Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

30 Jul 2020 ~~ By Malcom Bright
Former President Barack Obama turned a eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) into a Democratic political rally – urging Congress to pass a series of measures he said would ‘continue Lewis’ life’s work.’
Of all the speakers at the memorial, the former President was the only one to leverage Lewis’ death for political purposes.


Hmm..., I guess the Dims didn't learn anything from the fiasco of the Wellstone memorial in 2002
They turned that into a political rally and voters were turned off by the display.
In the end, it cost them seats in Congress.
Obama is a metastasizing cancerous tumor. Durham has the power to do something about it, Past president or not, Obama attempted to overthrow the 2016 election and failed. For that seditious act he should be wearing orange for the rest of his life. He crass explosion at the funeral today should be in the halls of infamy.
Obama's pushing for 'Mail In' voting means the loss of anonymity. That in itself should be unconstitutional. It does have a double edge to it. Democrats will have to summoned forth their dead voters to confirm their hanging chads.
It's obvious to Obama that some black lives matter. A black felon and/or criminal killed by a white cop is priority one for this race hustler, but black on black crime, or a child under two year of age killed during a shoot out never gets on this race hustler's radar, no currency in that. Obama had the opportunity for 8 years to clean up "his" city Chicago from his bully pulpit and never did.
Lest we forget, this narcissistic multimillionaire Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most despicable racists ever to sit in the Oval Office, he preaches Marxism but lives like a captain of industry.
Obama's legacy is the erosion of American living standards for the average worker and the most defunct and usurious healthcare system in the developed world. Watching his cheap salesmanship today is akin to Tony Blair broker middle-east peace deals.

What else would you expect from a profe$$ional politician???
Obama showed us again he is a classless opportunist he is standing on John Lewis' body trying to get some more of his shit passed. What a dick.

When the Tremendous Sen. Jesse Helms passed on a dozen years ago, his eulogists didn't say anything about the important civil rights issues that Helms was involved in. They didn't think that was the place to talk about the Right to Life or the sanctity of trad marriage.
Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

30 Jul 2020 ~~ By Malcom Bright
Former President Barack Obama turned a eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) into a Democratic political rally – urging Congress to pass a series of measures he said would ‘continue Lewis’ life’s work.’
Of all the speakers at the memorial, the former President was the only one to leverage Lewis’ death for political purposes.


Hmm..., I guess the Dims didn't learn anything from the fiasco of the Wellstone memorial in 2002
They turned that into a political rally and voters were turned off by the display.
In the end, it cost them seats in Congress.
Obama is a metastasizing cancerous tumor. Durham has the power to do something about it, Past president or not, Obama attempted to overthrow the 2016 election and failed. For that seditious act he should be wearing orange for the rest of his life. He crass explosion at the funeral today should be in the halls of infamy.
Obama's pushing for 'Mail In' voting means the loss of anonymity. That in itself should be unconstitutional. It does have a double edge to it. Democrats will have to summoned forth their dead voters to confirm their hanging chads.
It's obvious to Obama that some black lives matter. A black felon and/or criminal killed by a white cop is priority one for this race hustler, but black on black crime, or a child under two year of age killed during a shoot out never gets on this race hustler's radar, no currency in that. Obama had the opportunity for 8 years to clean up "his" city Chicago from his bully pulpit and never did.
Lest we forget, this narcissistic multimillionaire Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most despicable racists ever to sit in the Oval Office, he preaches Marxism but lives like a captain of industry.
Obama's legacy is the erosion of American living standards for the average worker and the most defunct and usurious healthcare system in the developed world. Watching his cheap salesmanship today is akin to Tony Blair broker middle-east peace deals.

Hell, the man died two weeks ago. They have been parading his corpse all over the place. Just bury the man already! If leftards had their way? They would take him to a taxidermist and have him stuffed.
Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

30 Jul 2020 ~~ By Malcom Bright
Former President Barack Obama turned a eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) into a Democratic political rally – urging Congress to pass a series of measures he said would ‘continue Lewis’ life’s work.’
Of all the speakers at the memorial, the former President was the only one to leverage Lewis’ death for political purposes.


