Obama trolls Trump - Brilliantly!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Obama cock-gobblers, but your "glory days" of the magnificent magic negro are gone forever. There isn't one single current Democrat running today who has the charisma of a dead fish, if you want to know the truth.

Obama won for two reasons: Because he had charisma, and because he was black. It was a "feel good moment" for you self-hating white liberal Democrats because at long last, a clean and articulate black man had been found to represent you.

Unlike those scary darkies who lurked around every corner, waiting to kick your asses on the school playground and steal your lunch money, Barack Obama was there to gently soothe your fears, sing you an old plantation song, and make you feel that "everythin' gonna be awright, yowsa, you betcha."

Those days aren't coming back, no matter who you run. Sorry, that's just the way it is. Deal with it. Get over yourselves.

Stormfront, 4Chan or American Renaissance would be a better posting forum for you. Not that USMB isn’t approaching a similar level mind ya.

Obama gave away part of Alaska's land in the form of its westerly Aleutian Islands. He did not bother his arrogant self to ask Alaska if he could give their property away, he just did it. With it, he gave away a trillion dollars in oil and gas in and around the islands to Russia. Earlier, he and his Secretary of State Hillary in an also secretive move, gave away 20% of America's up-gradable uranium to Russia, who is in cohoots up to their necks with the ayatollah of Iran who just threatened America with a nuclear attack if a gay man is elected President. He will also have to take out our ally Israel to satisfy his murder-god who tells him to murder infidels in a process called jihad in which they take young men with nothing to do to go kill people who are not muslims. These young men get a bonus if they kill a Jew, and it's doubled if they kill an American "by accident." If they get killed killing people, their families are given income for life.

Pardon me if I don't stand up and cheer the idiot along with you. He has imperiled this nation with his give-aways, not to mention his theft of other mens' thunder and hard work.
Fake news.

"Q: Is President Obama giving away several Alaskan islands to Russia?

A: No. The U.S. has never claimed ownership of the islands identified in viral emails and websites. They lie far closer to the coast of Siberia than to Alaska."

Alaskan Island Giveaway?

You've been lied to again.
Why do you keep going back for more?
I said That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.

Obama stuck it to Alaska.
"Trolls" as in ugly mythical creatures who live under bridges? Otherwise the post doesn't make much sense.

Salient point ^

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Obama cock-gobblers, but your "glory days" of the magnificent magic negro are gone forever. There isn't one single current Democrat running today who has the charisma of a dead fish, if you want to know the truth.

Obama won for two reasons: Because he had charisma, and because he was black. It was a "feel good moment" for you self-hating white liberal Democrats because at long last, a clean and articulate black man had been found to represent you.

Unlike those scary darkies who lurked around every corner, waiting to kick your asses on the school playground and steal your lunch money, Barack Obama was there to gently soothe your fears, sing you an old plantation song, and make you feel that "everythin' gonna be awright, yowsa, you betcha."

Those days aren't coming back, no matter who you run. Sorry, that's just the way it is. Deal with it. Get over yourselves.

Stormfront, 4Chan or American Renaissance would be a better posting forum for you. Not that USMB isn’t approaching a similar level mind ya.

Sorry, them guys and gurls at Stormfront and 4chan are too scary for me.

Besides, I like Jews, why don't you?

They want to believe any lies that validate their hate

Who are the people taking to the streets destroying property, sacking businesses, clobbering people with bicycle locks, and pepper spraying innocent bystanders?

Hint: it's not the Trumpsters, Gomer Pyle.
Liberals think that's normal behavior.
Those are no liberals....And despite their claims, they're not anarchists either....They're stone commie scum.
I think the average Democrat of today is actually close to being an Independent.
They've left the party in droves to the Walk Away people who first treat them for their TDS, then share opportunities for their future politics. Many of them came liking President Trump anyway because he encouraged private businesses to bring back their companies to America and others just to double down right where they are and increase their earnings with new trade partners who used to take our business with zero return. President Trump used his art-of-the-deal skills to cause our trade partners to also trade with us a lot more than before. So millions of people have high-paying jobs now, while 3 million no longer need to be on welfare because they're happier working for their own American dream in the future. Some of the university students who were lied to for four years are actually able to realize Marxism is incompatible with a free trade country whose main benefit is giving all people equality under the Constitutional protections developed over the past 244 years. Go America!

