Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

The drug issue has something to do with U.S. patent law and is more an exception than the rule. My observation has been most luxury items cost more in Australia than they do in the U.S. I know the products we make do.

Bern,many excellent American manufacturers have moved to China and elsewhere but their product becomes very low quality.....here in Aus we make most of our own product but still "Buy in" from the US because those companies that remained MAKE A BRILLIANT PRODUCT,MADE BY A BRILLIANT EDUCATED WORKFORCE:clap2::clap2:

The main problem in the US and has been for about 20 years now,is that you out sourced so much Manufacturing to countries like Mexico,China and more.

Call you got in return is poor quality, this applies from a cotton T shirt to Farm Equiptment and everything in between.

Viva the American workers(who have been treated,quite frankly like shit) Educated,Efficient and Excellent Employees........say NO to Cheap and Shoddy Imports......Your Country and All Americans Need You TO.....steve:clap2:

Who really cares if a cotton T shirt is of high quality?
Consumers want value these days and even though value may be a better made one that lasts longer price is what drives the demand for products like T shirts.
Farm equipment is different and Kubota makes a superior product than many American products but John Deere and Caterpillar do very well here.
Consumers are what drives consumption and it has been consumers that drove those jobs overseas.
Not companies. All we do is respond to and give to the consumers exactly what they want.
If we didn't we would not be in business.

Ons of the most stupid things I have ever seen you write.

Are you even aware of the lack of wage growth for most people over the past 20 years or so? And a lot of that stagnant wage thing was a result of corporations threatening to move jobs overseas unless wage concessions were made. That was the first step. Then they moved the jobs anyway.

You ever think that the lack of wage growth vs the increases in energy and food and housing, may have forced lower wage people to shop for the cheapest items available?

And wasn't it great that so many of the commodities needed by low wage people were produced by those with even lower wages in another country. So that the product could be sold to the American market at a price that low wage Americans could afford and at a labor cost that American companies could make big profits.

Amazing how that worked. But it sure wasn't Americans wanting their jobs to go away.

We've got two systems going on in this country. Capitalism and Democracy.

And right now, Capitalism is kicking the shit out of Democracy.
Dubya,living and having a very successful business in Australia.....I look at the really Cronic Wages most folk earn in the USA and think how on earth did a country so powerful allow their citizens live in such pauperdom and poverty.....it's not as if you have a welfare system or safety net.....for those who become unemployed or for your senior citizens to have a reasonable standard of living in their latter years.

In Australia for example American made drugs are much,much cheaper here than in the US,Americans are being exploited completely.

An American friends daughter was hospitalized in Perth for over 3 months,two operations and much intensive care.....thankfully she came good:eusa_angel: but when Randy asked for the treatment and hospital account he was told...."There is no CHARGE,everyone is covered"

Such is our health system.

Women(and men for that matter) can take Maternity Leave from their jobs (3-6 months)fully paid....plus a $5,000 to $10,000 Baby BONUS for essentials for their and our latest (Australian) child...:thewave:....plus pre-and-post natal treatment for the mom and bub.

I could go on and on but I will close by saying every time I go to the States the way many folk live is so shocking....Why do you all treat and allow fellow Americans to live like this.

Your Wages are SHIT,Your Resulting Poverty is SHIT.............God continue to Bless Australia "The Lucky Country" where all are Welcome and cared for if requested and required.........The Unemployed or Under Employed have NO STIGMA,because there but for the Grace of God,could go all of US........something some of you Ghastly,Selfish,Greedy and Uncaring Americans should think about......there are Plenty of YOU

Keep Well Dubya,always great to talk to a kindred spirit steve

The drug issue has something to do with U.S. patent law and is more an exception than the rule. My observation has been most luxury items cost more in Australia than they do in the U.S. I know the products we make do.

Bern,many excellent American manufacturers have moved to China and elsewhere but their product becomes very low quality.....here in Aus we make most of our own product but still "Buy in" from the US because those companies that remained MAKE A BRILLIANT PRODUCT,MADE BY A BRILLIANT EDUCATED WORKFORCE:clap2::clap2:

The main problem in the US and has been for about 20 years now,is that you out sourced so much Manufacturing to countries like Mexico,China and more.