Hmm..., I guess the Dims didn't learn anything from the fiasco of the Wellstone memorial in 2002
They turned that into a political rally and voters were turned off by the display.
In the end, it cost them seats in Congress.
Obama is a metastasizing cancerous tumor. Durham has the power to do something about it, Past president or not, Obama attempted to overthrow the 2016 election and failed. For that seditious act he should be wearing orange for the rest of his life. He crass explosion at the funeral today should be in the halls of infamy.
Obama's pushing for 'Mail In' voting means the loss of anonymity. That in itself should be unconstitutional. It does have a double edge to it. Democrats will have to summoned forth their dead voters to confirm their hanging chads.
It's obvious to Obama that some black lives matter. A black felon and/or criminal killed by a white cop is priority one for this race hustler, but black on black crime, or a child under two year of age killed during a shoot out never gets on this race hustler's radar, no currency in that. Obama had the opportunity for 8 years to clean up "his" city Chicago from his bully pulpit and never did.
Lest we forget, this narcissistic multimillionaire Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most despicable racists ever to sit in the Oval Office, he preaches Marxism but lives like a captain of industry.
Obama's legacy is the erosion of American living standards for the average worker and the most defunct and usurious healthcare system in the developed world. Watching his cheap salesmanship today is akin to Tony Blair broker middle-east peace deals.

Hell, the man died two weeks ago. They have been parading his corpse all over the place. Just bury the man already! If leftards had their way? They would take him to a taxidermist and have him stuffed.

Maybe they can get some tips and help from the taxidermists that stuffed Mao Zedong, Stalin and Lenin....
What better way is there to promote what the man stood for as a politician. He was one for over 30 year and to talk about what he stood for is the standard. It was an eulogy for a politician. I would suspect it is no different that any other eulogies that mention what the deceased live was about or what he or she stood for.
What better way is there to promote what the man stood for as a politician. He was one for over 30 year and to talk about what he stood for is the standard. It was an eulogy for a politician. I would suspect it is no different that any other eulogies that mention what the deceased live was about or what he or she stood for.

Jesse Helms served 30 tremendous years in the Senate, but they didn't use his funeral to talk about political issues, but instead what a tremendous guy he was.
Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

30 Jul 2020 ~~ By Malcom Bright
Former President Barack Obama turned a eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) into a Democratic political rally – urging Congress to pass a series of measures he said would ‘continue Lewis’ life’s work.’
Of all the speakers at the memorial, the former President was the only one to leverage Lewis’ death for political purposes.


Hmm..., I guess the Dims didn't learn anything from the fiasco of the Wellstone memorial in 2002
They turned that into a political rally and voters were turned off by the display.
In the end, it cost them seats in Congress.
Obama is a metastasizing cancerous tumor. Durham has the power to do something about it, Past president or not, Obama attempted to overthrow the 2016 election and failed. For that seditious act he should be wearing orange for the rest of his life. He crass explosion at the funeral today should be in the halls of infamy.
Obama's pushing for 'Mail In' voting means the loss of anonymity. That in itself should be unconstitutional. It does have a double edge to it. Democrats will have to summoned forth their dead voters to confirm their hanging chads.
It's obvious to Obama that some black lives matter. A black felon and/or criminal killed by a white cop is priority one for this race hustler, but black on black crime, or a child under two year of age killed during a shoot out never gets on this race hustler's radar, no currency in that. Obama had the opportunity for 8 years to clean up "his" city Chicago from his bully pulpit and never did.
Lest we forget, this narcissistic multimillionaire Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most despicable racists ever to sit in the Oval Office, he preaches Marxism but lives like a captain of industry.
Obama's legacy is the erosion of American living standards for the average worker and the most defunct and usurious healthcare system in the developed world. Watching his cheap salesmanship today is akin to Tony Blair broker middle-east peace deals.

President Obama was honoring the legacy of John Lewis. It was awesome!

Did he wipe his ass in front of everyone ?
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.

oh-----gee------I started to listen----then got slightly nauseated and turned it off
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But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I just saw that. A disgusting man, always stiring up racial strife. Herman Cain was 10 times the man Obama was.
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I just saw that. A disgusting man, always stiring up racial strife. Herman Cain was 10 times the man Obama was.

I wouldn't go that far, but it's still a shame that Trump killed Herman Cain.
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I just saw that. A disgusting man, always stiring up racial strife. Herman Cain was 10 times the man Obama was.

I wouldn't go that far, but it's still a shame that Trump killed Herman Cain.
China killed Herman Cain with help from democrats.
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.

Gee, you are far kinder than I would have been. Democrats: molding, basic, vulgar.

But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.

oh-----gee------I started to listen----then got slightly nauseated and turned it off
You must be a Clinton, Biden, Obama supporter the truth always harms you guys.

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