obama warns Putin about military build up in Syria...Putin laughs so hard he actually cries...

You know what I love about Obama's Syria foreign policy? No U.S. soldiers coming home in caskets, and no trillions of dollars getting tossed into a wasteland. Stick to drones and air strikes. And if Russia wants wants to waste their time there, they can go ahead.

Yet.....he has now made it even worse and insured that the casualty count in the future will be in the 10s of thousands, instead of stopping it with arms and training..........

Look at hitler......you guys back then said the same thing....no soldiers dying to keep hitler out of Austria, or the other countries...."Peace in Our Time,"...and how did that work out in the end.

Allowing aggression by thugs only increases the aggression by thugs.....until it costs a lot more lives to finally put an end to it.....
Okay. So which thugs do you want to support over there? Iran, ISIS, Russia, or Al-Qaeda? It's a very black and white world to you cons so it should be easy to pick one.

We should kill all the ones who are the problem....and support the ones who believe in living in peace with other people....Iran gets whacked, isis, and al queada that is a good place to start.....and we should support whoever is over there who will do that.....no U.S. troops needed...
Tell me, who is over there that will do it?

I don't work in the CIA or State Dept. that is sort of why we pay them so much money.........the next Republican President will have to sort it out since obama supports the terrorists....
Truth: no one over there will do it. Every major power involved in the conflict is our enemy. We are on the complete other side of the planet, and somehow we care more than countries that are far closer. What's Egypt doing? What's Saudi Arabia doing? What are our European friends doing? What's China doing?

But no it's Obama's fault. Let's go be the world police again. :rolleyes:
Yet.....he has now made it even worse and insured that the casualty count in the future will be in the 10s of thousands, instead of stopping it with arms and training..........

Look at hitler......you guys back then said the same thing....no soldiers dying to keep hitler out of Austria, or the other countries...."Peace in Our Time,"...and how did that work out in the end.

Allowing aggression by thugs only increases the aggression by thugs.....until it costs a lot more lives to finally put an end to it.....
Okay. So which thugs do you want to support over there? Iran, ISIS, Russia, or Al-Qaeda? It's a very black and white world to you cons so it should be easy to pick one.

We should kill all the ones who are the problem....and support the ones who believe in living in peace with other people....Iran gets whacked, isis, and al queada that is a good place to start.....and we should support whoever is over there who will do that.....no U.S. troops needed...
Tell me, who is over there that will do it?

I don't work in the CIA or State Dept. that is sort of why we pay them so much money.........the next Republican President will have to sort it out since obama supports the terrorists....
Truth: no one over there will do it. Every major power involved in the conflict is our enemy. We are on the complete other side of the planet, and somehow we care more than countries that are far closer. What's Egypt doing? What's Saudi Arabia doing? What are our European friends doing? What's China doing?

But no it's Obama's fault. Let's go be the world police again. :rolleyes:

Sorry...he backed the muslim brotherhood in Egypt, he supported destabilizing Libya, he pulled all our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan as our intelligence agencies and military told him it would lead to the enemy taking over and now he wants to give nuclear weapons and ballistic missles to Iran, as well as 150 billion dollars so they can pay for more terrorism around the world....it is on him....
Yes....lead from behind obama warned Putin about putting troops into Syria in support of assad. I heard this on the news and the reporter read the report without giggling or laughing.....

If anyone takes obama seriously anymore they must have just woken up from a coma....the bad actors of the world know exactly what obama is and they are taking actions based on that......by the end of his term we will probably have Russia occupying Britain and China occupying San Francisco........
Now that Al Qaeda has joined Iran and Russia in the fight against ISIS, republicans must be happier than ever.

Let them kill each other, but the moron is giving 150 billion dollars to iran to help them.....that is insane......let russia waste money and resources, it will weaken them in the long run....we should arm and train the Kurds and any Afghanis or Iraqis willing to fight off the terrorists....
We've been doing that. Republicans have been opposed, laughing about weapons falling into the wrong hands and training them being useless.

Yeah...sell that to your lefty friends......obama has been arming the wrong side in just about every place he has been leading from behind...to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt to now the Iranians.......he sides with the bad guys every time....
News flash: they are all bad guys. You want to know who Dubya helped the most during his middle east adventures? The bad guys. China took Iraq's oil, Russia extended their influence. ISIS swelled its ranks. The Muslim Brotherhood was elected to the majority running an anti-American campaign.

The less we're involved over there the better.
Why does the GOP faithful admire Putin so much?

