Obama To Americans: Socialism is the answer

the main point is Denmark is NOT socialist. There are no socialist countries in Europe left. but our leftards do not know that ;)

Denmark ranks higher than the United States on the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

I know. I also love it when our ignorant leftards confuse ( on purpose or some clearly do not understand the difference) the social-democrat policies of the modern democratic society with totalitarian grip of socialism.

I must have missed when the USA under Obama nationalized our industries.
Denmark ranks higher than the United States on the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

I know. I also love it when our ignorant leftards confuse ( on purpose or some clearly do not understand the difference) the social-democrat policies of the modern democratic society with totalitarian grip of socialism.

I must have missed when the USA under Obama nationalized our industries.

We are screwed to many vote their pocket book to get your money===never worked and never will,,going to take too many life times and complete failure before those who want to spend your money understand they need to go on a diet and spend only theirs.
From the article:

Obama's Words:

“there is a certain crowd in Washington who, for the last few decades, have said, let’s respond to this economic challenge with the same old tune. “The market will take care of everything,” they tell us. If we just cut more regulations and cut more taxes–especially for the wealthy–our economy will grow stronger. Sure, they say, there will be winners and losers. But if the winners do really well, then jobs and prosperity will eventually trickle down to everybody else. And, they argue, even if prosperity doesn’t trickle down, well, that’s the price of liberty.

Now, it’s a simple theory. And we have to admit, it’s one that speaks to our rugged individualism and our healthy skepticism of too much government. That’s in America’s DNA. And that theory fits well on a bumper sticker. (Laughter.) But here’s the problem: It doesn’t work. It has never worked. (Applause.) It didn’t work when it was tried in the decade before the Great Depression. It’s not what led to the incredible postwar booms of the ’50s and ’60s. And it didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade. (Applause.) I mean, understand, it’s not as if we haven’t tried this theory."

Far left revisionism at it's best.

Obama obviously flunked history if he thinks laizzes faire was tried during the Great Depression. That's the one thing that wasn't tried.

He was wrong to state that.

laizzes faire was the main reason for The Great Depression.

No, actually FDR was the main reason for the Great Depression. It could have been over in 1931 if Hoover and FRD hadn't done exactly all the wrong things to end a recession.
Denmark ranks higher than the United States on the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

I know. I also love it when our ignorant leftards confuse ( on purpose or some clearly do not understand the difference) the social-democrat policies of the modern democratic society with totalitarian grip of socialism.

I must have missed when the USA under Obama nationalized our industries.

Don't think he wouldn't have done it if he thought he could get away with it.
Wow, What a policy shift on your part, next time some free market true believer spouts off about the US needing more tax cuts, sweetheart deals and handouts to the rich maybe you can tell him he's full of shit? Not going to hold my breath.

link, liar :D

What do I need a link for? If you disagree with the ideas expressed in the speech excerpt then you must think that corporations need government support in the form of tax cuts and subsidies to keep Americans in work and therefore let all the wealth just trickle down on us like a sweet evening summer rain.

WHY are "tax cuts" government support?

WHY is it that allowing individuals to keep THEIR money a subsidy?!?!?!?!?!?

link, liar :D

What do I need a link for? If you disagree with the ideas expressed in the speech excerpt then you must think that corporations need government support in the form of tax cuts and subsidies to keep Americans in work and therefore let all the wealth just trickle down on us like a sweet evening summer rain.

WHY are "tax cuts" government support?

WHY is it that allowing individuals to keep THEIR money a subsidy?!?!?!?!?!?


It is if you look at it from the viewpoint of a tick on the ass of society. They view your gross income as government property. Every dime they allow you to keep means less sustenance for the ticks.
Obama To Americans: You Don't Deserve To Be Free
You’re nothing but a liar, you have zero credibility, not that this comes as a surprise, of course.

The president said nothing about Americans ‘not deserving to be free.’

He’s absolutely correct that rightist fiscal dogma advocating deregulation and ‘trickle down’ economics is a failed and bankrupt policy; and it’s ignorant partisan idiocy to infer that those appropriately opposed to failed rightwing fiscal dogma are ‘advocates’ of ‘communism’ or ‘socialism’ or whatever nonsense the right might perceive.

A pragmatic approach is best, not adhering blindly to a given fiscal dogma, where both the public and private sectors work together to realize the desired economic goal.

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us. The President is not correct that deregulation and tax cuts are failed and bankrupt policies. He has to ignore the last four years to reach such an idiotic conclusion.

Nor, do we need the public and private sectors working together. Period. Especially, since the question of the day is "What is the desired economic goal?". Get the friggin government out of the way, and the private sector will achieve many desired economic goals.

