Obama to lose Illinois?

Imagine the prospect of a candidate losing his home state(s). That would be immensely embarrassing, right? If a candidate lost the state(s) where people know him the best?

Had Al Gore won his home state, he'd have been President, Florida wouldn't have mattered

I know! What kind of loser loses his own state(s)!?! That's my point.

Gore? Loser.
Mondale? Loser.

They are both losers, but Mondale did actually win his home state.
Chicagonois gave the nod to Republican George Ryan over Democrat Poshard in the 1998 Governor race. Ryan is currently rotting in a jail cell.

Much as I'd like to believe it possible, I do not think Obama will lose this state.
Chicagonois gave the nod to Republican George Ryan over Democrat Poshard in the 1998 Governor race. Ryan is currently rotting in a jail cell.

Much as I'd like to believe it possible, I do not think Obama will lose this state.
Well of course he's rotting a jail cell! Where else would you expect an Illinois governor to retire? it's the IL Gov version of Florida.
Imagine the prospect of a candidate losing his home state(s). That would be immensely embarrassing, right? If a candidate lost the state(s) where people know him the best?

Algore lost his home state...

I know! And that was embarrassing, right?

Losing one's home state makes you worse than Walter Mondale. Right? amiright?

What if you lost both your home state and your adopted home state, kinda like Obama losing Hawaii and Illinois. The places where he is best known. That would be doubly embarrassing, right?

Yeah but so what if Romney loses Massachusetts as long as he wins the Electoral College, you stupid fucking troll?
Algore lost his home state...

I know! And that was embarrassing, right?

Losing one's home state makes you worse than Walter Mondale. Right? amiright?

What if you lost both your home state and your adopted home state, kinda like Obama losing Hawaii and Illinois. The places where he is best known. That would be doubly embarrassing, right?

Yeah but so what if Romney loses Massachusetts as long as he wins the Electoral College, you stupid fucking troll?

Well you racist POS, this is a thread about the horror - HORRAH! - of the idea that Obama could possibly lose his home state. Zero chance, but whatever.

Romney, on the other hand, will lose both of his home states. Oh, and he'll lose another 271+ electoral votes. Because in a line of batshit crazy candidates from Bachmann to Perry to Cain, he was the best of a bunch of awful choices. The Tea Party will cost the R's the election.

But hey, that Neg Rep was super kind of ya. You must be very confused...and quite insecure.
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Shock poll: Obama could lose Illinois | The Daily Caller

'In the city of Chicago itself, he retains a 60-29 lead over Romney. But the Republican challenger leads 45-38 in the surrounding areas. Across the county as a whole, Romney leads 43-31 among independent voters, a crucial voting bloc. Romney also holds a 44-38 lead among male voters, and a 53-40 lead among white voters.'


RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Illinois: Romney vs. Obama

Chicago Tribune

2/2 - 2/6

600 RV



Obama +21

The Simon Poll/SIU

10/11 - 10/16

1000 RV



Obama +7

FOX Chicago/WAA

9/28 - 9/28

1815 RV



Obama +15
Algore lost his home state...

I know! And that was embarrassing, right?

Losing one's home state makes you worse than Walter Mondale. Right? amiright?

What if you lost both your home state and your adopted home state, kinda like Obama losing Hawaii and Illinois. The places where he is best known. That would be doubly embarrassing, right?

Yeah but so what if Romney loses Massachusetts as long as he wins the Electoral College, you stupid fucking troll?

President Obama 332 Governor Romney 206

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups
Republicans have only won the popular presidential vote in one election in the last 20 years.....2004.

That is why they want to suppress the vote soooo bad.
I know! It would be really embarrassing for him to lose his home state, right?

Hawaii is the most left wing state in the union. People in San Francisco think Hawaii should move a bit more to the center.

Or his adopted home state?

I mean, losing your home state is a level of Epic Fail achieved only by such luminaries as Walter Mondale and Al Gore. Right?



No, you're a racist, but losing ones home state is utterly irrelevant.

Florida matters, Wisconsin matters; Hawaii is a sunk state - they would vote Mao Tse Tung if he were the democrat nominee. (Actually, they probably would dump Obama in favor of Mao.)

Well, let's see, just how does it stand.

President Obama 237 Governor Romney 191 Toss up 110

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

And the President leads with 95 ev's of the tossup states. He only need 33 to win.
We'll see where the chips fall in November. It really does depend on who gets the hell out and votes. There very well could be a lot of scary old white people out there who decide to climb out of bed and make the trek.
Romney, on the other hand, will lose both of his home states. Oh, and he'll lose another 271+ electoral votes. Because in a line of batshit crazy candidates from Bachmann to Perry to Cain, he was the best of a bunch of awful choices. The Tea Party will cost the R's the election.


I think you are way off base. Conservatives are energized like I've never seen before. It's like 2010 writ larger.

On the flip side, I sense a helluva lot of insecurity and not a lot of enthusiasm coming from Democrats. Serious democrats know that there is a very good possibility that Obama loses this election (take solace- even if he loses he'll still most likely win Illinois!). We won't have to guess any more in about 80 days....DOH!BAMA has his work cut out for him!

Obama wins.

Romney loses.


Scott Walker is going to be recalled

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