Obama: Trump is unfit to be president

Fits like a glove.

So if Trump wins the electoral college, then he is fit to be President? Got it

Well, yeah. Fitness/unfitness isn’t based on personal opinions.

I’ll be happy to call him Mr. President if he does.

The man makes fun of handicapped people, thinks that he can ban people based on their religions, says people are unqualified for their job based on their heritage, insinuates women are on their period, and is a congenital liar

All of those are facts.

…if the American people wish to reward such behavior…that is their right.

Yes, Trump sucks. Yet you look at Hillary who's just as bad and suddenly it's OK to suck

Nonsense. Records matter, qualifications matter, engagement matters. Trump has no record, no qualification and is disengaged on a record level

Hillary's record is of a fundamentally dishonest woman hating (attacking victims of her predator husband), corporate owned establishment leftist who lies about anything and everything because she knows her minions will defend her no matter what she says. No, she's not better than Trump

You of course, cherry pick the information that favors your warped view. That is your right. Most people would (correctly) assume you’re simply a frustrated Conserve-hate-ive that decided he has to support Drumpf instead of voting for the more qualified, better prepared, and obviously more ready candidate. This is proven by your cherry picking of data. Deny it all you want; it is obvious.

When you put politics ahead of your nation’s health; you deserve whatever pain and misery you have sown.
So if Trump wins the electoral college, then he is fit to be President? Got it

Well, yeah. Fitness/unfitness isn’t based on personal opinions.

I’ll be happy to call him Mr. President if he does.

The man makes fun of handicapped people, thinks that he can ban people based on their religions, says people are unqualified for their job based on their heritage, insinuates women are on their period, and is a congenital liar

All of those are facts.

…if the American people wish to reward such behavior…that is their right.

Yes, Trump sucks. Yet you look at Hillary who's just as bad and suddenly it's OK to suck

Nonsense. Records matter, qualifications matter, engagement matters. Trump has no record, no qualification and is disengaged on a record level

Hillary's record is of a fundamentally dishonest woman hating (attacking victims of her predator husband), corporate owned establishment leftist who lies about anything and everything because she knows her minions will defend her no matter what she says. No, she's not better than Trump

You of course, cherry pick the information that favors your warped view. That is your right. Most people would (correctly) assume you’re simply a frustrated Conserve-hate-ive that decided he has to support Drumpf instead of voting for the more qualified, better prepared, and obviously more ready candidate. This is proven by your cherry picking of data. Deny it all you want; it is obvious.

When you put politics ahead of your nation’s health; you deserve whatever pain and misery you have sown.

So by saying Hillary and Trump both suck, I'm "cherry picking." By saying no, Trump sucks and Hillary's farts don't stink, you're just rigidly applying logic.

Got it.


What a tool

Well, yeah. Fitness/unfitness isn’t based on personal opinions.

I’ll be happy to call him Mr. President if he does.

The man makes fun of handicapped people, thinks that he can ban people based on their religions, says people are unqualified for their job based on their heritage, insinuates women are on their period, and is a congenital liar

All of those are facts.

…if the American people wish to reward such behavior…that is their right.

Yes, Trump sucks. Yet you look at Hillary who's just as bad and suddenly it's OK to suck

Nonsense. Records matter, qualifications matter, engagement matters. Trump has no record, no qualification and is disengaged on a record level

Hillary's record is of a fundamentally dishonest woman hating (attacking victims of her predator husband), corporate owned establishment leftist who lies about anything and everything because she knows her minions will defend her no matter what she says. No, she's not better than Trump

You of course, cherry pick the information that favors your warped view. That is your right. Most people would (correctly) assume you’re simply a frustrated Conserve-hate-ive that decided he has to support Drumpf instead of voting for the more qualified, better prepared, and obviously more ready candidate. This is proven by your cherry picking of data. Deny it all you want; it is obvious.

When you put politics ahead of your nation’s health; you deserve whatever pain and misery you have sown.

So by saying Hillary and Trump both suck, I'm "cherry picking." By saying no, Trump sucks and Hillary's farts don't stink, you're just rigidly applying logic.

Got it.


What a tool



Senator Gowdy went to the well twice. Came up empty.
The FBI investigated her and found minor violations of good judgment.
The Senate approved her 94-2.

She was elected to Senate in NY twice. Approved as SoS. Served as FLOTUS. Is regularly voted as one of the most admired women in the nation/world.