You guys, the more you post the more obvious it becomes that there is a part of your brain that does not process the "Truth," "Reality" "the difference between right and wrong, and good and evil," properly......you reach the dumbest conclusions and make the biggest mistakes on every side of the issue that you take....
Apparently, the 'reality' is that the Conservatives think Putin is a great leader. And the 'truth' is that we shouldn't trust them to govern in the U.S. at the national level. At all.
Yes....lead from behind obama warned Putin about putting troops into Syria in support of assad. I heard this on the news and the reporter read the report without giggling or laughing.....

If anyone takes obama seriously anymore they must have just woken up from a coma....the bad actors of the world know exactly what obama is and they are taking actions based on that......by the end of his term we will probably have Russia occupying Britain and China occupying San Francisco........
Now that Al Qaeda has joined Iran and Russia in the fight against ISIS, republicans must be happier than ever.

Let them kill each other, but the moron is giving 150 billion dollars to iran to help them.....that is insane......let russia waste money and resources, it will weaken them in the long run....we should arm and train the Kurds and any Afghanis or Iraqis willing to fight off the terrorists....
We've been doing that. Republicans have been opposed, laughing about weapons falling into the wrong hands and training them being useless.

Yeah...sell that to your lefty friends......obama has been arming the wrong side in just about every place he has been leading from behind...to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt to now the Iranians.......he sides with the bad guys every time....
News flash: they are all bad guys. You want to know who Dubya helped the most during his middle east adventures? The bad guys. China took Iraq's oil, Russia extended their influence. ISIS swelled its ranks. The Muslim Brotherhood was elected to the majority running an anti-American campaign.

The less we're involved over there the better.

I agree....but we need to support the enemies of our enemies.....and the muslim terrorists are coming here wether you like it or not...and Russia needs to be checked or they will be speaking russia in Buckinham Palace.
Okay. So which thugs do you want to support over there? Iran, ISIS, Russia, or Al-Qaeda? It's a very black and white world to you cons so it should be easy to pick one.

We should kill all the ones who are the problem....and support the ones who believe in living in peace with other people....Iran gets whacked, isis, and al queada that is a good place to start.....and we should support whoever is over there who will do that.....no U.S. troops needed...
Tell me, who is over there that will do it?

I don't work in the CIA or State Dept. that is sort of why we pay them so much money.........the next Republican President will have to sort it out since obama supports the terrorists....
Truth: no one over there will do it. Every major power involved in the conflict is our enemy. We are on the complete other side of the planet, and somehow we care more than countries that are far closer. What's Egypt doing? What's Saudi Arabia doing? What are our European friends doing? What's China doing?

But no it's Obama's fault. Let's go be the world police again. :rolleyes:

Sorry...he backed the muslim brotherhood in Egypt, he supported destabilizing Libya, he pulled all our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan as our intelligence agencies and military told him it would lead to the enemy taking over and now he wants to give nuclear weapons and ballistic missles to Iran, as well as 150 billion dollars so they can pay for more terrorism around the world....it is on him....
Egypt backed the Muslim Brotherhood. Though they were tossed out of power very quickly. Gaddafi was a monster. And pulling Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan is the best thing Obama has done. I'm sorry you miss reading casualty reports in the paper.

And sorry you don't understand the Iran deal, which would have happened anyways.
Why does the GOP faithful admire Putin so much?

You guys, the more you post the more obvious it becomes that there is a part of your brain that does not process the "Truth," "Reality" "the difference between right and wrong, and good and evil," properly......you reach the dumbest conclusions and make the biggest mistakes on every side of the issue that you take....
Apparently, the 'reality' is that the Conservatives think Putin is a great leader. And the 'truth' is that we shouldn't trust them to govern in the U.S. at the national level. At all.

No dipstick, they don't think he is a great leader, I and they think he is an evil leader who knows how to exert his power to take what he wants, while obama plays golf....we want someone who will stand up to the monster, not make threats just to sound relevant.
We should kill all the ones who are the problem....and support the ones who believe in living in peace with other people....Iran gets whacked, isis, and al queada that is a good place to start.....and we should support whoever is over there who will do that.....no U.S. troops needed...
Tell me, who is over there that will do it?

I don't work in the CIA or State Dept. that is sort of why we pay them so much money.........the next Republican President will have to sort it out since obama supports the terrorists....
Truth: no one over there will do it. Every major power involved in the conflict is our enemy. We are on the complete other side of the planet, and somehow we care more than countries that are far closer. What's Egypt doing? What's Saudi Arabia doing? What are our European friends doing? What's China doing?

