Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.

Really? Are you hoping real hard that the economy does not continue to grow? For the economy is growing.

Funny, the government insist that the economy contracted last quarter.

It contracted because the government cut spending.

That's what austerity looks like.

And you folks should be cheering wildly.
Consider this, written on Feb 1,2013. It pretty much encapsulates the minimum wage argument.


The recent implementation of a living wage ordinance on larger hotels in Long Beach serves as a case in point. In the November 2012 election, voters in Long Beach overwhelmingly passed Measure N with 64 percent of the vote. The measure, pushed by labor unions such as Unite Here 11 and the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, requires hotels with 100 or more rooms to pay their employees at least $13 an hour and guarantee annual raises.

In response to the measure's passage, some hotels were unable, or unwilling, to shoulder the extra financial burden. Instead of paying their employees more, they announced they'd lay off workers and reduce their number of available rooms so they would not have to comply with the new rules. The 174-room Best Western Golden Sails and the 143-room Hotel Current plan to dramatically reduce their number of available rooms to 99 rooms each to avoid the ordinance.

In December, just before the rules went into effect, the Best Western Golden Sails also reportedly posted a notice that "all employees will be considered terminated after their last shift of duty on or before Dec. 15." The Long Beach Press-Telegram reported that "some" of the employees would be rehired but around 75 people were expected to permanently lose their jobs.

Reason Foundation - Minimum Wage Hike Would Hurt California Economy
Well first off, no..I do believe that people can be responsible for their own outcomes. That's what Democracy is all about. People electing other people to run government in a way that suits their views, aspirations and desires.

Good lord.....do you even read the things you type? Getting someone else to put in place policies that benefit you is NOT being responsible for your outcomes. That is getting someone else to ensure an outcome for you with not effort on your part other than voting them into office. That's kind of the liberal way. I have to give dems at least some credit there. They've figured out how to get elected. Just promise to do for people what they should do for themselves and you'll vote for them every time.

People also get educated and work hard. That's actually what's been going on in this country. People HAVE been working very hard. Americans are the most productive people on the planet. But because of conservative policies..they haven't been sharing in the profits. You guys have crushed every means to remedy that too. Unions? They are almost a thing of the past. And they were almost completely responsible for social mobility in this country. You guys fight labor laws. You hate OSHA. Curtail education. But on the plus side..you folks happily shovel tax payer money at rich guys..while they pay themselves 400 or more times what average folks make. Additionally they have lobbyists who basically have the ear of the people running government. Who make the laws that "ta-da" keep these guys swimming in tax payer funding.

And you guys are "funny" about "demand". You are shipping jobs overseas and helping the folks that do that with all sorts of legal protections and tax breaks. The Right to Work thing is fun too.

The type of "adaptation" you folks are looking for is a race to the bottom for the average joe and setting up the new aristocracy.

No thanks.

Some of those things are valid. I would prefer a significantly simplified tax code for example. No deductions, no loop holes across the board. A flat rate on income whether it be a businesses income or persons. Whether it be from salary or investments. As for sharing profits I think you would find that most good companies do that. Mine does anyway. I also don't have a problem with unions.....in theory. If you can get a bunch of people together freely to put yourself in better bargaining position for compensation, go for it. The problem is you probably don't want to afford the business similar freedoms. If you want the right to collectively bargain your employer should also have the right to seek alternatives to your union.
Consider this, written on Feb 1,2013. It pretty much encapsulates the minimum wage argument.


The recent implementation of a living wage ordinance on larger hotels in Long Beach serves as a case in point. In the November 2012 election, voters in Long Beach overwhelmingly passed Measure N with 64 percent of the vote. The measure, pushed by labor unions such as Unite Here 11 and the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, requires hotels with 100 or more rooms to pay their employees at least $13 an hour and guarantee annual raises.

In response to the measure's passage, some hotels were unable, or unwilling, to shoulder the extra financial burden. Instead of paying their employees more, they announced they'd lay off workers and reduce their number of available rooms so they would not have to comply with the new rules. The 174-room Best Western Golden Sails and the 143-room Hotel Current plan to dramatically reduce their number of available rooms to 99 rooms each to avoid the ordinance.

In December, just before the rules went into effect, the Best Western Golden Sails also reportedly posted a notice that "all employees will be considered terminated after their last shift of duty on or before Dec. 15." The Long Beach Press-Telegram reported that "some" of the employees would be rehired but around 75 people were expected to permanently lose their jobs.

