Obama: Trump is unfit to be president

The guy who claimed “America built the Intercontinental Railroad”...who calls Navy Corpsman (pr. core-man) “corpse-man”... who calls the British Embassy, the “English Embassy”...just tried to claim someone else is 'unfit'?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
That's a load of bullshit. Just because you are black you deserve a Nobel Peace Prize??
The answer to that question really depends on what generation you are from:

"The Greatest Generation" : To get a Nobel peace prize you need to fight like hell and then go out and earn it
"The Baby Boomers" : To get a Nobel peace prize you need to vote yourself one at the expense of a future, unborn recipient.
"Generation X": Who the fuck wants a Nobel peace prize?
"Millenials": Everybody deserves a Nobel peace prize.

The guy who on Memorial Day said, “I see many of the fallen heroes in the audience here today as we celebrate Memorial Day”, just tried to claim someone else to be unfit to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(I see DEAD PEOPLE! :p )
Obama criticized Bush for his ridiculous plans to invade Iraq

Then turned around and overthrew the Egyptian government, OUR ALLY, and put a terrorist Muslim organization in charge!!!!!
And created a real mess for the people that live there.
Do you not know that? Do you just bury it in the deep recesses of your mind? How do you in good conscience, berate one president and ignore the fact that the other did much worse? How do you do that?
Speak to me of Egypt, then we can compare the two.
The 'debonair globalist' who toasted the Queen of England while the Orchestra plays the UK’s national Anthem, “God Save The Queen", attempted to declare someone else to be 'unfit' to be President...really"!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I'd agree with that if Trump were a free market capitalist. He's not. Which is why I'm not voting for him

What Trump is, or isn't, has utterly no impact on what Crooked Hillary is. After the WikiLeaks revaluations that the democrats, including the scumbag Obama, are selling federal positions for cash, I can support no position for ANY democrat other than in front of a firing squad.

Are we REALLY so fucked up as a nation, that we laugh off third world corruption because "party above all?"

Apparently we are. Look at this putrid fuck "Rightwinger" in this thread? The rancid bag of puss actually thinks it's cute and funny that the POTUS takes bribes.

Trump might be a clown. He might be a blowhard. But he is NOT openly corrupt as EVERY democrat is. He is not a felon as Hillary is, he is not above the law.

That makes his exponentially better than Hillary.
The guy who said, during what he called the '2nd Great Depression' and 'the worst in 70 years', “the private sector is doing fine” just tried to claim someone else is 'unfit'?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You dumbass when Obama took office we were in the deepest recession since the Greatest Depression of the 1930's. Tarp 1 & 2 bailouts had to be done to save us from going into what would have made the Great Depression look like great times.

I can't believe some of you people actually vote.

Obama criticized Bush for his ridiculous plans to invade Iraq

Then turned around and overthrew the Egyptian government, OUR ALLY, and put a terrorist Muslim organization in charge!!!!!
And created a real mess for the people that live there.
Do you not know that? Do you just bury it in the deep recesses of your mind? How do you in good conscience, berate one president and ignore the fact that the other did much worse? How do you do that?
Speak to me of Egypt, then we can compare the two.

Egypt was America's ally, but Al Qaeda is Obama's ally.
Obama simply stated what Trump has proven to be a fact: Trump is unfit to be president. With him tanking in the polls - many Americans are waking up to this fact.
The guy who has bowed....to EVERYONE...just tried to say someone else was 'unfit' to be President?


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I'd agree with that if Trump were a free market capitalist. He's not. Which is why I'm not voting for him

What Trump is, or isn't, has utterly no impact on what Crooked Hillary is. After the WikiLeaks revaluations that the democrats, including the scumbag Obama, are selling federal positions for cash, I can support no position for ANY democrat other than in front of a firing squad.

Are we REALLY so fucked up as a nation, that we laugh off third world corruption because "party above all?"

Apparently we are. Look at this putrid fuck "Rightwinger" in this thread? The rancid bag of puss actually thinks it's cute and funny that the POTUS takes bribes.

Trump might be a clown. He might be a blowhard. But he is NOT openly corrupt as EVERY democrat is. He is not a felon as Hillary is, he is not above the law.

That makes his exponentially better than Hillary.

It has one impact on what Hillary is. She isn't going to unravel our trade deals. He says he is. Are you calling Trump a liar?

Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Even if I give Trump every other issue (I don't), Hillary has the #1 issue. And for me, it's THE quintessential issue. It's the one issue for Trump that he can't be wrong to Hillary on.

Hillary is cancer. Trump says he's an imminent heart attack. As bad as cancer is, you focus on the heart attack first or you don't live to be killed by the cancer
Obama simply stated what Trump has proven to be a fact: Trump is unfit to be president. With him tanking in the polls - many Americans are waking up to this fact.