Obama gave away part of Alaska's land in the form of its westerly Aleutian Islands. He did not bother his arrogant self to ask Alaska if he could give their property away, he just did it. With it, he gave away a trillion dollars in oil and gas in and around the islands to Russia. Earlier, he and his Secretary of State Hillary in an also secretive move, gave away 20% of America's up-gradable uranium to Russia, who is in cohoots up to their necks with the ayatollah of Iran who just threatened America with a nuclear attack if a gay man is elected President. He will also have to take out our ally Israel to satisfy his murder-god who tells him to murder infidels in a process called jihad in which they take young men with nothing to do to go kill people who are not muslims. These young men get a bonus if they kill a Jew, and it's doubled if they kill an American "by accident." If they get killed killing people, their families are given income for life.

Pardon me if I don't stand up and cheer the idiot along with you. He has imperiled this nation with his give-aways, not to mention his theft of other mens' thunder and hard work.
Fake news.

"Q: Is President Obama giving away several Alaskan islands to Russia?

A: No. The U.S. has never claimed ownership of the islands identified in viral emails and websites. They lie far closer to the coast of Siberia than to Alaska."

Alaskan Island Giveaway?

You've been lied to again.
Why do you keep going back for more?
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. WE no longer own those islands, no thanks to Barack Obama who released title on them without consulting the state of Alaska.

Obama also ended the Monroe Doctrine. That means we can't protect our national interests in Central and South America,

What a POS he was. May he burn in hell.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Obama cock-gobblers, but your "glory days" of the magnificent magic negro are gone forever. There isn't one single current Democrat running today who has the charisma of a dead fish, if you want to know the truth.

Obama won for two reasons: Because he had charisma, and because he was black. It was a "feel good moment" for you self-hating white liberal Democrats because at long last, a clean and articulate black man had been found to represent you.

Unlike those scary darkies who lurked around every corner, waiting to kick your asses on the school playground and steal your lunch money, Barack Obama was there to gently soothe your fears, sing you an old plantation song, and make you feel that "everythin' gonna be awright, yowsa, you betcha."

Those days aren't coming back, no matter who you run. Sorry, that's just the way it is. Deal with it. Get over yourselves.

Stormfront, 4Chan or American Renaissance would be a better posting forum for you. Not that USMB isn’t approaching a similar level mind ya.

Sorry, them guys and gurls at Stormfront and 4chan are too scary for me.

Besides, I like Jews, why don't you?

Funny, them guys said the same about USMB.

Did I say something anti-Semitic or was that an echo ya heard upstairs?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Obama cock-gobblers, but your "glory days" of the magnificent magic negro are gone forever. There isn't one single current Democrat running today who has the charisma of a dead fish, if you want to know the truth.

Obama won for two reasons: Because he had charisma, and because he was black. It was a "feel good moment" for you self-hating white liberal Democrats because at long last, a clean and articulate black man had been found to represent you.

Unlike those scary darkies who lurked around every corner, waiting to kick your asses on the school playground and steal your lunch money, Barack Obama was there to gently soothe your fears, sing you an old plantation song, and make you feel that "everythin' gonna be awright, yowsa, you betcha."

Those days aren't coming back, no matter who you run. Sorry, that's just the way it is. Deal with it. Get over yourselves.

Stormfront, 4Chan or American Renaissance would be a better posting forum for you. Not that USMB isn’t approaching a similar level mind ya.
I figured it out!
You're Chris Cuomo!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Obama cock-gobblers, but your "glory days" of the magnificent magic negro are gone forever. There isn't one single current Democrat running today who has the charisma of a dead fish, if you want to know the truth.

Obama won for two reasons: Because he had charisma, and because he was black. It was a "feel good moment" for you self-hating white liberal Democrats because at long last, a clean and articulate black man had been found to represent you.

Unlike those scary darkies who lurked around every corner, waiting to kick your asses on the school playground and steal your lunch money, Barack Obama was there to gently soothe your fears, sing you an old plantation song, and make you feel that "everythin' gonna be awright, yowsa, you betcha."

Those days aren't coming back, no matter who you run. Sorry, that's just the way it is. Deal with it. Get over yourselves.

Stormfront, 4Chan or American Renaissance would be a better posting forum for you. Not that USMB isn’t approaching a similar level mind ya.