Call you got in return is poor quality, this applies from a cotton T shirt to Farm Equiptment and everything in between.

Viva the American workers(who have been treated,quite frankly like shit) Educated,Efficient and Excellent Employees........say NO to Cheap and Shoddy Imports......Your Country and All Americans Need You TO.....steve:clap2:

I agree there are definate downsides to outsourcing mfg. We build our products in the U.S. but some of the individual components come from other countries.

There are upsides to outsourcing as well. The 'upside' of staying in business. As I've explained in other posts, oursourcing is seldom an issue of a CEO just wanting more profit for himself. It's done to ensure the business survives. The reality is if you don't do it, your competition and our competition is. The choice really comes down to outsourcing some parts to keep some jobs here or lose entire product line and the ALL of the jobs that go with it.
Your competitors are in the same boat as you are, fool, so if your wages increase, why hasn't their wages increased? You can't even mention your product and you want someone to follow your bullshit logic! You must think of yourself as a great businessman, who keeps his product a secret. YOU ARE THE FUCKING IDIOT! Now, you claim your wages have went up, but more people can't afford your product. How is that possible, if wages determine who can afford your product? You have to be a measly salesman to think the way you think. Businessman, my ass!

Go back to school and learn how to read! I said:

If an increase in minimum wage triggers a general increase in wages, explain why more people won't be able to afford your mystery product and why your competition won't have the same increases in their labor costs!

You are a bunch of fucking bullshit, who sounds like a salesman believing his life's history of lies and only thinks he is a businessman.

Because the competition in manufacturing is in another country where someone with a 5th grade education can make the same product for 2/3 the money.
Amazing you want to reward our low skilled, undereducated workers with more $$$ which encourages more of the same:
A country that is more interested in what people make than what people can learn.

Consider your example and compare what is best for a nation! I can remember when it was common for working union people in manufacturing to be paying a third of their income in taxes. Those people made good money and they stimulated the local economies when they spent it. The times were good and those dollars were passed around quickly sending even more revenue to the governments and profit for businesses.

Now, let's put your manufacturing example into reality! I'll use 21% for the labor costs to make the math easy to follow. Yes the labor is cheaper and the product would cost 1.075 times as much to make here, but that's only $75 per $1,000 and we are losing much more than that not having that job here. The price of labor doesn't increase the cost of doing business that much. What we need are policies that protect our market, boosting our economy and not the world's economy, if that's what is happening. The odds are the corporation isn't passing on those savings from cheap labor and is just hoarding the extra profit.

What you're leaving out is the effect of the competition. All of the above is correct. It would not increase what we have to sell the product for by very much, maybe $20-$30, but that's more than our competition and in this economy every dollar counts to the consumer. A relatively small increase in labor turns into a major revenue loss for the company in lost sales because the consumer to chose to go with what costs less.

As far as our employees pay, I believe the bottom rung production workers start at $9 something an hour.
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Your competitors are in the same boat as you are, fool, so if your wages increase, why hasn't their wages increased? You can't even mention your product and you want someone to follow your bullshit logic! You must think of yourself as a great businessman, who keeps his product a secret. YOU ARE THE FUCKING IDIOT! Now, you claim your wages have went up, but more people can't afford your product. How is that possible, if wages determine who can afford your product? You have to be a measly salesman to think the way you think. Businessman, my ass!

Go back to school and learn how to read! I said:

If an increase in minimum wage triggers a general increase in wages, explain why more people won't be able to afford your mystery product and why your competition won't have the same increases in their labor costs!

You are a bunch of fucking bullshit, who sounds like a salesman believing his life's history of lies and only thinks he is a businessman.

Because the competition in manufacturing is in another country where someone with a 5th grade education can make the same product for 2/3 the money.
Amazing you want to reward our low skilled, undereducated workers with more $$$ which encourages more of the same:
A country that is more interested in what people make than what people can learn.

Consider your example and compare what is best for a nation! I can remember when it was common for working union people in manufacturing to be paying a third of their income in taxes. Those people made good money and they stimulated the local economies when they spent it. The times were good and those dollars were passed around quickly sending even more revenue to the governments and profit for businesses.

