Obama to Democrats: You’ve Created a Circular Firing Squad

I hope this means he'll support his VP. Joe got the shaft last go round because Obama made a deal with Hillary to play nice for his nomination at the convention, and he'd set her up for 2016 with the SoS position to help ensure that Mz Entitled was next in line.
Obama is totally right.

The Democratic Party is going Full Retard.
Obama is totally right. The Democratic Party is going Full Retard.
To be fair, the same could be said of the Republicans. They support a president that can't help but lie constantly, but they keep coming back for more.

I hope this means he'll support his VP. Joe got the shaft last go round because Obama made a deal with Hillary to play nice for his nomination at the convention, and he'd set her up for 2016 with the SoS position to help ensure that Mz Entitled was next in line.
So far he hasn't come out and defended his VP. That makes him part of the squad don't it.

When the guy whose administration protected Hillary from indictment, allowed Russian interference continue for 2 years, and started the exposed coup is forced to speak up and tell today's Socialist Leftist Democrats that THEY have gone too far, you KNOW that today's progressive Socialist Democrats have gone insane....
When the guy whose administration protected Hillary from indictment, allowed Russian interference continue for 2 years, and started the exposed coup is forced to speak up and tell today's Socialist Leftist Democrats that THEY have gone too far, you KNOW that today's progressive Socialist Democrats have gone insane.
The real insanity involves those who would follow a man for whom the truth is a mere passing inconvenience. For example, why would someone keep saying his father was born in Germany when everyone knows it isn't true? Has the right lost its soul?
The real insanity involves those who would follow a man for whom the truth is a mere passing inconvenience. [/QUOTE]

'The Ft. Hoot shooting was a case of 'workplace violence'!'

'Benghazi was the result of a protest over a video!'

'We will find and jail the filmmaker responsible for the death of your son...'

'If you like you plan / doctor you can keep your plan / doctor.'

'Americans are just afraid of widows and orphans'.

'The Taliban 5 were released as part of the Bo Bergdahl release trade...'

'We did NOT pay Iran a ransom for US hostages ... We just sent them an unmarked plane carrying a lot of money, and as soon as it landed a plane load of Americans in another plane on a runway were allowed to take off & come home....

Nothing to see here...move along....

Obama is totally right. The Democratic Party is going Full Retard.
To be fair, the same could be said of the Republicans. They support a president that can't help but lie constantly, but they keep coming back for more.

Barry aided terroristst, Drug Cartels.
, enemies of the state, allowed Russia to interfere illegally for 2 years, protected Hillary, attempted a coup, engaged in economic slavery, assisted human trafficking, etc....

...and snowflakes supported a 2 × LOSER who abandoned Americans who died needlessly, who took millions from the Russians, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, was given the nomination she could not win, and lost a rigged election...

Trump was more successful in just 2 years than Barry was in 8 years...
The loss of tax base due to the first round of the SALT cap will probably be eclipsed by the second round next year so while the OP is true it is also probably irrelevant. Another problem with the Clown Car is that it will suck up money needed to maintain the state and local D machines needed to pick up seats in the House and Senate. So while the circular firing squad is bad It may not be even a top five problem for the Ds.
They wont listen.

What have swing voters been hearing from Democrats since switching their votes in the midterms over to the Dems? Socialism, anti-Semitism, resistance, more investigations. Not exactly a platform for re-election.

The congressional Socialists led by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez are even threatening mainstream Democrats with primaries. Yup, replacing moderates in swing districts with left-wing democratic socialists is surely the way to expand the majority. Suburbanites are clamoring for them. Higher taxes is just what hard-pressed suburban voters with lots of responsibilities are seeking.

The public face of the party today is far removed from what created a solid group of freshmen in suburban districts. And they have been bombarded with a lot more than just slogans. Ocasio-Cortez, who pulled down about 15,000 votes in a Democratic primary in a safe district, is world-renowned now for the Green New Deal — just a little program to nationalize the energy industry while promising guaranteed incomes for all; its price tag has been put at $93 trillion. It’s Ocasio-Cortez who drove Amazon out of New York, not understanding that the tax breaks for the company would have come from 10 times the tax revenue that the new jobs would have created, or that their absence blows a $27 billion hole in future budgets. Comically, she thought you could spend the $3 billion on other things.

The other new face of the party has been Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who spread her anti-Israel positions by expressing anti-Semitic tropes about how Jews in America have divided loyalties and how Jews have bought support for Israel with “Benjamins.” Despite most voters believing Omar should be off the House Foreign Affairs Committee with these views, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has kept her on this prestigious assignment while passing over moderates.

Party on Dems!
Obama is totally right. The Democratic Party is going Full Retard.
To be fair, the same could be said of the Republicans. They support a president that can't help but lie constantly, but they keep coming back for more.

The other choice was crooked Hillary. And so far, Trump's done much better in his first two years than Obama did in his last two years.
The Ds are blowing their remote chance for 2020 and probably their decent chance of picking up seats in 2022 as well. If Barr makes domestic spying stick as seems likely the bad situation the Ds have created for themselves will get much worse.

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