Obama to address his asshole energy polices


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama to address gas prices, pitch energy policy | Political Headlines | Comcast
President Barack Obama is confronting Americans' anxiety over rising gasoline prices by drawing attention to his energy policies and taking credit for rising oil and gas production, a greater mix of energy sources and decreased consumption.

Obama is heading to Florida on Thursday to promote an energy strategy that the administration says will reduce dependence on foreign oil in the long term. But Obama's pitch will also have a subtext: that the federal government can do little to halt the current rise in gasoline prices.

What guy , leading the sheep right off the cliff:cuckoo:
He has no claim to rising oil production, but can take credit for policies and a budget that will stifle both oil AND natural gas production.

Get ready for the spin, folks. The sad thing is, there are plenty of morons out there that will lap it up like manna.
Gee, all we have to do is give obama total dictatorial powers and he will fix it!
To little oil the price goes up,to much oil the price goes up,some oil executive scratches his ass and the price goes,were all screwed with the way this country is run.....
Your republican tact is what created a good part of this mess.

why did gas skyrocket in 2002?
Quick! Derail to the Bush years!

It's like clock work with these foaming at the mouth "progressives"
He has no claim to rising oil production, but can take credit for policies and a budget that will stifle both oil AND natural gas production.

Get ready for the spin, folks. The sad thing is, there are plenty of morons out there that will lap it up like manna.

Good fossil fuels cost twice as much as solar/wind/clean energy when you include health and environmental effects; only idiots think pollution is a good thing

Coal Does More Harm Than Good in Kentucky: $62 Million for Asthma Costs, $10 Billion for Lost Lives | ThinkProgress
^Another study finds that coal mining in Kentucky has a negative impact overall on the economy

Economists: Coal Is Incredibly Costly | ThinkProgress
^New study finds that Coal and Oil are more costly then renewable energy once health and environmental effects are included.

Life-cycle study: Accounting for total harm from coal would add "close to 17.8¢/kWh of electricity generated" | ThinkProgress
^New study fines that Coals negative effect on human health and the environmental cost the nation at least 125% more than the electricity generated from coal.
^Coal results in at least 30,000 American deaths each year.

Coal Is Cheap Because Of The Massive Unpriced Externalities | ThinkProgress
Coal's hidden costs top $345 billion in U.S.: study | Reuters
^Coals negative impact on health and the environment is estimated to cost the united states over 400 billion dollars yearly.
Put some of that wind energy in the gas tank will ya?

Good thing obama has decreed that cars run on algae.
He has no claim to rising oil production, but can take credit for policies and a budget that will stifle both oil AND natural gas production.

Get ready for the spin, folks. The sad thing is, there are plenty of morons out there that will lap it up like manna.

Remember this is from an Administration that believes the Failed Stimulus failed because it wasn't big enough to fund nonexistent "Shovel ready" projects and that unemployment stimulates the economy.

That's how you rack up annual trillion + deficits and get our first every credit downgrade
Hey......I just got a great idea

We should have Enron write our energy policy for us
He has no claim to rising oil production, but can take credit for policies and a budget that will stifle both oil AND natural gas production.

Get ready for the spin, folks. The sad thing is, there are plenty of morons out there that will lap it up like manna.

Remember this is from an Administration that believes the Failed Stimulus failed because it wasn't big enough to fund nonexistent "Shovel ready" projects and that unemployment stimulates the economy.

That's how you rack up annual trillion + deficits and get our first every credit downgrade

Obama's latest spin- take away "loopholes" from hydrocarbons in order to apply "incentives" to renewables and alternatives. :lol:

Funny how ordinary business decuctions as applied to oil and gas are called "loopholes", but those same deductions for other industries are not even addressed.

When's the last time (if ever) an oil or gas company was awarded a guaranteed government loan?
My favorite energy policy is ...Drill baby, drill

It always worked before and should work for the next 100 years

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