But no it's Obama's fault. Let's go be the world police again. :rolleyes:

Sorry...he backed the muslim brotherhood in Egypt, he supported destabilizing Libya, he pulled all our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan as our intelligence agencies and military told him it would lead to the enemy taking over and now he wants to give nuclear weapons and ballistic missles to Iran, as well as 150 billion dollars so they can pay for more terrorism around the world....it is on him....
Egypt backed the Muslim Brotherhood. Though they were tossed out of power very quickly. Gaddafi was a monster. And pulling Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan is the best thing Obama has done. I'm sorry you miss reading casualty reports in the paper.

And sorry you don't understand the Iran deal, which would have happened anyways.

The muslim brother hood is a terrorist group backed by obama, ghaddafi was a monster but deposing him without setting up a new government has led to the instability in Syria and the refugee mess, and by pulling troops out of Iraq and Afhanistan he has allowed iran and isis to grow in power...and they are not contained to the middle east, iran murders people through terrorism all around the world and isis is trying to hit us over here....

A failure on all levels...
Why does the GOP faithful admire Putin so much?

You guys, the more you post the more obvious it becomes that there is a part of your brain that does not process the "Truth," "Reality" "the difference between right and wrong, and good and evil," properly......you reach the dumbest conclusions and make the biggest mistakes on every side of the issue that you take....
Apparently, the 'reality' is that the Conservatives think Putin is a great leader. And the 'truth' is that we shouldn't trust them to govern in the U.S. at the national level. At all.

No dipstick, they don't think he is a great leader, I and they think he is an evil leader who knows how to exert his power to take what he wants, while obama plays golf....we want someone who will stand up to the monster, not make threats just to sound relevant.
Yes. You want an American Putin. Just not evil. Of course, by evil you mean it's not ok to do Putin like things to Americans, but it's totally cool to do them to non-Americans.
Why does the GOP faithful admire Putin so much?

You guys, the more you post the more obvious it becomes that there is a part of your brain that does not process the "Truth," "Reality" "the difference between right and wrong, and good and evil," properly......you reach the dumbest conclusions and make the biggest mistakes on every side of the issue that you take....
Apparently, the 'reality' is that the Conservatives think Putin is a great leader. And the 'truth' is that we shouldn't trust them to govern in the U.S. at the national level. At all.

No dipstick, they don't think he is a great leader, I and they think he is an evil leader who knows how to exert his power to take what he wants, while obama plays golf....we want someone who will stand up to the monster, not make threats just to sound relevant.
Yes. You want an American Putin. Just not evil. Of course, by evil you mean it's not ok to do Putin like things to Americans, but it's totally cool to do them to non-Americans.

No, I am an American, modern conservative...or as we used to be called "Classical Liberals" who believes that government needs to be small and surrounded by checks and balances on it's power. That is why we believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights that seperates government power into 3 equal branches and expressly states the inalienable rights of the individual....

A powerful leader is not what we want...we want to be left alone......
You know what I love about Obama's Syria foreign policy? No U.S. soldiers coming home in caskets, and no trillions of dollars getting tossed into a wasteland. Stick to drones and air strikes. And if Russia wants wants to waste their time there, they can go ahead.

Yet.....he has now made it even worse and insured that the casualty count in the future will be in the 10s of thousands, instead of stopping it with arms and training..........

Look at hitler......you guys back then said the same thing....no soldiers dying to keep hitler out of Austria, or the other countries...."Peace in Our Time,"...and how did that work out in the end.

Allowing aggression by thugs only increases the aggression by thugs.....until it costs a lot more lives to finally put an end to it.....
Okay. So which thugs do you want to support over there? Iran, ISIS, Russia, or Al-Qaeda? It's a very black and white world to you cons so it should be easy to pick one.

We should kill all the ones who are the problem....and support the ones who believe in living in peace with other people....Iran gets whacked, isis, and al queada that is a good place to start.....and we should support whoever is over there who will do that.....no U.S. troops needed...

And ISIS is not losing, so Obama and the next President may badly need Russia to help soon.

More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military’s Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials, The Daily Beast has learned.

The complaints spurred the Pentagon’s inspector general to open an investigation into the alleged manipulation of intelligence. The fact that so many people complained suggests there are deep-rooted, systemic problems in how the U.S. military command charged with the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State assesses intelligence.

