Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

I thought "trickle down economics" would work? All this is...is to require the rich to engage in trickle down economics.

More money in rich people's pockets = good/ More money in poor people's pockets = bad

^^Is that about right?

nope. Not at all.

Artificially increasing the cost of labor costs jobs. It doesn't benefit the people it claims to benefit.

Have you considered the possiblity that the cost of labor is artificially low with wages being stagnant while corps are posting records profits and sitting on trillions?

Well, that's the presumption of a fair number of the programs that seek to achieve 'social justice', and it's where the problem lies. You, or rather the people advocating these kinds of price and wage controls, start with the assumption that the market "got it wrong". That those low-paying jobs are really worth more than we've settled on. Society needs to be 'corrected'.

The problem is, once you start pulling at that thread, the whole sweater comes undone. If you artificially boost wages on the low end, it will have a ripple effect and cause inflation. If you only do it a little, it will only cause a little inflation, but doing it a little, does a little good.

All of this, of course, is backed with Keynesian hand waving about "stimulating" the economy - which is often at the core of bad economic policy.
nope. Not at all.

Artificially increasing the cost of labor costs jobs. It doesn't benefit the people it claims to benefit.

Have you considered the possiblity that the cost of labor is artificially low with wages being stagnant while corps are posting records profits and sitting on trillions?

Well, that's the presumption of a fair number of the programs that seek to achieve 'social justice', and it's where the problem lies. You, or rather the people advocating these kinds of price and wage controls, start with the assumption that the market "got it wrong". That those low-paying jobs are really worth more than we've settled on. Society needs to be 'corrected'.

The problem is, once you start pulling at that thread, the whole sweater comes undone. If you artificially boost wages on the low end, it will have a ripple effect and cause inflation. If you only do it a little, it will only cause a little inflation, but doing it a little, does a little good.

All of this, of course, is backed with Keynesian hand waving about "stimulating" the economy - which is often at the core of bad economic policy.

I'm not big on pumping up the minimum wage like crazy.

My issue is with corps squeezing their employees, getting them to dramatically increase their production while not paying them any more for it, and instead letting their top brass reap all the financial benefits and/or sitting on mountains of cash.

^That is why the income gap has become a canyon.

Not that I think there is anything I can do about it........you can't force Corps to be more judicious with their payroll but that's what is happening and it certainly isn't right.

Trickle down is a massive failure.
Have you considered the possiblity that the cost of labor is artificially low with wages being stagnant while corps are posting records profits and sitting on trillions?

Well, that's the presumption of a fair number of the programs that seek to achieve 'social justice', and it's where the problem lies. You, or rather the people advocating these kinds of price and wage controls, start with the assumption that the market "got it wrong". That those low-paying jobs are really worth more than we've settled on. Society needs to be 'corrected'.

The problem is, once you start pulling at that thread, the whole sweater comes undone. If you artificially boost wages on the low end, it will have a ripple effect and cause inflation. If you only do it a little, it will only cause a little inflation, but doing it a little, does a little good.

All of this, of course, is backed with Keynesian hand waving about "stimulating" the economy - which is often at the core of bad economic policy.

I'm not big on pumping up the minimum wage like crazy.

My issue is with corps squeezing their employees, getting them to dramatically increase their production while not paying them any more for it, and instead letting their top brass reap all the financial benefits and/or sitting on mountains of cash.

^That is why the income gap has become a canyon.

Not that I think there is anything I can do about it........you can't force Corps to be more judicious with their payroll but that's what is happening and it certainly isn't right.

Trickle down is a massive failure.

how are they forcing them? standing over them with a gun? If PEOPLE don't like working for a corp, as you call them, they can go find another job or take out a loan and start their own damn business..or they can just sit around and whine about how much more they are worth like some of you here do
Well, that's the presumption of a fair number of the programs that seek to achieve 'social justice', and it's where the problem lies. You, or rather the people advocating these kinds of price and wage controls, start with the assumption that the market "got it wrong". That those low-paying jobs are really worth more than we've settled on. Society needs to be 'corrected'.

