Obama To Americans: Socialism is the answer

Obama is perhaps the greatest hypocrite to fill the office.
He says these things - but he is by faaaaaaaaar the greatest friend to Wall Street than any President before him. In no other instance in modern history has the wealthy elite done so well. In no time in the history of Wall Street have they broke earnings records THREE times in such a short time.
The Wealthy are doing fantastic, corporations are literally rolling in profits like never before. The rest of us suck ass. And he stands there and says this shit.
And people applause.
And this is why this country is failing.

Adolf Hitler learned early on that bureaucrats were lousy administrators. Reason he preferred fascism.

Hitler had a cozy relationship with the Krupp business empire.

Obama is perhaps the greatest hypocrite to fill the office.
He says these things - but he is by faaaaaaaaar the greatest friend to Wall Street than any President before him. In no other instance in modern history has the wealthy elite done so well. In no time in the history of Wall Street have they broke earnings records THREE times in such a short time.
The Wealthy are doing fantastic, corporations are literally rolling in profits like never before. The rest of us suck ass. And he stands there and says this shit.
And people applause.
And this is why this country is failing.

Adolf Hitler learned early on that bureaucrats were lousy administrators. Reason he preferred fascism.

Hitler had a cozy relationship with the Krupp business empire.


well, Hitler relied heavily on the government bureaucracy. Him being in favor of SELECT big businesses, extremely regulated and controlled by his government is actuality very similar to what obama administration and dimocraps, in general, are doing as well.

It is a corporate socialism. we just need the IRS and internal police finish it's transformation to be the prosecution limbs of the government based on political affiliations - and the transformation will be almost complete.
The nazi-like ideology of political correctness is already here.

we even have the scapegoats ready to be blamed for everything as Jews were - the conservative Christians and white males.
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yawn...anyone who has a close understands that its a combination of things that has created our economy. You can't solely blame government nor free market.
They are so interwoven now that its impossible to just go with one or the other.

Of course the OP doesnt understand this, and sadly doesnt get this issue is above her mental powers.
By your standards then the rich are parasitic as well for supporting republicans who then go on to give them undeserved tax breaks and tax payer money for jobs they just never seem to get around to creating. Corporate interests, especially banks continue to suck up a bazillion dollars a year from states and the federal government, is that socialism to you or does it have to be poor people and democrats doing it?

Any politician who supports welfare , warfare and parasitism is corrupt.

ANY politician who support bailing out failing companies is corrupt.

ANY politicians who supports allowing the government to manipulate the economy is a socialist.


Nice absolutist statements that only serve to cover your embarrassment at having not caught the thrust of his speech. Obama was condemning corporate socialism as a failed policy, what some call "the government picking favorites", and you got a big case Obama derangement and screamed "socialism!!!!". You can't spell trickle down without "trick" and boy have you fallen for it.

I understand that you are embarrassed for voting for a socialist scumbag.

Pay close attention in the future.


Sooner or later both socialist and capitalist will realize that prosperity is the only thing that can save the beast. Call it trickle down if you wish. Wealth creates prosperity not government they only create government jobs and higher taxes--and inequality under the do gooder belief that they know better.

Remember ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country--long ago democratic phoniness'.
From the article:

Obama's Words:

“there is a certain crowd in Washington who, for the last few decades, have said, let’s respond to this economic challenge with the same old tune. “The market will take care of everything,” they tell us. If we just cut more regulations and cut more taxes–especially for the wealthy–our economy will grow stronger. Sure, they say, there will be winners and losers. But if the winners do really well, then jobs and prosperity will eventually trickle down to everybody else. And, they argue, even if prosperity doesn’t trickle down, well, that’s the price of liberty.

Now, it’s a simple theory. And we have to admit, it’s one that speaks to our rugged individualism and our healthy skepticism of too much government. That’s in America’s DNA. And that theory fits well on a bumper sticker. (Laughter.) But here’s the problem: It doesn’t work. It has never worked. (Applause.) It didn’t work when it was tried in the decade before the Great Depression. It’s not what led to the incredible postwar booms of the ’50s and ’60s. And it didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade. (Applause.) I mean, understand, it’s not as if we haven’t tried this theory."

Far left revisionism at it's best.

Sorry dude, only seriously deranged plutocrat ass kissers still buy the trickle down argument.

