Obama Wusses Out After Philippines President Calls Him Out...

This just goes to show that you are batshit crazy. A Libertarian occupying himself with what foreign nations think. Days like this make me wish someone would accidentally push the shiny red button and end it all.

I'm supporting Duterte telling Hussein to mind his own damn business. More nations need to start standing up to constant U.S. meddling.
I support him tucking tail and stating that he regrets the statement. Obamas wuss move totally blew up in his face, right?

Philippines leader Duterte expresses regret over foul-mouthed Obama comments | Fox News

Should have showed up like a man. Instead he chose to run away and wuss out.
Haha, should have showed up like a man? Dude he handled it like a pro, the office of president demands respect and Obamas actions drew an apology and retraction from the Philippines...

What say you about Trumps comments when he insulted Obama for getting off the plane at the world summit on a metal staircase with no red carpet. He then stated that if Trump didn't get a red carpet he would have closed the door and flew away. Man move right?

Obama Denied Red Carpet in China; Trump Says He Would Have Left in a Huff

Should have showed up and had a real discussion, without all the pompous high-horse preaching. U.S. leaders are in no position to cast stones. They don't possess any sort of moral high ground. They may feel they do, but they don't.
You're are just plain wrong. You have been proven wrong by looking at how the Philippines reacted to the canceled meeting. A new meet will be set up and respect for the office has been restored.

What are your thoughts about Trumps red carpet comment from my earlier post?
I'm supporting Duterte telling Hussein to mind his own damn business. More nations need to start standing up to constant U.S. meddling.
I support him tucking tail and stating that he regrets the statement. Obamas wuss move totally blew up in his face, right?

Philippines leader Duterte expresses regret over foul-mouthed Obama comments | Fox News

Should have showed up like a man. Instead he chose to run away and wuss out.
Haha, should have showed up like a man? Dude he handled it like a pro, the office of president demands respect and Obamas actions drew an apology and retraction from the Philippines...

What say you about Trumps comments when he insulted Obama for getting off the plane at the world summit on a metal staircase with no red carpet. He then stated that if Trump didn't get a red carpet he would have closed the door and flew away. Man move right?

Obama Denied Red Carpet in China; Trump Says He Would Have Left in a Huff

Should have showed up and had a real discussion, without all the pompous high-horse preaching. U.S. leaders are in no position to cast stones. They don't possess any sort of moral high ground. They may feel they do, but they don't.
You're are just plain wrong. You have been proven wrong by looking at how the Philippines reacted to the canceled meeting. A new meet will be set up and respect for the office has been restored.

What are your thoughts about Trumps red carpet comment from my earlier post?

They'll meet when Hussein decides to hop off his high horse and quit all the pompous preaching. The man's murdered more women and children around the world than Duterte ever could. Don't preach and meddle, and there can be a discussion.
I support him tucking tail and stating that he regrets the statement. Obamas wuss move totally blew up in his face, right?

Philippines leader Duterte expresses regret over foul-mouthed Obama comments | Fox News

Should have showed up like a man. Instead he chose to run away and wuss out.
Haha, should have showed up like a man? Dude he handled it like a pro, the office of president demands respect and Obamas actions drew an apology and retraction from the Philippines...

What say you about Trumps comments when he insulted Obama for getting off the plane at the world summit on a metal staircase with no red carpet. He then stated that if Trump didn't get a red carpet he would have closed the door and flew away. Man move right?

Obama Denied Red Carpet in China; Trump Says He Would Have Left in a Huff

Should have showed up and had a real discussion, without all the pompous high-horse preaching. U.S. leaders are in no position to cast stones. They don't possess any sort of moral high ground. They may feel they do, but they don't.
You're are just plain wrong. You have been proven wrong by looking at how the Philippines reacted to the canceled meeting. A new meet will be set up and respect for the office has been restored.

What are your thoughts about Trumps red carpet comment from my earlier post?

They'll meet when Hussein decides to hop off his high horse and quit all the pompous preaching. The man's murdered more women and children around the world than Duterte ever could. Don't preach and meddle, and there can be a discussion.
Another dodge and diversion... You're not on your game today are you?
Should have showed up like a man. Instead he chose to run away and wuss out.
Haha, should have showed up like a man? Dude he handled it like a pro, the office of president demands respect and Obamas actions drew an apology and retraction from the Philippines...

