Obama to Announce Supreme Court Nominee at 11 a.m. Today

The Senate—which is a co-equal branch of government—has every right NOT to confirm
They aren't required to confirm, they are required to vote.


What proviso requires a vote

The senate has already ADVICED the POTUS that they will not CONSENT. What am I missing?
The Senate must give Advice and Consent (up or down) to the President as required by the Constitution. That means a vote, which is how they do such a thing unless you'd like them all to sit down to tea together?

"[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments."
Your opinion doesn't mean jack shit. Obama was elected. Elections have consequences.

That's right....act like Obama did when he won election and DEMANDED the GOP give him whatever he wanted: "I won!"

Now put on a 'pouty face', hold your breath, and stomp your feet....


Look at you, celebrating your hypocrisy. Amazing.
I don't think he actually has a sense of history accurate enough to see his hypocrisy.
The Senate—which is a co-equal branch of government—has every right NOT to confirm
They aren't required to confirm, they are required to vote.


What proviso requires a vote

The senate has already ADVICED the POTUS that they will not CONSENT. What am I missing?
The Senate must give Advice and Consent (up or down) to the President as required by the Constitution. That means a vote, which is how they do such a thing unless you'd like them all to sit down to tea together?

"[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments."
Yeah, but Democrats and Obama have demonstrated the constitution (to them) is like the 'Pirates Code'....more like guidelines than actually rules / laws, capable of being ignored as it suits them. :p
Mitch McConnell is blocking a vote in the Senate, and the rubes are supporting that obstruction.

Any one of them who whined about Democrats blocking votes is a hypocrite.

It will get worse

Republicans claim they want "the next President to decide" See what happens when Hillary wins and Republicans try to rush through Obama's pick rather than risk who Hillary picks
They are also setting a new precedent. One which will one day snap right back into their slackjawed faces.

The precedent they are setting is that the Senate can say...The Supreme Court does not matter
Let it be gridlocked for 15 months. Let it remain at 4-4

Once filling Supreme Court vacancies is no longer a priority, what keeps the Dems from waiting 2 years to fill a vacancy?
The Senate—which is a co-equal branch of government—has every right NOT to confirm
They aren't required to confirm, they are required to vote.


What proviso requires a vote

The senate has already ADVICED the POTUS that they will not CONSENT. What am I missing?
The Senate must give Advice and Consent (up or down) to the President as required by the Constitution. That means a vote, which is how they do such a thing unless you'd like them all to sit down to tea together?

"[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments."
Yeah, but Democrats and Obama have demonstrated the constitution (to them) is like the 'Pirates Code'....more like guidelines than actually rules / laws, capable of being ignored as it suits them. :p
The Obamacare mandate approves this message.
I don't think he actually has a sense of history accurate enough to see his hypocrisy.
Oh I understand just fine. I understand Harry Reid refused to do his job, refused to bring legislation passed in the House by the GOP for the floor of the Senate for discussion, let alone any vote. I understand now the whiny bitch libs who set the precedence demands that the ones they obstructed do what they refused to - allow something to come up for discussion and a vote.

Like I said, it's a bitch when it's on the other foot.
The GOP Establishment, and their rubes, are demonstrating they are EXACTLY like the pig fuckers they have been whining about all these years.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
I LOVE how frustrated people, especially Libs, get when they get a dose of their own medicine.

But I actually DO agree with you, g - the GOP is demonstrating how they are EXACTLY like the liberals. Can't tell the difference between them anymore...that's the problem.

And when did the Senate under Dem control refuse to have a hearing or a vote on a Supreme Court nominee?

Just name the year or the nominee.
Then hold hearings and have the Senate vote for or against

That is what the Dems did with Scalia, Thomas and Alito
What I believe or feel is not going to have one impact on the course of action to be taken, but as I pointed out, IMO, Obama's actions have left him unworthy / untrustworthy to nominate a USSC justice. The many has repeatedly violated the constitution and Rule of Law, sided with terrorists, made illegals a higher priority that US citizens, refused to enforce laws, been found in contempt in order to help Illegals, etc.. He can not be trusted to decide who would be best to interpret the law and sure the Rule of law is upheld / enforced, as he himself has been incapable of doing so.

It is not about Obama, it is about his nominee

The Senate is fully within its rights to vet the guy and vote him up or down. That is what the Democrats did with conservative nominees

Democrats voted for conservative Scalia with 95 votes, conservative Alito with 75 votes
Why won't Republicans do the same?
The precedent they are setting is that the Senate can say...The Supreme Court does not matter
Let it be gridlocked for 15 months. Let it remain at 4-4

Once filling Supreme Court vacancies is no longer a priority, what keeps the Dems from waiting 2 years to fill a vacancy?

This is true. What will McConnell do if Clinton wins in November and nominates Obama to the SC? Will he spend the next four years refusing to hold hearings? Will they continue to do so as other vacancies arise, and attempt to permanently reduce the number of justices on the court?

What happens if the Democrats win control of Congress at the same time, and decide to pack the court with 14 lunatic liberal justices? McConnell is a fucking idiot who is playing with fire. God fucking dammit! This is a good nomination for us! Why are we fucking it up!?!
They have a Constitutional obligation to consider the nominee, retard.

You rubes only love the Constitution when it suits you.

they do not have a constitutional obligation to have a vote on the nominee though

The Senate—which is a co-equal branch of government—has every right NOT to confirm
They aren't required to confirm, they are required to vote.


