Obama tried to get Rev Wright to stay quiet 'by paying him $150,000 during the 2008 campaign'

How are the snowflakes going to argue that Trump should go to prison and also argue that Obama shouldn't go to prison for the very same thing? This should get interesting.

Obama’s $150,000 ‘HUSH MONEY BRIBE’ … ‘Paid Reverend Jeremiah Wright To Stay Quiet During 2008 Campaign’ – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Reverend Jeremiah Wright caused problems for President Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008, and new details have emerged alleging that the then-candidate tried to convince his former pastor to keep quiet.

The retired pastor, who came under fire after an old sermon where he said that the September 11 terrorist attacks were ‘America’s chickens coming home to roost’, said that he was offered $150,000 to stay silent until the election was over.

Journalist Edward Klein interviewed Mr Wright and included their conversation in his new book, The Amateur.

‘After the media went ballistic on me, I received an email offering me money not to preach until the November presidential election,’ Mr Wright told the author, as relayed by The New York Post.

There is also the nearly $2 million in campaign donations he failed to report. All he got was a $375k fine and the MSM buried the story when it came out years later.

Where is the investigation to find out how much of his campaign money came from China and Russia?
I just told you why that claim is bullshit.

What you did...was make a bullshit claim that not even you believes
Anyone with common sense knows it's true. The whole campaign was just one long litany of accusers who said nothing for years and then came crawling out of the woodwork during the campaign. That was because big donors where paying them to.
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How are the snowflakes going to argue that Trump should go to prison and also argue that Obama shouldn't go to prison for the very same thing? This should get interesting.

Obama’s $150,000 ‘HUSH MONEY BRIBE’ … ‘Paid Reverend Jeremiah Wright To Stay Quiet During 2008 Campaign’ – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Reverend Jeremiah Wright caused problems for President Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008, and new details have emerged alleging that the then-candidate tried to convince his former pastor to keep quiet.

The retired pastor, who came under fire after an old sermon where he said that the September 11 terrorist attacks were ‘America’s chickens coming home to roost’, said that he was offered $150,000 to stay silent until the election was over.

Journalist Edward Klein interviewed Mr Wright and included their conversation in his new book, The Amateur.

‘After the media went ballistic on me, I received an email offering me money not to preach until the November presidential election,’ Mr Wright told the author, as relayed by The New York Post.

Progressives are full of shit. Kicker is politicians do this all the time, only in Trump's case it was HIS MONEY instead of the taxpayers. I cannot believe we allow hush money on the tax payer's dime. That's the real crime.
How are the snowflakes going to argue that Trump should go to prison and also argue that Obama shouldn't go to prison for the very same thing?
Hmm,let's see....a unilateral claim of an offer, vs. actual payouts, with the preparations and discussions on tape.

Gee, having a hard time telling the difference!

How are the snowflakes going to argue that Trump should go to prison and also argue that Obama shouldn't go to prison for the very same thing?
Hmm,let's see....a unilateral claim of an offer, vs. actual payouts, with the preparations and discussions on tape.

Gee, having a hard time telling the difference!

You're comparing the strength of the case, not the legality of the action.
I proved you to be a blatant LIAR.
You didn't prove shit, snowflake. As usual, you personally attack people, call them names, spread fake news, and demand everyone believe what you say because YOU say it. Like I said, if you want to call me names and make false accusations until you are blue in the face, don't let me stop your childish tantrum. If you want to debate Semantics with someone, call Bill Clinton. If you want to talk about how Obama continued to see his communist tutors, hate-spewing racist Anti-American mentors, and domestic terrorist buddies after he entered the WH I will gladly discuss that with you. Otherwise, Feliz Navidad, snowflake.


This out things work for honest posters, if you make a statement such as the one you made, you back up your claim.
You made a statement, back it up with just one visit, which doesn't qualify as the "many" as you claimed. I gave you a chance to try again and of course you couldn't do it, because it was a blatant lie.
If you were in a court of law, you would be found guilty of perjury. Fact.
How are the snowflakes going to argue that Trump should go to prison and also argue that Obama shouldn't go to prison for the very same thing? This should get interesting.

Obama’s $150,000 ‘HUSH MONEY BRIBE’ … ‘Paid Reverend Jeremiah Wright To Stay Quiet During 2008 Campaign’ – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Reverend Jeremiah Wright caused problems for President Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008, and new details have emerged alleging that the then-candidate tried to convince his former pastor to keep quiet.