There is no trickle down argument, and never has been. What we have had is an example of why willful ignorance will often trump knowledge and truth.

When you add fuel to the fire, everyone in the room gets warmer. The collectivists argue that those closest to the fire get most of the heat, and that is not fair to those in the back of the room. They ignore the simple fact that those getting most of the heat are the same ones who brought the fuel to the fire.

Creating a more favorable economic atmosphere is good for all. The fact that it is better for some than it is for others is not an argument for failure to create a more favorable economic environment. Except for the willfully ignorant.
What Obama says didn't work is exactly how America became great. The Great Depression would not had been so great if it had not been for FDR's great society. When we have tried "this theory" it has worked.

Any criminal gang will obtain real economic benefits by looting, stealing and plundering. While their criminal enterprise lasts the benefits are great.


Huh? Criminal gang? Looting,stealing and plundering?

Pay attention doood.

Confiscatory taxation, requirements that Taxpayers financially support and insure the parasitic brethren, hyperinflation....

Calling corporate socialism ineffective and an injustice is not socialism. Did you even read that? Do you like socialism for the rich?

The Federal Reserve Act is probably one of the greatest examplses of corporate socialism. I wonder how many trillions of dollars these privatee banks have stolen. But so far they are above the law and don't have to open their books.
Nevermind the fact that the US was the only major state with functioning factories and essentially supplied the world with everything during those golden years and once places like Japan and Germany were able to stand on their own the US economy withered and died in the 70s...

Bingo! They always like to leave that part out.

Yeah, that must be it. It couldn't be that Japan and Germany were not saddled down with the military expenses that the GOP Military Industrial Complex slush fund crippled our economy with.

What utter nonsense! Like it, or loath it, the military/industrial complex spends most of the money in the USA, supporting well paid workers, and supporting American businesses. It adds greatly to our economy, and fosters a strong middle class.
Socialism is the answer. Forbes says so. Google Forbes top 10 happiest countries. First 9 are all northern European socialist countries, no. 10 is the USA.

Only if you are suicidal, enjoy slavery or parasitism.


and enjoying general misery and shortage of everything.

I take it that you have been listening to the Cubans who defected to Miami in order to avoid "general misery and shortage of everything".

Lol...look at these crazy article titles from Forbes, gawd, since when did they turn into such a conservatoon nutjob house?


You and the rest of the card carrying socialists conveniently who support the gargantuan welfare/warfare police state are not nutjobs.

Go fig
Only if you are suicidal, enjoy slavery or parasitism.


and enjoying general misery and shortage of everything.

I take it that you have been listening to the Cubans who defected to Miami in order to avoid "general misery and shortage of everything".


I do not have to listen to the Cubans. I have experienced the "heaven on earth" of the socialist utopia MYSELF. And I was the part of ending it :D
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Obama To Americans: You Don't Deserve To Be Free
You’re nothing but a liar, you have zero credibility, not that this comes as a surprise, of course.

The president said nothing about Americans ‘not deserving to be free.’

He’s absolutely correct that rightist fiscal dogma advocating deregulation and ‘trickle down’ economics is a failed and bankrupt policy; and it’s ignorant partisan idiocy to infer that those appropriately opposed to failed rightwing fiscal dogma are ‘advocates’ of ‘communism’ or ‘socialism’ or whatever nonsense the right might perceive.

A pragmatic approach is best, not adhering blindly to a given fiscal dogma, where both the public and private sectors work together to realize the desired economic goal.
sure they are. but it is the dimocraps who support the corporate socialism the most - and they thrive under dimocrap rules the most.

practically speaking it is a typical fascist model of socialism.

What the hell are you even talking about? Do you people even think before typing?

so it is a revelation for you that the big business, Wall street and all other big pockets THRIVE the most during the dimocrap administrations?

well, time to open the eyes and learn that corprate socialism or fascism is the dreamland of the leftists and dimocraps - which started it way back in the 40s and 50s

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

So why were people so enamored with Hitler? The major reason is that the 1930s were the period when capitalist countries were abandoning the philosophy of the free market and adopting the same socialist and interventionist economic policies that Hitler and his fellow socialists embraced.