Now, let's put your manufacturing example into reality! I'll use 21% for the labor costs to make the math easy to follow. Yes the labor is cheaper and the product would cost 1.075 times as much to make here, but that's only $75 per $1,000 and we are losing much more than that not having that job here. The price of labor doesn't increase the cost of doing business that much. What we need are policies that protect our market, boosting our economy and not the world's economy, if that's what is happening. The odds are the corporation isn't passing on those savings from cheap labor and is just hoarding the extra profit.

Like you team is interested in "doing what is best for the nation".
Borrowing 45 cents of every dollar we spend, paying people to sit on their ass for 2 years on unemployment, doubling ths size of food stamps is not "doing what is best for the nation."
Re-electing Obama is the worst possible thing for the nation.
Because the competition in manufacturing is in another country where someone with a 5th grade education can make the same product for 2/3 the money.
Amazing you want to reward our low skilled, undereducated workers with more $$$ which encourages more of the same:
A country that is more interested in what people make than what people can learn.

Consider your example and compare what is best for a nation! I can remember when it was common for working union people in manufacturing to be paying a third of their income in taxes. Those people made good money and they stimulated the local economies when they spent it. The times were good and those dollars were passed around quickly sending even more revenue to the governments and profit for businesses.

Now, let's put your manufacturing example into reality! I'll use 21% for the labor costs to make the math easy to follow. Yes the labor is cheaper and the product would cost 1.075 times as much to make here, but that's only $75 per $1,000 and we are losing much more than that not having that job here. The price of labor doesn't increase the cost of doing business that much. What we need are policies that protect our market, boosting our economy and not the world's economy, if that's what is happening. The odds are the corporation isn't passing on those savings from cheap labor and is just hoarding the extra profit.

Like you team is interested in "doing what is best for the nation".
Borrowing 45 cents of every dollar we spend, paying people to sit on their ass for 2 years on unemployment, doubling ths size of food stamps is not "doing what is best for the nation."
Re-electing Obama is the worst possible thing for the nation.

Now you want to change the subject to Obama, which has nothing to do with what I posted. It's obviously better for an economy to not outsource the work.

Listen up Asshole! You Republicans aren't good at business, so stop pretending! You're just greedy people.
Consider your example and compare what is best for a nation! I can remember when it was common for working union people in manufacturing to be paying a third of their income in taxes. Those people made good money and they stimulated the local economies when they spent it. The times were good and those dollars were passed around quickly sending even more revenue to the governments and profit for businesses.

Now, let's put your manufacturing example into reality! I'll use 21% for the labor costs to make the math easy to follow. Yes the labor is cheaper and the product would cost 1.075 times as much to make here, but that's only $75 per $1,000 and we are losing much more than that not having that job here. The price of labor doesn't increase the cost of doing business that much. What we need are policies that protect our market, boosting our economy and not the world's economy, if that's what is happening. The odds are the corporation isn't passing on those savings from cheap labor and is just hoarding the extra profit.

Like you team is interested in "doing what is best for the nation".
Borrowing 45 cents of every dollar we spend, paying people to sit on their ass for 2 years on unemployment, doubling ths size of food stamps is not "doing what is best for the nation."
Re-electing Obama is the worst possible thing for the nation.

Now you want to change the subject to Obama, which has nothing to do with what I posted. It's obviously better for an economy to not outsource the work.

Listen up Asshole! You Republicans aren't good at business, so stop pretending! You're just greedy people.

Greedy people? Funny... I thought greedy people are the ones that don't want to work, but want everything handed to them for free. And last I checked... They don't vote Republican.
Now you want to change the subject to Obama, which has nothing to do with what I posted. It's obviously better for an economy to not outsource the work.

Listen up Asshole! You Republicans aren't good at business, so stop pretending! You're just greedy people.

That just isn't true. There are very few actions that are all benefit and no negative. To cover the benefit of not outsourcing that would of course be more people in the U.S. employed than not.....maybe. The negatives would be things cost more for the consumer and that there are fewer minimum wage jobs available.
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Now you want to change the subject to Obama, which has nothing to do with what I posted. It's obviously better for an economy to not outsource the work.