When government gets into bed with private enterprise, it screws up all associated market forces, and creates artificial winners and losers. It no longer is a measure of your merit in the market, it has become a game of whether or not you have friends in high places.
Your tired bullshit about socialism and big government seems kind of silly when you realize who actually gets the lion's share of government benefits/protections.

I own tattered copies of "Capitalism and Freedom" and "The Road to Serfdom" because I understand that there is another side of the coin, a very persuasive one. Please try to broaden your information sources.

And the far left shows that far left propaganda trumps facts.

Hi Kosh and Londoner:

So if both the left exploit government programs and votes to fund welfare for the poor (and blame the rightwing for favoring the rich) while the right exploit freedom to give the wealthy benefits (and blame the left for punishing the rich while keeping the poor dependent)

isn't that TWICE as messed up?

Don't two wrongs just spell double trouble?
How is this correcting anything to blame either the welfare to the poor or the welfare to the rich, and competing to demonize the other?

How is any of this projected blame back and forth promoting corrections and sustainable solutions that would stop both forms of govt waste at taxpayers expense?

Please note the Democrats are also criticized for giving corporate handouts to their benefactors, everything from the Solyndra contract scandal, to the settlement for BP that capped damages in exchange for trade offs with the federal govt at the expense of the communities suffering damage that won't be covered by the money allotted.

Obama's cousin Milton Wolf was right when he urged both left and right to unite against "crony capitalism."

As long as both sides blame the other, the rich vs the poor, liberals vs conservatives or Democrats vs Republicans, the same corporate game with politics cheats both sides from getting representation out of our taxation.

The media profits also, from getting people to invest millions if not billions of dollars in campaigns funding one bully to go after another, while nobody wins and no problems get resolved.

I hope we survive this learning curve before we go bankrupt, wasting billions of dollars fighting problems instead of investing directly in solutions.

What America must look like to other countries who don't have the same level or freedom of democratic participation and certainly no resources to waste like this! Must look nuts!
Obama obviously flunked history if he thinks laizzes faire was tried during the Great Depression. That's the one thing that wasn't tried.

He was wrong to state that.

laizzes faire was the main reason for The Great Depression.

No, actually FDR was the main reason for the Great Depression. It could have been over in 1931 if Hoover and FRD hadn't done exactly all the wrong things to end a recession.

No, actually the Great Depression started before FDR was even in office. Hoover made it much worse by having a "hands off" approach to it, FDR did the opposite. If both presidents took opposite approaches to it how the hell did both of them do the wrong things????
Pubs in the 20's wrecked the economy in the 20's just the same way Reaganism did 1982-2008- AND STILL DOES-, and the same way deregulation and corruption/cronyism did to cause the scandals and depressions- S and L SCANDAL ANYONE...- YOU HATER DUPES ARE AMAZING, LIKE ANOTHER PLANET.

yes, Euro Social Democracy is the answer, intelligent regulation and a good safety net- we're the new kids and ought to learn something from their history- like don't trust fascist liars and religious shennanigans....of course you brainwashed chumps think that's communism and tyrrany. IDIOCY. And they were just fine until the BOOOOSH depression of 2008- even though they don't have our natural resources...
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He was wrong to state that.

laizzes faire was the main reason for The Great Depression.

No, actually FDR was the main reason for the Great Depression. It could have been over in 1931 if Hoover and FRD hadn't done exactly all the wrong things to end a recession.

No, actually the Great Depression started before FDR was even in office. Hoover made it much worse by having a "hands off" approach to it, FDR did the opposite. If both presidents took opposite approaches to it how the hell did both of them do the wrong things????

That's what happens when you read propaganda rather than actual historical facts. Hoover didn't have a "hand's off" approach to it. He intervened intensively. He raised the top income tax rate to 75%. FDR continued Hoover's policies. He even admits it.

The liberal understanding of the Great Depression is all based on lies and bunk, obviously.
Lol...look at these crazy article titles from Forbes, gawd, since when did they turn into such a conservatoon nutjob house?

All of the articles you linked to (as well as the article in the OP) are by the same person at Forbes. He evidently likes to choose titles that are bold and inflammatory to catch attention.

Seems to work pretty well too since the titles seem to have upset you greatly.

By the way, the ideas expressed in the articles in question are not conservative (not even when you childishly change it to "conservatoon"). They are libertarian.

Is it really surprising that a business magazine would publish capitalist ideas?

