Obama won Nobel prize because...


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
This is perhaps the dumbest reason to ever award someone the Nobel peace prize. That reason was to bolster Obama! I'm not making this up. We shouldn't be surprised because this is how the left operates. Everything is done for power and nothing else. Think of the days when people were arguing for democracy. There was always some guy that defended the king. Did everything to make the king look good because looking good helps you stay In power. I can understand Why the king wanted to do this because it is his own throne so naturally he would want to defend it but what about the people under him? Why would they want to defend it? The only reason I can think of is that you think this is the way it should be. Here comes the Nobel prize committee who gives Obama the Nobel peace prize in order to bolster his support at home. Same thing different century!

People who criticize the right as paranoid for thinking the entire media is biased can't figure out why. What if the same people who are on the Nobel committee are in the media? What would happen? people in the media like Chris Mathews has already said that their job is to defend the president. It s bias news reporting for the worst reason.
The Nobel Peace Prize committee consists of 5 people appointed by the Norwegian parliament. Throughout it's history, every member has been a Norwegian.

Why would they care about "bolstering" Obama?
It was the dumbest thing I've ever seen. think about it, do you think you were SET UP by these people?

Obama has dropped bombs on seven countries. how is that deserving of a peace prize. Turned Libya into a hellhole for it's people living there
They were clearly caught up in the Cult of Personality that was Obama's campaign.
the average IQ of those who choose who wins the noble prize(well as of 2009) is the same as the average IQ of a donkey chasing a dude to hopefully have sex with him.
the average IQ of those who choose who wins the noble prize(well as of 2009) is the same as the average IQ of a donkey chasing a dude to hopefully have sex with him.
If its a muslim getting chased, you do have to give the donkey credit for knowing who his best chance for getting sex from is.
Do people still consider the Nobel Peace Prize relevant? I thought that ended when it went to Al Gore for pushing his 'Global Warming' pyramid scheme. I think the only ones who still care about it are the usual suspect Communist Globalist wankers.
Obama won the PP because he is the majic negro

Sung by Rev jesse Jackson & Rev Al Sharpton
To the tune of Puff the Majic Dragon

Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
'Cause he's not authentic like me.
Yeah, the guy from the L.A. paper
Said he makes guilty whites feel good
They'll vote for him, and not for me
'Cause he's not from the hood.
See, real black men, like Snoop Dog,
Or me, or Farrakhan
Have talked the talk, and walked the walk.
Not come in late and won!


Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
'Cause he's black, but not authentically.
Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
'Cause he's black, but not authentically.
Some say Barack's "articulate"
And bright and new and "clean."
The media sure loves this guy,
A white interloper's dream!
But, when you vote for president,
Watch out, and don't be fooled!
Don't vote the Magic Negro in -
'Cause 'cause I won't have nothing after all these years of sacrifice
And I won't get justice. This is about justice. This isn't about me, it's about justice.
It's about buffet. I don't have no buffet and there won't be any church contributions,

Read more: Paul Shanklin - Barack The Magic Negro Lyrics | MetroLyrics
My cat just coughed up another Fur Ball, i am off to wal-mart to buy her another Nobel Peece Prize,,,oh,,and Friskies.
The Nobel Peace Prize committee consists of 5 people appointed by the Norwegian parliament. Throughout it's history, every member has been a Norwegian.

Why would they care about "bolstering" Obama?

To move the USA sharply to the left.

What is it YOU say Obama was awarded for?

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