Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

So lets get this straight...

A woman of 18 is expecting a baby by a man who has just done a runner. He had no job and no means of support as well. She has no means of income apart from the government.
Who is paying for this kid to be brought up? Who is advocating the massive expanse in welfare?
No, just prosecute for murder after the fact.


What about women who have a miscarriage, are they going to be prosecuted too? And the mistresses or daughters from all those pro life politicians who get a quiet abortion in another country? Will they be investigated by the FBI? Maybe all women should be scanned by the TSA to see if they are pregnant before they board a plane?

A women's body is not my business, I'm a male who believes in privacy and who happens to be a realist.

Who told you that you were a realist ?

Good grief, junior...you believe everything ?
I'm a realist when it comes to this issue, even if you anti women nuts managed to make abortion illegal and pass your life at conception garbage, you do realize how hysterical it would be? It will largely be ignored, like it was in the past.

You are so right on the your last point.

And still a dumbass on the others.

First, I am not anti-abortion. I am anti-dumbass when it comes to the very sad generation now making it's way out of kindergarten.

Anti abortion laws are a goal-line stand. By the time a woman shows up at a clinic tons of things have happened that potentially could have been averted.

We break marriages up at an incredible rate and we have young men with attitudes towards women that would have gotten them beat to a pulp by grown ups 20 or 30 years ago.

We've crushed the family...and we pay for it in many ways.

But the truth is that the hard right has hemmed in Roe..whether you like it or not. I am not arguing it is good...I am simply saying your overly simplistic statements are meaningless as are most of your posts.
It'd be easier for families to stay together if wages weren't stagnant for decades.

That is simply stupid.

Marriage is an economic efficiency.

Families would stay together if mothers and fathers were not so selfish.

A cold and dispassionate assessment if ever was one. I love my wife and our marriage is not based on economic necessity. And according to the Conservative Base of the Republican Party, Marriage the rock upon which the American Family is built and of course for childbirth. Without a husband and a wife no babies.
War, in our case, is about defending ourselves from our enemies. Refuse to fight such a war ends in our own deaths. Or worse becoming a Caliphate. The ones who which to conquer the world won't see reason. You can't talk peace with them. You can only kill them until they are all dead.

So the "Right To Life" does not exist for unborn babies based upon where they are conceived? An unborn in Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan does not have the "Right To Life" as an unborn American?

Since when do you get to play the god you claim to worship, and under whose name you continue to invoke your so-called "Right To Life"?

Since when is an unborn child responsible for what country it is conceived in?

Who told you play god?
I don't worship a god and I was talking about all human life not just unborn life.

You're mixing subjects. War is unavoidable when one side demands you capitulate or die. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life enslaved to them that is. Being willing to fight a war is not the same thing as having an abortion or not having one. In a war you justify killing in the name of self defense. With the unborn they aren't attacking you therefore you have no justification for killing it.
Plenty of justification to abort a fetus. Privacy, rape, incest, financial issues, emotional issues.. Oh, it's a fucking fetus.
None of that is the Fetus's fault. It has rights too.
A fetus does not have rights, the implications of such a disastrous proposal are laughable. Miscarriages would have to be investigated as possible murders, morning after pills would be murder..

And there certain Republicans who would have a Woman tried for murder if she has a miscarriage.
Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.
About this time next year, you are going to see an ad on TV. That ad will have a grainy photograph of your Democratic Congressman or Senator. The voiceover will inform you that your Democrat voted for the harvesting of organs from murdered babies.

That is the purpose of this bill. The GOP knew it wouldn't get past Obama. They just needed to get some Democrats on record as voting to fund the harvesting of healthy organs from live babies.
No, just prosecute for murder after the fact.


What about women who have a miscarriage, are they going to be prosecuted too? And the mistresses or daughters from all those pro life politicians who get a quiet abortion in another country? Will they be investigated by the FBI? Maybe all women should be scanned by the TSA to see if they are pregnant before they board a plane?

I don't believe in prosecuting drug users for being drug users. But I do believe in prosecuting the dealers for selling the drugs.

We just need to imprison the doctors for doing abortions.
So lets get this straight...

A woman of 18 is expecting a baby by a man who has just done a runner. He had no job and no means of support as well. She has no means of income apart from the government.
Who is paying for this kid to be brought up? Who is advocating the massive expanse in welfare?
The father of the child has a Social Security number. He can run, but he can't hide.

After he is found, we send him to Gitmo for a little waterboarding to straighten him out.
All the Conservative's posting here have proven something that I have known for a very long time.

Their deeply held Moral Convictions regarding their so-called "Right To Life" are not deeply held nor are they Moral Convictions. The so-called "Right To Life" is nothing but a politically ambiguous slogan meaning nothing.

An empty worded slogan used to stir up the base and raise money. Republicans could have passed landmark legislation under bush43 and he would have signed it. Republicans had clear majorities in both the House and the Senate and passing such legislation would have easily passed. Instead the Republicans sat on their hands and did nothing. The Republicans will never lift a finger regarding abortion or pass legislation banning abortion. Anti-Abortion is a great fund raiser.

