obama to sign the UN small arms treaty July 27 2012

We will have plenty of time to read the treaty when the time comes. Then you should form your opinion. Then you can show us where you are not allowed to privately own a semi-automatic. Then you can show us when guns at home can be confiscated.

You can show us the part where:
2.Confiscate and destroy all “unauthorized” civilian firearms (exempting those owned by our government of course).

And when it becomes available, don't forget who it was that implied it was being hidden from us.

I know your selective memories will want to forget you believed there was some conspiracy to keep the treaty hidden from the public.

We'll come back to this topic when the time comes and note the date on the treaty, mm-kay?
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How so?

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

And this treaty does this, how?

You have read this whole topic, haven't you? Including Resolution 64/48?

You have an outside source dictating to a sovereign nation. To much control from a body that has no authority to control anything.
Some on the extreme right are openly discussing treason:

Vanderboegh warns of civil war if UN small arms treaty enforced - National Conservative | Examiner.com


Bush was against because he thought NATIONAL controls the appropriate course, now the NRA is against it because they FEAR domestic control. Have conservatives actually read this treaty?]

I've read it, I'm against it, and if they think they're going to get a list of my weapons they need to think again.

No you haven't. It does not even exist yet. You are lying. And no one is coming after your guns or a list of your guns. You are totally speaking out of your ass.

Excuse me, I misspoke. The treaty itself is being negotiated in NY as we speak, as I said to Conservative. I have read EVERY UN report out there about it. I have read every op/ed and fact sheet I can find on it, and I've read the statements already made at the conference. I posted some a page or two ago that you must've missed.

Get the stick out of your ass and think for a minute. How the hell are they going to 'regulate' arms sales without knowing who, how many, what size? If you don't think they want a list you don't think.

Now think about this... Have you ever seen a government regulation that didn't morph itself into some overbearing, freedom-eating monster?

And why do they want to regulate (read 'control') ammunition AND all related 'technologies'? Like I said, no ammo and your 'protection' has just become a wall decoration. What are you going to do, THROW it at someone?

Less information on small arms than on nuclear weapons

Reliable data sets on small arms can only be built if countries provide information on production, holdings, trade, legislation and use. But of all transparency measures on weapons systems, those on small arms are the least developed. According to the Small Arms Survey, "more is known about the number of nuclear warheads, stocks of chemical weapons and transfers of major conventional weapons than about small arms".

There are no accurate figures for the number of small arms and light weapons currently in circulation globally. Sources estimate the total to be at least 875 million. The majority of small arms - generally the only category of weapons not falling under Government monopoly of possession and use - are in private hands.
You don't think they want to know WHOSE hands, do you?
Small arms and the UN

Governments have a responsibility to ensure public safety and they have an interest in providing human security and development to their citizens. So they should ensure that small arms from Government stocks or from private ownership are not misused and do not enter illicit circuits, where their use may contribute to instability and to exacerbating poverty.

To attain those goals, within the UN, countries have agreed on several commitments on small arms control: the Firearms Protocol, the Programme of Action on small arms - including an Instrument on marking and tracing - and the Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials.

The topic of small arms comes up in other discussions as well. Countries are giving separate attention to closely related issues, such as armed violence, child soldiers, the protection of civilians in armed conflict, ammunition, the arms trade treaty and the UN register of conventional arms.
Lots of info at this link...
Programme of Action - Implementation Support System
Marking and tracing

If national law enforcement officials were able to trace small arms back to their last legitimate owner, who might then be held accountable, this would form an effective measure against illicit trade and diversion. For that purpose, it is essential that the weapon be marked upon production and import, and that appropriate records be kept. Existing stocks should also be marked. Although many weapons are marked upon production and import, international cooperation in marking and tracing of small arms is in its infancy.
In 2009 the General Assembly decided to convene a Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty in 2012 "to elaborate a legally binding instrument on the highest possible common international standards for the transfer of conventional arms". The General Assembly also indicated that the remaining four sessions of the Open-ended Working Group should be considered as sessions of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for this Conference. PrepComs took place in July 2010, February 2011, July 2011 and in February 2012

UNODA - Small Arms and Light Weapons

There's a lot more reading you can do, but that will get you started.
UN General Assembly - Resolutions

Scroll down and click on 64/48.

Back in 6/07/2011 Forbes did a report on the U.N. small arms treaty

While the terms have yet to be made public, if passed by the U.N. and ratified by our Senate, it will almost certainly force the U.S. to:

Enact tougher licensing requirements, creating additional bureaucratic red tape for legal firearms ownership.
Confiscate and destroy all “unauthorized” civilian firearms (exempting those owned by our government of course).
Ban the trade, sale and private ownership of all semi-automatic weapons (any that have magazines even though they still operate in the same one trigger pull – one single “bang” manner as revolvers, a simple fact the ant-gun media never seem to grasp).
Create an international gun registry, clearly setting the stage for full-scale gun confiscation.
In short, overriding our national sovereignty, and in the process, providing license for the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory powers guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment rights.
U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms - Forbes
The terms have been made they just haven't released the text.

Bullshit. The terms are being negotiated right now.

I have included all the documentation surrounding the treaty. Please show where any of them match up with these claims.

I would also like to know how you know Obama is going to sign it two weeks from now. Crystal ball?

How did I know obamacare was a tax before the people who voted on it knew it?
I read the bill
You don't think they want to know WHOSE hands, do you?

This is primarily aimed at terrorism. So yes, they do want to know whose hands internationally trafficked arms are in.

