obama totally flim flammed us with the stupid anti islam movie


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
It never was about any movie. And the state department knew at all times that these protests were coming.

How did we know it was about Nakoula's movie? It came from our government, through our media. And it was never true.

DHS report warned last week of call for 'burning the embassy down' in Cairo | Fox News

Fox News has obtained a three-page intelligence report showing that two days before the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya, a statement incited "sons of Egypt" to pressure America to release the so-called blind sheikh "even if it requires burning the embassy down with everyone in it."
The web statement, apparently posted on Sept. 9, was in reference to the embassy in Egypt. It preceded a throng of demonstrators breaching the U.S. Embassy wall in Cairo, supposedly in protest over an anti-Islam film. Obama administration officials claim that attackers in Libya then took their cue from Cairo and seized the opportunity to attack the consulate in Benghazi.
Though the administration's version of events is still evolving, the three-page Department of Homeland Security intelligence report further highlights potential threats that were being picked up before last week's attack.
It never was about any movie. And the state department knew at all times that these protests were coming.

How did we know it was about Nakoula's movie? It came from our government, through our media. And it was never true.

DHS report warned last week of call for 'burning the embassy down' in Cairo | Fox News

Fox News has obtained a three-page intelligence report showing that two days before the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya, a statement incited "sons of Egypt" to pressure America to release the so-called blind sheikh "even if it requires burning the embassy down with everyone in it."
The web statement, apparently posted on Sept. 9, was in reference to the embassy in Egypt. It preceded a throng of demonstrators breaching the U.S. Embassy wall in Cairo, supposedly in protest over an anti-Islam film. Obama administration officials claim that attackers in Libya then took their cue from Cairo and seized the opportunity to attack the consulate in Benghazi.
Though the administration's version of events is still evolving, the three-page Department of Homeland Security intelligence report further highlights potential threats that were being picked up before last week's attack.

Yep! but then libtards love being flim lammed..
He's a wanted man...
Pakistani minister offers $100,000 bounty for anti-Islam filmmaker
Sep 22, 2012 - A Pakistani minister is offering $100,000 to anyone who kills the maker of an online anti-Islam film which has sparked protests across parts of the Muslim world, Reuters reports.
"I announce today that this blasphemer, this sinner who has spoken nonsense about the holy Prophet, anyone who murders him, I will reward him with $100,000," Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour said. "I invite the Taliban brothers and the al Qaeda brothers to join me in this blessed mission."

He made the statement at a news conference as people applauded. A spokesman for Pakistan's prime minister said the government is not connected with the minister's statement. People involved in the film have said it was made by a 55-year-old California man, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, Reuters reports.

Nakoula has not returned to his home in the Los Angeles suburb of Cerritos. He left several days ago to be interviewed by federal authorities and was later dropped off at an undisclosed, police have said. His family has since gone into hiding. A 13-minute clip of the film was posted on YouTube and ignited anger across the world.


See also:

Pakistani Minister Offers Bounty Over Anti-Islam Film
September 22, 2012 — A Pakistani cabinet minister on Saturday offered a $100,000 reward for the death of the person behind the anti-Islam video made in the United States that has roiled Muslims around the world, even suggesting that Taliban and Al Qaeda militants could carry out the killing.
Ghulam Ahmad Bilour, the federal railways minister, said at a news conference in the northwestern city of Peshawar that he would personally finance a bounty aimed at the maker of a crude, low-budget video that denigrates the Prophet Muhammad. Mr. Bilour acknowledged that incitement to murder was illegal, but said he was “ready to be hanged in the name of the Prophet Muhammad.” And he invited the Taliban and Al Qaeda to be “partners in this noble deed,” according to news reports. The incendiary statements came a day after violent protests paralyzed Pakistan’s largest cities, leaving 23 people dead and more than 200 injured, and invited fresh criticism of the government’s handling of the crisis.

A senior aide to Mr. Bilour sought to qualify his statements, saying that their purpose was to channel frustration and anger away from the streets of Pakistan, and toward the filmmaker in the United States. But in Islamabad, the government distanced itself from the comments. “We completely dissociate ourselves from the statement of Mr. Bilour,” Shafqat Jalil, press secretary to Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, said in an interview after several hours of silence from the government. Mr. Jalil added that the prime minister had been trying contact the leader of Mr. Bilour’s party, a minority member of the coalition government. “The P.M. will try to work something out with him,” he said.

An Obama administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said he did not want to comment until he knew more about the context of the comments. The bounty offer came during widespread criticism of the government, which declared a public holiday on Friday to facilitate what it hoped would be peaceful protests, calling it a “Day of Love for the Prophet Muhammad.” “Pakistan was truly leaderless on Friday,” said Maleeha Lodhi, a former ambassador to the United States. “By ceding space to the mob, the government actually joined the mob. And these statements only reinforce how playing to the gallery has very dangerous, long-term consequences for the country.” Mr. Bilour did not name the target of his bounty, but it was widely presumed to be Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, who lives in California and has been linked to the 14-minute video, described as a trailer for a movie titled “Innocence of Muslims.”

Mr. Nakoula has not confirmed reports of his involvement, but he has been questioned by the police near his residence south of Los Angeles. In Pakistan, Mr. Bilour’s offer was taken more as a piece of political grandstanding than as a serious threat. A day earlier, at least six people died during protests in Peshawar, and rioters destroyed property that included a cinema belonging to Mr. Bilour’s brother, Aziz. “It is not for us to destroy our country and our own poor people,” said Mr. Bilour’s aide, Zulfikar Ahmed, explaining the rationale for the bounty. “That’s why he said this.”

More http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/23/w...offers-bounty-over-anti-islam-video.html?_r=0
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Islam wants us to silence our people from using our freedom of speech? A big fuck no should of came out of obamas mouth!!!

Instead he stabs us in the back????


Islam is all about submission and once we give a inch they will take a mile.

Hey, camel fuckers, put a 10,000 dollar reward on my head. I'm for freedom of speech, Muhammeds bitches!
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Granny says, "Dat's right - now throw away the key...
California Man Behind Anti-Muslim Movie Sentenced To Prison
November 07, 2012 : A California man behind the anti-Muslim video that sparked widespread protests in the Muslim world has been sentenced to one year in prison for breaching the terms of his probation on a previous offense.
The U.S. District Court in Los Angeles sentenced Mark Basseley Youssef Wednesday after he admitted to four allegations, including the use of false identities and violating the terms of probation for a bank fraud conviction. None of the violations was linked to the content of the movie Innocence of Muslims that parodies Islam's Prophet Muhammad.

Youssef is an Egyptian-born Coptic Christian. He was arrested in late September after going into hiding when the movie he financed enraged Muslims worldwide and led to deadly violence in Libya. He will serve the new sentence in federal prison.

The film depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a thuggish deviant offended many Muslims and sparked a wave of anti-American protests that saw mobs burn U.S. missions, schools and businesses. During one such protest outside the U.S. consulate in Libya's city of Benghazi, members of a radical Islamist group broke into the U.S. compound. Four Americans, including then-U.S. ambassdor to Libya Chris Stevens, were killed in the September 11 violence.


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