Sorry, them guys and gurls at Stormfront and 4chan are too scary for me.

Besides, I like Jews, why don't you?

Funny, them guys said the same about USMB.

Did I say something anti-Semitic or was that an echo ya heard upstairs?

I know for a fact that you hate the Jews. You probably have two or three of them tied up in your closet right now, you anti-Semitic bastid.

Long live Israel! I"m gonna tell the IDF all about you.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Obama cock-gobblers, but your "glory days" of the magnificent magic negro are gone forever. There isn't one single current Democrat running today who has the charisma of a dead fish, if you want to know the truth.

Obama won for two reasons: Because he had charisma, and because he was black. It was a "feel good moment" for you self-hating white liberal Democrats because at long last, a clean and articulate black man had been found to represent you.

Unlike those scary darkies who lurked around every corner, waiting to kick your asses on the school playground and steal your lunch money, Barack Obama was there to gently soothe your fears, sing you an old plantation song, and make you feel that "everythin' gonna be awright, yowsa, you betcha."

Those days aren't coming back, no matter who you run. Sorry, that's just the way it is. Deal with it. Get over yourselves.

Stormfront, 4Chan or American Renaissance would be a better posting forum for you. Not that USMB isn’t approaching a similar level mind ya.

Sorry, them guys and gurls at Stormfront and 4chan are too scary for me.

Besides, I like Jews, why don't you?

Funny, them guys said the same about USMB.

Did I say something anti-Semitic or was that an echo ya heard upstairs?

I know for a fact that you hate the Jews. You probably have two or three of them tied up in your closet right now, you anti-Semitic bastid.

Long live Israel! I"m gonna tell the IDF all about you.

For the record, the only Jew I don’t like is the corrupt neocon criminal who’s been ruining the joint. Lock his ass up. He can come here. Excellent cellie for Tangerine Tornado!

They want to believe any lies that validate their hate

Who are the people taking to the streets destroying property, sacking businesses, clobbering people with bicycle locks, and pepper spraying innocent bystanders?

Hint: it's not the Trumpsters, Gomer Pyle.
Liberals think that's normal behavior.
Those are no liberals....And despite their claims, they're not anarchists either....They're stone commie scum.
I think the average Democrat of today is actually close to being an Independent.
They've left the party in droves to the Walk Away people who first treat them for their TDS, then share opportunities for their future politics. Many of them came liking President Trump anyway because he encouraged private businesses to bring back their companies to America and others just to double down right where they are and increase their earnings with new trade partners who used to take our business with zero return. President Trump used his art-of-the-deal skills to cause our trade partners to also trade with us a lot more than before. So millions of people have high-paying jobs now, while 3 million no longer need to be on welfare because they're happier working for their own American dream in the future. Some of the university students who were lied to for four years are actually able to realize Marxism is incompatible with a free trade country whose main benefit is giving all people equality under the Constitutional protections developed over the past 244 years. Go America!

Obama gave away part of Alaska's land in the form of its westerly Aleutian Islands. He did not bother his arrogant self to ask Alaska if he could give their property away, he just did it. With it, he gave away a trillion dollars in oil and gas in and around the islands to Russia. Earlier, he and his Secretary of State Hillary in an also secretive move, gave away 20% of America's up-gradable uranium to Russia, who is in cohoots up to their necks with the ayatollah of Iran who just threatened America with a nuclear attack if a gay man is elected President. He will also have to take out our ally Israel to satisfy his murder-god who tells him to murder infidels in a process called jihad in which they take young men with nothing to do to go kill people who are not muslims. These young men get a bonus if they kill a Jew, and it's doubled if they kill an American "by accident." If they get killed killing people, their families are given income for life.

Pardon me if I don't stand up and cheer the idiot along with you. He has imperiled this nation with his give-aways, not to mention his theft of other mens' thunder and hard work.
Fake news.

"Q: Is President Obama giving away several Alaskan islands to Russia?

A: No. The U.S. has never claimed ownership of the islands identified in viral emails and websites. They lie far closer to the coast of Siberia than to Alaska."

Alaskan Island Giveaway?

You've been lied to again.
Why do you keep going back for more?
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. WE no longer own those islands, no thanks to Barack Obama who released title on them without consulting the state of Alaska.
What's the weather like on your planet?
Who are the people taking to the streets destroying property, sacking businesses, clobbering people with bicycle locks, and pepper spraying innocent bystanders?