Also, what exactly do you find crazy about the article titles?
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Pubs in the 20's wrecked the economy in the 20's just the same way Reaganism did 1982-2008- AND STILL DOES-, and the same way deregulation and corruption/cronyism did to cause the scandals and depressions- S and L SCANDAL ANYONE...- YOU HATER DUPES ARE AMAZING, LIKE ANOTHER PLANET.

yes, Euro Social Democracy is the answer, intelligent regulation and a good safety net- we're the new kids and ought to learn something from their history- like don't trust fascist liars and religious shennanigans....of course you brainwashed chumps think that's communism and tyrrany. IDIOCY. And they were just fine until the BOOOOSH depression of 2008- even though they don't have our natural resources...

Europe is moving away from socialism.

As did Canada in the late 90's and Australia most recently in their last election.

While the rest of the world moves away from socialism, America moves more towards it.
Pubs in the 20's wrecked the economy in the 20's just the same way Reaganism did 1982-2008- AND STILL DOES-, and the same way deregulation and corruption/cronyism did to cause the scandals and depressions- S and L SCANDAL ANYONE...- YOU HATER DUPES ARE AMAZING, LIKE ANOTHER PLANET.

yes, Euro Social Democracy is the answer, intelligent regulation and a good safety net- we're the new kids and ought to learn something from their history- like don't trust fascist liars and religious shennanigans....of course you brainwashed chumps think that's communism and tyrrany. IDIOCY. And they were just fine until the BOOOOSH depression of 2008- even though they don't have our natural resources...

Europe is moving away from socialism.

As did Canada in the late 90's and Australia most recently in their last election.

While the rest of the world moves away from socialism, America moves more towards it.

and it was not even socialism, to start with
Pubs in the 20's wrecked the economy in the 20's just the same way Reaganism did 1982-2008- AND STILL DOES-, and the same way deregulation and corruption/cronyism did to cause the scandals and depressions- S and L SCANDAL ANYONE...- YOU HATER DUPES ARE AMAZING, LIKE ANOTHER PLANET.

yes, Euro Social Democracy is the answer, intelligent regulation and a good safety net- we're the new kids and ought to learn something from their history- like don't trust fascist liars and religious shennanigans....of course you brainwashed chumps think that's communism and tyrrany. IDIOCY. And they were just fine until the BOOOOSH depression of 2008- even though they don't have our natural resources...

Europe is moving away from socialism.

As did Canada in the late 90's and Australia most recently in their last election.

While the rest of the world moves away from socialism, America moves more towards it.

and it was not even socialism, to start with

Call what you like but they are moving away from lefty polices.
Europe is moving away from socialism.

As did Canada in the late 90's and Australia most recently in their last election.

While the rest of the world moves away from socialism, America moves more towards it.

and it was not even socialism, to start with

Call what you like but they are moving away from lefty polices.

which is normal.

that how it is done in democratic society - if something doe not work - it is abandoned.

if you have socialism for real - you can not abandon it without violence.
President Obama’s Kansas speech is a remarkable document. In calling for more government controls, more taxation, more collectivism, he has two paragraphs that give the show away. Take a look at them.

“there is a certain crowd in Washington who, for the last few decades, have said, let’s respond to this economic challenge with the same old tune. “The market will take care of everything,” they tell us. If we just cut more regulations and cut more taxes–especially for the wealthy–our economy will grow stronger. Sure, they say, there will be winners and losers. But if the winners do really well, then jobs and prosperity will eventually trickle down to everybody else. And, they argue, even if prosperity doesn’t trickle down, well, that’s the price of liberty.

Now, it’s a simple theory. And we have to admit, it’s one that speaks to our rugged individualism and our healthy skepticism of too much government. That’s in America’s DNA. And that theory fits well on a bumper sticker. (Laughter.) But here’s the problem: It doesn’t work. It has never worked. (Applause.) It didn’t work when it was tried in the decade before the Great Depression. It’s not what led to the incredible postwar booms of the ’50s and ’60s. And it didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade. (Applause.) I mean, understand, it’s not as if we haven’t tried this theory."


That's weird. Obama gave that speech more than two years ago. Is the guy running out of material?

You can read the entire speech for yourself here: Remarks by the President on the Economy in Osawatomie, Kansas | The White House

Decide if it is a socialist speech for yourself.

Their speech is always the same.

Capitalism failed. What they don't tell you is their intervention is what caused it to fail.

And the ONLY way to correct the "problem" is by granting them more powers.

The politicians hate capitalism - it keeps the motherfuckers out of the loop.

Public schools that givesthe poor child a chance = socialism
Tax payer paid infrastructure and roads = socialism
Tax payer paid police and fire = socialism
unemployment = socialism
SSI and SSD = socialism
military and common defense = socialism

The idea of a public sector = socialism

You conservatives are purest morons that want something that would collapse this country.
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