Obama To Relax Military Standards: Turbans, Jewelry, Tattoos, Beards To Be Tolerated

I'm a 20 year veteran and retired. The President has nothing to do with uniform standards, but thanks for putting your ODS on display again. It's amusing.

You licked twat before during and after active duty - behind a curtain, against the regs. You're nothing more than a dishonorable douche. So, fuck you.

Said the trailer trash who wears a shirt that advertises his homosexuality.

Thank you Seawytch, for your service. And, thank you for introducing FACTS that not-warrior has no way of knowing about because he spends his life sitting on the couch, scratching his crotch.

The Pentagon does not make such policy changes without at least consulting the White House, they just don't . Again, you people who have never served should educate yourself.

Sorry, but SeaWytch exposes herself either as someone who is lying about serving, or as someone who has an agenda that admitting a known fact would conflict with.
Divide the military just like the civilians are divided. Turn the military units from cohesive into warring little tribes.

Anyone who joins obama's military is an absolute fool. They have to be in it for a paycheck and nothing more.
You are mistaken, Luddly. Republicans most definitely want our military out of there. Do you realize there have been over twice as many soldiers killed under Obamas first 3 1/2 yrs in office than in George Bush Jr.s entire two terms? ( 8 years ) Yes. It is true.

Grim Milestone: Over Twice as Many U.S. Soldiers Have Died in Afghanistan Under Obama In 3 1/2 Years Than Did Under Bush in 8 Years ? Media Silent | The Gateway Pundit!

Read it.

Today I would not be surprised to learn that number has tripled - 5 years in... Another fact is Bush kept count and the numbers were publicized whereas today the Obama administration refuses to report the total number of our men and women lost in Afghanistan due to the poor decisions he has made - over 150 of our top military including Generals, Admirals - top leadership - no longer serving thanks to Obama. He is replacing these men with others who are not nearly as qualified and this too is going to have repercussions.

You mispoke in stating that George Bush Jr. Let Osama go. That was Bill Clinton. He could have taken Bin Laden down before 9/11 but decided not to. The truth is the truth even when it is inconvenient. Let's stick to the truth here.
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Obama killed Osama.

And, yes, that's the same Osama that Bush protected.

Obama didn't pull the trigger, Obama didn't have anything to do with this silly directive, so he had nothing to do with ether..

Fair is fair....

There is ZERO proof that Osama bin Laden is dead.

Sheik Omar murdered bin laden 2 years prior to Benazir Bhutto's murder. Benazir Bhutto made it clear Bin Laden was dead during her interview with David Frost and after the interview she was assassinated. That was long before Obama became president. ( the interview is still on youtube and when she stated Sheik Omar murdered bin laden Frost did not ask a single question concerning her statement - he dropped it immediately )
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Divide the military just like the civilians are divided. Turn the military units from cohesive into warring little tribes.

Anyone who joins obama's military is an absolute fool. They have to be in it for a paycheck and nothing more.

Patton would be rolling over in his grave.
When is the military going to permit a Christian unit, where the members carry Bibles and wear a cross on their right chest? Resurrect the Knights Templar unit.
Is there anything Obama doesn't want to fundamentally change about America; that he doesn't hold contempt for? Does he know what a uniform is; it's purpose? He continues to pander to the muslims? :evil:
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Where the fuck does that filthy little kenyan muslim shit stain in the white house get the authority to change military regulations to fit his pro islamic agenda?

obama should be arrested for high crimes and misdemeanors against the United States of America. This cock sucking little rat fuck won't be happy until he's ruined every single aspect of America that was what made us a nation. If he isn't the devil, he sure is running a close second.

I recommend every single red blooded American currently in the military to get the hell out as soon as they possibly can. Go to your base personal office and ask what kind of discharges are available. Take a hardship discharge. Do what you have to do, just get the hell out of this bull shit the stinking muslim in the white house is ruining.

Fuck him, and fuck every single sons a bitch that thinks this is a good idea.

Is this the same Allen West that was kicked out of the military?

Retiring as a LT Col. is not being kicked out. If he was kicked out he would not recieve benefits or retirement pay. All he did was scare a corrupt Iraqi police officer.
Obama was raised to hate America and everything it stands for.
This is just another step in the destruction of America.
With this relaxation of the rules, we will get away from our 'uniformity and conformity' that makes the United States Military unique and exemplary as a first rate fighting force. Lt. Col. Alan West makes a great case of why this is all wrong. I agree with him. Do you?

Military ?Relaxing? Uniform Regulations Because Feelings » The Right Scoop -

So what makes right wingers such fucking tards? When I was in the military, one of my roomies was a "Sikh".


It's called "Freedom of Religion".

Even Silly Sgt will agree with me on this one.

When you join the military you agree to be governed by the UCMJ and voluntarily suspend your Constitutional rights. Now the UCMJ allows certain rights and certainly it can change, but some of you people obviously don't know a damned thing you are talking about. Your RIGHTS do not matter when you're in the military, they simply don't apply.

Bull shit. There are lots of Sikhs in the military. They wear their long hair wound up inside their usually OD green turban. Their beards are neatly trimmed. Some curl long beards under their chin.
I helped my roomie with his turban holding it when he wound it around his head. One good wind lasted about a week. Then he would unwind it, wash it and rewind.

In the field, he wore a helmet just like everyone else. He worked as the Col's driver when on duty. I was 82C and a forward observer and then moved to S2 Headquarter's battery.
Fewer soldiers have died in BHO's admin than Bush's, total.

More soldiers have died in Afghanistan in BHO's admin than Bush's.
Is there anything Obama doesn't want to fundamentally change about America; that he doesn't hold contempt for? Does he know what a uniform is; it's purpose? He continues to pander to the muslims? :evil:

Obama was raised to hate America and everything it stands for.
This is just another step in the destruction of America.

Thankfully there are some who get it.
When I was in the Navy we had three choices and had to make one, Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish, so they'd know what kind of funeral to give you.
That was the greatest military in the history of the World!

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