Obama: Time to address American culture ‘that too often glorifies guns and violence’


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
never let a good crisis or in this case a tragedy go to waste..
Links and video at site

December 21, 2012 | 6:31 am | Modified: December 21, 2012 at 6:35 am

President Obama this morning issued a video response to a White House petition demanding more gun control – specifically mentioning America’s gun culture.

Obama signaled that although he believed in the Second Amendment, most Americans were lawful gun owners who would support his ideas for gun control.

“I am also betting that the majority — the vast majority — of responsible, law-abiding gun owners would be some of the first to say that we should be able to keep an irresponsible, law-breaking few from buying a weapon of war,” he said promoting the idea of an assault rifle ban and ending the sale of high capacity magazines. Obama added that he believed in better background checks, and closing the gun show loophole.

Obama also promised to address the culture in America, “that too often glorifies guns and violence,” as well as school safety and mental health care.

“If we work harder to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, there would be fewer atrocities like the one in Newtown — or any of the lesser-known tragedies that visit small towns and big cities all across America every day,” Obama concluded.

The President asked Americans to leave a comment regarding gun control on the White House website.

Obama: Time to address American culture
I'd rather transform the American Culture that glorifies government. Talk about your real serial killers.
When obama orders the round up and arrest of gang members including those in black or hispanic gangs, I'll believe he intends to do something about dangerous people. When he starts opening insane asylums, he might be taken seriously.
I wish this man would stay out of our lives...HE IS not our daddy..He makes me sick

Wait a minute.

I could be wrong here, but didn't LaPierre have similar comments in his statements? Didn't he discuss a culture that feeds into violence?

Hey, I realize the two ends of the spectrum aren't allowed to agree on anything, but we're staring a pretty obvious problem right in the face here. God damn, folks, nothing gets accomplished until the egos are put away and points of agreement are celebrated and acted on.



Wait a minute.

I could be wrong here, but didn't LaPierre have similar comments in his statements? Didn't he discuss a culture that feeds into violence?

Hey, I realize the two ends of the spectrum aren't allowed to agree on anything, but we're staring a pretty obvious problem right in the face here. God damn, folks, nothing gets accomplished until the egos are put away and points of agreement are celebrated and acted on.



LaPierre doesn't have the POWER to inflict his thoughts and wants on us.
Hypocritical doesn't begin to describe Obama's (or any other politicians') crocodile tears over dead civilians, children (or policemen)

"The strikes by the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) which have continued in Pakistan’s tribal areas since 2004 have intensified during the Obama era. In one of the major drone attacks more than 40 civilians and policemen were killed on March 18, 2011 in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan. In the past few months, these unmanned aircraft killed more than 100 people in North Waziristan."

Killing Civilians: Obama’s Drone War in Pakistan | Global Research

As Empires decay the violence they inflict outside their borders comes home to roost.
We should be looking for ways to remove the profit$ from ALL killing.

Wait a minute.

I could be wrong here, but didn't LaPierre have similar comments in his statements? Didn't he discuss a culture that feeds into violence?

Hey, I realize the two ends of the spectrum aren't allowed to agree on anything, but we're staring a pretty obvious problem right in the face here. God damn, folks, nothing gets accomplished until the egos are put away and points of agreement are celebrated and acted on.


You fail to grasp the situation.

There is nothing that needs to be accomplished.
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Wait a minute.

I could be wrong here, but didn't LaPierre have similar comments in his statements? Didn't he discuss a culture that feeds into violence?

Hey, I realize the two ends of the spectrum aren't allowed to agree on anything, but we're staring a pretty obvious problem right in the face here. God damn, folks, nothing gets accomplished until the egos are put away and points of agreement are celebrated and acted on.



LaPierre doesn't have the POWER to inflict his thoughts and wants on us.

So it's okay when LaPierre says it, but not okay when Obama says it?


Wait a minute.

I could be wrong here, but didn't LaPierre have similar comments in his statements? Didn't he discuss a culture that feeds into violence?

Hey, I realize the two ends of the spectrum aren't allowed to agree on anything, but we're staring a pretty obvious problem right in the face here. God damn, folks, nothing gets accomplished until the egos are put away and points of agreement are celebrated and acted on.



LaPierre doesn't have the POWER to inflict his thoughts and wants on us.

Of course he doesn't. He can make a valid suggestion just like anyone else. For instance all those people who want drugs legalized and think the violence will go down if we just deprive more people of some cognitive ability.

Wait a minute.

I could be wrong here, but didn't LaPierre have similar comments in his statements? Didn't he discuss a culture that feeds into violence?

Hey, I realize the two ends of the spectrum aren't allowed to agree on anything, but we're staring a pretty obvious problem right in the face here. God damn, folks, nothing gets accomplished until the egos are put away and points of agreement are celebrated and acted on.



LaPierre doesn't have the POWER to inflict his thoughts and wants on us.

So it's okay when LaPierre says it, but not okay when Obama says it?


I don't care what LaPierre says..He isn't in a position to put his "visions" off on us
this was a comment from the site

More sanctimonious lecturing, useless platitudes and asinine demagoguery from the ever-hypocritical and self-styled know-it-all sage, Obama. A "culture in America, that too often glorifies guns and violence?" Gee, that wouldn't be a reference to Hollywood and hip-hop, would it, two cultural mainstays Obama has milked for his big-money fundraisers, procuring vast sums of cash and photo-ops with a coterie of rappers, actors and producers who create much of the violent content which he now sanctimoniously criticizes?

Unless the root cause of this violence is being addressed, all these gun proposals and hand-wringing about a "culture of violence" are naive and simplistic political grandstanding that don't address the root cause of this behavior -- profound mental illness and/or emotional distress. The focus of politicians and policymakers has to properly be centered on identifying mentally ill people and getting them the treatment they require -- whether that be counseling, medication, confinement in a facility, or some combination thereof -- before they embark on a violent outburst.

Why won't Obama address mental illness, the underlying root cause of these shootings? Because, like his fellow opportunistic Dems, he prefers simplistic and pat solutions that rely on demagoguery and distortion with respect to firearms, as opposed to the much more complex but less attention-getting realm of mental illness.

This is about mentally ill people not receiving the treatment that they need, with persons who are best in a position to observe their behavior and to intervene to try to get them help -- friends, family, co-workers, educators, etc. -- failing to do so. As a society and as individuals, we need to start showing a greater awareness of the emotional states and mental conditions of people around us that we interact with on a daily basis, but we also need more effective support resources for parents, educators and others who are confronting mentally ill persons. Let's be realistic -- mentally healthy and emotionally stable people do not commit acts such as these horrific mass shootings.

Putting the blame on guns, video games, movies, etc. is a simplistic and naive reduction that doesn't address the underlying cause of why these people are acting the way they are. A greater focus on identifying mentally ill and emotionally disturbed people and getting them the appropriate mental health treatment that they need is the only thing that is going to stop similar tragedies in the future. Everything else is just useless and self-serving political grandstanding.

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