Obama warns Asian leaders to avoid ‘pitfalls’ of America


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
President Obama discussed America’s faults Friday with young Asian leaders, saying the U.S. suffers from “pitfalls” such as income inequality, a political system controlled by the wealthy and political parties divided along racial lines.

Human-rights groups say Malaysia has a poor record on issues such as human trafficking and have accused the State Department of upgrading Malaysia’s status on human rights so the country could be included in Mr. Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact.

Human Rights Watch said the ruling party in Malaysia “has engaged in a strong crackdown on civil and political rights” since losing the popular vote in 2013, and that Prime Minister Najib Razak has strengthened a sedition law after promising to repeal it. The group also said opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim received a five-year prison sentence this year on “trumped-up sodomy charges,” and that Sharia (Islamic law) courts “have increasingly been used to prosecute alleged LGBT activity.”

Obama warns Asian leaders to avoid ‘pitfalls’ of America

If Obama is so worked up about income equality why doesn't he give away his millions and level the playing field a little? For that matter anyone bawling about it needs to do the same. If you're going to talk the talk then walk the walk. Same goes for refugees, if you want them here open up your doors to them. Talk is just that, talk
If Obama is so worked up about income equality why doesn't he give away his millions and level the playing field a little? For that matter anyone bawling about it needs to do the same. If you're going to talk the talk then walk the walk. Same goes for refugees, if you want them here open up your doors to them. Talk is just that, talk

It is never about what they claim. Like man made global warming, it is about dragging the world into socialism. A cute word that replaces the Caste System, which takes power away from the poor.

They will use the robin hood fairy tale to capture the minds of the utterly ignorant. Who, are suffering and will listen to anything.

What most poor people do not know is it is the free market system (capitalism)that is their best chance to get out of their situations. I will be happy to provide a list of people who came out of poverty and thrive today as a result.

The pathetic part is how so many of those people speak out against the very system that enabled them to be a success. Like Oprah for instance who spent most of her child hood in rural poverty. Oh, but she sure supports the democrat narrative today though. Like the typical unappreciative (YOU KNOW WHAT) she is.

They hate people like Ben Carson, or Herman Cain who also made their ways out of poverty and are appreciative to a country that enabled them to succeed. They know who freed them. They know what system tends to reward hard work.

Bottom line is whenever you see any democrat using their talking points (which is every time they open their mouth and say anything cause that is all they know) they are trying to usher in their socialist ideals. They will not stop until it is PURE SOCIALISM and pure socialism is COMMUNISM period. Trust this. They will not stop.

They use racial dividing tactics, the AGW man made global warming scam (to batter businesses), class dividing tactics, gender dividing tactics, and whatever else they can and whoever else they can turn into a mythical victim of right wingers.

That is all they do. It is not an American thing either. It is a world goal. Why else do you think this skinny shiite piece of shit received a nobel peace prize from the world? That, should have sent up red flags about how this is a world effort.

It is scary place and it is scary to think what this world is going to look like in 20 years. That is for damn sure. Considering how many utterly brainwashed sacks of shit there are that are committed to this vision.

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