What say you about Trumps comments when he insulted Obama for getting off the plane at the world summit on a metal staircase with no red carpet. He then stated that if Trump didn't get a red carpet he would have closed the door and flew away. Man move right?

Obama Denied Red Carpet in China; Trump Says He Would Have Left in a Huff

Should have showed up and had a real discussion, without all the pompous high-horse preaching. U.S. leaders are in no position to cast stones. They don't possess any sort of moral high ground. They may feel they do, but they don't.
You're are just plain wrong. You have been proven wrong by looking at how the Philippines reacted to the canceled meeting. A new meet will be set up and respect for the office has been restored.

What are your thoughts about Trumps red carpet comment from my earlier post?

They'll meet when Hussein decides to hop off his high horse and quit all the pompous preaching. The man's murdered more women and children around the world than Duterte ever could. Don't preach and meddle, and there can be a discussion.
Another dodge and diversion... You're not on your game today are you?

Stop all the high horse preaching and meddling. Only then can a real dialogue happen. The U.S. has no right to preach and meddle. Certainly not while it's doing most of the invading and killing in the world. It no longer holds a moral high ground.
Haha, should have showed up like a man? Dude he handled it like a pro, the office of president demands respect and Obamas actions drew an apology and retraction from the Philippines...

What say you about Trumps comments when he insulted Obama for getting off the plane at the world summit on a metal staircase with no red carpet. He then stated that if Trump didn't get a red carpet he would have closed the door and flew away. Man move right?

Obama Denied Red Carpet in China; Trump Says He Would Have Left in a Huff

Should have showed up and had a real discussion, without all the pompous high-horse preaching. U.S. leaders are in no position to cast stones. They don't possess any sort of moral high ground. They may feel they do, but they don't.
You're are just plain wrong. You have been proven wrong by looking at how the Philippines reacted to the canceled meeting. A new meet will be set up and respect for the office has been restored.

What are your thoughts about Trumps red carpet comment from my earlier post?

They'll meet when Hussein decides to hop off his high horse and quit all the pompous preaching. The man's murdered more women and children around the world than Duterte ever could. Don't preach and meddle, and there can be a discussion.
Another dodge and diversion... You're not on your game today are you?

Stop all the high horse preaching and meddling. Only then can a real dialogue happen. The U.S. has no right to preach and meddle. Certainly not while it's doing most of the invading and killing in the world. It no longer holds a moral high ground.
Can't even answer a simple question... Repeating diversionary talking points... You're done
Nah, he just wussed out. Couldn't handle being called out. Hopefully now he'll shut up and mind his own business.

How did he wuss out?

He attacked Rodrigo Duterte for turning the philippines into a hardcore fascist state that supports extrajudicial kills, IE, government democide.
He's stirring shit up. He's speaking on things that are none of his business. That's what the U.S. always does. It tries to micromanage every nation on earth. And many around the world are over it.

You were just attacking Barack Obama for not getting into a pissing contest with Rodrigo Duterte, and now you are attacking Barack Obama for getting into a pissing contest with Rodrigo Duterte.

Your position is contradictory. Which is it?
By discouraging an ally from shooting citizens dead in the streets without a trial? He can't say that but your buddies can rave on and on about knuckle dragging Muslims who are living on another continent. Make up your mind.

I believe they just lost their ally card. Rodrigo Duterte's regime singlehandedly destroyed the Philippines largest defense partner. The kind of shit that is going to happen with NATO if Trump is elected.

We are losing allies left and right. Our diplomatic relations with Thailand took a huge hit when they overthrew their liberalized democratically elected government.
Nah, he just wussed out. Couldn't handle being called out. Hopefully now he'll shut up and mind his own business.

How did he wuss out?

He attacked Rodrigo Duterte for turning the philippines into a hardcore fascist state that supports extrajudicial kills, IE, government democide.

Obama has murdered more women and children than Duterte ever could. Just research his numerous drone murders alone. He's in no position to cast stones at anyone.
Obama has murdered more women and children than Duterte ever could. Just research his numerous drone murders alone. He's in no position to cast stones at anyone.

In reference to drone strikes or lame infowar conspiracy theories?

Either way, Obama is in the 2 digits at the end of his term, while Rodrigo Duterte is in the 4 digits and his political career is just getting started.

