S. Tax Payer Dollars are used t o fund or pay for Abortion - Fictitious RW Lie.

No fetal tissue is sold - Fictitious RW Lie.

Keep going, your lies are old and worn out.
Nope. It takes several days for the zygote to reach the womb for attachment.

Does any gov provide an ID (SSN) at that stage?
When there's a miscarriage, does God get blamed for murder?
Shall we demand God give up his son again so we can crucify him a second time, then a 3rd time, etc?
That`s nonsense. Abortion has been practiced since ancient times and Christians have practiced it as well. there is nothing stated in the Bible about prohibition of abortion. A child who was not born (especially it concerns early period of pregnancy - when it is possible to make an abortion) is not a formed man.
^^the new liberal mass mailing talking point.

Since when is telling the truth a "Liberal Mass Mailing Talking Point."

The bastard son of the non-existent god never said one flaming word about Abortion. Jesus did loudly and soundly condemn Divorce, not a word about Abortion.

I know Cons hate the truth, especially when it conflicts with their fictional worked called the bible.

Why do the anti-Christian, anti-child, anti-female morons think that their statements about God and what God wants have any relevance to this conversation?

Abortion on demand constitutes a human rights violation, and PP is running a racket that kills women and children, and empowers and protects human traffickers, pimps, and abusers.

And so far, not one person has been saved thanks to the parts trafficking that PP butchers are engaged in. They aren't engaging in *research*. They're selling meat.

There is such things as "Abortion on demand." - a fictitious RW Lie.

No U.S. Government Funds, No U.S. Tax Payer Dollars are used t o fund or pay for Abortion - Fictitious RW Lie.

No fetal tissue is sold - Fictitious RW Lie.

Keep going, your lies are old and worn out.
Proof of all three has already been posted.
Nope. It takes several days for the zygote to reach the womb for attachment.

Does any gov provide an ID (SSN) at that stage?
When there's a miscarriage, does God get blamed for murder?
Shall we demand God give up his son again so we can crucify him a second time, then a 3rd time, etc?
That`s nonsense. Abortion has been practiced since ancient times and Christians have practiced it as well. there is nothing stated in the Bible about prohibition of abortion. A child who was not born (especially it concerns early period of pregnancy - when it is possible to make an abortion) is not a formed man.
^^the new liberal mass mailing talking point.

Since when is telling the truth a "Liberal Mass Mailing Talking Point."

The bastard son of the non-existent god never said one flaming word about Abortion. Jesus did loudly and soundly condemn Divorce, not a word about Abortion.

I know Cons hate the truth, especially when it conflicts with their fictional worked called the bible.

Why do the anti-Christian, anti-child, anti-female morons think that their statements about God and what God wants have any relevance to this conversation?

Abortion on demand constitutes a human rights violation, and PP is running a racket that kills women and children, and empowers and protects human traffickers, pimps, and abusers.

And so far, not one person has been saved thanks to the parts trafficking that PP butchers are engaged in. They aren't engaging in *research*. They're selling meat.

There is such things as "Abortion on demand." - a fictitious RW Lie.

No U.S. Government Funds, No U.S. Tax Payer Dollars are used t o fund or pay for Abortion - Fictitious RW Lie.

No fetal tissue is sold - Fictitious RW Lie.

Keep going, your lies are old and worn out.

Then why are PP doctors quoting prices for body parts in at least 4 of those video's? And why has an INDEPENDENT FORENSIC FIRM stated that the video's were unedited in any way.

  1. Breaking: Forensic report finds Planned Parenthood...
    Sep 28, 2015 · ... Forensic report finds Planned Parenthood videos are ‘authentic’ and unaltered ... a forensics firm that does analysis for criminal investigations.
    1. Breaking: Forensic report finds Planned Parenthood...
      Sep 28, 2015 · ... a forensics firm ... Were Planned Parenthood Videos Produced Unethically? Forensic report finds Planned Parenthood video are authentic and unaltered.
    1. Breaking: Forensic report finds Planned Parenthood...
      ... videos of Planned Parenthood shot by the Center for Medical Progress are authentic and unaltered, according to a forensics ... a forensics firm that ...
Nope. It takes several days for the zygote to reach the womb for attachment.

Does any gov provide an ID (SSN) at that stage?
When there's a miscarriage, does God get blamed for murder?
Shall we demand God give up his son again so we can crucify him a second time, then a 3rd time, etc?
That`s nonsense. Abortion has been practiced since ancient times and Christians have practiced it as well. there is nothing stated in the Bible about prohibition of abortion. A child who was not born (especially it concerns early period of pregnancy - when it is possible to make an abortion) is not a formed man.
^^the new liberal mass mailing talking point.

Since when is telling the truth a "Liberal Mass Mailing Talking Point."

The bastard son of the non-existent god never said one flaming word about Abortion. Jesus did loudly and soundly condemn Divorce, not a word about Abortion.

I know Cons hate the truth, especially when it conflicts with their fictional worked called the bible.

Why do the anti-Christian, anti-child, anti-female morons think that their statements about God and what God wants have any relevance to this conversation?

Abortion on demand constitutes a human rights violation, and PP is running a racket that kills women and children, and empowers and protects human traffickers, pimps, and abusers.

And so far, not one person has been saved thanks to the parts trafficking that PP butchers are engaged in. They aren't engaging in *research*. They're selling meat.

There is such things as "Abortion on demand." - a fictitious RW Lie.

No U.S. Government Funds, No U.S. Tax Payer Dollars are used t o fund or pay for Abortion - Fictitious RW Lie.

No fetal tissue is sold - Fictitious RW Lie.

Keep going, your lies are old and worn out.

You're the only person who claims that either one of those things is untrue, lol. Odd, PP doesn't deny it.

So why do you lie to protect them, when they aren't even telling that lie to protect themselves?

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