Obama Uses N Word

^ lol @ " i'm black " sure you are, nutz.. :afro:

Seriously...he did. Sure....he said it to make a valid point....but I can remember a tesper tslk shoe host who lost his job using it in the same way. No link....google it

a teaper talk show host or an internet nutz can use the N word 'in the same way' as the president...??
The same way....discussing the history of the word.
it's true i have completely ignored most of your posts...

ever consider maybe it's the nature of the discussion as well as the context and not the word itself?
The context wouldn't matter in the least if the word was uttered by a white person.
As the OP points out, Obama is just as much white as he is black, a fact that seems to be forever forgotten by the msm.
Word on the street now is that if you "feel" black, you can use the N word to your heart's desire. You can also claim a totally unrelated black person as your father and your black adopted brother as your son. In related news, if you "feel" like a woman.....
Old jake playing his favorite "context" card. Got to give him some credit for being consistant.

Never mind that Obama could have said the same thing without the use of a racial slur. Matter of fact if he had it would have made him sound more intelligent, in context.

The context of those who think Obama shouldn't use such words is this, most don't like do as I say not as I do attitude from their leaders who are lecturing us on race relations.
Seriously...he did. Sure....he said it to make a valid point....but I can remember a tesper tslk shoe host who lost his job using it in the same way. No link....google it

Since we all know what "N word" means, might as well say it. Not saying it is kind of immature and silly.

True, but we live in a very immature and silly PC country.
it's true i have completely ignored most of your posts...

ever consider maybe it's the nature of the discussion as well as the context and not the word itself?
Ummm...thats what I said...chickie
Barack Obama says the N-word to Marc Maron s podcast - CNNPolitics.com

HOLY SHIT. President Obama in an interview dropped the grandaddy of forbidden racist slurs. He said race relations is about "more than just being polite" enough not to say "nigg@r" Iin public.

Um...Mr. President....you're half white. Raised by a white family. YOU cant say that!

And how does CNN react? Black racist Marc Lamont Hill...CNN analyst...said "its quite impressive" how Obama casually said it and just smoothly worked it in the conversation. And they immediately switched to....talking about the VA budget.

It goes without saying....if South Carolina Republican governor Nikki Haley....who is Indian and less white than Obama....had uttered that same phrase...itd be "Breaking News" all day.

Fuck man. We need to wake up to how the media is playing us.
Well you seem to like to be played with and your attempts to deny what was a statement of fact, does not make you look wise or sharp...
people might criticize the president's language, but had he not said what he did we wouldn't be talking about it.

seems like he chose the right words to me.
Republicans might have to start wearing black face make up so they can speak like Obama


"Obammy! Youz my man! Speaks da troof ta powah!"

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