Obama: Trump is unfit to be president

Did the seemingly uneducated dolt who said during a 2009 foreign trip abroad, I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” when there is no such language as 'Austrian' just try to claim someone else is not fit to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Oh please without the MSM extending shields around the retard he's still be fetching people coffee.

Still blaming the media?

How pathetic
But when that business tycoon, in the same speech declares "I will be the most constitutional President ever" he had better know his shit

Sorta like how a self-professed Constitutional Scholar has continuously violated the Constitution and Rule of Law the whole time he has been in office...yet trying to claim someone else is 'unfit' to be President.....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I can understand a business tycoon not knowing there are 7 articles in the Constitution

But when that business tycoon, in the same speech declares "I will be the most constitutional President ever" he had better know his shit

I can understand a Community Organizer not knowing how many states there are, but when he claims to be a "constitutional scholar" he should know what checks and balances are.
Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Hope and Change ring any bells??

I listened to that man speak and he is a good speaker.

A man who knows how to deliver a sermon.

He's also full of shit when he speaks. That's what I heard whenever I listened to him. I didn't believe what he said but obviously others did.

Hope and Change my ass.

Obama had 8 years as POTUS, his legacy is failure and blaming others for his lame ass terms.

Is that why presidential historians are rating him so high?

LMAO his biggest achievement ACA is loathed even by Democrats who got the shit kicked out of them for voting for that turd. Obama had to go on national TV and take the blame for it in 2014 but voters saw right through that and voted Dem's out anyway. TPP? Even your presidential nominee kicked that to the curb yet Obama is still pushing it. Obama's legacy will at best be about some small things he accomplished, really small. He's got some wins on the board but they are at best senator sized wins. As a POTUS he was ineffective.
Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Hope and Change ring any bells??

I listened to that man speak and he is a good speaker.

A man who knows how to deliver a sermon.

He's also full of shit when he speaks. That's what I heard whenever I listened to him. I didn't believe what he said but obviously others did.

Hope and Change my ass.

Obama had 8 years as POTUS, his legacy is failure and blaming others for his lame ass terms.

Is that why presidential historians are rating him so high?

LMAO his biggest achievement ACA is loathed even by Democrats who got the shit kicked out of them for voting for that turd. Obama had to go on national TV and take the blame for it in 2014 but voters saw right through that and voted Dem's out anyway. TPP? Even your presidential nominee kicked that to the curb yet Obama is still pushing it. Obama's legacy will at best be about some small things he accomplished, really small. He's got some wins on the board but they are at best senator sized wins. As a POTUS he was ineffective.

Obamacare is such a great healthcare program that Republicans have yet to present a better option in seven years
Amazingly enough, the mentally-challenged guy who claimed that Ten thousand people died-an entire town destroyed during a twister in Kansas, despite only 12 being killed (only off by 9,988 :p ), just tried to claim someone else is 'unfit' to be President...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Obama's right and wouldn't call for Republicans to rebuke Trump unless he knew that was close to happening already.
It is clearly evident that Trump is ill-suited to be President

As Hillary put it........Trump can be baited by a tweet, you want to give him nuclear weapons?
and what happened to her email? Trust? hahhahahaahhhahahahaahahaha yeah go there.
Amazingly enough, the mentally-challenged guy who claimed that Ten thousand people died-an entire town destroyed during a twister in Kansas, despite only 12 being killed (only off by 9,988 :p ), just tried to claim someone else is 'unfit' to be President...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
57 states just remember.
The guy who insulted and disparaged the Special Olympics and was forced to apologize because he compared his personal bowling ability to the Special Olympics just tried to say someone else is 'unfit'?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Outside of a temperament that makes him unfit to hold the highest office in the world, Trump is just too unprepared on the issues

You would not expect a businessman to be knowledgeable about international issues, the economy, Congress, social programs ....but Trump has had a year to learn

He is still making basic factual mistakes. He should have spent the last year being prepped on the major issues and the impacts of his policies. Instead he has relied on bluster and simplistic slogans to get by

Almost Palin like

In defense of Palin, she worked her ass off to be that bad.

IKR!!! And she got through college by claiming she had "Eskimo cheekbones!!!"
Amazingly enough, the mentally-challenged guy who claimed that Ten thousand people died-an entire town destroyed during a twister in Kansas, despite only 12 being killed (only off by 9,988 :p ), just tried to claim someone else is 'unfit' to be President...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
57 states just remember.

It never stops being funny that RWnuts think this is a big 'gotcha' against Obama.

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