Obama Vineyard vacation at $7.6m private resort, over 75 rooms booked for staff

Presidents should take vacations. I think the problem is, if just got back from a hundred million dollar vacation. Then this stupid fucker wants to bitch about this and that and blah blah. just because another prez was as.much of a hypocritical pos as this one is, does not make it right. quit living in the past u ignorant fucks
The first paragraph of the article states that it's a regular retreat for presidents and their families. I'm sure the OP was just as outraged at every other president who vacationed there. :eusa_whistle:

And the home costs $7.6 million, not the stay. They are just staying there, not buying it. Most of the cost will be the usual cost of Secret Service protection, which costs a lot no matter which president is traveling. More faux outrage.
So...you're job is equivalent to the Presidency of the United States.

No, I actually do something productive for a living.

So...you are saying the Presidency of the United States is not a productive job. Ok. Then it's really no big deal about vacations, who gets elected, etc. then.
fox was probably talking about this prez.. but fox is wrong. this is a very productive prez. we are more socialistic and divided than ever before:) thanks"POTUS" :doubt:
Let's just say that Barry's not worried about "image" during his Presidency. One wonders how badly W. would be getting taken over the coals if it were HE that was heading off to vacation with the rich & famous? God, Bush used to take flak for going to Crawford, Texas!

Bush was criticized for the frequency and duration of his vacations

The Obamas take two weeks a year....not once without accompanying Republican outrage

Want to take a guess on what the cost differences are between Crawford, Texas...and Martha's Vineyard & Hawaii? I'm going to go WAY out on a limb here, Winger and guess that one trip to either Martha's Vineyard or Hawaii costs the taxpayers as much as twenty trips to Crawford.

It's like someone on an expense account saying that he went to dinner less often than the guy before him while leaving out the part about his eating at Morton's while the other guy was going to Burger King. Know what I'm saying?

Barry and Michelle have expensive tastes...and we're the ones footing the bill.
Let's just say that Barry's not worried about "image" during his Presidency. One wonders how badly W. would be getting taken over the coals if it were HE that was heading off to vacation with the rich & famous? God, Bush used to take flak for going to Crawford, Texas!

Bush was criticized for the frequency and duration of his vacations

The Obamas take two weeks a year....not once without accompanying Republican outrage

Want to take a guess on what the cost differences are between Crawford, Texas...and Martha's Vineyard & Hawaii? I'm going to go WAY out on a limb here, Winger and guess that one trip to either Martha's Vineyard or Hawaii costs the taxpayers as much as twenty trips to Crawford.

It's like someone on an expense account saying that he went to dinner less often than the guy before him while leaving out the part about his eating at Morton's while the other guy was going to Burger King. Know what I'm saying?

Barry and Michelle have expensive tastes...and we're the ones footing the bill.

How much did the taxpayers pay to increase security at the Crawford ranch? Whether the President is at Marthas Vinyard or Crawford, you still need the same security detail and Presidential infrastructure
What I've always found amusing by the whole "vacation debunking" thing by liberals is that President Bush went to Crawford to work. He didn't particularly like Washington and spent as little time as possible there. He literally ran the country from his ranch in Texas for long stretches of time.
What I've always found amusing by the whole "vacation debunking" thing by liberals is that President Bush went to Crawford to work. He didn't particularly like Washington and spent as little time as possible there. He literally ran the country from his ranch in Texas for long stretches of time.

Bush was criticized for the frequency and duration of his vacations

The Obamas take two weeks a year....not once without accompanying Republican outrage

Want to take a guess on what the cost differences are between Crawford, Texas...and Martha's Vineyard & Hawaii? I'm going to go WAY out on a limb here, Winger and guess that one trip to either Martha's Vineyard or Hawaii costs the taxpayers as much as twenty trips to Crawford.

It's like someone on an expense account saying that he went to dinner less often than the guy before him while leaving out the part about his eating at Morton's while the other guy was going to Burger King. Know what I'm saying?

