Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I get it.....trumpanzees truly hate that Former President Obama....and Former Presidents Bush and Clinton....are so much classier and Presidential than bunker boy.
Bill Clinton and Bush didn't violate all the norms and use the memorial as an opportunity to give a divisive campaign speech, inciting more riots. The classless piece of shit could have done what people normally do in memorials, and not spew hatred and lies from the pulpit.
Obama’s speech was one the was consistent with the purpose that Lewis devoted his life to.

Sorry it hurt your feelings but that’s not the point.
Eulogies are supposed to focus on the positive aspects of the deceased's life.

Giving a eulogy is a terrible platform to attack others.

But, Obama has a habit of ignoring decorum. That's why we have Trump.
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I get it.....trumpanzees truly hate that Former President Obama....and Former Presidents Bush and Clinton....are so much classier and Presidential than bunker boy.
Bill Clinton and Bush didn't violate all the norms and use the memorial as an opportunity to give a divisive campaign speech, inciting more riots. The classless piece of shit could have done what people normally do in memorials, and not spew hatred and lies from the pulpit.
Obama’s speech was one the was consistent with the purpose that Lewis devoted his life to.

Sorry it hurt your feelings but that’s not the point.
Eulogies are supposed to focus on the positive aspects of the deceased's life.

Giving a eulogy is a terrible platform to attack others.

But, Obama has a habit of ignoring decorum. That's why we have Trump.

The positive aspects of Lewis’s life was his fighting for civil rights. Obama echoed his purpose and honored Lewis.

If you’re hurt by people calling for equal rights, the problem isn’t with Obama.
He is a giant piece of shit. I could not stand to watch him yesterday. He needs to take his muslim ass back to Jenya
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I get it.....trumpanzees truly hate that Former President Obama....and Former Presidents Bush and Clinton....are so much classier and Presidential than bunker boy.
Speaking of Bunker Boy was Biden at the funeral?
You can always tell when things look grim for tRump, his loyal tRumplings start posting anti Obama threads.

I guess because they can't get any dirt on Biden.

How come PROGS refuse to defend content, twist and say shit that has no meaning?

Because you're irrational cowards lacking the spine to admit you support deviants because you are one.
There is no reason to "dislike" President Obama, in my opinion.

We should congratulate him (and his wife) on achieving the American dream, thanks to the benefits of Affirmative Action.

His speech at the church yesterday was no surprise.

Although he speaks very calmly and eloquently, it does not hide the fact that he is a very angry gentleman (as is his wife) about the perceived injustices toward certain folks.

I personally wish that they both were equally mad about the anti-social behavior of some young gentlemen in Chicago, Baltimore, New York City, etc.
I dislike him because he set this country on fire during the eight years of his presidency, and he just used Lewis' funeral to incite more riots and violence.
The country was on fire? I remember California having some really bad fires but here in the east it was okay. Just WTF are you babbling about anyway?
You can always tell when things look grim for tRump, his loyal tRumplings start posting anti Obama threads.

I guess because they can't get any dirt on Biden.

I'd say the shoe is on the other foot.. If the Left were so confident that they would win the November election why would they need to have this greasy Marxist racist to use the Lewis funeral to tout their Marxist Socialist Communist ideology?
As Tucker Carlson stated. "The country falling apart, riven by racial strife and tribalism, and one of the most respected people in the whole country decides to pour gasoline on that and compare the police to Bull Connor? As if America or Minneapolis is like Birmingham, Ala., in 1963? It's insane. It's reckless."
"Of course, Obama doesn't care. It's only about November and the coming election," Carlson said.
Politicians like Obama are precisely what the founders of this nation were trying to prevent with the natural born citizen requirement.
Obama is undoubtedly the most despicable, derisive, divisive racist president this country has ever elected. Based upon what we already know about the failed attempted 2016 coup d' etat, this Commie should be arrested, tried, convicted and placed in Gitmo for the rest of his natural life...
Obama turned a funeral eulogy into a campaign appearance. Not unprecedented for the democrats
(Paul Wellstone) who are virtually shameless and without morals.
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I get it.....trumpanzees truly hate that Former President Obama....and Former Presidents Bush and Clinton....are so much classier and Presidential than bunker boy.
Bill Clinton and Bush didn't violate all the norms and use the memorial as an opportunity to give a divisive campaign speech, inciting more riots. The classless piece of shit could have done what people normally do in memorials, and not spew hatred and lies from the pulpit.
Obama’s speech was one the was consistent with the purpose that Lewis devoted his life to.

Sorry it hurt your feelings but that’s not the point.