The problem is, once you start pulling at that thread, the whole sweater comes undone. If you artificially boost wages on the low end, it will have a ripple effect and cause inflation. If you only do it a little, it will only cause a little inflation, but doing it a little, does a little good.

All of this, of course, is backed with Keynesian hand waving about "stimulating" the economy - which is often at the core of bad economic policy.

I'm not big on pumping up the minimum wage like crazy.

My issue is with corps squeezing their employees, getting them to dramatically increase their production while not paying them any more for it, and instead letting their top brass reap all the financial benefits and/or sitting on mountains of cash.

^That is why the income gap has become a canyon.

Not that I think there is anything I can do about it........you can't force Corps to be more judicious with their payroll but that's what is happening and it certainly isn't right.

Trickle down is a massive failure.

how are they forcing them? standing over them with a gun? If PEOPLE don't like working for a corp, as you call them, they can go find another job or take out a loan and start their own damn business..or they can just sit around and whine about how much more they are worth like some of you here do

Yeah...you can go work for another corp that is doing the exact same thing or you can start a business in a country where the failure rate is essentially a coin flip. You're really not very bright, are you?

And for the record I work for a living...in real deal corporate America. Am I a top boss? Nope but I'm not at the bottom of the ladder either and I no doubt work harder than you and have much more real life experience within corporate America than you do, lunchlady.
I'm not big on pumping up the minimum wage like crazy.

My issue is with corps squeezing their employees, getting them to dramatically increase their production while not paying them any more for it, and instead letting their top brass reap all the financial benefits and/or sitting on mountains of cash.

^That is why the income gap has become a canyon.

Not that I think there is anything I can do about it........you can't force Corps to be more judicious with their payroll but that's what is happening and it certainly isn't right.

Trickle down is a massive failure.

how are they forcing them? standing over them with a gun? If PEOPLE don't like working for a corp, as you call them, they can go find another job or take out a loan and start their own damn business..or they can just sit around and whine about how much more they are worth like some of you here do

Yeah...you can go work for another corp that is doing the exact same thing or you can start a business in a country where the failure rate is essentially a coin flip. You're really not very bright, are you?

And for the record I work for a living...in real deal corporate America. Am I a top boss? Nope but I'm not at the bottom of the ladder either and I no doubt work harder than you and have much more real life experience within corporate America than you do, lunchlady.

All of us need to get real. The average income for a family of four in my state, TN...a RED state I might add is less than $50,000 a year. Beginning with Reagan the Republican plan is working:

I thought "trickle down economics" would work? All this is...is to require the rich to engage in trickle down economics.

More money in rich people's pockets = good/ More money in poor people's pockets = bad

^^Is that about right?

nope. Not at all.

Artificially increasing the cost of labor costs jobs. It doesn't benefit the people it claims to benefit.

Have you considered the possiblity that the cost of labor is artificially low with wages being stagnant while corps are posting records profits and sitting on trillions?

Have you considered just because they aren't where you'd like them to be doesn't mean they're artifically low. They can't really be artificially low, (or high for that matter). The labor market in this country is mostly a free market, (though tilted slightly in the workers favor), meaning a market sets a rate it is by definition, fair.
Sure. Lets raise the MW. I'm sure more small business owners will hire like crazy.

Or not.
More money will be in the hands of the very people who have to spend EVERYTHING they get to just stay fed and housed.

every dime of the raise of all of these people will instantly be in the economy.

These raises dont decrease employment.

That is what the studies find
nope. Not at all.

Artificially increasing the cost of labor costs jobs. It doesn't benefit the people it claims to benefit.

Have you considered the possiblity that the cost of labor is artificially low with wages being stagnant while corps are posting records profits and sitting on trillions?