What proviso requires a vote

The senate has already ADVICED the POTUS that they will not CONSENT. What am I missing?
The Senate must give Advice and Consent (up or down) to the President as required by the Constitution. That means a vote, which is how they do such a thing unless you'd like them all to sit down to tea together?

"[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments."
Yeah, but Democrats and Obama have demonstrated the constitution (to them) is like the 'Pirates Code'....more like guidelines than actually rules / laws, capable of being ignored as it suits them. :p

Actually the Constitution (1787-1935) was abolished by FDR.

Under fascism we only have those liberties the powers-that-be decide that we can have

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini
The precedent they are setting is that the Senate can say...The Supreme Court does not matter
Let it be gridlocked for 15 months. Let it remain at 4-4

Once filling Supreme Court vacancies is no longer a priority, what keeps the Dems from waiting 2 years to fill a vacancy?

Obama, the jackass who wants to nominate a judge to the highest court in the land, has spent the last 7 1/2 years breaking his oath of office, violating both Constitution and Rule of law, and has shown a complete disregard for the constitution and law. There is no reason to trust his judgment - to even consider any nominees he picks. And the people who refused to do their jobs, blocked all legislation coming from the House, are whining like little bitches because they are getting a dose of their own medicine thanks to the precedence THEY set.

The precedence the GOP is following is the precedence set by Liberals...and now they don't like it...and (surprise surprise) are trying to blame someone else for what THEY established / did.
I don't think Obama really wants hearings .... now. The Nevada PRO GUN REPUBLICAN governor was the soft toss to McConnell. But McConnell just has a visceral dislike of Obama, that truly mystifies me. Politics is all about getting along with guys YOU DON'T LIKE. McConnell acts like Obama took his virginity and posted it on a bathroom wall or something. But the fact is the gop never really offered a compromise on healthcare, beyond maybe expanding Medicaid some more, and that actually may have been the worst aspect of Obamacare, because gop governors have gotten waivers to use the fed money for tax credits to allow people to buy coverage individually .... which is at least a market based solution, which is what we gopers are supposed to be for. And Porkulus didn't really have anything, beyond the pork of just shoveling money at make work projects, that the gop hasn't traditionally supported. Obama did offer a good faith debt compromise.

Odds have to be at least 65-35 that Hill clobbers the Donald. McConnell said no to Republican. Hillary and the senate candidates are gonna hit this "no hearings" thing like a cheap gong. McConnell likely will be a less advantageous position. McConnell's move made no political sense ... unless he was betting the farm the establishment could not run the Donald and still have a unified party going into the election. If that was his bet, he bet bad.

Obama's a big govt liberal elitist. But he won two elections.

McConnell is playing bad cop for the Republicans. If he allows a vote, then individual Senators have to go on record. Tough on those up for election

This way, when a Republican Senator is asked why Republicans will not fill Scalias seat, he gets to say...Its not me, Its McConnell
The precedent they are setting is that the Senate can say...The Supreme Court does not matter
Let it be gridlocked for 15 months. Let it remain at 4-4

Once filling Supreme Court vacancies is no longer a priority, what keeps the Dems from waiting 2 years to fill a vacancy?

This is true. What will McConnell do if Clinton wins in November and nominates Obama to the SC? Will he spend the next four years refusing to hold hearings? Will they continue to do so as other vacancies arise, and attempt to permanently reduce the number of justices on the court?

What happens if the Democrats win control of Congress at the same time, and decide to pack the court with 14 lunatic liberal justices? McConnell is a fucking idiot who is playing with fire. God fucking dammit! This is a good nomination for us! Why are we fucking it up!?!
Its a fine nomination of a qualified, moderate judge with great heaping mounds of experience.

So of course the GOP is gonna try and shit can it.
The precedent they are setting is that the Senate can say...The Supreme Court does not matter
Let it be gridlocked for 15 months. Let it remain at 4-4

Once filling Supreme Court vacancies is no longer a priority, what keeps the Dems from waiting 2 years to fill a vacancy?

Obama, the jackass who wants to nominate a judge to the highest court in the land, has spent the last 7 1/2 years breaking his oath of office, violating both Constitution and Rule of law, and has shown a complete disregard for the constitution and law. There is no reason to trust his judgment - to even consider any nominees he picks. And the people who refused to do their jobs, blocked all legislation coming from the House, are whining like little bitches because they are getting a dose of their own medicine thanks to the precedence THEY set.

The precedence the GOP is following is the precedence set by Liberals...and now they don't like it...and (surprise surprise) are trying to blame someone else for what THEY established / did.
If he has violated the Constitution or rule of law....prosecute him
Republicans hold the Congress

Acting as the president does not violate the law
The precedent they are setting is that the Senate can say...The Supreme Court does not matter
Let it be gridlocked for 15 months. Let it remain at 4-4

Once filling Supreme Court vacancies is no longer a priority, what keeps the Dems from waiting 2 years to fill a vacancy?

This is true. What will McConnell do if Clinton wins in November and nominates Obama to the SC? Will he spend the next four years refusing to hold hearings? Will they continue to do so as other vacancies arise, and attempt to permanently reduce the number of justices on the court?

What happens if the Democrats win control of Congress at the same time, and decide to pack the court with 14 lunatic liberal justices? McConnell is a fucking idiot who is playing with fire. God fucking dammit! This is a good nomination for us! Why are we fucking it up!?!

SCOTUS was actually abolished by FDR - the institution that survived merely perpetrates the FRAUD that we enjoy judicial review


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