Republicans do not respect the so-called "Right To Life", they prefer to wage war and campaign on Capital Punishment, neither having nothing to do with the so-called "Right To Life".

Republicans are Pro-Fetus, once the baby is born they could care lss.
These right wing nut jobs actually believe overturning roe v. Wade and defunding health clinics for poor women will stop abortion. God help us all.

Let's repeal murder laws too. Cause they don't prevent murder.
Ridiculous comparison, as expected from the dishonest right who lack an understanding of privacy and basic science.

Sorry logic is foreign to you.
Comparing abortion and murder is like comparing apples and fish.
Both end up with a human dead ..... that's the same bot different. ... you must have flunked kindergarten

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No, just prosecute for murder after the fact.


What about women who have a miscarriage, are they going to be prosecuted too? And the mistresses or daughters from all those pro life politicians who get a quiet abortion in another country? Will they be investigated by the FBI? Maybe all women should be scanned by the TSA to see if they are pregnant before they board a plane?

A miscarriage is not having it sucked out with a vacume .... you baby killers are fucked up

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Here we go again. The lying New BS GOP screws the hell out of you people, and you vote for them because of wedge issues that are moot. Thank God the Dems are making abortions rare with free birth control. More than free, brainwashed functional morons. This law has been
Here we go again, hater dupes. The lying New BS GOP screws the hell out of you people, and you vote for them because of wedge issues that are moot. Thank God the Dems are making abortions rare with free birth control. More than free, brainwashed functional morons.

This law has been on the books for 44 years, and your heroes don't do anything when they can. We used to have 5k women and girls die a year with your idiocy. When you have a vagina, call us, assholes.

Yes, you scum promote unsafe and immoral treatment of humans... but don't let ethics, morals, and principles spoil your knuckle dragging rants... Neanderthal!
Listen jackass, 99% of abortions take place within 3 months when the SC says they're certainly NOT human, and the rest are to save the life of the mother. End of story, brainwashed functional morons.

So fucking genius... The fucking SCOTUS has made an exception of what is currently U.S. law... fucking baby killer, the SCOTUS should lose all of it's usurped power over our lives.

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

You do understand that this COVERS INCEPTION, don't you maggot?

Nope. It takes several days for the zygote to reach the womb for attachment.

Does any gov provide an ID (SSN) at that stage?
When there's a miscarriage, does God get blamed for murder?
Shall we demand God give up his son again so we can crucify him a second time, then a 3rd time, etc?
That`s nonsense. Abortion has been practiced since ancient times and Christians have practiced it as well. there is nothing stated in the Bible about prohibition of abortion. A child who was not born (especially it concerns early period of pregnancy - when it is possible to make an abortion) is not a formed man.

Well, we should DEFINITELY be guided entirely by what people did when they were almost wholly ignorant of biological science. Leeches, anyone?
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Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.

I do not understand what all the hubbub is about. The abortion happened, the women decided to terminate it, it is already dead. Would they be happier if the hospital just put it in the incinerator? It is not planned parenthood that is having abortions. It is pregnant women. And they use the unwanted material for science. They act like planned parenthood is impregnating women and forcing them to have abortions so they could make money off of the material.

I don't care if women get abortions. if they do not like abortions don't get them. Lol trying to control things that are out of your control is crazy. Just make a law saying no Christians are allowed to have abortions. Problem solved.

I am speechless. I have seen many posts from people who are utterly ignorant of a topic and proud of that ignorance - but in no way hindered from gasbagging about it, nonetheless - but you absolutely stand out from the crowd for both sheer imbecility and utterly erroneous self-satisfaction therein. If I thought for a second that you possessed an ounce of shame, I would suggest that you never, ever, EVER comment in public on anything more significant than the weather for the rest of your existence, because God knows, you are stunningly unqualified to do so.

But if you had a sense of shame, you wouldn't be such a mindwiped fuckstain in the first place, so . . .
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

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How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are stilll legal and available elsewhere
It doesn't it just keeps my money away from it.

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None of the federal funding to Planned Parenthood goes for abortions. It all goes to womens health services

How will blocking women from getting pap smears end abortion?
Nothing the abortion factory does other then abortions need to be done there. There are thousands upon thousands of clinics which do these things for free in a cleaner and more professional manner. our tax dollars are freeing up money for more abortions thus we are paying for abortions. Besides I thought you commie hippies hated giving money to criminals?

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Except for abortion, everything PP does can be done by the Minute Clinic at the local CVS Pharmacy. PP is completely useless and superfluous in every area except abortion. And THAT can be done without any tax assistance whatsoever.
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are still legal and available elsewhere

Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are still legal and available elsewhere

The anti-abortionists ("Nazis" against pro-choice) are so focused on that one issue that they don't care about the other 90% of the services provided by PP. They are extremists, not unlike ISIS.
It's like ...
If a patient has a headache, then have his head cut off. That will end the headache.

No, sweetie, I know you'd like to believe that, and I know you're stupid enough to believe that so long as all you hear is the Democrat echo chamber. But the fact is, we DO care about the other services, and unlike you, we know they are already provided by any number of other places. PP is completely non-essential for any service other than abortion, and we're not interested in being part of that.