Have you considered just because they aren't where you'd like them to be doesn't mean they're artifically low. They can't really be artificially low, (or high for that matter). The labor market in this country is mostly a free market, (though tilted slightly in the workers favor), meaning a market sets a rate it is by definition, fair.

So you believe that the problem in this country is that workers have too much advantage?

So things would be better if workers had even fewer rights, protections, and powers under the law?


Once again the core principle of conservative economic policy appears:

the working class must be made poorer and weaker.
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Sure. Lets raise the MW. I'm sure more small business owners will hire like crazy.

Or not.

The deal is this. No small business operator is even gonna stay in business if they have no help. No small business operator even gives a fuck who starves as long as it's not them. Anybody who thinks folks should work for less than $9.00 per hour should have to do it themselves. That would throw shit in the game.

For the last twenty years every time the minimum wage has been suggested to be increased or actually increased I hear the same gloom and doom bullshit from Republicans. If you think it's ever slowed anybody down you need to seriously look at what has happened in America. In the late 1940's a corporate executive earned about 3-5 times what a plumber or carpenter made. In 2010 it was about 550 times that. Who the hell do you goddamned Republicans think you're shittin? Not me!!!!! Look at facts......I realize you people only pay attnetion to Fox News but goddam!!! This is rediculous!!

Bust another union in your spare time!!

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I hope the republican party enjoys fighting to keep Americans lower paid than their foreign counterparts
No. it would be more poor out of work living off the government. Which I think is the point.


How would raising the minimum wage be giving money to the "out of work"??? They gotta be....at work...to get minimum wage. And unless they are working for the govt, that minimum wage isn't coming from the govt.

Because raising the minimum wage increases the cost of labor. Increasing the cost of labor means there will be less people hired. Less people hired means more people will be out of work and looking to the government for support.

It's called common sense.

Now there's a common sense observation that's found everywhere EXCEPT THE DATA.
I disagree Campass.

Small business won't be able to afford to hire more workers. They will suck it up and make do with the workers they have.

MW was never meant for anyone to live on. Its a starter wage with most people making more, if they are working out in the job, within a month.

The only winners with higher MW are school kids and those that aren't worth a shit a a worker to begin with.

I doubt seriously that any business will hire more if they have to pay higher labor costs. Not to mention the costs of the far from affordable ACA.
Conservatives want a country where one group of Americans - group A - is well off, including the wealthy,

and the rest - group B - are low income, or poor, and working their asses off for the benefit of group A,

and where no one in group A has to sacrifice anything for the benefit of group B.
I hope the republican party enjoys fighting to keep Americans lower paid than their foreign counterparts

They'll be satisfied when what used to be the middle class in America works 12 hours a day with no benefits and there is no such thing as a labor union. The good news is that most people with half a lick of good sense has already caught onto their greedy asses.
Have you considered the possiblity that the cost of labor is artificially low with wages being stagnant while corps are posting records profits and sitting on trillions?

Have you considered just because they aren't where you'd like them to be doesn't mean they're artifically low. They can't really be artificially low, (or high for that matter). The labor market in this country is mostly a free market, (though tilted slightly in the workers favor), meaning a market sets a rate it is by definition, fair.

So you believe that the problem in this country is that workers have too much advantage?

So things would be better if workers had even fewer rights, protections, and powers under the law?


Once again the core principle of conservative economic policy appears:

the working class must be made poorer and weaker.

It isn't my problem that you have a problem being honest. Stating that labor has slight advantage over business in negotiating compensation does not equate to some fictitious desire to keep the working class down. In a negotiation over wages labor is always going think their worth more and business is always going to pay less and the market determines something in the middle that isn't exactly what either parties want. The question is why is labor's position that they should be paid more, more valid than business position to pay as little as possible? How can you be so obtuse as not to not see that a laborer is never going to, nor should they get paid exactly what they want anymore than a business is going to get to pay labor exactly what they want. The fact that you want more doesn't mean you're entitled to more.

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