Obama to Announce Supreme Court Nominee at 11 a.m. Today

Then hold hearings and have the Senate vote for or against

That is what the Dems did with Scalia, Thomas and Alito
What I believe or feel is not going to have one impact on the course of action to be taken, but as I pointed out, IMO, Obama's actions have left him unworthy / untrustworthy to nominate a USSC justice. The many has repeatedly violated the constitution and Rule of Law, sided with terrorists, made illegals a higher priority that US citizens, refused to enforce laws, been found in contempt in order to help Illegals, etc.. He can not be trusted to decide who would be best to interpret the law and sure the Rule of law is upheld / enforced, as he himself has been incapable of doing so.
The GOP Establishment, and their rubes, are demonstrating they are EXACTLY like the pig fuckers they have been whining about all these years.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Explain something, rubes. How are Senators who want to vote for or against a nominee going to exercise their Constitutional obligation to advise and consent in this McConnell obstructionist scheme?
How is a President able to violate his oath of office and the Constitution by refusing to enforce existing law, by breaking laws, by violating the Constitution, by refusing to end cities from violating federal laws, by engaging in Human Trafficking, etc...?

They are only following our Commander and chief's example, g!
The GOP Establishment, and their rubes, are demonstrating they are EXACTLY like the pig fuckers they have been whining about all these years.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
I LOVE how frustrated people, especially Libs, get when they get a dose of their own medicine.

But I actually DO agree with you, g - the GOP is demonstrating how they are EXACTLY like the liberals. Can't tell the difference between them anymore...that's the problem.
What I believe or feel is not going to have one impact on the course of action to be taken, but as I pointed out, IMO, Obama's actions have left him unworthy / untrustworthy to nominate a USSC justice.
Your opinion doesn't mean jack shit. Obama was elected. Elections have consequences. This is one of them. He was elected for a four year term, not a three year term, and appointing Supreme Court Justices is one of the tasks for which he was chosen by the will of the people.

You tards are proving you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution or the will of the people.
Sources say it's Merrick Garland, an anti gunnner

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama will nominate federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, congressional sources said Wednesday. The pick sets up a confrontation with Republicans who say they will refuse to consider his nomination in an election year.

Garland, 63, is the chief judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, a court whose influence over federal policy and national security matters has made it a proving ground for potential Supreme Court justices.

News from The Associated Press
See how easy it would be for the Republicans to do their job and vote against him? They've even got a reason. Why won't they?

They just did....it be like ....nope. Next topic

McConnell Says ‘No’ to Merrick Garland for SCOTUS, Citing ‘Biden Rule’

McConnell Says 'No' to Garland, Citing 'Biden Rule' - Breitbart

OMG...I am so surprised...........he needs to get the f out of politics.. Many fair republicans will get angry he is doing this.

The Senate—which is a co-equal branch of government—has every right NOT to confirm
I don't think Obama really wants hearings .... now. The Nevada PRO GUN REPUBLICAN governor was the soft toss to McConnell. But McConnell just has a visceral dislike of Obama, that truly mystifies me. Politics is all about getting along with guys YOU DON'T LIKE. McConnell acts like Obama took his virginity and posted it on a bathroom wall or something. But the fact is the gop never really offered a compromise on healthcare, beyond maybe expanding Medicaid some more, and that actually may have been the worst aspect of Obamacare, because gop governors have gotten waivers to use the fed money for tax credits to allow people to buy coverage individually .... which is at least a market based solution, which is what we gopers are supposed to be for. And Porkulus didn't really have anything, beyond the pork of just shoveling money at make work projects, that the gop hasn't traditionally supported. Obama did offer a good faith debt compromise.

Odds have to be at least 65-35 that Hill clobbers the Donald. McConnell said no to Republican. Hillary and the senate candidates are gonna hit this "no hearings" thing like a cheap gong. McConnell likely will be a less advantageous position. McConnell's move made no political sense ... unless he was betting the farm the establishment could not run the Donald and still have a unified party going into the election. If that was his bet, he bet bad.