Some of those CENTCOM analysts described the sizeable cadre of protesting analysts as a “revolt” by intelligence professionals who are paid to give their honest assessment, based on facts, and not to be influenced by national-level policy. The analysts have accused senior-level leaders, including the director of intelligence and his deputy in CENTCOM, of changing their analyses to be more in line with the Obama administration’s public contention that the fight against ISIS and al Qaeda is making progress. The analysts take a morepessimisticview about how military efforts to destroy the groups are going.

The complaints allege that in some cases key elements of intelligence reports were removed, resulting in a document that didn’t accurately capture the analysts’ conclusions, sources familiar with the protest said. But the complaint also goes beyond alleged altering of reports and accuses some senior leaders at CENTCOM of creating an unprofessional work environment. One person who knows the contents of the written complaint sent to the inspector general said it used the word “Stalinist” to describe the tone set by officials overseeing CENTCOM’s analysis.

Many described a climate in which analysts felt they could not give a candid assessment of the situation in Iraq and Syria. Some felt it was a product of commanders protecting their career advancement by putting the best spin on the war.

Some reports crafted by the analysts that were too negative in their assessment of the war were sent back down the chain of the command or not shared up the chain, several analysts said. Still others, feeling the climate around them, self-censored so their reports affirmed already-held beliefs.

In recent months, members of the Obama administration have sought to paint the fight against ISIS in rosy hues—despite the terror army’s seizure of major cities like Mosul and Fallujah.
Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked
obama warns Putin


I think she's laughing that she doesn't have "Creepy Hands" Bush around her anymore.
Yes....lead from behind obama warned Putin about putting troops into Syria in support of assad. I heard this on the news and the reporter read the report without giggling or laughing.....

If anyone takes obama seriously anymore they must have just woken up from a coma....the bad actors of the world know exactly what obama is and they are taking actions based on that......by the end of his term we will probably have Russia occupying Britain and China occupying San Francisco........
Now that Al Qaeda has joined Iran and Russia in the fight against ISIS, republicans must be happier than ever.

Let them kill each other, but the moron is giving 150 billion dollars to iran to help them.....that is insane......let russia waste money and resources, it will weaken them in the long run....we should arm and train the Kurds and any Afghanis or Iraqis willing to fight off the terrorists....
We've been doing that. Republicans have been opposed, laughing about weapons falling into the wrong hands and training them being useless.

Yeah...sell that to your lefty friends......obama has been arming the wrong side in just about every place he has been leading from behind...to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt to now the Iranians.......he sides with the bad guys every time....
News flash: they are all bad guys. You want to know who Dubya helped the most during his middle east adventures? The bad guys. China took Iraq's oil, Russia extended their influence. ISIS swelled its ranks. The Muslim Brotherhood was elected to the majority running an anti-American campaign.

The less we're involved over there the better.
Isis is obuthole doing.
obama warns Putin


I think she's laughing that she doesn't have "Creepy Hands" Bush around her anymore.

I think you better look at your own creep, Biden. Boom, smacked you upside your head again. Too easy :)

He's not even picky, just a creepy old man


He is lucky he has Secret Service protection or those two guys would have curb stomped him....

He has a problem...

This is too funny, Obungles blaming Putin. After his fails in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Libya and pretty much everything else he touches he still blames everyone else for his fuck ups.

Obama: Putin largely to blame for Syrian crisis, says Russian strategy is ‘doomed to failure’

President Obama said Friday that he warned his Russian counterpart years ago that continuing to back Bashar Assad’s Syrian regime would destabilize the region and lead to the kind of chaos and humanitarian crises now unfolding.

At a town-hall meeting at Fort Meade in Maryland, Mr. Obama recalled a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin “four or five years ago” in which he said in no uncertain terms Moscow must cease all financial support and arms sales to the Assad government. Mr. Putin’s failure to listen to that advice, Mr. Obama said, has contributed largely to the violence that has raged in Syria for the past few years and the flood of refugees now trying to get out of the war-torn country.

Russia has for many years now provided financial support, sold arms toAssad. I remember a conversation I had with Mr. Putin four or five years ago where I told him that was a mistake, that would makes things worse,” Mr. Obama said. “He did not take my warnings, and as a consequence, things have gotten worse. It appears now that Assad is worried enough that he’s inviting Russian advisers and Russian equipment. … We are going to be engaging Russia to let them know that you can’t continue to double down on a strategy that’s doomed to failure.”

Obama: Putin largely to blame for Syrian crisis, says Russian strategy is 'doomed to failure' - Washington Times

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