You are the extremist. Extremely gullible, that is.

You should worry about YOUR OWN biological matter, not others like in that pic you posted.
I am concerned about my own family's welfare, as you should be about your own.
The moment you DICTATE to others & force YOUR beliefs on them, then you become a Nazi like portrayed in your pic.

I see you're another who would TURN THEIR BACK, as they did in Germany, in the second World War to INHUMANE TREATMENT! Bet you're all for the Syrian terrorists moving into America without any vetting or criminal history.... You disgust me!

WTF? Where's your logic? How do you arrive at your accusations?
I'm not the one who wants to force my beliefs onto others, like Nazi anti-choice extremists do.
Your stupid diversion is noted.

I betcha you would TURN YOUR BACK on those poor uneducated women after they give birth to unwanted babies. Now that's INHUMANE TREATMENT too!

Seriously, can you BE any more pointless?

"I don't want to force my beliefs onto others, I just want to make them pay for things they vehemently disagree with via the government! YOU are the one forcing your beliefs onto others by selfishly denying them your tax dollars!" Yeah, that makes sense. I'm in awe of how brilliant and logical that makes you. God, you should be so proud of yourself.

And then, of course, the triumphantly accusatory straw man - "You've never said this, but I just KNOW you think it, and I am denouncing it just as if you HAD said it! I win!" What a masterful example you have set of . . . not a damned thing worth having. Bravo!
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

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How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are still legal and available elsewhere

Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are still legal and available elsewhere

The anti-abortionists ("Nazis" against pro-choice) are so focused on that one issue that they don't care about the other 90% of the services provided by PP. They are extremists, not unlike ISIS.
It's like ...
If a patient has a headache, then have his head cut off. That will end the headache.

No, sweetie, I know you'd like to believe that, and I know you're stupid enough to believe that so long as all you hear is the Democrat echo chamber. But the fact is, we DO care about the other services, and unlike you, we know they are already provided by any number of other places. PP is completely non-essential for any service other than abortion, and we're not interested in being part of that.

You are the extremist. Extremely gullible, that is.
Dem echo chamber? LOL. There's the Pub Propaganda machine here, and then there's the rest of the world, dingbat. Try any other channel. lol
Are Repubs going to shut down all hospitals? How about research labs that use fetal tissue?

Sick of Repubs refusing to do their job. Sick of them taking away from the least among us, just to line their own pockets.


Just the ones that buy and sell the parts, dear. I know it's hard for you to hold a thought in your head for more than two seconds at a time, but DO try to keep focus on what the subject of conversation actually is.

Sick of leftists being hypocrites. Sick of them moving the goalposts in every conversation, just because they care more about winning than about doing what's right for the country and its people.

I can only assume by "least among us" you mean "least human among us", because you sick bastards are only nominally in that category.
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are still legal and available elsewhere

Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
How does defunding Planned Parenthood end abortions?

They are still legal and available elsewhere

The anti-abortionists ("Nazis" against pro-choice) are so focused on that one issue that they don't care about the other 90% of the services provided by PP. They are extremists, not unlike ISIS.
It's like ...
If a patient has a headache, then have his head cut off. That will end the headache.

No, sweetie, I know you'd like to believe that, and I know you're stupid enough to believe that so long as all you hear is the Democrat echo chamber. But the fact is, we DO care about the other services, and unlike you, we know they are already provided by any number of other places. PP is completely non-essential for any service other than abortion, and we're not interested in being part of that.

You are the extremist. Extremely gullible, that is.
Dem echo chamber? LOL. There's the Pub Propaganda machine here, and then there's the rest of the world, dingbat. Try any other channel. lol

Some people are so ignorant and pointless that I ignore them. Other people are even more ignorant and pointless, such that they're not even worth that much effort.

See if you all can guess which is which.
Of course he will veto it..... all progressives want dead babies it is what evil fucks do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

But even you RWs know that this will not stop any abortions.

It would not stop even one abortion.

Again I ask - are the Repubs going to close down all the hospitals?

How about NIH? How about all the other researchers who use fetal tissue.

BTW dupes - the video of the baby on the table is fake.

Way to miss the fucking point.

I think what we're trying to stop is taxpayer funding of ghouls.

Perhaps you should try writing the topic of discussion on a sticky note and putting it on your monitor. You DO seem to have some difficulty focusing.
Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

Not good news for all the opponents to abortion who want deprive women their rights, better life and health. The Planned Parenthood won`t be defunded. Obama will veto Republican anti-abortion bill. Voila! Yet some of his presidential projects could be appreciated.

Good. Assholes trying to tell a Woman she has no right to decide what medical procedures she can and cannot have.

No, Chuckles, I realize that nuance is a bit much for you, but we're ACTUALLY telling her she has no right to force us to pay for them. What medical procedures she has ON HER OWN FUCKING CHEAP-ASS DIME is a separate topic.

Seriously, this lack of focus and memory from you leftwing shitheads is really becoming severe.

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