One of the best examples was Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, which in large part mirrored the economic policies that Hitler was implementing to get Germany out of the Depression. That’s why it’s not a coincidence that the photograph of the man with the pointy helmet on the U.S. Social Security Administration’s website is not Thomas Jefferson but rather Otto von Bismarck, the “iron chancellor” of Germany. Social Security, which the Roosevelt administration enacted in the 1930s, had originated with Bismarck, who himself had gotten the idea from German socialists in the late 1800s. Social Security was also a key part of Hitler’s economic program."
What the hell are you even talking about? Do you people even think before typing?

so it is a revelation for you that the big business, Wall street and all other big pockets THRIVE the most during the dimocrap administrations?

well, time to open the eyes and learn that corprate socialism or fascism is the dreamland of the leftists and dimocraps - which started it way back in the 40s and 50s

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

So why were people so enamored with Hitler? The major reason is that the 1930s were the period when capitalist countries were abandoning the philosophy of the free market and adopting the same socialist and interventionist economic policies that Hitler and his fellow socialists embraced.

One of the best examples was Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, which in large part mirrored the economic policies that Hitler was implementing to get Germany out of the Depression. That’s why it’s not a coincidence that the photograph of the man with the pointy helmet on the U.S. Social Security Administration’s website is not Thomas Jefferson but rather Otto von Bismarck, the “iron chancellor” of Germany. Social Security, which the Roosevelt administration enacted in the 1930s, had originated with Bismarck, who himself had gotten the idea from German socialists in the late 1800s. Social Security was also a key part of Hitler’s economic program."

everything then was partially socialist. almost all countries have implemented some part of the socialist idiocy - some more than the others.
And FDR was a perfect example of the leftard evil of the time.
He did recognize the evil empire at the year when the artificial famine by that empire took 10 million lives of Ukrainians in the USSR. And he knew about it. As he knew about extermination of Jews by Hitler.
He simply did not care. The price for the utopian society is never too high, or is it?
For the past decade, social scientists and pollsters have given elaborate questionnaires to hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Two of the largest studies that rank the happiness of countries around the world are the World Map of Happiness from the University of Leiscester and the World Database of Happiness from Ruut Veenhoven of Erasmus University Rotterdam. All the happiness surveys ask people basically the same question: How happy are you?

"The answer you get is not only how they feel right now, but also how they feel about their entire life," explained Dan Buettner, who has studied happiness and longevity around the world through his Blue Zones project Buettner said that if you mine all the databases of universities and research centers, you'll find that the happiest place on earth is ? Denmark. Cold, dreary, unspectacular Denmark.

Could the Danes really be the happiest people in the world? When ABC News anchor Bill Weir traveled there to find out, he asked random Danes to rate themselves in terms of happiness, on a scale of one to 10. Many people rated themselves at least an eight, and there were several nines and 10s. Finally, one grouchy Dane came along who said she didn't believe Danes were so happy. But then she quickly conceded that she herself felt rather content with her life, and said Danes in general had very little to complain about.
Danes do have one potential complaint: high taxes. The happiest people in the world pay some of the highest taxes in the world -- between 50 percent and 70 percent of their incomes. In exchange, the government covers all health care and education, and spends more on children and the elderly than any country in the world per capita. With just 5.5 million people, the system is efficient, and people feel "tryghed" -- the Danish word for "tucked in" -- like a snug child.
Those high taxes have another effect. Since a banker can end up taking home as much money as an artist, people don't chose careers based on income or status. "They have this thing called 'Jante-lov,' which essentially says, 'You're no better then anybody else,'" said Buettner. "A garbage man can live in a middle-class neighborhood and hold his head high."

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News
Lol...look at these crazy article titles from Forbes, gawd, since when did they turn into such a conservatoon nutjob house?

Top Ten Reasons Why Rush Limbaugh Is Right: The Pope's Statement IS Marxist
Top Ten Reasons Why Rush Limbaugh Is Right: The Pope's Statement IS Marxist - Forbes

Selfish Greed Wipes Out Racism
Selfish Greed Wipes Out Racism - Forbes

Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1%
Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1% - Forbes

I don't like Rush, be he can be right. Hell even Obama says something true now and then.

Greed wipes out racism has a case, I didn't read the article but greed is pretty amazing in that ultimate success is color blind, or it simply is less successful.

Welfare people should pay 94% taxes, you know, so that they can prove 94% unavoidable taxes will lead to a booming economy......

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