IF you disagree with the politics; fine. Just saying “she sucks” is childish and stupid.
Our troups are out of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Could have sworn he just sent 600 more last month.

vs the 100,000 that were there before?
You said all the troops were out.

Are they or aren't they?

combat troops, yes..

anything else?
So... Saying he brought all the troops
home was a lie.

If libs are talking... They are lying.

what country are you talking about?

560 to Iraq
Senator Gowdy went to the well twice. Came up empty.The FBI investigated her and found minor violations of good judgment.

Just curious - why do you continue to post this unsupported lie, especially when the links and direct quotes of Director Comey's testimony under oath has been repeatedly posted again and again, proving what you continue to say to be a LIE?!

Clinton LIED when she claimed nothing she sent or received contained classified information.
- Director Comey: “That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

Clinton LIED when she claimed she only used 1 un-authorized, un-encrypted device.
- Director Comey: “She used multiple devices.”

Clinton LIED when she said she did NOT break the law requiring her to turn over all State Department-related e-mails and documents, that she DID turn over everything.
- Director Comey: “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

This FACT is not insignificant but instead proves Hillary Clinton BROKE THE LAW - MULTIPLE LAWS, the FOIA and the FEDERAL RECORDS ACT to be specific.

You unethically and flat-out FALSELY claim that 'Gowdy found nothing', but the above testimony instead proves Hillary Clinton committed PERJURY numerous times, illegally used an un-authorized un-encrypted server, used multiple un-authorized un-encrypted devices, DID send and receive e-mails that were marked classified at the time, and intentionally refuse to turn in THOUSANDS of work-related documents that were required BY MULTIPLE LAWS to be turned in / saved thereby breaking the law - several THOUSAND COUNTS of breaking the law (1 count per document intentionally withheld).

Director Comey made it clear that there was a double-standard applied to Hillary in order to protect her from prosecution, or at least any form of punishment:

" he suggested that if Clinton had worked at the FBI, she could be subject to a range of disciplinary measures including suspension or termination."

Hillary also BROKE THE LAW regarding handling and safeguarding classified information by giving persons without the proper security clearances access to her server and all of its classified information, information the WH called 'so secret that it can not be released in any form because it would cause grave danger to the US:

"He also said Clinton gave individuals who were not cleared access to classified material"
- This is an illegal breach in security!

Hillary Clinton either lied her ass off, for example, about not using multiple devices OR she is mentally UNSTABLE, as shown by her inability to remember how many devices she carried around and used (which is completely unbelievable...as are YOU now)! So either way Hillary is UNFIT to be President due to her crimes, endangering our national security, and lying to the American people or due to her proving herself to mentally incapable of being President.

Director Comey himself makes the case that Hillary Clinton is mentally incapable of being President:

"Comey indeed said there is a question over whether Clinton was “sophisticated enough” to know at the time what a particular classified marking signified."
- TRANSLATION: Hillary Clinton is too STUPID to understand classifications and their importance, too stupid to safeguard highly classified information as per the law as demonstrated...and thus arguably TOO STUPID to be entrusted with the office of the Presidency (if she does not understand the importance of classifications and protecting our national security)!
- HER OWN STAFF described her under oath as 'often confused'!

You claim nothing was found:

"Comey rebuked Clinton and her aides for being "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information and contradicted many of the defenses and explanations she's put forward for months."
- 'Explanations'? No - LIES!

But back to the issue at hand - why do you continue to deliberately LIE again and again and again, like Hillary, in the face of so much evidence? Perhaps, like Hillary, YOU are mentally unstable as well. Whatever the case, in light of your continued denial and LIES in the face of so much overwhelming evidence you obviously have ZERO credibility in THIS matter! ZERO!

YOU ... and Hillary ... claim nothing was found. Director of the FBI Comey says YOU and Hillary are LIARS!

LINK: Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News
- 'NOT TRUE'...as in A LIE (like yours)....as in the reason she just got '4 Pinocchios' for her fact-checked LIES during her Fox News interview!
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Senator Gowdy went to the well twice. Came up empty.The FBI investigated her and found minor violations of good judgment.

Just curious - why do you continue to post this unsupported lie, especially when the links and direct quotes of Director Comey's testimony under oath has been repeatedly posted again and again, proving what you continue to say to be a LIE?!

Clinton LIED when she claimed nothing she sent or received contained classified information.
- Director Comey: “That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

Clinton LIED when she claimed she only used 1 un-authorized, un-encrypted device.
- Director Comey: “She used multiple devices.”