Yes, it was all about the divisive racism they created.... The complete opposite of the tenets of MLK Jr...
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I get it.....trumpanzees truly hate that Former President Obama....and Former Presidents Bush and Clinton....are so much classier and Presidential than bunker boy.
Bill Clinton and Bush didn't violate all the norms and use the memorial as an opportunity to give a divisive campaign speech, inciting more riots. The classless piece of shit could have done what people normally do in memorials, and not spew hatred and lies from the pulpit.
Obama’s speech was one the was consistent with the purpose that Lewis devoted his life to.

Sorry it hurt your feelings but that’s not the point.

Yes, it was all about the divisive racism they created.... The complete opposite of the tenets of MLK Jr...
Funny thing is that people talked about MLK the exact same way you’re talking about Obama and for the same reasons.
Obama turned a funeral eulogy into a campaign appearance. Not unprecedented for the democrats
(Paul Wellstone) who are virtually shameless and without morals.

Yes, and that turned into a failure for them....
Yes, and that turned into a failure for them....
"Stand up and cast your votes for Paul. Stand up! Stand up!"

Mercifully I can't think of the clown who was the head cheer leader there. It was sickening.
Dick Durbin, maybe?

Edit...it was Tom Harkin.
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But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I get it.....trumpanzees truly hate that Former President Obama....and Former Presidents Bush and Clinton....are so much classier and Presidential than bunker boy.
Bill Clinton and Bush didn't violate all the norms and use the memorial as an opportunity to give a divisive campaign speech, inciting more riots. The classless piece of shit could have done what people normally do in memorials, and not spew hatred and lies from the pulpit.
Obama’s speech was one the was consistent with the purpose that Lewis devoted his life to.

Sorry it hurt your feelings but that’s not the point.
It didn't hurt my feelings, it just reminded me what a classless piece of shit he is, that would use a memorial to incite riots, hatred and lies.
Yes, and that turned into a failure for them....
"Stand up and cast your votes for Paul. Stand up! Stand up!"

Mercifully I can't think of the clown who was the head cheer leader there. It was sickening.
Dick Durbin, maybe?
In true form, nothing is off limits to these power hungry lowlifes. They can't even wait for a person to be buried, before spread their poison.
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I just saw that. A disgusting man, always stiring up racial strife. Herman Cain was 10 times the man Obama was.

I wouldn't go that far, but it's still a shame that Trump killed Herman Cain.
China killed Herman Cain with help from democrats.

Did China force Cain to go to Trump's rally?
You don’t know for a fact that that is how Cain contracted the virus. Yes, Cain is culpable to the extent that he obviously didn’t protect himself enough. But this WMD was created and launched by China.
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I get it.....trumpanzees truly hate that Former President Obama....and Former Presidents Bush and Clinton....are so much classier and Presidential than bunker boy.
Bill Clinton and Bush didn't violate all the norms and use the memorial as an opportunity to give a divisive campaign speech, inciting more riots. The classless piece of shit could have done what people normally do in memorials, and not spew hatred and lies from the pulpit.
Obama’s speech was one the was consistent with the purpose that Lewis devoted his life to.

Sorry it hurt your feelings but that’s not the point.
Eulogies are supposed to focus on the positive aspects of the deceased's life.

Giving a eulogy is a terrible platform to attack others.

But, Obama has a habit of ignoring decorum. That's why we have Trump.
That's because Obama is a classless piece of shit, it's also an indication of his upbringing. Let's not forget his father was a wife beating alcoholic commie deadbeat, who dumped Obama in his early childhood. Like father like son.
But was reminded today, thanks to his cheesy, classless, political speech at John Lewis' memorial. Basically the Marxist, race-baiting, most divisive president in history used the dead man's memorial as an opportunity to give a cop bashing, anti American, riot inciting campaign speech for Joe Biden. How low can these people stoop to? But it shouldn't be surprising, considering this is the same guy that threw his White mother and grandmother under the bus just to further his career, the same two people that raised him and provided for him, after his alcoholic commie wifebeating deadbeat dad dumped him as a kid. Sick.
I get it.....trumpanzees truly hate that Former President Obama....and Former Presidents Bush and Clinton....are so much classier and Presidential than bunker boy.
Bill Clinton and Bush didn't violate all the norms and use the memorial as an opportunity to give a divisive campaign speech, inciting more riots. The classless piece of shit could have done what people normally do in memorials, and not spew hatred and lies from the pulpit.
Obama’s speech was one the was consistent with the purpose that Lewis devoted his life to.

Sorry it hurt your feelings but that’s not the point.
It didn't hurt my feelings, it just reminded me what a classless piece of shit he is, that would use a memorial to incite riots, hatred and lies.
You sure act butthurt.

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