Obama Wins Debate; Romney Wins Election


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Although infuriating to conservatives, Romney's nonperformance at last night's debate took away Obama's last chance to demonize him as a right wing extremist war monger. With the President consistently polling under 50%, the chances for his reelection are evaporating as voters seek a change from the past four years. In addition, the Benghazi debacle will undermine any October/November Surprise that Obama may have up his sleeve. With at least as much money to spend during the last weeks of the campaign, Romney has just sown up his victory. Game over.
Although infuriating to conservatives, Romney's nonperformance at last night's debate took away Obama's last chance to demonize him as a right wing extremist war monger. With the President consistently polling under 50%, the chances for his reelection are evaporating as voters seek a change from the past four years. In addition, the Benghazi debacle will undermine any October/November Surprise that Obama may have up his sleeve. With at least as much money to spend during the last weeks of the campaign, Romney has just sown up his victory. Game over.
it looking bleak for obama sadly with gallup and now Scott Rasmussen predicting big leads for romney.

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