Clinton LIED when she said she did NOT break the law requiring her to turn over all State Department-related e-mails and documents, that she DID turn over everything.
- Director Comey: “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

This FACT is not insignificant but instead proves Hillary Clinton BROKE THE LAW - MULTIPLE LAWS, the FOIA and the FEDERAL RECORDS ACT to be specific.

You unethically and flat-out FALSELY claim that 'Gowdy found nothing', but the above testimony instead proves Hillary Clinton committed PERJURY numerous times, illegally used an un-authorized un-encrypted server, used multiple un-authorized un-encrypted devices, DID send and receive e-mails that were marked classified at the time, and intentionally refuse to turn in THOUSANDS of work-related documents that were required BY MULTIPLE LAWS to be turned in / saved thereby breaking the law - several THOUSAND COUNTS of breaking the law (1 count per document intentionally withheld).

Director Comey made it clear that there was a double-standard applied to Hillary in order to protect her from prosecution, or at least any form of punishment:

" he suggested that if Clinton had worked at the FBI, she could be subject to a range of disciplinary measures including suspension or termination."

Hillary also BROKE THE LAW regarding handling and safeguarding classified information by giving persons without the proper security clearances access to her server and all of its classified information, information the WH called 'so secret that it can not be released in any form because it would cause grave danger to the US:

"He also said Clinton gave individuals who were not cleared access to classified material"
- This is an illegal breach in security!

Hillary Clinton either lied her ass off, for example, about not using multiple devices OR she is mentally UNSTABLE, as shown by her inability to remember how many devices she carried around and used (which is completely unbelievable...as are YOU now)! So either way Hillary is UNFIT to be President due to her crimes, endangering our national security, and lying to the American people or due to her proving herself to mentally incapable of being President.

Director Comey himself makes the case that Hillary Clinton is mentally incapable of being President:

"Comey indeed said there is a question over whether Clinton was “sophisticated enough” to know at the time what a particular classified marking signified."
- TRANSLATION: Hillary Clinton is too STUPID to understand classifications and their importance, too stupid to safeguard highly classified information as per the law as demonstrated...and thus arguably TOO STUPID to be entrusted with the office of the Presidency (if she does not understand the importance of classifications and protecting our national security)!
- HER OWN STAFF described her under oath as 'often confused'!

You claim nothing was found:

"Comey rebuked Clinton and her aides for being "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information and contradicted many of the defenses and explanations she's put forward for months."
- 'Explanations'? No - LIES!

But back to the issue at hand - why do you continue to deliberately LIE again and again and again, like Hillary, in the face of so much evidence? Perhaps, like Hillary, YOU are mentally unstable as well. Whatever the case, in light of your continued denial and LIES in the face of so much overwhelming evidence you obviously have ZERO credibility in THIS matter! ZERO!

YOU ... and Hillary ... claim nothing was found. Director of the FBI Comey says YOU and Hillary are LIARS!

LINK: Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News
- 'NOT TRUE'...as in A LIE (like yours)....as in the reason she just got '4 Pinocchios' for her fact-checked LIES during her Fox News interview!

Nobody cares.

Clinton …… 3
RWNJs ….. Zippo!

PS: You said you put me on ignore. Do you ever get tired of lying? Ever?
The FBI investigated her and found minor violations of good judgment

Wow, just wow. That's what you heard Comey say? Seriously?

And again, you go with complete hypocrisy over Trump. He has a list of accomplishments too. You're a flaming hypocrite. Hillary's a pathological liar who kills people for political expediency and destroys women to protect her predator husband. She's malignant. Trump is just a blow hard. But hey, as long as she says what you want to hear even if she's lying her ass off like Obama, who just continued W's policies did. Oh, yeah, she's better.

What a tool
The FBI investigated her and found minor violations of good judgment

Wow, just wow. That's what you heard Comey say? Seriously?

And again, you go with complete hypocrisy over Trump. He has a list of accomplishments too.
And they are? Who was the beneficiary?

Hillary’s a pathological liar who kills people for political expediency
What planet do you live on?

Trump is just a blow hard.
Who makes fun of the handicapped.
Who insinuates women are on their period if he doesn’t like their behavior.
Who is a congenital liar (see NFL scandal, Bible being his favorite book scandal, comments on local news scandal, etc…)
Who says “he likes people who don’t get captured” when referring to our fighting men and women.

You can be a blowhard without being cruel. And remarkably; none of that was aimed at a political rival…we aren’t even talking about his giving out opponent’s cell phone numbers, his childish names he attaches to people, lies about his opponent’s fathers etc…

But hey, as long as she says what you want to hear even if she's lying her ass off like Obama, who just continued W's policies did. Oh, yeah, she's better.