This has nothing to do with you.

Lots of info at this link...
Programme of Action - Implementation Support System
Marking and tracing

If national law enforcement officials were able to trace small arms back to their last legitimate owner, who might then be held accountable, this would form an effective measure against illicit trade and diversion. For that purpose, it is essential that the weapon be marked upon production and import, and that appropriate records be kept. Existing stocks should also be marked. Although many weapons are marked upon production and import, international cooperation in marking and tracing of small arms is in its infancy.

Your weapons are serialized. So they are already marked. Don't let your paranoia run away with you.

In 2009 the General Assembly decided to convene a Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty in 2012 "to elaborate a legally binding instrument on the highest possible common international standards for the transfer of conventional arms". The General Assembly also indicated that the remaining four sessions of the Open-ended Working Group should be considered as sessions of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for this Conference. PrepComs took place in July 2010, February 2011, July 2011 and in February 2012

UNODA - Small Arms and Light Weapons

There's a lot more reading you can do, but that will get you started.

I have also provided extensive links and asked anyone to quote directly from the UN prepatory material to prove their claims. No one has. The prep material is clearly talking about international arms trafficking.

I have actually proven with a UN Resolution which is part of the ATT prep that they recognize the constitutional right of our citizens to bear arms.
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You don't think they want to know WHOSE hands, do you?

This is primarily aimed at terrorism. So yes, they do want to know whose hands internationally trafficked arms are in.

This has nothing to do with you.

Your weapons are serialized. So they are already marked. Don't let your paranoia run away with you.

In 2009 the General Assembly decided to convene a Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty in 2012 "to elaborate a legally binding instrument on the highest possible common international standards for the transfer of conventional arms". The General Assembly also indicated that the remaining four sessions of the Open-ended Working Group should be considered as sessions of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for this Conference. PrepComs took place in July 2010, February 2011, July 2011 and in February 2012

UNODA - Small Arms and Light Weapons

There's a lot more reading you can do, but that will get you started.

I have also provided extensive links and asked anyone to quote directly from the UN prepatory material to prove their claims. No one has. The prep material is clearly talking about international arms trafficking.

I have actually proven with a UN Resolution which is part of the ATT prep that they recognize the constitutional right of our citizens to bear arms.

Be smart for a minute, GT. They're not going to put shit in their notes about usurping our rights, they KNOW they'd never get us to sign the treaty if it was out in the open. They used big words and flowery phrases to mask their intent, knowing that their treaty won't do SHIT about arms traffickers, because only honest people obey the law in the first place.

I know my guns have serial #'s. I also know that if we let them, names and addresses will be put with those numbers and stored forever in a computer somewhere. How many guns I own is nobody's business but my own.

And when you read the Small Arms Survey... http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/file...1/en/Small-Arms-Survey-2011-Chapter-09-EN.pdf

it's plain that the GOAL of this is disarmament. Incrementally. Like boiling a frog.
Those arms makers and dealers which make gazillions of dollars a year chanelling small arms to Third World countries, contributing to the bloodshed, are going to fight this tooth and nail. And they will be pouring millions of gallons of bongwater, generating enough diversionary smoke to greenhouse the entire planet, and putting up enough deflective mirrors to power the state of Nevada with solar power.


Small arms are rifles pistols and shotguns. We currently buy and sell them commercially between western nations. This treaty would give the UN the power to stop a peaceful trade that has zero to do with war or bloodshed.

But then critical thinking is not one of your strong suits I noticed.
Unless it's all rigged like many assume it is. He likely has nothing to lose. Many believe Obama was selected, not elected. Therefore decisions like this won't hurt him in the Election. Obviously he's a NWO Globalist. But isn't Romney as well? They're both Big Government Globalists in my assessment. I guess you have to ask the question, would Romney have agreed to this Treaty? I'm not sure, but i lean towards thinking yes. Not much of an Election this time around. Two Big Government Harvard Elites. Many will choose to sit it out.
If Obama signs, you know there won't be an election in November. He'll fake a terrorist attack or assassination attempt
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If Obama signs, you know there won't be an election in November. He'll fake a terrorist attack or assassination attempt

You aren't the first person I've read to front that notion. Obama's actions are cold and calculated. After all? I think MOST of us remember his "Bitter Clingers" comment from '08.
No, this is a waste of time thread with no real meaning or intent.

move along short bus. No more Clinton type back door deals when it comes to my guns.

And the Senate, Obama will be derelict in thier duties to the Constitution.

In my view? Most gun laws are unconstitutional as they stand now. Having another body outside the Constitutional authority is an assault on our soverignty.

Anyone who votes to ratify this treaty are committing treason, period.
T, you know that the House voted to Repeal ObamaCare but what are you gonna' say when the Republican House votes to fully fund ObamaCare in a soon to come "Continuing Budget Resolution"?

Because I'm not blinded by party loyalty I KNOW that's what they're gonna' do. Boner is a tool of those that control him. No different than our Supreme Court apparently.
T, you know that the House voted to Repeal ObamaCare but what are you gonna' say when the Republican House votes to fully fund ObamaCare in a soon to come "Continuing Budget Resolution"?

Because I'm not blinded by party loyalty I KNOW that's what they're gonna' do. Boner is a tool of those that control him. No different than our Supreme Court apparently.

I don't disagree at all. The entire District of Criminals is overdue for an enema. The Congress is derelict in thier duty to be on a budget. And there will be fireworks coming on the budget ceiling.

I'll be casting votes to get rid of those I can.

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