Reason Foundation - Minimum Wage Hike Would Hurt California Economy

And do you know what liberals would do in response to that. Just make more laws. They'd pass a law prohibiting hotels from taking those actions. Then when they see the hotels going under they'd make another law to subsidize them with tax payer money. Then when the tax payers get fed up with their tax increases they'll vote to extend borrowing. I'm telling you liberals are the WORST problem solvers on the planet
Really? Are you hoping real hard that the economy does not continue to grow? For the economy is growing.

Funny, the government insist that the economy contracted last quarter.

It contracted because the government cut spending.

That's what austerity looks like.

And you folks should be cheering wildly.

That might make sense, if we ignore the detail that the government did not cut spending.
What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.

As a no brainer, I'd say if it's going to screw you, then it has to be a good idea.

Businesses only hire workers they need and wouldn't hire unneeded workers at half the minimum wage. Businesses aren't charities, but let's examine your situation in view of a minimum wage increase. You claim to not hire anyone making minimum wage and then contradict yourself saying you won't hire if there was a minimum wage increase. Which is it and do you hire people just to give them a job or do you hire them because you business requires them to do the labor and can't get it done without them?

Republicans and the right-wing always oppose a minimum wage increase, but Republicans are great at crashing an economy. I've examined every minimum wage increase since the minimum wage began and there is no correlation between minimum wage increases and increases in unemployment. The data doesn't support it and decreases in employment are caused by economic downturns, regardless of whether the minimum wage increased or not.

An increase in minimum wage would stimulate the economy and is a good idea.
What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.

As a no brainer, I'd say if it's going to screw you, then it has to be a good idea.

Businesses only hire workers they need and wouldn't hire unneeded workers at half the minimum wage. Businesses aren't charities, but let's examine your situation in view of a minimum wage increase. You claim to not hire anyone making minimum wage and then contradict yourself saying you won't hire if there was a minimum wage increase. Which is it and do you hire people just to give them a job or do you hire them because you business requires them to do the labor and can't get it done without them?

Republicans and the right-wing always oppose a minimum wage increase, but Republicans are great at crashing an economy. I've examined every minimum wage increase since the minimum wage began and there is no correlation between minimum wage increases and increases in unemployment. The data doesn't support it and decreases in employment are caused by economic downturns, regardless of whether the minimum wage increased or not.

An increase in minimum wage would stimulate the economy and is a good idea.

Since you chose to twist my words I have nothing yo say to you.........

Except fuck off.
Should there be a federally mandated minimum tip as well?

Your damn right there should. There oughta be lots of them actually. The should provide tips every night.

Tips like:

Your boss is not responsible for your living expenses.


You are responsible for your own outcomes. Not your employer.

Those are some good tips. The sooner people live by them the better off every one will be.

The most enjoymen I ever got out of tipping someone was a waitress that gave us the worst service ive ever received. On the tip line I wrote

What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.

As a no brainer, I'd say if it's going to screw you, then it has to be a good idea.

Businesses only hire workers they need and wouldn't hire unneeded workers at half the minimum wage. Businesses aren't charities, but let's examine your situation in view of a minimum wage increase. You claim to not hire anyone making minimum wage and then contradict yourself saying you won't hire if there was a minimum wage increase. Which is it and do you hire people just to give them a job or do you hire them because you business requires them to do the labor and can't get it done without them?

Republicans and the right-wing always oppose a minimum wage increase, but Republicans are great at crashing an economy. I've examined every minimum wage increase since the minimum wage began and there is no correlation between minimum wage increases and increases in unemployment. The data doesn't support it and decreases in employment are caused by economic downturns, regardless of whether the minimum wage increased or not.

An increase in minimum wage would stimulate the economy and is a good idea.

Since you chose to twist my words I have nothing yo say to you.........

Except fuck off.

I read the thread, fool, do you want me to quote what you said?

I hope they raise it to $9.00 and then step that up to $11.00 with COLA.
As a no brainer, I'd say if it's going to screw you, then it has to be a good idea.

Businesses only hire workers they need and wouldn't hire unneeded workers at half the minimum wage. Businesses aren't charities, but let's examine your situation in view of a minimum wage increase. You claim to not hire anyone making minimum wage and then contradict yourself saying you won't hire if there was a minimum wage increase. Which is it and do you hire people just to give them a job or do you hire them because you business requires them to do the labor and can't get it done without them?

Republicans and the right-wing always oppose a minimum wage increase, but Republicans are great at crashing an economy. I've examined every minimum wage increase since the minimum wage began and there is no correlation between minimum wage increases and increases in unemployment. The data doesn't support it and decreases in employment are caused by economic downturns, regardless of whether the minimum wage increased or not.

An increase in minimum wage would stimulate the economy and is a good idea.

