Obama To Relax Military Standards: Turbans, Jewelry, Tattoos, Beards To Be Tolerated

two things

1) this did not come from the president
2) the regulations themselves have not changed, but case by case waivers are supposed to be more easily granted, provided that they don't interfere with the wearing of equipment, perforance of duty, or unit cohesion.
two things

1) this did not come from the president
2) the regulations themselves have not changed, but case by case waivers are supposed to be more easily granted, provided that they don't interfere with the wearing of equipment, perforance of duty, or unit cohesion.

So a muslim in the US army can carry around a carpet so he can throw it down 5 times a day and kiss it?
I'm a 20 year veteran and retired. The President has nothing to do with uniform standards, but thanks for putting your ODS on display again. It's amusing.
First off, I don't believe you're a 20 veteran of anything other than libtard indoctrination.

Second, if the president has nothing to do with uniform standards, then how is it that this directive comes from obama?

Thanks again for showing us all just what kind of brain washed liars you leftist scabs are.

It's not amusing.

I don't care what you believe. Your disbelief doesn't stop my check from coming once a month. :lol:

The directive did not come from the President. Obviously I was right and the nutters haven't actually read it.


Who is the CIC?
First off, I don't believe you're a 20 veteran of anything other than libtard indoctrination.

Second, if the president has nothing to do with uniform standards, then how is it that this directive comes from obama?

Thanks again for showing us all just what kind of brain washed liars you leftist scabs are.

It's not amusing.

I don't care what you believe. Your disbelief doesn't stop my check from coming once a month. :lol:

The directive did not come from the President. Obviously I was right and the nutters haven't actually read it.


Who is the CIC?

You into micro-managers?
I don't care what you believe. Your disbelief doesn't stop my check from coming once a month.
Ya, you get a check every month alright, but it's not retirement benefits from the military, it's welfare, along with your obama phone and food stamps.

If it makes you feel better to believe that than the fact that I served 20 years, retired honorably and now, for the rest of my lesbian life, get a military retirement check, well then be happy in your self delusion. :lol:

The directive did not come from the President. Obviously I was right and the nutters haven't actually read it.

Like hell it didn't. There isn't a person here other than maybe another one of you brain dead leftards that you're going to convince this DIDN'T come from obama.

You're not only a liar, you're a BAD liar.

Ah...so despite the fact that the directive came from the Pentagon not the WH and was not signed by the President means that I'm lying that the directive didn't come from the President.

Do you hurt yourself with rubber spoons while eating pudding?

Delegation of authority is one of Osama's tools that he constantly uses to gain plausible-deniability.
Why do I have a feeling that not a single nutter read the actual directive?

Accommodation of Religious Practices Within the Military Services

Why do I get the feeling that libtard whack jobs don't get the point that this shouldn't even be an issue?

Mainly because they themselves haven't served in the military and for the most part just hate it.

That's why they have zero comprehension as to why this is such a FUCKED UP IDEA. The filthy little muslim bubble head in the white house has never served a day, so he thinks he can fuck with the military to fit his nasty little pro homo, islamic agenda.

There has never been a more ANTI AMERICAN president in the history of this nation, and anyone who voted for that dick licking little turd obama should be horse whipped.

I'm a 20 year veteran and retired. The President has nothing to do with uniform standards, but thanks for putting your ODS on display again. It's amusing.

That's not exactly true, as the CiC , of course Obama could issue any orders or directives he wishes, and provided they are legal , they would be executed. He could absolutely direct the Uniform board of any and all branches to change uniforms to whatever he wanted.
It is not your father's military anymore.......
Do they still buzz cut your hair in basic?
I'm a 20 year veteran and retired. The President has nothing to do with uniform standards, but thanks for putting your ODS on display again. It's amusing.

You licked twat before during and after active duty - behind a curtain, against the regs. You're nothing more than a dishonorable douche. So, fuck you.
You folks said Bush ordered those Pvts and Specialists to torture the inmates in Abu Grab, but now you say Osama has no control over his commanders or people that work for him in the Pentagon.
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A really stupid OP quoting a failed rw nutter who was thrown out of the military AND congress.

Well how nice of the little dictator

An attack on the First Amendment.

Turbans make good targets.

Americans fantasizing about shooting Americans.

Some things never change.

Carry on.

Yeah because no one else shoots at American soldiers.

Tell me do you think some enemy soldier looking down the barrel of a rifle was told by the enemy commanding officer not to target a big old turban because it would be a violation of the rights of the guy wearing it?

Post proof that turbans are worn in combat by American troops.

Besides, if Obama gets his way, our people will never see old fashioned combat again anyway. In case you haven't noticed, he's moved into the 21st century and hopefully, future presidents will also refuse to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people just to prove to daddy that he has balls.

Note that I wrote if because we're not out of Afghanistan yet and the Rs don't want us out.

Anyway, post proof that turbans are worn in combat by American troops.
You folks said Bush ordered those Pvts and Specialists to torture the inmates in Abu Grab, but now you say Osama has no control over his commanders or people that work for him on the Pentagon.

Obama killed Osama.

And, yes, that's the same Osama that Bush protected.
I'm a 20 year veteran and retired. The President has nothing to do with uniform standards, but thanks for putting your ODS on display again. It's amusing.

You licked twat before during and after active duty - behind a curtain, against the regs. You're nothing more than a dishonorable douche. So, fuck you.

Said the trailer trash who wears a shirt that advertises his homosexuality.

Thank you Seawytch, for your service. And, thank you for introducing FACTS that not-warrior has no way of knowing about because he spends his life sitting on the couch, scratching his crotch.
With this relaxation of the rules, we will get away from our 'uniformity and conformity' that makes the United States Military unique and exemplary as a first rate fighting force. Lt. Col. Alan West makes a great case of why this is all wrong. I agree with him. Do you?

Military ?Relaxing? Uniform Regulations Because Feelings » The Right Scoop -

So what makes right wingers such fucking tards? When I was in the military, one of my roomies was a "Sikh".


It's called "Freedom of Religion".

Even Silly Sgt will agree with me on this one.

When you join the military you agree to be governed by the UCMJ and voluntarily suspend your Constitutional rights. Now the UCMJ allows certain rights and certainly it can change, but some of you people obviously don't know a damned thing you are talking about. Your RIGHTS do not matter when you're in the military, they simply don't apply.
You folks said Bush ordered those Pvts and Specialists to torture the inmates in Abu Grab, but now you say Osama has no control over his commanders or people that work for him on the Pentagon.

Obama killed Osama.

And, yes, that's the same Osama that Bush protected.

Obama didn't pull the trigger, Obama didn't have anything to do with this silly directive, so he had nothing to do with ether..

Fair is fair....
You folks said Bush ordered those Pvts and Specialists to torture the inmates in Abu Grab, but now you say Osama has no control over his commanders or people that work for him on the Pentagon.

Obama killed Osama.

And, yes, that's the same Osama that Bush protected.

Obama didn't pull the trigger, Obama didn't have anything to do with this silly directive, so he had nothing to do with ether..

Fair is fair....

There is ZERO proof that Osama bin Laden is dead.

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