Yep. So is Hillary, Tonto. For that matter, so was Obama. So where do we go from here? Let's agree to change the paradigm and elect Gary Johnson ...
The guy who claimed “America built the Intercontinental Railroad”...who calls Navy Corpsman (pr. core-man) “corpse-man”... who calls the British Embassy, the “English Embassy”...just tried to claim someone else is 'unfit'?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Compared to Trump who gave the worst debate answer EVER on National Security

And who then did this:

Encouraged a foreign adversary to do a Cyber attack on the United States. Collusion with a foreign adversary to obtain secrets is also called HIGH TREASON in this country. Punishable by death or life imprisonment.

Then Trump stated he met Putin, now he says he doesn't ("think he's met him.")

This is how INCOMPETENT this Chimpanzee nominee is. There is no arguing with what's coming out of his mouth.
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It has one impact on what Hillary is. She isn't going to unravel our trade deals. He says he is. Are you calling Trump a liar?

Straw man tactics are beneath yuo.

Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Even if I give Trump every other issue (I don't), Hillary has the #1 issue. And for me, it's THE quintessential issue. It's the one issue for Trump that he can't be wrong to Hillary on.

I don't agree. SCOTUS is THE issue. None other matter if we put Marxists into defacto rulership of the nation. Hillary is a global corporatist, but to call that "free trade" is a bit of a stretch.

Hillary is cancer. Trump says he's an imminent heart attack. As bad as cancer is, you focus on the heart attack first or you don't live to be killed by the cancer

Hillary is a flesh eating bacteria.
The guy who claimed “America built the Intercontinental Railroad”...who calls Navy Corpsman (pr. core-man) “corpse-man”... who calls the British Embassy, the “English Embassy”...just tried to claim someone else is 'unfit'?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Compared to Trump who gave the worst debate answer EVER on National Security

And who then did this:

Encouraged a foreign adversary to do a Cyber attack on the United States. Collusion with a foreign adversary to obtain secrets is also called HIGH TREASON in this country. Punishable by death or life imprisonment.

This is how INCOMPETENT this Chimpanzee nominee is.

He sucks, man. You see that, yet can't see Hillary for what she is
It has one impact on what Hillary is. She isn't going to unravel our trade deals. He says he is. Are you calling Trump a liar?

Straw man tactics are beneath yuo.

Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Even if I give Trump every other issue (I don't), Hillary has the #1 issue. And for me, it's THE quintessential issue. It's the one issue for Trump that he can't be wrong to Hillary on.

I don't agree. SCOTUS is THE issue. None other matter if we put Marxists into defacto rulership of the nation. Hillary is a global corporatist, but to call that "free trade" is a bit of a stretch.

Hillary is cancer. Trump says he's an imminent heart attack. As bad as cancer is, you focus on the heart attack first or you don't live to be killed by the cancer

Hillary is a flesh eating bacteria.

Decades of Republican appointees dominated courts got us shit in return. John Roberts put a final nail in the coffin of the canard that Republican appointed judges make any difference when it comes down to it.

And strawman? Bull crap
The guy who claimed “America built the Intercontinental Railroad”...who calls Navy Corpsman (pr. core-man) “corpse-man”... who calls the British Embassy, the “English Embassy”...just tried to claim someone else is 'unfit'?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Compared to Trump who gave the worst debate answer EVER on National Security

And who then did this:

Encouraged a foreign adversary to do a Cyber attack on the United States. Collusion with a foreign adversary to obtain secrets is also called HIGH TREASON in this country. Punishable by death or life imprisonment.

This is how INCOMPETENT this Chimpanzee nominee is.

Wow, you're a fucking liar. :thup:

By the way, they hacked — they probably have her 33,000 e-mails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 e-mails that she lost and deleted because you’d see some beauties there. So let’s see.}

That is asking someone to do a cyber attack? :eek:

Nah, you're just a fucking liar - a typical Communist without a shred of integrity.
Hope and Change seemed to work
It worked so well that politicians are still promising it.

Obama delivered on his Hope and Change
You're right...he'll be a multi millionaire like Bubba's. Hope and change for himself.

Obama will be in great demand when he leaves office and will become quite wealthy
Bush had to go into hiding once he left office

You forgot he is an artist now
Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Hope and Change ring any bells??

I listened to that man speak and he is a good speaker.

A man who knows how to deliver a sermon.

He's also full of shit when he speaks. That's what I heard whenever I listened to him. I didn't believe what he said but obviously others did.

Hope and Change my ass.

Hope and Change seemed to work

Obama delivered on the majority of his promises......Universal Healthcare, rescuing the economy, getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, repealing the Bush tax cuts

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMFAO.

Lets not forget that Nobel Peace Prize he was awarded. An award he did nothing to earn.

What an empty suite he is.

Obama was the first black American President...well deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize

That's a load of bullshit. Just because you are black you deserve a Nobel Peace Prize??

Grow a brain RW. The one you have needs a little work.

For winning an historic presidency in a formerly segregated country you do

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