Listen up Asshole! You Republicans aren't good at business, so stop pretending! You're just greedy people.

That just isn't true. There are very few actions that are all benefit and no negative. To cover the benefit of not outsourcing that would of course be more people in the U.S. employed than not.....maybe. The negatives would be things cost more for the consumer and that there are fewer minimum wage jobs available.

That doesn't make sense. If things are made in America then the consumer has more money to buy things made in America. That why a trade imbalance is subtracted from GDP, fool! You will always have minimum wage jobs, but we could get it back to those days when things were made in America and the minimum was equivalent to more than $10 today. Back then you could work during the summer and pay your way through a state university, including room and board. The tuition for our state university was around $12,000 the last time I checked. How many hours would you have to work a week to pay for tuition, room and board? They have added on to that university, but nearly all of it are buildings long paid for when I was there.

Britain offered us a free trade agreement shortly after America was founded and we rejected it to build our own industries. The Founders were smart and you people are stupid. You're assholes who think only caring about yourself works in a society and guess what, it comes back to fuck you too!
Like you team is interested in "doing what is best for the nation".
Borrowing 45 cents of every dollar we spend, paying people to sit on their ass for 2 years on unemployment, doubling ths size of food stamps is not "doing what is best for the nation."
Re-electing Obama is the worst possible thing for the nation.

Now you want to change the subject to Obama, which has nothing to do with what I posted. It's obviously better for an economy to not outsource the work.

Listen up Asshole! You Republicans aren't good at business, so stop pretending! You're just greedy people.

Greedy people? Funny... I thought greedy people are the ones that don't want to work, but want everything handed to them for free. And last I checked... They don't vote Republican.

The amount of money paid for welfare in America is just a little more than what is paid for farm subsidies and much of that money goes to millionaires to not grow crops. It's a myth that people are handed everything for free in America and you lying ass conservatives know it. You know the most people collecting disability are living in your fucked up red states and are your neighbors. You're a bunch of worthless con artists.

I've posted the census links for social services and it's your red states that get the most. If you don't believe it, here is the data, so prove it!



I would like to personally thank dubya for single handedly keeping this thread alive and strong. Nothing like keeping Obamas stupid decision making process front and center daily.
I would like to personally thank dubya for single handedly keeping this thread alive and strong. Nothing like keeping Obamas stupid decision making process front and center daily.

Why don't you use the links, fool, and prove you red staters aren't the mooches we claim you are?

I see Kansas gets more in federal spending than they send in taxes. Missouri has been getting around $1.33 in federal spending for each tax dollar they send for the past 5 years of the link.

I would like to personally thank dubya for single handedly keeping this thread alive and strong. Nothing like keeping Obamas stupid decision making process front and center daily.

Why don't you use the links, fool, and prove you red staters aren't the mooches we claim you are?

I see Kansas gets more in federal spending than they send in taxes. Missouri has been getting around $1.33 in federal spending for each tax dollar they send for the past 5 years of the link.


What the fuck does that have to do with minimum wage? Nothing, thats what. Just more low brow diversionary bullshit.
Raise taxes
Extend UE benefits so no one has to work
Give out food stamps like candy
Tighten regulations
Invite foreign workers
Give amnesty to nearly a million
Demand higher salaries for flunkies
Demonize corporate America
Mock those who DID build that
Back union thuggery
Back OWS
Demand MORE taxes despite the fact that you just raised them
Promise to bankrupt the coal industry
Give out billions to fraudulent enterprises rather than legit businesses
Spend years villianizing wallstreet (not now though hehe)

And you all wonder why our economy is stagnant?
Consider your example and compare what is best for a nation! I can remember when it was common for working union people in manufacturing to be paying a third of their income in taxes. Those people made good money and they stimulated the local economies when they spent it. The times were good and those dollars were passed around quickly sending even more revenue to the governments and profit for businesses.

Now, let's put your manufacturing example into reality! I'll use 21% for the labor costs to make the math easy to follow. Yes the labor is cheaper and the product would cost 1.075 times as much to make here, but that's only $75 per $1,000 and we are losing much more than that not having that job here. The price of labor doesn't increase the cost of doing business that much. What we need are policies that protect our market, boosting our economy and not the world's economy, if that's what is happening. The odds are the corporation isn't passing on those savings from cheap labor and is just hoarding the extra profit.