Obama's a big govt liberal elitist. But he won two elections.
The GOP Establishment, and their rubes, are demonstrating they are EXACTLY like the pig fuckers they have been whining about all these years.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
I LOVE how frustrated people, especially Libs, get when they get a dose of their own medicine.

But I actually DO agree with you, g - the GOP is demonstrating how they are EXACTLY like the liberals. Can't tell the difference between them anymore...that's the problem.
Straw man. I am not a liberal.

I am pointing out to you tards you are setting a new and dangerous precedent. One which will one day snap right back into your slack little faces.
Sources say it's Merrick Garland, an anti gunnner

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama will nominate federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, congressional sources said Wednesday. The pick sets up a confrontation with Republicans who say they will refuse to consider his nomination in an election year.

Garland, 63, is the chief judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, a court whose influence over federal policy and national security matters has made it a proving ground for potential Supreme Court justices.

News from The Associated Press
See how easy it would be for the Republicans to do their job and vote against him? They've even got a reason. Why won't they?

They just did....it be like ....nope. Next topic

McConnell Says ‘No’ to Merrick Garland for SCOTUS, Citing ‘Biden Rule’

McConnell Says 'No' to Garland, Citing 'Biden Rule' - Breitbart

OMG...I am so surprised...........he needs to get the f out of politics.. Many fair republicans will get angry he is doing this.


Any republican supporting a gun grabber for SCOTUS is a RINO
Obama Chooses Merrick Garland for Supreme Court

CN chief counsel Carrie Severino said in a blog post that Judge Merrick’s record on the bench since 1997 “leads to the conclusion that he would vote to reverse one of Justice Scalia’s most important opinions, D.C. vs. Heller, which affirmed that the Second Amendment confers an individual right to keep and bear arms.”

And when did Merrick vote against Heller exactly?

I get your drift.

But he is suspicious , we don't need another scumbag like Roberts.

Your opinion doesn't mean jack shit. Obama was elected. Elections have consequences.

That's right....act like Obama did when he won election and DEMANDED the GOP give him whatever he wanted: "I won!"

Now put on a 'pouty face', hold your breath, and stomp your feet....


Your opinion doesn't mean jack shit. Obama was elected. Elections have consequences.

That's right....act like Obama did when he won election and DEMANDED the GOP give him whatever he wanted: "I won!"

Now put on a 'pouty face', hold your breath, and stomp your feet....


Look at you, celebrating your hypocrisy. Amazing.
I am pointing out to you tards you are setting a new and dangerous precedent. One which will one day snap right back into your slack little faces.
Sorta like bypassing Congress and using Executive Orders to do what you want....allowing AGENCIES like the EPA to establish law...or taking the nation to war on one's own to help terrorists - who killed thousands of Americans in a terrorist attack - take over their own country.

Yeah, Libs would know about setting dangerous precedence.
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What was it that had altered in the faces of the pigs? Clover's old dim eyes
flitted from one face to another. Some of them had five chins, some had four,
some had three. But what was it that seemed to be melting and changing?
Then, the applause having come to an end, the company took up their cards
and continued the game that had been interrupted, and the animals crept silently

But they had not gone twenty yards when they stopped short. An uproar of
voices was coming from the farmhouse. They rushed back and looked through
the window again. Yes, a violent quarrel was in progress. There were shoutings,
bangings on the table, sharp suspicious glances, furious denials. The source of
the trouble appeared to be that Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington had each played
an ace of spades simultaneously.

Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question,
now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked

from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already
it was impossible to say which was which.

- Animal Farm​
OMG...I am so surprised...........he needs to get the f out of politics.. Many fair republicans will get angry he is doing this. ,
Notice how it was / is called the "BIDEN Rule'?

WHO is / has set precedence, again?!


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