Obama To Relax Military Standards: Turbans, Jewelry, Tattoos, Beards To Be Tolerated

Military service members will have to request exemptions from current uniform rules from their commanders, and in some cases higher headquarters. But religious garb that had previously been banned, including head coverings or pendants, is likely to be allowed under the new rules (PDF of directive).

In addition to religious apparel, jewelry and facial hair, the new rules specifically allow tattoos and body piercings that are religious in nature.
from the article
Divide the military just like the civilians are divided. Turn the military units from cohesive into warring little tribes.

Anyone who joins obama's military is an absolute fool. They have to be in it for a paycheck and nothing more.

It goes on to say that unless doing so could have an adverse impact on military readiness, unit cohesion, good order and discipline, health and safety, or any other military requirement, commanders can grant service members special permission to display their religious articles while in uniform.

Requests for religious accommodation can be denied when the “needs of mission accomplishment outweigh the needs of the service member,” the directive will explain.

Pentagon to relax rules on personal religious wear ? including beards, turbans - U.S. News
So what makes right wingers such fucking tards? When I was in the military, one of my roomies was a "Sikh".


It's called "Freedom of Religion".

Even Silly Sgt will agree with me on this one.

When you join the military you agree to be governed by the UCMJ and voluntarily suspend your Constitutional rights. Now the UCMJ allows certain rights and certainly it can change, but some of you people obviously don't know a damned thing you are talking about. Your RIGHTS do not matter when you're in the military, they simply don't apply.

Bull shit. There are lots of Sikhs in the military. They wear their long hair wound up inside their usually OD green turban. Their beards are neatly trimmed. Some curl long beards under their chin.
I helped my roomie with his turban holding it when he wound it around his head. One good wind lasted about a week. Then he would unwind it, wash it and rewind.

In the field, he wore a helmet just like everyone else. He worked as the Col's driver when on duty. I was 82C and a forward observer and then moved to S2 Headquarter's battery.

I thought you were in the MP's?:eusa_eh:


what year was this you had your sikh roommate?

how many sikhs are in the military anyway? lot ..as in??btw?

imho uniformity and what that encompasses in a military setting is put off kilter by the individual display of (a) religious artifact, wearing of religious garb of any sort for any sect. , basically anything unassociated with the/of military....*shrugs* I don't see why this is even an issue. This is not an issue of conscientiousness imho.

and although I don't have an issue with this as long as it out of sight, I can still see the body piercing/body art thing becoming a problem :lol:

I am frankly surprised at some of the folks here sppt.ing this, I thought all displays/celebrations/signs of faith/religion were/should be verboten, heck even during Christm- oops, I mean the winter holiday :eusa_eh:......*shrugs*
Why do I get the feeling that libtard whack jobs don't get the point that this shouldn't even be an issue?

Mainly because they themselves haven't served in the military and for the most part just hate it.

That's why they have zero comprehension as to why this is such a FUCKED UP IDEA. The filthy little muslim bubble head in the white house has never served a day, so he thinks he can fuck with the military to fit his nasty little pro homo, islamic agenda.

There has never been a more ANTI AMERICAN president in the history of this nation, and anyone who voted for that dick licking little turd obama should be horse whipped.

I'm a 20 year veteran and retired. The President has nothing to do with uniform standards, but thanks for putting your ODS on display again. It's amusing.
First off, I don't believe you're a 20 veteran of anything other than libtard indoctrination.

Second, if the president has nothing to do with uniform standards, then how is it that this directive comes from obama?

Thanks again for showing us all just what kind of brain washed liars you leftist scabs are.

It's not amusing.

I think she was one of those dyke brown shoe tin knockers.
So religious displays that incorporate other faiths along with Christianity is somehow wrong.

Uh huh.
When I was in the Navy I had a Beard, no biggy. If you where on sea duty or on sub duty you could wear a beard.
Have you ever seen special ops in Afghanistan? Beards are pretty grubby and they represent just fine.

You want to compare a special ops mission in the bush for weeks or months on end with the everyday uniform of the military?

Apples to airplanes that one is.

I guess over time, norms in the military change, Right?


if the beard is neat and trim I have no problem with it. The Navy was the last branch of the service to do away with beards I thought it was silly.
A really stupid OP quoting a failed rw nutter who was thrown out of the military AND congress.

An attack on the First Amendment.

Americans fantasizing about shooting Americans.

Some things never change.

Carry on.

Yeah because no one else shoots at American soldiers.

Tell me do you think some enemy soldier looking down the barrel of a rifle was told by the enemy commanding officer not to target a big old turban because it would be a violation of the rights of the guy wearing it?

Post proof that turbans are worn in combat by American troops.

Besides, if Obama gets his way, our people will never see old fashioned combat again anyway. In case you haven't noticed, he's moved into the 21st century and hopefully, future presidents will also refuse to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people just to prove to daddy that he has balls.

Note that I wrote if because we're not out of Afghanistan yet and the Rs don't want us out.

Anyway, post proof that turbans are worn in combat by American troops.

I was commenting on your idioitc statement that saying a turban makes a good target is the same as wanting to shoot American soldiers.
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When I was in the Navy I had a Beard, no biggy. If you where on sea duty or on sub duty you could wear a beard.

until they outlawed them ALL in the reagan era, ( except for that prick surgeon general Koop, who despite being a naval officer still had a beard)....
I'm a 20 year veteran and retired. The President has nothing to do with uniform standards, but thanks for putting your ODS on display again. It's amusing.

You licked twat before during and after active duty - behind a curtain, against the regs. You're nothing more than a dishonorable douche. So, fuck you.

Before, never...during and after...hell to the yeah I did. Same reg you violated if you licked any twat or had your peewee sucked. How dishonorable you hypocrite. :lol:
So religious displays that incorporate other faiths along with Christianity is somehow wrong.

Uh huh.

so, religious displays are now ok? what if one of the squad members is a atheist? :eusa_whistle:

You could always display some religious apparel while in uniform.

This is optional by the soldier and has to be approved the chain of command.

No one is forcing any adult in the armed forces to be atheist or religious.

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