Barack Obama does not have much moral high ground, that much I will admit.

My problem is your position. You are mad at him for wussing out of a pissing contest, but also attack him for starting a pissing contest?
He's stirring shit up. He's speaking on things that are none of his business. That's what the U.S. always does. It tries to micromanage every nation on earth. And many around the world are over it.

You were just attacking Barack Obama for not getting into a pissing contest with Rodrigo Duterte, and now you are attacking Barack Obama for getting into a pissing contest with Rodrigo Duterte.

Your position is contradictory. Which is it?

After he got called out, he could have been a man and at least showed up. But spare everyone the pompous preachy shite. The U.S. no longer holds any moral high ground. Those days are long gone.
Obama has murdered more women and children than Duterte ever could. Just research his numerous drone murders alone. He's in no position to cast stones at anyone.

In reference to drone strikes or lame infowar conspiracy theories?

Either way, Obama is in the 2 digits at the end of his term, while Rodrigo Duterte is in the 4 digits and his political career is just getting started.

Barack Obama does not have much moral high ground, that much I will admit.

My problem is your position. You are mad at him for wussing out of a pissing contest, but also attack him for starting a pissing contest?

He isn't a man. He's a disingenuous hypocrite wuss.
What an odd OP. What exactly is your gripe? That our president didn't dive into the gutter and engage with a thug leader who was killing people without due process? You really think this idiots words exude any respect or cause any level of humiliation? I don't think so
Republicans go to "kill the gays" rallies here. So is it any surprise they aren't bothered with people killing the helpless in other countries.

When they say "Make America Great Again", they don't mean share our democratic values to make the world a better place. They mean "Make America white again" at any cost.
Any world "leader" who calls my President what this guy did can pretty much go fuck themselves a couple of times.

I don't care what letter follows the President's name.

For Obama to condemn anyone over extra-judicial killing is beyond the pale.

On the other hand, Duterte better be on the look out for drones - Obama tends to kill those he doesn't like....
After he got called out, he could have been a man and at least showed up. But spare everyone the pompous preachy shite. The U.S. no longer holds any moral high ground. Those days have been long gone.

As per usual, Obama has been presented with a scenario in which he cannot win.

He was being attacked for not engaging Rodrigo Duterte. He gets attacked by the same people for engaging Rodrigo Duterte. Now that he reverts to not attacking Rodrigo Duterte, and the same people attack him for not engaging.

I do not like Barack Obama, but I am convinced he is going to get attacked by the same group of people no matter what he does.
What an odd OP. What exactly is your gripe? That our president didn't dive into the gutter and engage with a thug leader who was killing people without due process? You really think this idiots words exude any respect or cause any level of humiliation? I don't think so
Republicans go to "kill the gays" rallies here. So is it any surprise they aren't bothered with people killing the helpless in other countries.

When they say "Make America Great Again", they don't mean share our democratic values to make the world a better place. They mean "Make America white again" at any cost.

Your boy Hussein's murdered more women and children than Duterte ever could. Just look into his numerous drone murders alone. Him and the U.S. are in no position to cast stones.
Nah, he just wussed out. Couldn't handle being called out. Hopefully now he'll shut up and mind his own business.

How did he wuss out?

He attacked Rodrigo Duterte for turning the philippines into a hardcore fascist state that supports extrajudicial kills, IE, government democide.

Obama has murdered more women and children than Duterte ever could. Just research his numerous drone murders alone. He's in no position to cast stones at anyone.
Dude, you are comparing war to a basic political justice system. Just stop with that argument
Any world "leader" who calls my President what this guy did can pretty much go fuck themselves a couple of times.

I don't care what letter follows the President's name.

For Obama to condemn anyone over extra-judicial killing is beyond the pale.

On the other hand, Duterte better be on the look out for drones - Obama tends to kill those he doesn't like....

Somehow it's only 'ok' when the U.S. does it. Average American Citizens are so damn dumbed-down and uninformed.
Republicans go to "kill the gays" rallies here.

No more than you go to "kill the christians" rallies, Dean.

So is it any surprise they aren't bothered with people killing the helpless in other countries.

When they say "Make America Great Again", they don't mean share our democratic values to make the world a better place. They mean "Make America white again" at any cost.

Obama murders people all the time, including children who are American citizens.

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