Obama: Trump is unfit to be president

"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the worst Secretary of State this country ever had".

---D. Trump
Hope and Change seemed to work
It worked so well that politicians are still promising it.

Obama delivered on his Hope and Change
You're right...he'll be a multi millionaire like Bubba's. Hope and change for himself.

Obama will be in great demand when he leaves office and will become quite wealthy
Bush had to go into hiding once he left office

You forgot he is an artist now

Yeah, in Texass. He can't leave the country for fear of arrest for war crimes. Hilarious...
Obama simply stated what Trump has proven to be a fact: Trump is unfit to be president. With him tanking in the polls - many Americans are waking up to this fact.

Obama is simply stating the obvious

The majority of the Republican Party agrees with him. No former Republican President will endorse him. No former GOP Presidential candidate will endorse him. Large numbers of GOP Governors, Senators and Congressmen refuse to be seen with him, let alone endorse him

Trump is poison to his own party
It worked so well that politicians are still promising it.

Obama delivered on his Hope and Change
You're right...he'll be a multi millionaire like Bubba's. Hope and change for himself.

Obama will be in great demand when he leaves office and will become quite wealthy
Bush had to go into hiding once he left office

You forgot he is an artist now

Yeah, in Texass. He can't leave the country for fear of arrest for war crimes. Hilarious...

You and your stupid fantasys always cracks me up.
Decades of Republican appointees dominated courts got us shit in return. John Roberts put a final nail in the coffin of the canard that Republican appointed judges make any difference when it comes down to it.

And strawman? Bull crap

I have no duty to defend alleged statements by Trump. Your attempt to get me to is the definition of a straw man fallacy,

While Roberts is no prize, he is not Elena Kagan. One more like that, and the Bill of Rights will be declared unconstitutional.
Hope and Change seemed to work
It worked so well that politicians are still promising it.

Obama delivered on his Hope and Change
You're right...he'll be a multi millionaire like Bubba's. Hope and change for himself.

Obama will be in great demand when he leaves office and will become quite wealthy
Bush had to go into hiding once he left office

You forgot he is an artist now
Yeah a bullshit artist.
Darn! I was expecting Obama to highly praise Trump. You know, be a statesman and show respect for the opposi...

Sorry, I couldn't say that with a straight keyboard. OF COURSE the president who told his people to bring a gun to a knife fight and the opposition to ride in the back is going to trash Trump. He would have to have class to do otherwise.
Obama simply stated what Trump has proven to be a fact: Trump is unfit to be president. With him tanking in the polls - many Americans are waking up to this fact.

Obama is simply stating the obvious

The majority of the Republican Party agrees with him. No former Republican President will endorse him. No former GOP Presidential candidate will endorse him. Large numbers of GOP Governors, Senators and Congressmen refuse to be seen with him, let alone endorse him

Trump is poison to his own party

I think obama is just mad that someone more unqualified then he was is running for president.

It was his legacy to pass on to his grand kids ..

"Sonny, I was a poor black person from Chicago, working as a community organizer and on weekends at jiffy lube, one day Apollo.creed came by to get an oil change and I was discovered...the next thing I knew I was an Illinois senator and then POTUS"
Well, that's good enough for me! Just heard it on MBNBC.

Obama is unfit to be President, so who gives a shit?

Fits like a glove.

So if Trump wins the electoral college, then he is fit to be President? Got it

Well, yeah. Fitness/unfitness isn’t based on personal opinions.

I’ll be happy to call him Mr. President if he does.

The man makes fun of handicapped people, thinks that he can ban people based on their religions, says people are unqualified for their job based on their heritage, insinuates women are on their period, and is a congenital liar

All of those are facts.

…if the American people wish to reward such behavior…that is their right.

Yes, Trump sucks. Yet you look at Hillary who's just as bad and suddenly it's OK to suck

Nonsense. Records matter, qualifications matter, engagement matters. Trump has no record, no qualification and is disengaged on a record level
Obama is having a hard time deal with his lame duck status and his inevitable irrelevance in American politics.

What Obama said is the TRUTH--this isn't about golf anymore. Republicans have nominated a man with no respect, no honor, no dignity, and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone is to himself and Russia. He is the most incompetent, unqualified, most dangerous candidate-- to the safety and National Security of this nation that has ever been.

CIA chief and former Secretary of Defense, Leon Panneta will tell you that, if you possess the hearing comprehension to get through a 10:46 minute speech.

Dems have nominated the most blatantly crooked, corrupt and dishonest candidate in American history.
Why do my threads always attract the dumbest posters? I must analyze that...

Your threads are started by the dumbest poster on the site.
Pretty dumb no doubt, but then there's JoeB, Rderp, NYcabdriver and Jakey.

It's a difficult call.

You want a one on one debate? You take trashing Goldstar mothers is a good thing, and I'll take the other side.

Yeah Dems trashed the GoldStar Moms on a daily basis, calling them liars
Obama simply stated what Trump has proven to be a fact: Trump is unfit to be president. With him tanking in the polls - many Americans are waking up to this fact.

Obama is simply stating the obvious

The majority of the Republican Party agrees with him. No former Republican President will endorse him. No former GOP Presidential candidate will endorse him. Large numbers of GOP Governors, Senators and Congressmen refuse to be seen with him, let alone endorse him

Trump is poison to his own party

I think obama is just mad that someone more unqualified then he was is running for president.

It was his legacy to pass on to his grand kids ..

"Sonny, I was a poor black person from Chicago, working as a community organizer and on weekends at jiffy lube, one day Apollo.creed came by to get an oil change and I was discovered...the next thing I knew I was an Illinois senator and then POTUS"

Actually, Trump is the least qualified major candidate for President EVER

He demonstrates it every day
Why do my threads always attract the dumbest posters? I must analyze that...

Your threads are started by the dumbest poster on the site.
Pretty dumb no doubt, but then there's JoeB, Rderp, NYcabdriver and Jakey.

It's a difficult call.

You want a one on one debate? You take trashing Goldstar mothers is a good thing, and I'll take the other side.
You are way out of you league shorty! The second sentence of your post is pretty convoluted and I don't give a rat's ass if you're gay.
Hope and Change ring any bells??

I listened to that man speak and he is a good speaker.

A man who knows how to deliver a sermon.

He's also full of shit when he speaks. That's what I heard whenever I listened to him. I didn't believe what he said but obviously others did.

Hope and Change my ass.

Hope and Change seemed to work

Obama delivered on the majority of his promises......Universal Healthcare, rescuing the economy, getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, repealing the Bush tax cuts

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMFAO.

Lets not forget that Nobel Peace Prize he was awarded. An award he did nothing to earn.

What an empty suite he is.

Obama was the first black American President...well deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize

That's a load of bullshit. Just because you are black you deserve a Nobel Peace Prize??

Grow a brain RW. The one you have needs a little work.

For winning an historic presidency in a formerly segregated country you do

That's like electing a vagina to the Presidency because there hasn't been one before. It is not a qualification.
Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Hope and Change ring any bells??

I listened to that man speak and he is a good speaker.

A man who knows how to deliver a sermon.

He's also full of shit when he speaks. That's what I heard whenever I listened to him. I didn't believe what he said but obviously others did.

Hope and Change my ass.

Hope and Change seemed to work

Obama delivered on the majority of his promises......Universal Healthcare, rescuing the economy, getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, repealing the Bush tax cuts
Our troups are out of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Could have sworn he just sent 600 more last month.

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