Obama Went To Afghanistan To Sign Away Our Military Options Including Drone Attacks


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama did something in the dead of night that most people wouldn't know if they weren't paying attention. You see Obama acted like on the 1 year anniversary of the Bin Laden raid he was visiting the troops. In reality he was signing away any advantages we once had to our enemies.

Obama claims that the war is winding down when in fact is just gearing up. Obama's trying to put on a good face about it but everyone there knows that the situation is deteriorating. You see Obama doesn't consider the Taliban to be a threat. He only spoke of Al Qaeda when he gave his flowery speech. This week Obama disclosed the fact that he is negotiating with the Taliban. Problem is the Taliban has recently rebuffed overtures from the United States and instead reaffermed their ties with Al Qaeda.

“The United States, in coordination with the Afghan government, has made it clear directly to the Taliban that they can be a part of Afghanistan’s future if they break with al-Qaida, renounce violence and abide by Afghan laws,” a senior White House official said Tuesday.

But Taliban leaders have repeatedly rebuffed U.S. negotiators, and have reaffirmed their alliance with al-Qaida.

“We do, obviously, continue to remain in contact with various Taliban leaders that we have several indications of intense interest in the reconciliation process,” a senior White House official said May 1. Proposals to release five top jihadi leaders from the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay “have been basically put on hold,” he said. Hours before hostilities resume, Obama frames Afghan withdrawal as victory - Yahoo! News

Pakistan is pissed that we keep killing Al Qaeda members inside their borders, so this is what Obama has decided. Sign away our rights to attack them and hope they'll be nice.

Even those who liked the idea of a 10 year US commitment said that Obama was being naive.

Andrew Exum, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, a think tank in Washington, said Obama "delivered a strong and necessary message to the Afghans that the United States will remain committed to their security." But he criticized Obama for implying that the war was winding down.

"I do not think this is the beginning of the end of the war," Exum said. "I think it is misleading to say we are winding down the war. The war does not stop and start according to our desires, and it will not stop for the Afghans. It will also not stop for the many U.S. special operations forces that will continue to fight by, with, and through the Afghans," Exum said. Obama's unannounced visit to Kabul: signs ten-year agreement: discloses direct talks with Taliban | Asian Tribune
Since Obama has been president he has turned over intelligence, technology, and helped give aid to our enemies over and over.

This is yet another example of it.

Why is he doing this?

Well, one reason is both his parents were communists. Another is he learned to think this way in our universities.

So basically our country is at risk as long as he is in a position of power.

This is a fact.
Since Obama has been president he has turned over intelligence, technology, and helped give aid to our enemies over and over.

This is yet another example of it.

Why is he doing this?

Well, one reason is both his parents were communists. Another is he learned to think this way in our universities.

So basically our country is at risk as long as he is in a position of power.

This is a fact.

That ****** is dangerous!
Obama is the King of the Drone attacks.

Republicans are the masters of death. Too bad it's mostly Americans who pay the price.
Since Obama has been president he has turned over intelligence, technology, and helped give aid to our enemies over and over.

This is yet another example of it.

Why is he doing this?

Well, one reason is both his parents were communists. Another is he learned to think this way in our universities.

So basically our country is at risk as long as he is in a position of power.

This is a fact.

That ****** is dangerous!

All right. You have to be a true Republicans and a right wing conservative. Love an honest person.

Obama did something in the dead of night that most people wouldn't know if they weren't paying attention. You see Obama acted like on the 1 year anniversary of the Bin Laden raid he was visiting the troops. In reality he was signing away any advantages we once had to our enemies.

Obama claims that the war is winding down when in fact is just gearing up. Obama's trying to put on a good face about it but everyone there knows that the situation is deteriorating. You see Obama doesn't consider the Taliban to be a threat. He only spoke of Al Qaeda when he gave his flowery speech. This week Obama disclosed the fact that he is negotiating with the Taliban. Problem is the Taliban has recently rebuffed overtures from the United States and instead reaffermed their ties with Al Qaeda.

“The United States, in coordination with the Afghan government, has made it clear directly to the Taliban that they can be a part of Afghanistan’s future if they break with al-Qaida, renounce violence and abide by Afghan laws,” a senior White House official said Tuesday.

But Taliban leaders have repeatedly rebuffed U.S. negotiators, and have reaffirmed their alliance with al-Qaida.

“We do, obviously, continue to remain in contact with various Taliban leaders that we have several indications of intense interest in the reconciliation process,” a senior White House official said May 1. Proposals to release five top jihadi leaders from the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay “have been basically put on hold,” he said. Hours before hostilities resume, Obama frames Afghan withdrawal as victory - Yahoo! News

Pakistan is pissed that we keep killing Al Qaeda members inside their borders, so this is what Obama has decided. Sign away our rights to attack them and hope they'll be nice.