Hint: it's not the Trumpsters, Gomer Pyle.
Liberals think that's normal behavior.
Those are no liberals....And despite their claims, they're not anarchists either....They're stone commie scum.
I think the average Democrat of today is actually close to being an Independent.
They've left the party in droves to the Walk Away people who first treat them for their TDS, then share opportunities for their future politics. Many of them came liking President Trump anyway because he encouraged private businesses to bring back their companies to America and others just to double down right where they are and increase their earnings with new trade partners who used to take our business with zero return. President Trump used his art-of-the-deal skills to cause our trade partners to also trade with us a lot more than before. So millions of people have high-paying jobs now, while 3 million no longer need to be on welfare because they're happier working for their own American dream in the future. Some of the university students who were lied to for four years are actually able to realize Marxism is incompatible with a free trade country whose main benefit is giving all people equality under the Constitutional protections developed over the past 244 years. Go America!

Obama gave away part of Alaska's land in the form of its westerly Aleutian Islands. He did not bother his arrogant self to ask Alaska if he could give their property away, he just did it. With it, he gave away a trillion dollars in oil and gas in and around the islands to Russia. Earlier, he and his Secretary of State Hillary in an also secretive move, gave away 20% of America's up-gradable uranium to Russia, who is in cohoots up to their necks with the ayatollah of Iran who just threatened America with a nuclear attack if a gay man is elected President. He will also have to take out our ally Israel to satisfy his murder-god who tells him to murder infidels in a process called jihad in which they take young men with nothing to do to go kill people who are not muslims. These young men get a bonus if they kill a Jew, and it's doubled if they kill an American "by accident." If they get killed killing people, their families are given income for life.

Pardon me if I don't stand up and cheer the idiot along with you. He has imperiled this nation with his give-aways, not to mention his theft of other mens' thunder and hard work.
Fake news.

"Q: Is President Obama giving away several Alaskan islands to Russia?

A: No. The U.S. has never claimed ownership of the islands identified in viral emails and websites. They lie far closer to the coast of Siberia than to Alaska."

Alaskan Island Giveaway?

You've been lied to again.
Why do you keep going back for more?
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. WE no longer own those islands, no thanks to Barack Obama who released title on them without consulting the state of Alaska.
What's the weather like on your planet?

My favorite part was “art-of-the-deal skills” :D

limbaugh on the economy.....

when bush the first was president;

"any economic successes during a republicans term are the result of republican policies. any failures are the fault of the previous democratic president."

when clinton was president;

"any economic successes during a democrats term are the result of the previous republicans policies. any failures are that democrats fault"

when bush the 2 was president;

"any economic successes during a republicans term are the result of republican policies. any failures are the fault of the previous democratic president."

when Obama was president;

"any economic successes during a democrats term are the result of the previous republicans policies. any failures are that democrats fault"

now that Hair Trump is King of America;

"any economic successes during a republicans term are the result of republican policies. any failures are the fault of the previous democratic president."

cons are so predictably hypocritical

Could I get a link please?
Obozo was a scourge on the country. It will take decades to undo the damage he inflicted.

"It will take decades to undo the damage he inflicted."

the insanity runs deep in this one....

care to list any examples?

I didn't think you could.
Appointing Kagan and sotomayor to the supreme court.
Obozo was a scourge on the country. It will take decades to undo the damage he inflicted.

"It will take decades to undo the damage he inflicted."

the insanity runs deep in this one....

care to list any examples?

I didn't think you could.
Appointing Kagan and sotomayor to the supreme court.

Yes, thank heavens for Bart O’Kavanaugh. We need more drunken rapist crybaby frat boys on SCOTUS.

If we’re so unfortunate as to get another Dotard pick, maybe he’ll nominate PJ, Squi, or Donkey Dong Doug!
Last edited:

Then for seven years his recovery floundered until President Trump put it on steroids.

Canadian eh? Trade ya Trump for Trudeau and we’ll throw in the repressed albino sidekick Veep and a corrupt attorney general!

You can have, Trudeau, Canada needs a President Trump.

President Obama knows economics like you know facts. You both flounder

Our marxist Dims love a good minstrel show in blackface. They be lovin' some Trudeau...

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