Obama Under Fire for Backing Deal to Lift Global Ban on Commercial Whaling


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
The Obama administration is leading an effort within the International Whaling Commission to lift a 24-year international ban on commercial whaling for Japan, Norway and Iceland, the remaining three countries in the 88-member commission that still hunt whales.

Environmentalists, already peeved with the administration’s handling of the Gulf oil spill, are accusing President Obama of breaking his campaign pledge to end the slaughter of whales

FOXNews.com - Obama Under Fire for Backing Deal to Lift Global Ban on Commercial Whaling

libturds are starting not to like being lied to.. oh my.. they should have thought of that when the dingdong swore he sat in a church for twenty years and never heard a thing. how damn dumb can ya get?
Goodness knows I've only been saying he isn't a Liberal for the past year plus now. But why listen? :cuckoo:
I just watched Whale Wars last night. Bob Barker, game show host gave the Sea Shepherd's Fund a $5M boost and they bought another big ship to go hunt the Nissan Maru whaling vessel. But they have more amo this year. Anyone watch it? Also, you should see the huge icebergs dropping like melting snowmen.
LOL , now the libbies are trying to distance themselves from the guy.. Who the hell elected him then? Oh thats right........
No surprise here. Obama is no greenie

And no surprise seeing a conservative pretend that they'd want the govt to continue to interfere with the free market

Conservatives are hypocrits
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