Obama To Launch Airstrikes In Syria For First Time


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
What do you think of this from the Nobel prize winner?

Obama to launch airstrikes in Syria for first time

In an address to the nation, Obama also announced he was dispatching nearly 500 more U.S. troops to Iraq to assist that country's besieged security forces. And he called on Congress to authorize a program to train and arm rebels in Syria who are fighting both the Islamic State group and Syrian President Bashar Assad.
I can't wait to hear how Assad feels about America planning to bomb the shit out of his country.

And the hypocrisy is startling when all is said and done that Obama and other western leaders have been screaming that Putin is supplying arms to pro Russian rebels and then out of the other side of their mouth and without even blushing Obama states that they will be CONTINUING to supply and this always cracks me up "moderate rebels" in Syria.

I think the new definition of "moderate rebel" is "we use bullets and don't behead anyone".

What a freaking mess.
Oh goody , another country we'll spend $4B blowing the fuck out of, and then another $100T rebuilding.

We truly are the dumbest nation on Earth. Fucking Rwandans who can't even read are looking at each other and saying "dos Americans is stupid"
So let's see:
His plan consists of wider airstrikes into Syria and sending 500 troops to train Iraqi soldiers. He has ruled out sending combat troops.
So what is ISIS going to do? Hello? Remember Israel and Gaza? ISIS will melt into the cities they control. If the US bombs, they will kill civilians inevitably and the world will scream for us to stop. And we will.
Total fucking worthless plan dreamed up by people more interested in covering their ass than solving the problem.
Oh look, even when a president decides to become more forceful, Repubs still feel the need to bitch.

Obama could send all active duty members of the armed forces to Iraq and Syria and they would still find something to bitch about.
Well, now all the Obama haters who've been bashing the president for not bombing in Syria can start bashing him for bombing in Syria.

Are your incessant flip flops a refreshing change of pace?
Oh look, even when a president decides to become more forceful, Repubs still feel the need to bitch.

Obama could send all active duty members of the armed forces to Iraq and Syria and they would still find something to bitch about.
When the president proposes an absolute flub of a policy that is directed more at mid term elections than the enemy turds like you will still defend him.
His speech is getting brickbats all over.
Well, now all the Obama haters who've been bashing the president for not bombing in Syria can start bashing him for bombing in Syria.

Are your incessant flip flops a refreshing change of pace?
Is that your best argument? Seriously?
What do you think of this from the Nobel prize winner?

Obama to launch airstrikes in Syria for first time

In an address to the nation, Obama also announced he was dispatching nearly 500 more U.S. troops to Iraq to assist that country's besieged security forces. And he called on Congress to authorize a program to train and arm rebels in Syria who are fighting both the Islamic State group and Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Obama to launch airstrikes in Syria for the first time. With golfballs. FOOOORE!
The speech is just more of the same "I don't wanna do it" Obama. Air strikes are good (we'll see how much he steps them up), but there still needs to be troops on the ground. Obama's plan on depending on the allies in the region is not realistic. The Peshmurgas are good but they aren't well armed, and arming them will take time and training. Same thing with the Iraqi forces, who recently took off their uniforms and deserted. It could take a year to get these guys really going. As for the free Syrian Army, putting them in the position to shoulder the brunt of the fighting is nuts. That has them fighting a 2 front war (against Assad and ISIS).
As for the coalition, he's only got 9 countries, none of whom are committing ground troops.

Summed up, Obama if just still doing the minimum. Still using the word "NOT", and kicking the can down the road, and hoping he can string this all out until Jan. 2017 when he can dump it all in the next president's lap. I didn't feel any sense of urgency and didn't hear one word about the threat of ISIS Americans returning home with biological weapons, gas weapons, and nuclear, as well as ISIS Europeans from visa waiver countries.
Oh look, even when a president decides to become more forceful, Repubs still feel the need to bitch.

Obama could send all active duty members of the armed forces to Iraq and Syria and they would still find something to bitch about.

Whose bitching? About time he had some balls. But I would have thought that the liberal left would be very disappointed in Obama starting yet another war in a place were we have absolutely no interest. Isn't the left worried about how great of recruiting tool this will be? Are they not worried that the arms being supplied will create something worse then what we have today? Or is the left going to once again hold their nose, blame the right somehow, and defend the warrior president?

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