Obama: Trump is unfit to be president

Obama just saying what most sane people think. Aren't Trump supporters even slightly disturbed by his volatility and his thin skinned behaviour. I'm wondering what Trump has to do for these people to wake up. At this point he could decapitate Bambi at one of his rallies and the crowd would still be shouting " build that wall"!

Trump supporters are aware that he's not auditioning for a reality tv show!
Hope and Change seemed to work

Obama delivered on the majority of his promises......Universal Healthcare, rescuing the economy, getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, repealing the Bush tax cuts

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMFAO.

Lets not forget that Nobel Peace Prize he was awarded. An award he did nothing to earn.

What an empty suite he is.

Obama was the first black American President...well deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize

That's a load of bullshit. Just because you are black you deserve a Nobel Peace Prize??

Grow a brain RW. The one you have needs a little work.

For winning an historic presidency in a formerly segregated country you do

That's like electing a vagina to the Presidency because there hasn't been one before. It is not a qualification.

That's the rub isn't it

You have to convince an electorate that has never elected a black or a woman that you are capable of doing the job

No black or woman in the last 235 years was able to do that
Obama just saying what most sane people think. Aren't Trump supporters even slightly disturbed by his volatility and his thin skinned behaviour. I'm wondering what Trump has to do for these people to wake up. At this point he could decapitate Bambi at one of his rallies and the crowd would still be shouting " build that wall"!

Trump supporters are aware that he's not auditioning for a reality tv show!

Obama is saying the same thing that most of the Republican Party has been saying

Trump is unsuited to be President
Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Hope and Change ring any bells??

I listened to that man speak and he is a good speaker.

A man who knows how to deliver a sermon.

He's also full of shit when he speaks. That's what I heard whenever I listened to him. I didn't believe what he said but obviously others did.

Hope and Change my ass.

Hope and Change seemed to work

Obama delivered on the majority of his promises......Universal Healthcare, rescuing the economy, getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, repealing the Bush tax cuts
Our troups are out of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Could have sworn he just sent 600 more last month.

vs the 100,000 that were there before?
That's the rub isn't it

You have to convince an electorate that has never elected a black or a woman that you are capable of doing the job

No black or woman in the last 235 years was able to do that
Libs always call others sexist and racist, yet they are the only one talking about sex and race having to be a qualifier. Who cares what color or sex someone is. As long as they are qualified and not crooked as hell....which definitely leaves Hillary out.
Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Hope and Change ring any bells??

I listened to that man speak and he is a good speaker.

A man who knows how to deliver a sermon.

He's also full of shit when he speaks. That's what I heard whenever I listened to him. I didn't believe what he said but obviously others did.

Hope and Change my ass.

Hope and Change seemed to work

Obama delivered on the majority of his promises......Universal Healthcare, rescuing the economy, getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, repealing the Bush tax cuts

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMFAO.

Lets not forget that Nobel Peace Prize he was awarded. An award he did nothing to earn.

What an empty suite he is.

Obama was the first black American President...well deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize
Ah ...the under achiever who was elected due to his skin color.
It's great of President Obama to state that, and be blunt about it. '...Trump unfit to be president...'

Now every Republican politician out there can be confronted with that statement, be forced to either

agree with it, disagree with it, or dodge it.
Obama is having a hard time deal with his lame duck status and his inevitable irrelevance in American politics.

What Obama said is the TRUTH--this isn't about golf anymore. Republicans have nominated a man with no respect, no honor, no dignity, and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone is to himself and Russia. He is the most incompetent, unqualified, most dangerous candidate-- to the safety and National Security of this nation that has ever been.

CIA chief and former Secretary of Defense, Leon Panneta will tell you that, if you possess the hearing comprehension to get through a 10:46 minute speech.

Dems have nominated the most blatantly crooked, corrupt and dishonest candidate in American history.

Someone just entering this country, after 8 Benghazi hearings, would believe that Republicans have never lost a CIA agent or no soldier was ever killed in combat, that no U.S. Embassies were ever attacked under Republicans and no people were killed. Or that Republicans never lost an Ambassador during one of those attacks.

All of which we know is not true.

Benghazi has been nothing more than a Reich wing dog & pony show for political gain and at the expense of the taxpayers now for the last 7 of those investigations.


"Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever."
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Hope and Change ring any bells??

I listened to that man speak and he is a good speaker.

A man who knows how to deliver a sermon.

He's also full of shit when he speaks. That's what I heard whenever I listened to him. I didn't believe what he said but obviously others did.

Hope and Change my ass.

Hope and Change seemed to work

Obama delivered on the majority of his promises......Universal Healthcare, rescuing the economy, getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, repealing the Bush tax cuts
Our troups are out of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Could have sworn he just sent 600 more last month.

vs the 100,000 that were there before?
You said all the troops were out.

Are they or aren't they?
Obama is urging Republican leaders to withdraw their support of Trump

Most have already refused to endorse him or are given a tepid...vote against Hillary
It's great of President Obama to state that, and be blunt about it. '...Trump unfit to be president...'Now every Republican politician out there can be confronted with that statement, be forced to either agree with it, disagree with it, or dodge it.
Again, the guy who Carter has been waiting for since he left office, the dumbass who will replace him as the worst President in US history, claiming Trump is unfit to be President? Priceless!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Hope and Change ring any bells??

I listened to that man speak and he is a good speaker.

A man who knows how to deliver a sermon.

He's also full of shit when he speaks. That's what I heard whenever I listened to him. I didn't believe what he said but obviously others did.

Hope and Change my ass.

Hope and Change seemed to work

Obama delivered on the majority of his promises......Universal Healthcare, rescuing the economy, getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, repealing the Bush tax cuts
Our troups are out of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Could have sworn he just sent 600 more last month.

vs the 100,000 that were there before?
You said all the troops were out.

Are they or aren't they?

Stop being obtuse

How many divisions or brigade sized forces are still in Iraq or Afhanistan? We still have troops in Germany too

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