Obama: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem-$2.6m to Chinese Prostitutes??'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
There is a thread on this forum titled: "Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem'

Government auditors spent the past five years examining all federal programs and found that 22 percent of them --
costing taxpayers a total of $123 billion annually -- fail to show any positive impact on the populations they serve!

- spend $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties
- Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and
- a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
- Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years.
- Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) today released a new oversight report, “Wastebook 2010” that highlights some of the most egregious examples of government waste in 2010.
Dr. Coburn Releases New Oversight Report:

Why are OUR tax dollars being spent making sure Chinese prostitutes drink less or
estimating the number of Vietnamese male Prostitutes or pig poop studies, or this classic!!!
Amtrak spent $1.70 for every dollar it earned on food and beverage sales last year, leading to a loss of $84.5 million on the service, according to information provided to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee this week.

Fast Track to Losses: Amtrak Records $834 Million Loss on Food Sales Over Past Decade

In case you still don't understand: Amtrak food & beverage charges $1 for food & beverages that cost them $1.70!!!!
YOU CAN"T DO that and NOT run up $84 million in losses per year!!!

Really are these NOT SPENDING PROBLEMS????
wow your really going to balence our budget with those things huh?

go add them all up and tell us how much you saved us
Wasn't there also nearly a million spent to teach Africans how to scrub their ballsacks after sex too?
Now the military designed and built video games to teach troops too.

should that be abandoned as a way of teaching people because you dont think video games can teach people anything?
This is why your party cant be trusted to cut anything wisely.

You hate everything to do with government and you jsut CUT EVERYTHING but the military.

You then give MORE to the military than it asks for.

YOU are NOT good stewards of the government because you want it all dead.

You want the peoples power so weak you can drown it in the bath tub.

Im here to tell you to fuck off.

You wont get to kill this govenment you anti American clowns
There is a thread on this forum titled: "Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem'

Government auditors spent the past five years examining all federal programs and found that 22 percent of them --
costing taxpayers a total of $123 billion annually -- fail to show any positive impact on the populations they serve!

- spend $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties
- Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and
- a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
- Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years.
- Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) today released a new oversight report, “Wastebook 2010” that highlights some of the most egregious examples of government waste in 2010.
Dr. Coburn Releases New Oversight Report:

Why are OUR tax dollars being spent making sure Chinese prostitutes drink less or
estimating the number of Vietnamese male Prostitutes or pig poop studies, or this classic!!!
Amtrak spent $1.70 for every dollar it earned on food and beverage sales last year, leading to a loss of $84.5 million on the service, according to information provided to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee this week.

View attachment 23651
Fast Track to Losses: Amtrak Records $834 Million Loss on Food Sales Over Past Decade

In case you still don't understand: Amtrak food & beverage charges $1 for food & beverages that cost them $1.70!!!!
YOU CAN"T DO that and NOT run up $84 million in losses per year!!!

Really are these NOT SPENDING PROBLEMS????

And yet the republican controlled house passed the pork filled "fiscal Cliff" bill?
With more pork to Amtrack and others.

In the senate...
"In the U.S. Senate, where the bill originated, only 5 Republicans voted against it. None were from Oklahoma – even Senator Tom Coburn joined the spending party, "
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Does it really matter who spent the money? There is lots of blame for that to go around and any ideology can spin bullshit good enough to pin it on the other guy.

But to claim there is no problem when you are spending a trillion more than you are taking in might explain why we are in such a mess.
wow your really going to balence our budget with those things huh?

go add them all up and tell us how much you saved us

Government auditors spent the past five years examining all federal programs and found that 22 percent of them --
costing taxpayers a total of $123 billion annually -- fail to show any positive impact on the populations they serve!

YOU dummy... YOU mean $123 billion is CHUMP change to you?
There is a thread on this forum titled: "Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem'

Government auditors spent the past five years examining all federal programs and found that 22 percent of them --
costing taxpayers a total of $123 billion annually -- fail to show any positive impact on the populations they serve!

- spend $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties
- Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and
- a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
- Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years.
- Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) today released a new oversight report, “Wastebook 2010” that highlights some of the most egregious examples of government waste in 2010.
Dr. Coburn Releases New Oversight Report:

Why are OUR tax dollars being spent making sure Chinese prostitutes drink less or
estimating the number of Vietnamese male Prostitutes or pig poop studies, or this classic!!!
Amtrak spent $1.70 for every dollar it earned on food and beverage sales last year, leading to a loss of $84.5 million on the service, according to information provided to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee this week.

View attachment 23651
Fast Track to Losses: Amtrak Records $834 Million Loss on Food Sales Over Past Decade

In case you still don't understand: Amtrak food & beverage charges $1 for food & beverages that cost them $1.70!!!!
YOU CAN"T DO that and NOT run up $84 million in losses per year!!!

Really are these NOT SPENDING PROBLEMS????

Not having read the studies....what is specifically wrong with those expenditures other than you don't like them?
Now the military designed and built video games to teach troops too.

should that be abandoned as a way of teaching people because you dont think video games can teach people anything?

YOU CAN'T HAVE it both ways OK???
You said..
"Now the military designed and built video games to teach troops too.
should that be abandoned as a way of teaching people because you dont think video games can teach people anything?"

BUT I BET you FAVOR BANNING ALL GUNS and NOT violent video games right???

So you say the military finds video games effective teaching troops..
THEN what the hell do you think they do to the Adam Lanzas of the world?

YOU can't have it both ways... EITHER we ban video games because they are violent and YOU say the military finds them affective OR
YOU don't ban guns because the GUNS are ONLY tools like video games.. BAN them both or don't ban any!
from 1930 to 1980 that top tax rate was 60% or over.

did this country collapse in those years?
There is a thread on this forum titled: "Obama to Boehner: 'We Don't Have a Spending Problem'

Government auditors spent the past five years examining all federal programs and found that 22 percent of them --
costing taxpayers a total of $123 billion annually -- fail to show any positive impact on the populations they serve!

- spend $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties
- Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and
- a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
- Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years.
- Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) today released a new oversight report, “Wastebook 2010” that highlights some of the most egregious examples of government waste in 2010.
Dr. Coburn Releases New Oversight Report:

Why are OUR tax dollars being spent making sure Chinese prostitutes drink less or
estimating the number of Vietnamese male Prostitutes or pig poop studies, or this classic!!!
Amtrak spent $1.70 for every dollar it earned on food and beverage sales last year, leading to a loss of $84.5 million on the service, according to information provided to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee this week.

View attachment 23651
Fast Track to Losses: Amtrak Records $834 Million Loss on Food Sales Over Past Decade

In case you still don't understand: Amtrak food & beverage charges $1 for food & beverages that cost them $1.70!!!!
YOU CAN"T DO that and NOT run up $84 million in losses per year!!!

Really are these NOT SPENDING PROBLEMS????

Not having read the studies....what is specifically wrong with those expenditures other than you don't like them?

So spending $1.70 and collecting $1.00 is good business practice that should be continually rewarded with BORROWED money from foreign countries that makes sense???

And even MORE STUPID.. borrowing money from the Chinese so we can spend $2.6 million with the CHINESE illegal prostitution finding out why the drink on the job makes sense??

MAN... YOU people are really F...ked UP!!!
You don't reward bad behavior with throwing hard earned tax dollars, i.e. $1.4 million to vietnamese male prostitutes???


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