The retired pastor, who came under fire after an old sermon where he said that the September 11 terrorist attacks were ‘America’s chickens coming home to roost’, said that he was offered $150,000 to stay silent until the election was over.

Journalist Edward Klein interviewed Mr Wright and included their conversation in his new book, The Amateur.

‘After the media went ballistic on me, I received an email offering me money not to preach until the November presidential election,’ Mr Wright told the author, as relayed by The New York Post.

I didn't know that Obama had a affair with Reverend Wright--:auiqs.jpg: I really don't think a website called the Free Citizen is something that anyone can believe, with the exception of a half brained Trump tard such as yourself.

Why does BO get the benefit of doubt, but not Donnie?


Because we have actual evidence against Donnie...

All you have on Obama is that someone sent Wright an email (according to Wright, who never showed anyone the email) offering him $150,000.

Was that person serious?
Was he actually linked to Obama, or was he just a fan telling this guy to shut up?

On the other hand, we can draw a straight line between Donnie and the Porn Star.
It's a contribution, asshole. That makes it actually illegal
Great, a con finally admits trump broke the law.

Lock him up!
I didn't say that, moron. Learn how to read.
You said it’s illegal, ya fucking moron.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Media reports, "Mr Wright said that ‘one of Barack’s closest friends’ sent an email to a member of the church saying that he would pay $150,000 for the pastor to keep quiet for fear of saying something incendiary."

"He said that following the incident, the then-candidate Mr Obama requested a private, secret meeting with the Reverend to make a personal plea."

"Mr Wright said that, while he wasn’t sure whether or not Mr Obama was wearing a wire, they met and discussed their options."

"And one of the first things Barack said was, “I really wish you wouldn’t do any more public speaking until after the November election,”‘ Mr Wright told Mr Klein."

"‘He knew I had some speaking engagements lined up, and he said, “I wish you wouldn’t speak. It’s gonna hurt the campaign if you do that.”‘"

Hello. Bottom line: IMO, President and Mrs. Obama and did more harm than good by not denouncing the people and community harming VIOLENCE & Fvvkery many of his urban story-TRUTH-teller friends and WH guests vividly describe in their FEMALE hating music.

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'Negromanosphere CEO Discusses President Obama & Other African American Pretenders'

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

As usual rightwingers are CLUELESS.

Pay attention ignoramus, legal problem would NOT be if Obama paid off a pastor or a fuck doll (though the later would have political ramifications)

The problem would be if he paid them off to influence the campaign WHILE NOT APROPRIATELY DECLARING IT as a compaign contribution, and then he would get into actual CRIMINAL territory if he tried to conceal it by lying to the FBI/Congress and/or commiting Obstruction of Justice..
Sorry, but paying off a woman regarding an affair that occurred 10 years before....right before an election in order to hide that fact from the public IS a "campaign contribution"...and no one but idiots like you dispute that
Thanks for the fake news REPEAT, skippy, but the actual laws / regs were posted yesterday showing that, NO, they are NOT. And such an act happening BEFORE a candidate even becomes a candidate, let alone becomes President, does not trigger Impeachment.

But thanks for playing....
The act was paying for her silence and that did not occur before trump was a candidate.
And to be clear..had Trump cut a check to Stormy...and then reported it...it WOULD have been legal.

He didn't. He CONSPIRED (a crime) to HIDE that payment and committed a variety of crimes in making those payments through various sources.
ROFL! What a moron. It wasn't a campaign contribution. According to the snowflake theory, if Trump bought a new suit, it's a campaign contribution.

By "conspired" you mean he didn't tell the cops.

You snowflakes are so desperate. I'm going to enjoy a big cup of snowflake tears when all this ends and Trump finishes his eighth year in office.
Sorry, but paying off a woman regarding an affair that occurred 10 years before....right before an election in order to hide that fact from the public IS a "campaign contribution"...and no one but idiots like you dispute that
Wrong, turd. If it has any possible private purpose, then it's not a campaign contribution. There are a lot of reasons Trump might want to pay off Stormy even if he isn't running for office. Therefore, it's not a campaign contribution. It happened during the campaign only because Stormy thought that was the best time to strike. All the cockroaches come crawling out of the woodwork when you are running for office, especially when your opponent is paying them off.
Nope, there was no other reason.

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