Like you team is interested in "doing what is best for the nation".
Borrowing 45 cents of every dollar we spend, paying people to sit on their ass for 2 years on unemployment, doubling ths size of food stamps is not "doing what is best for the nation."
Re-electing Obama is the worst possible thing for the nation.

Now you want to change the subject to Obama, which has nothing to do with what I posted. It's obviously better for an economy to not outsource the work.

Listen up Asshole! You Republicans aren't good at business, so stop pretending! You're just greedy people.

I am not a Republican.
Now you want to change the subject to Obama, which has nothing to do with what I posted. It's obviously better for an economy to not outsource the work.

Listen up Asshole! You Republicans aren't good at business, so stop pretending! You're just greedy people.

Greedy people? Funny... I thought greedy people are the ones that don't want to work, but want everything handed to them for free. And last I checked... They don't vote Republican.

The amount of money paid for welfare in America is just a little more than what is paid for farm subsidies and much of that money goes to millionaires to not grow crops. It's a myth that people are handed everything for free in America and you lying ass conservatives know it. You know the most people collecting disability are living in your fucked up red states and are your neighbors. You're a bunch of worthless con artists.

I've posted the census links for social services and it's your red states that get the most. If you don't believe it, here is the data, so prove it!




You are right. Welfare and farm subsidies ARE BAD IDEAS THAT MUST END

Great post.
Raise taxes
Extend UE benefits so no one has to work
Give out food stamps like candy
Tighten regulations
Invite foreign workers
Give amnesty to nearly a million
Demand higher salaries for flunkies
Demonize corporate America
Mock those who DID build that
Back union thuggery
Back OWS
Demand MORE taxes despite the fact that you just raised them
Promise to bankrupt the coal industry
Give out billions to fraudulent enterprises rather than legit businesses
Spend years villianizing wallstreet (not now though hehe)

And you all wonder why our economy is stagnant?

What's that have to do with minimum wage?

The economy is stagnant because those things weren't done.
Like you team is interested in "doing what is best for the nation".
Borrowing 45 cents of every dollar we spend, paying people to sit on their ass for 2 years on unemployment, doubling ths size of food stamps is not "doing what is best for the nation."
Re-electing Obama is the worst possible thing for the nation.

Now you want to change the subject to Obama, which has nothing to do with what I posted. It's obviously better for an economy to not outsource the work.

Listen up Asshole! You Republicans aren't good at business, so stop pretending! You're just greedy people.

I am not a Republican.

You parrot their platform and then claim to not be one. Where have we seen that before?
Greedy people? Funny... I thought greedy people are the ones that don't want to work, but want everything handed to them for free. And last I checked... They don't vote Republican.

The amount of money paid for welfare in America is just a little more than what is paid for farm subsidies and much of that money goes to millionaires to not grow crops. It's a myth that people are handed everything for free in America and you lying ass conservatives know it. You know the most people collecting disability are living in your fucked up red states and are your neighbors. You're a bunch of worthless con artists.

I've posted the census links for social services and it's your red states that get the most. If you don't believe it, here is the data, so prove it!




You are right. Welfare and farm subsidies ARE BAD IDEAS THAT MUST END

Great post.

What about the subsidy to the health care industry so people can get rich investing in it? What about handing out leases, instead of hiring the corporations to develop public resources that can be sold at market prices? What about paying oil refineries to blend ethanol, when it improves their octane rating and works as an anti-knock? You are worried about $21.9 billion going to people who need it, when hundreds of billions are going to people who don't. What about stop making poor people with stupid Republican policies and paying people enough so they can't qualify for government social programs?
Now you want to change the subject to Obama, which has nothing to do with what I posted. It's obviously better for an economy to not outsource the work.

Listen up Asshole! You Republicans aren't good at business, so stop pretending! You're just greedy people.

I am not a Republican.

You parrot their platform and then claim to not be one. Where have we seen that before?

You parrot the platform of a dumb ass but claim not to be one.

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