Obama vs Putin Leadership Style- Analysis


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Sometimes pictures speak louder than words







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Putin - Dissolves congress, appoints Governors, kills lawyers, imprisons and kills political opponents, imprisons and kills the press, made laws that violate the civil rights of is citizens and his an authoritarian dictator.

Obama- Not so much.
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Pictures painted the panty waste, not the people.. LMAO

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I'm starting to see a resemblance between Obama and Barney Fife. Loveable as they are you don't want either one in charge.
I'm starting to see a resemblance between Obama and Barney Fife. Loveable as they are you don't want either one in charge.

Indeed- And with all the attention on the single bullet in his pocket, Obamacare is all he could come up with.. and he dropped it....


I'm starting to see a resemblance between Obama and Barney Fife. Loveable as they are you don't want either one in charge.

Indeed- And with all the attention on the single bullet in his pocket, Obamacare is all he could come up with.. and he dropped it....



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-N3dJvhgPg]Obama: Osama bin Laden Dead - Full Video - YouTube[/ame]



I'm starting to see a resemblance between Obama and Barney Fife. Loveable as they are you don't want either one in charge.

Indeed- And with all the attention on the single bullet in his pocket, Obamacare is all he could come up with.. and he dropped it....



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-N3dJvhgPg]Obama: Osama bin Laden Dead - Full Video - YouTube[/ame]




Did Odummer kill these guys too?


And the hits keep coming..

Beslan school hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Russian government downplayed the numbers, repeatedly stating there were only 354 hostages; this reportedly angered the hostage-takers who further mistreated their captives.[57][58] Several officials also said there appeared to be only 15 to 20 militants in the school.[15] The crisis was met with a near-total silence from then-President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the rest of Russia's political leaders.[59] Only on the second day did Putin make his first public comment on the siege during a meeting in Moscow with King Abdullah II of Jordan: "Our main task, of course, is to save the lives and health of those who became hostages. All actions by our forces involved in rescuing the hostages will be dedicated exclusively to this task."[60] It was the only public statement by Putin about the crisis until one day after its bloody end.[59] In protest, several people at the scene raised signs reading: "Putin! Release our children! Meet their demands!" and "Putin! There are at least 800 hostages!" The locals also said they would not allow any storming or "poisoning of their children" (an allusion to the Moscow hostage crisis chemical agent).[31
The day after the storming, bulldozers gathered the debris of the building, including the body parts of the victims, and removed it to a garbage dump.[6][11] The first of the many funerals were conducted on 4 September, the day after the final assault, with more following soon after, including mass burials of 120 people.[110] The local cemetery was too small and had to be expanded to an adjacent plot of land to accommodate the dead. Three days after the siege, 180 people were still missing.[111] Many survivors remained severely traumatized and at least one female former hostage committed suicide after returning home.[112]

Russian President Vladimir Putin reappeared publicly during a hurried trip to the Beslan hospital in the early hours of 4 September to see several of the wounded victims in his only visit to Beslan.[113] He was later criticised for not meeting the families of victims.[104] After returning to Moscow, he ordered a two-day period of national mourning on 6 &#8211; 7 September 2004. In his televised speech Putin paraphrased Joseph Stalin saying: "We showed ourselves to be weak. And the weak get beaten."[46] On the second day of mourning, an estimated 135,000 people joined a government-organised rally against terrorism on the Red Square in Moscow.[114] An estimated 40,000 people gathered in Saint Petersburg's Palace Square.[115]

Increased security measures were introduced to Russian cities. More than 10,000 people without proper documents were detained by Moscow police in a "terrorist hunt". Colonel Magomed Tolboyev, a cosmonaut and Hero of the Russian Federation, was attacked by Moscow police patrol and beaten because of his Chechen-sounding name.[116][117] The Russian public appeared to be generally supportive of increased security measures. A 16 September 2004 Levada-Center opinion poll found 58% of Russians supporting stricter counter-terrorism laws and the death penalty for terrorism, while 33% would support banning all Chechens from entering Russian cities.[118][119]

Good stuff! Pooty-Poot.

You guys should do at least SOME research into the people you fall for.
Indeed- And with all the attention on the single bullet in his pocket, Obamacare is all he could come up with.. and he dropped it....



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-N3dJvhgPg]Obama: Osama bin Laden Dead - Full Video - YouTube[/ame]




Did Odummer kill these guys too?



Those guys were killed by a mix of anti-American militants, terrorists and trouble makers.

But you folks have a history of blaming Americans..don't ya?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-CAcdta_8I]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
Barney Fife. The resemblance to Obama is uncanny. Looking carefully at Obama, could this be a case where life imitates art.

President Barney Fife Obama.

This is both frightening and strangely amusing.


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