Obama welcomes evil dictators and despots to Chicago on the Potomac


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Ah yes. Some of the world's worst human rights violators, crazy homophobes, corrupt beyond belief and murderers to dine with him at the White House.

Nary a word about these evil bastards track records. And a very bipartisan rant from me. President GW Bush was on hand as well.

They were wined and dined and treated like royalty. Here's a gallery of some of the most evil leaders on the planet. Mugabe is of course number one bad guy that was welcomed, but these others run a close second.

For the life of me I don't understand how our leaders can even sit with these men. Known murderers.

I'm glad I don't get it.

Up first Objang. His accomplishments would make any progressive proud.


Pictured outside the White House waving and grinning with his wife President Obiang of Equatorial Guinea is Africa’s longest serving dictator after seizing power from his uncle and mentor (who used to hang regime critics from the capital’s street lights) in 1979.

Since then he has won the yearly elections with 99% of the vote.

Taking the lead from his uncle, he has since had shot or jailed virtually all political opponents and ruled the country with an iron fist.

Despite running one of sub-Saharas biggest oil-producing countries and amassing a personal wealth in excess of an estimated $600million, he’s far from generous with his riches.

The average income of his citizens is $2 a day, few live beyond 53 and 20 per cent of children die before they reach five years of age. Last year the country ranked 163 out of 177 on Transparency International.

There is no freedom of the press, the country’s one television station is government-run and clean water is scarce. In 2011, the United States' Department of Justice made moves to seize more than $70 million in assets from President Obiang's son, Teodorin Nguema Obiang Mangue.

Now this guy is a champ!


Burkina Faso's Blaise Compaore is another African leader who seized power by bloody coup. The Burkina Faso president’s 1987 uprising left his predecessor Thomas Sankara dead – who himself had taken power four years earlier alongside Compaore

In 2011 he watched as protests gave way to calls for his resignation over claims of police brutality and government corruption. However, his presidential guard eventually squashed a mutiny, then made concessions to appease the remaining protestors - but questions remain over corruption among the ruling elite.

This guy has to be a hero to the left. The way he controls his elections must make them swoon with envy. :D


Paul Biya has the dubious honour of ranking nineteenth on author David Wallechinsky's 2006 list of the world's 20 worst living dictators.

The Cameroon's grip on his country's presidency has remained tight since he came to power in 1983 and there have been widespread allegations of fraud and voting consistencies in every election cycle.

In fact, Mr Wallechinsky claims in the Huffington Post Biya is credited with the innovative election fraud tactic of paying for a set of international observers to certify his elections as legitimate.

More at link:

How the White House opened its doors to some of Africa's dictators | Mail Online

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Diplomacy is one of the many things conservatives just do not get.
Anyone else noticed that the only apparent way black men can keep power is by declaring, and enforcing, a dictatorship? Are you all ready to accept the yoke of our very own, home-grown, black dictator?
That BASTARD! No American President has EVER invited a dictator or mass murderer to the White House before! :evil::evil::evil:

Er. What I meant to say is that no American President has ever invited a BLACK mass murderer to the WHITE House before.



First rule of diplomacy & politics; Keep your friends close & your enemies closer. Obama is doing a great job!
Mugabe is of course number one bad guy that was welcomed, but these others run a close second.

Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe Following Their Meetings - September 13, 1983

It's been a great pleasure to have had the opportunity today to meet with Prime Minister Robert Mugabe of the Republic of Zimbabwe. As the first Prime Minister of Africa's newest independent state, his wise leadership has been a crucial factor in healing the wounds of civil war and developing a new nation with new opportunities.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 13— President Reagan and Prime Minister Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe held their first meeting today and declared that their disagreements on dealings with South Africa and on other matters would not hinder their friendship.
Foreign policy is one of the President's primary jobs. And that means meeting with a lot of extremely distasteful characters.
Listening to him babble now...he has Africa all fixed. What a bullshit artist.
Mugabe is of course number one bad guy that was welcomed, but these others run a close second.

Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe Following Their Meetings - September 13, 1983

It's been a great pleasure to have had the opportunity today to meet with Prime Minister Robert Mugabe of the Republic of Zimbabwe. As the first Prime Minister of Africa's newest independent state, his wise leadership has been a crucial factor in healing the wounds of civil war and developing a new nation with new opportunities.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 13— President Reagan and Prime Minister Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe held their first meeting today and declared that their disagreements on dealings with South Africa and on other matters would not hinder their friendship.

What part of "bipartisan rant" don't you get?

I threw in GW. I said "our leaders". But nooooooooooooooooooo. You have to go grab Reagan and throw him in for size.

Geeze louise can't anyone just deal in the here and now.
Obama welcomes evil dictators and despots to Chicago on the Potomac


I thought the next Republican National Convention was in Ohio?
Pres was just asked about the Russian army gathering on the Ukraine border...alarming his SecDef. "Will you consider shipping state of the art military equipment to deter Russia"? Obabble says...well we're not there yet...in other words Russia hasn't invaded yet...so somehow in my twisted logic we can ship them what they need after Putin kicks their ass. In the meantime lets pursue diplomatic actions....
I hope they brought some Ebola to the white house!

But to be fair it takes dictators to control savages. Something the United States didn't take under consideration in the ME.
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Just like every president from McKinley on.

Your point?

I already made it, but allow me to expand: There would be no ISIS had the U.S. not fucked up it's retarded foreign policy effort in Iraq and in Syria. It would be funny if it wasn't so horrible.
I agree. No invasion of Iraq would not have led to the destabilization of the NE and ME.
I agree. No invasion of Iraq would not have led to the destabilization of the NE and ME.

But George Bush had nothing to do with Syrian opposition that Barry funded in order to weaken Iran and Russia. Without that ongoing debacle, there would be no ISIS, not to mention the mess in Libya. Same foreign policy, different president. And let us not forget Bush's and Barry's friends in Saudi, and Quatar who continue to pour money into this mess.

Unintended consequences can be a real bitch, especially if you're a Shiite, Christian, or Kurd in greater Mesopotamia.

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