What a tool

And here is Obama’s record:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact

Your generalizations are silly.
Nobody cares.

At least you finally stopped your LYING...and just said 'No one cares'.

Ben-gotcha happened so long ago it’s no longer a factor except for the egg on the faces of republicans. E-mails were never a big deal at all. Secure servers get hacked al the time.

Stuxnet: The Biggest Computer Hacks of All Time - Tested.com

The fact that zilch happened in the 4 years she’s been out of State didn’t help you losers any. But then again, your own candidate is giving you nothing to rally around except hate and division. I though you’d be thrilled since that is all republicans know.
Who makes fun of the handicapped.....you mean like how Barry had to apologize to the Special Olympics for his 'insensitive' comments?

Who offends women....like how the DNC was just exposed for mocking women / black women?

Who is a congenial liar....like Hillary just getting '4 Pinocchios' for her pathological lying about her e-mail scandal?

Liberals are such HYPOCRITES!
Well, that's good enough for me! Just heard it on MBNBC.
No one has any doubts about what's good enough for you.

Obama on MBNBC, eh? Who woulda thunk!

I don't expect you to think, nor do many others who actually do.

I'm also not surprised you would defend Trump, a bully whose understanding of the world, our Constitution and basic human decency is abysmal.

He's in too deep and his ego will not allow him to do the right thing for his party and his country, and that is to quit. Trump has proved he has a short fuse, has a propensity to react emotionally and is too lazy to discern facts which may upset his worldview (he seems willfully ignorant, and narcissistic - a dangerous pair of character flaws in one with the power to provoke others and to send troops into harms way for light and transient causes).
Nobody cares.
At least you finally stopped your LYING...and just said 'No one cares'.
Ben-gotcha happened so long ago it’s no longer a factor.

It doesn't matter to liberals like you who could care less that Hillary failed so miserably to protect US citizens, lied about it to protect her own career, demonstrated she was willing to demonize our Constitution and freedoms, was willing to jail an American for exercising his Freedom of Speech just to appease terrorists who killed Americans....

You may be willing to lie and ignore all of that to get such a person as President, but not me...or the 68% of Americans who believe Hillary is untrustworthy.
The fact that zilch happened in the 4 years she’s been out of State didn’t help you losers any.
Either that is your opinion or you are lying again.....

$6 Billion is STILL missing from Hillary's State Department....

The US is still having to deal with the repercussions of Hillary and Obama allying themselves with Al Qaeida, injecting themselves in the middle of a civil war, engaging in their own un-sanctioned war to help the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans take over their own country...while they claimed Al Qaeida was on the run.

The news reported yesterday that the US has now begun to bomb ISIS in Libya....interesting, Obama/Hillary are fine with Al Qaeida having Libya but draw the line at ISIS, who they helped create.

The US now has boots on the ground and body bags coming home again from Iraq because Hillary and Obama allowed ISIS to freely walk into Iraq and begin taking over territory our military had already liberated at great cost.

The US is still fighting in Syria, another civil war Obama and Hillary jumped into and drug us into another UN-sanctioned war.

We are still trying to clean up Barry and Hillary' shit!
The FBI investigated her and found minor violations of good judgment

Wow, just wow. That's what you heard Comey say? Seriously?

And again, you go with complete hypocrisy over Trump. He has a list of accomplishments too.
And they are? Who was the beneficiary?

Hillary’s a pathological liar who kills people for political expediency
What planet do you live on?

Trump is just a blow hard.
Who makes fun of the handicapped.
Who insinuates women are on their period if he doesn’t like their behavior.
Who is a congenital liar (see NFL scandal, Bible being his favorite book scandal, comments on local news scandal, etc…)
Who says “he likes people who don’t get captured” when referring to our fighting men and women.

You can be a blowhard without being cruel. And remarkably; none of that was aimed at a political rival…we aren’t even talking about his giving out opponent’s cell phone numbers, his childish names he attaches to people, lies about his opponent’s fathers etc…

But hey, as long as she says what you want to hear even if she's lying her ass off like Obama, who just continued W's policies did. Oh, yeah, she's better.

What a tool

And here is Obama’s record:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact

Your generalizations are silly.

All you're accomplishing is what my point is in the first place, they both suck. The only spin here is you spinning Hillary out of suck, and you're doing a horrible job of it. Then again, you had little to work with

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