Even those who liked the idea of a 10 year US commitment said that Obama was being naive.

Andrew Exum, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, a think tank in Washington, said Obama "delivered a strong and necessary message to the Afghans that the United States will remain committed to their security." But he criticized Obama for implying that the war was winding down.

"I do not think this is the beginning of the end of the war," Exum said. "I think it is misleading to say we are winding down the war. The war does not stop and start according to our desires, and it will not stop for the Afghans. It will also not stop for the many U.S. special operations forces that will continue to fight by, with, and through the Afghans," Exum said. Obama's unannounced visit to Kabul: signs ten-year agreement: discloses direct talks with Taliban | Asian Tribune

And how much are we paying Afghanistan for this privilege? They won't say.

Obama did something in the dead of night that most people wouldn't know if they weren't paying attention. You see Obama acted like on the 1 year anniversary of the Bin Laden raid he was visiting the troops. In reality he was signing away any advantages we once had to our enemies.

Obama claims that the war is winding down when in fact is just gearing up. Obama's trying to put on a good face about it but everyone there knows that the situation is deteriorating. You see Obama doesn't consider the Taliban to be a threat. He only spoke of Al Qaeda when he gave his flowery speech. This week Obama disclosed the fact that he is negotiating with the Taliban. Problem is the Taliban has recently rebuffed overtures from the United States and instead reaffermed their ties with Al Qaeda.

“The United States, in coordination with the Afghan government, has made it clear directly to the Taliban that they can be a part of Afghanistan’s future if they break with al-Qaida, renounce violence and abide by Afghan laws,” a senior White House official said Tuesday.

But Taliban leaders have repeatedly rebuffed U.S. negotiators, and have reaffirmed their alliance with al-Qaida.

“We do, obviously, continue to remain in contact with various Taliban leaders that we have several indications of intense interest in the reconciliation process,” a senior White House official said May 1. Proposals to release five top jihadi leaders from the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay “have been basically put on hold,” he said. Hours before hostilities resume, Obama frames Afghan withdrawal as victory - Yahoo! News

Pakistan is pissed that we keep killing Al Qaeda members inside their borders, so this is what Obama has decided. Sign away our rights to attack them and hope they'll be nice.

Even those who liked the idea of a 10 year US commitment said that Obama was being naive.

Andrew Exum, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, a think tank in Washington, said Obama "delivered a strong and necessary message to the Afghans that the United States will remain committed to their security." But he criticized Obama for implying that the war was winding down.

"I do not think this is the beginning of the end of the war," Exum said. "I think it is misleading to say we are winding down the war. The war does not stop and start according to our desires, and it will not stop for the Afghans. It will also not stop for the many U.S. special operations forces that will continue to fight by, with, and through the Afghans," Exum said. Obama's unannounced visit to Kabul: signs ten-year agreement: discloses direct talks with Taliban | Asian Tribune

And how much are we paying Afghanistan for this privilege? They won't say.

About the same as U.S. yearly aid to Israel.

US Agrees to Afghan Aid for 10 More Years - Sides agree on broad outlines of future relationship

With Pact, U.S. Agrees to Help Afghans for Years to Come - New York Times

Obama did something in the dead of night that most people wouldn't know if they weren't paying attention. You see Obama acted like on the 1 year anniversary of the Bin Laden raid he was visiting the troops. In reality he was signing away any advantages we once had to our enemies.

Obama claims that the war is winding down when in fact is just gearing up. Obama's trying to put on a good face about it but everyone there knows that the situation is deteriorating. You see Obama doesn't consider the Taliban to be a threat. He only spoke of Al Qaeda when he gave his flowery speech. This week Obama disclosed the fact that he is negotiating with the Taliban. Problem is the Taliban has recently rebuffed overtures from the United States and instead reaffermed their ties with Al Qaeda.

Pakistan is pissed that we keep killing Al Qaeda members inside their borders, so this is what Obama has decided. Sign away our rights to attack them and hope they'll be nice.

Even those who liked the idea of a 10 year US commitment said that Obama was being naive.

And how much are we paying Afghanistan for this privilege? They won't say.

About the same as U.S. yearly aid to Israel.

US Agrees to Afghan Aid for 10 More Years - Sides agree on broad outlines of future relationship

With Pact, U.S. Agrees to Help Afghans for Years to Come - New York Times

In other words, $27B for a kick in the teeth.
Not anymore.


Indeed...as Clinton was the King of Cruise missles for wagging the dog purposes...

As to drones? Obama gave his buds a GIFT.

Sooo, if Obama gets blamed for the CIA allowing Iran to capture U.S. drone, shouldn't Obama get credit for bin Laden.

Only to the point of his involvement.

I'm still waiting for anyone to blame Obama for conveniently losing or Drone to the Iranians....one of the worst enemies we have on the Planet.

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