Barry and Michelle have expensive tastes...and we're the ones footing the bill.

How much did the taxpayers pay to increase security at the Crawford ranch? Whether the President is at Marthas Vinyard or Crawford, you still need the same security detail and Presidential infrastructure

So what do you think the costs were to increase security in East Bum Fuck, Texas as compared to setting up security on Martha's Vineyard? I'm going to go WAY out on that limb again, Winger and say that it's a LOT cheaper to house Secret Service agents in Crawford than it is on the Vineyard!
The guy makes a lousy $400,000 a year for a job of that magnitude and you're begrudge him a decent vacation?

Fuck all you petty assholes!

Actually, I would begrudge ANY CEO taking a vacation while his company was floundering. First you do your "job"...THEN you go on vacation! It's part of being a LEADER!!!
Let's just say that Barry's not worried about "image" during his Presidency. One wonders how badly W. would be getting taken over the coals if it were HE that was heading off to vacation with the rich & famous? God, Bush used to take flak for going to Crawford, Texas!

Bush was criticized for the frequency and duration of his vacations

The Obamas take two weeks a year....not once without accompanying Republican outrage

Want to take a guess on what the cost differences are between Crawford, Texas...and Martha's Vineyard & Hawaii? I'm going to go WAY out on a limb here, Winger and guess that one trip to either Martha's Vineyard or Hawaii costs the taxpayers as much as twenty trips to Crawford.

It's like someone on an expense account saying that he went to dinner less often than the guy before him while leaving out the part about his eating at Morton's while the other guy was going to Burger King. Know what I'm saying?

Barry and Michelle have expensive tastes...and we're the ones footing the bill.

You are way out on a limb.

Even with this report being correct..and I doubt it is..the bill comes to about 380,000 dollars.

I can hazard to say Martha's Vineyard is much less of a security nightmare than a private ranch with little or no facilities for a large group. I'll also "hazard" to say, in total? Bush's vacations were more expensive than Obama's.
No problem at all, unless of course he decides to come back from it. :D

Sorry. He's the President of the United States. His vacations are always working vacations.

This President doesn't do much of anything when he IS working, Bodecea...how can you tell when he's on vacation and when he's not? Just sayin'...:confused:

When he's not on vacation he plays golf at a DC area golf course.
The guy makes a lousy $400,000 a year for a job of that magnitude and you're begrudge him a decent vacation?

Fuck all you petty assholes!

Actually, I would begrudge ANY CEO taking a vacation while his company was floundering. First you do your "job"...THEN you go on vacation! It's part of being a LEADER!!!

Really now.

Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan/Chase and director at the New York Federal Reserve lost like 9 billion dollars.

Your thread about his vacations are, where?
Want to take a guess on what the cost differences are between Crawford, Texas...and Martha's Vineyard & Hawaii? I'm going to go WAY out on a limb here, Winger and guess that one trip to either Martha's Vineyard or Hawaii costs the taxpayers as much as twenty trips to Crawford.

It's like someone on an expense account saying that he went to dinner less often than the guy before him while leaving out the part about his eating at Morton's while the other guy was going to Burger King. Know what I'm saying?

Barry and Michelle have expensive tastes...and we're the ones footing the bill.

How much did the taxpayers pay to increase security at the Crawford ranch? Whether the President is at Marthas Vinyard or Crawford, you still need the same security detail and Presidential infrastructure

So what do you think the costs were to increase security in East Bum Fuck, Texas as compared to setting up security on Martha's Vineyard? I'm going to go WAY out on that limb again, Winger and say that it's a LOT cheaper to house Secret Service agents in Crawford than it is on the Vineyard!

Martha's Vineyard is a regular retreat for rich and powerful people. I'm guessing a large part of the security is already in place. The largest cost would be the usual Secret Service protection all presidents have. Securing a wide open ranch in "Bum Fuck" Texas on the other hand would be a logistical nightmare.

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