Since you chose to twist my words I have nothing yo say to you.........

Except fuck off.

I read the thread, fool, do you want me to quote what you said?

I hope they raise it to $9.00 and then step that up to $11.00 with COLA.

Hmmm... if they do that, what should the people who are now making $11.00/hr get paid? Should they get a raise as well?
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As a no brainer, I'd say if it's going to screw you, then it has to be a good idea.

Businesses only hire workers they need and wouldn't hire unneeded workers at half the minimum wage. Businesses aren't charities, but let's examine your situation in view of a minimum wage increase. You claim to not hire anyone making minimum wage and then contradict yourself saying you won't hire if there was a minimum wage increase. Which is it and do you hire people just to give them a job or do you hire them because you business requires them to do the labor and can't get it done without them?

Republicans and the right-wing always oppose a minimum wage increase, but Republicans are great at crashing an economy. I've examined every minimum wage increase since the minimum wage began and there is no correlation between minimum wage increases and increases in unemployment. The data doesn't support it and decreases in employment are caused by economic downturns, regardless of whether the minimum wage increased or not.

An increase in minimum wage would stimulate the economy and is a good idea.

Since you chose to twist my words I have nothing yo say to you.........

Except fuck off.

I read the thread, fool, do you want me to quote what you said?

I hope they raise it to $9.00 and then step that up to $11.00 with COLA.

Quote me then faggot.
Im waiting for the quote dumbass. Please quote where I said I wont hire if minimum wages are increased. Quote it you dishonest word twisting hack. You got a dozen pages to find me saying that. You said you can read, prove it.
Since you chose to twist my words I have nothing yo say to you.........

Except fuck off.

I read the thread, fool, do you want me to quote what you said?

I hope they raise it to $9.00 and then step that up to $11.00 with COLA.

Quote me then faggot.

Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.

Look no further than any business that cares about their bottom line.

In other words every business thats run by a sane person.

You are right. The truth is that every sane person's bottom line when looking for a job is how much it is going to pay. So, on the flip side you are asking workers getting paid $7.25 an hour to feel bad for business owners because they aren't making as much profit as they otherwise could have? And you are going to win over American workers by threatening to hire illegal immigrants as opposed to paying a livable wage?

I never asked anyone to feel sorry for me or my business. Just dont punish me because some other dumbfucks were to stupid to get the basic education I got and then put it to use.

And for the record I have NEVER paid anyone minimum wage. But thats not the point. I hire those who are skilled and apply themselves. When I need some stupid flunky who wasnt smart enough to apply himself I go through temp agencies.

If you want a liveable wage EARN IT

Born loser, born liar!
I read the thread, fool, do you want me to quote what you said?

I hope they raise it to $9.00 and then step that up to $11.00 with COLA.

Quote me then faggot.

Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

You are right. The truth is that every sane person's bottom line when looking for a job is how much it is going to pay. So, on the flip side you are asking workers getting paid $7.25 an hour to feel bad for business owners because they aren't making as much profit as they otherwise could have? And you are going to win over American workers by threatening to hire illegal immigrants as opposed to paying a livable wage?

I never asked anyone to feel sorry for me or my business. Just dont punish me because some other dumbfucks were to stupid to get the basic education I got and then put it to use.

And for the record I have NEVER paid anyone minimum wage. But thats not the point. I hire those who are skilled and apply themselves. When I need some stupid flunky who wasnt smart enough to apply himself I go through temp agencies.

If you want a liveable wage EARN IT

Born loser, born liar!

You started off your premise with the LIE that I made the statement that I would not hire. You flat out lied. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and called it twisting words.


No wonder you have no rep.
Quote me then faggot.

Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

I never asked anyone to feel sorry for me or my business. Just dont punish me because some other dumbfucks were to stupid to get the basic education I got and then put it to use.

And for the record I have NEVER paid anyone minimum wage. But thats not the point. I hire those who are skilled and apply themselves. When I need some stupid flunky who wasnt smart enough to apply himself I go through temp agencies.

If you want a liveable wage EARN IT

Born loser, born liar!

You started off your premise with the LIE that I made the statement that I would not hire. You flat out lied. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and called it twisting words.


No wonder you have no rep.

Is your OP a premise?

Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.
Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

Born loser, born liar!

You started off your premise with the LIE that I made the statement that I would not hire. You flat out lied. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and called it twisting words.


No wonder you have no rep.

Is your OP a premise?

Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.

Context is everything you moron. That is explaining that the poor that use temp agencies would be punished. Why hire a laborer for 20+ an hour through an agency.

So no I would not hire through them.

Context faggot

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